
Oct 27, 2017
A thread up on Reddit have some claiming that they have successfully gotten a refund and that Sony's CS are aware of the situation when they brought it up during the refund process.

Refund me if old.


Sony is aware of the issue and is offering a complete refund on Anthem no questions asked. Took me 5 minutes.

Yup, worked easily. I just went to their support chat (had to wait about 10-15 mins in the "queue") and said this:
I made a digital purchase on 02/23/2019 of "Anthem™ Standard Edition" (transaction ID: XXXXXXXXXXX) for a total of $64.19. I'd like return it and get a refund for the game, please. The game is currently bricked, and broken. It is incredibly frustrating. I've gone through the support channels at EA to try to fix it and it is still broken. It has crashed my ENTIRE PS4 multiple times now when trying to play it. The game is broken on PS4, and I don't want to risk the game bricking my console to play it. It is a defective product. Every other game on my system is working fine. Can you help me get this returned and refunded, please?​
And they helped right away, no problem at all. Just provided some account info after that, that they needed, and then it was refunded.

Update: A person on Reddit now claimed the game actually did bricked his console, making a thread warning ps4 owners to stop playing it:
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Oct 25, 2017
Maybe sony should have a type of process that required to test each game to make sure this stuff doesn't happen.


Oct 29, 2017
New York
The fact that people are "questioning why Sony didn't test this" is ridiculous, it should have been on EA/Bioware to have done all of this testing or taken the precaution to make sure their fucking game at least ran without bricking consoles.


Oct 27, 2017
Complete PS4 shutdowns are unacceptable. Every game with such an issue should be removed from the store until it's fixed, you're literally risking bricking your console or damaging the hdd data.

In my case the only game that did this was Fallout Shelter. I immediately got rid of it after I discovered it's the game and not my hardware.
Nov 2, 2017
Did Sony not test this game?
Maybe sony should have a type of process that required to test each game to make sure this stuff doesn't happen.
They did. Stuff gets through. I have over twenty hours logged on the game with no crashes. Clearly there's something specific causing crashes that wasn't caught in test, because in general (for Anthem) people have been getting none but those who have been getting them see them insanely frequently. Hopefully Bioware can figure out what factor it is that causes it.
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Oct 27, 2017
Man, I didn't realize it wasn't just crashing to the dashboard but completely crashing the system too. Madness, glad Sony is doing this for those who are fed up with it.


Oct 31, 2018
You know a game is utter shit when Sony offer refunds. What a shit show from EA and Bioware.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Suddenly it is not the Platform Distributors job to make sure a game releases in a playable state?

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
Whaaaaaaaaat. Hey, Microsoft, can I uh, can I get me a refund over here as well? My game is shutting me down real bad, lemme tell ya.
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, Canada
I've yet to get hit with any major bugs since launch tbh. With 20hrs on the clock I only got a visual bug that resolved itself after a few seconds, and getting the game stuck on a loading screen. In the grand scheme of things 20hrs may not be a lot but compared to many people I seem to have been very lucky so far


Oct 25, 2017
Did Sony not test this game?
Maybe sony should have a type of process that required to test each game to make sure this stuff doesn't happen.
Yes it does? Certification is to ensure the game passes a level of quality, not bricking the console would be pretty basic requirement.

The game crash is not widely affected every one. And why people blaming Sony on this? Weird take. Because there have been broken game on all different platform before.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
Yes it does? Certification is to ensure the game passes a level of quality, not bricking the console would be pretty basic requirement.
Again, you're confusing certification with QA.

Certification's job is not hunting down crashes. If the game doesn't crash on the certification testers in the time they spend with it, they're obviously not going to mention anything of the sort to the publisher because there's nothing to say.


Nov 4, 2017
Do we have reports of Anthem actually bricking consoles?
Not sure but I mentioned it cus it was mentioned in OP. I assume certification is also meant to stop a game from going through onto the system if its crashing all the time. I'm just shocked that people say Sony doesn't test, that what Certification is , a test that it reaches a level of quality required for the system.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe sony should have a type of process that required to test each game to make sure this stuff doesn't happen.

Why am I not surprised that some people's first reaction is "Sony this" and "Sony that".

How about Bioware / EA release a fuckin' game that runs.

Suddenly it's not the publisher / game developers job to make sure their shit works. Never change, Era.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly Sony needs to recoup costs from Bioware/EA. Ship a broken ass game be prepared to pay out those refunds.


Newbie Paper Plane Pilot
Oct 25, 2017
I thought certification involved code review and testing on external systems not owned by the developer.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
My friend ran into the shutdown problem the other night. We were in a PSN party and he just disappeared, he came back and said his system straight up shutdown playing it. I told him that's the last time I'd be playing it until that problem was fixed.


Nov 28, 2017
How the fuck does a sandboxed(memory/cpu) game crash the whole system. At worse it should crash to the dashboard. They gotta be pushing the hardware to the extreme to pull that off. The game should have failed cert.


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
You would think that at this point, people would know the difference between certification and QA.

In any case, Sony should really change policies and allow refunds for all games, not only special cases.


Oct 25, 2017
I recall Sony gave out refunds for NMS when it had some pretty bad issues and save game/install issues. Perhaps there should be a conversation about digital refunds now that this and Fallout 76 happened.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
Not sure but I mentioned it cus it was mentioned in OP. I assume certification is also meant to stop a game from going through onto the system if its crashing all the time. I'm just shocked that people say Sony doesn't test, that what Certification is , a test that it reaches a level of quality required for the system.
Certification's job is to make sure that games released on a platform conform to standard platform requirements. A certain level of error handling tests for common scenarios can be expected, but Certification cannot fail games for major crashes that they don't encounter during the course of their internal testing.

It's not Certification's job to ensure that your game doesn't suck.


Oct 27, 2017
Urgh. This'll be No Man's Sky all over again. They'll do it until someone advertises it like this, and then they'll stop offering refunds outside of their policy as everyone flocks for one.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
People in here somehow blaming Sony for this is blowing my mind.

What world are you living in, honestly?