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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Sony releases SOTC Remake, Spider-Man, God of War, Detroit, MLB The Show, Astrobot



Oct 27, 2017
I like how Sony is making projects possible even if they are not critically acclaimed like Knack or From's recent project. There teams like XDEV, SSM, Japan and Foster City seems to have a good run. At least they are quite often credited in more non first party games.


Jun 29, 2018
Sony releases SOTC Remake, Spider-Man, God of War, Detroit, MLB The Show, Astrobot

Lol you know you're on a forum when studios are more important than games themselves.

Sony isn't having problems getting studios to work on exclusives for them. That's the case for VR and PS4. The only reason they should try to acquire studios is if they lose the ability to find developers who will take money for exclusive content. I don't see that happening now and I don't see it becoming a problem in the near future.


Nov 16, 2017
By 2020, Guerrila Games will be at 3.5 years of development time. That means Horizon 2 as a launch PS5 title is likely.

Unless they want it to make it launch windown and put it at early 2021.

They could do that if one of their remaining flagship titles (TLOU2, Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima) ends up being cross gen.

TLOU2 as a launch title could be especially huge. I think it is a Fall 2019 PS4 title tho, so I am not counting on it for a cross gen launch in 2020.

Death Stranding cross release day one with PS5 launch.
The Last of Us II receives a GOTY Edition when it's DLC comes out around PS5 release date.
Horizon 2 a few months later PS5 release, the first "True Next Gen" game.
I also believe in GT7 cross gen release.


Oct 27, 2017
For me personally, I would love to see Sony acquire a few studios because the studios already appeal to me but if they go multi-platform or exclusive with Microsoft, they tend to not appeal to me. It's also because the quality is there where as when not with Sony, it's a 50/50 shot. Add in the fact that you're eliminating the possibility of the competition acquiring them which would mean that you lose them completely and at the same time, you're making your first party studios even stronger for the future while maintaining a high level of quality and increasing game output every year without a dip in quality. It's simply positive after positive. My dream list for Sony including what's already there is as follows -

- Naughty Dog
- Santa Monica
- Guerrilla Games
- Sucker Punch
- Bend Studio
- San Diego Studio
- Polyphony Digital
- Japan Studio
- Media Molecule
- San Mateo Studio

- Insomniac Games
- Ready At Dawn
- Quantic Dream

Not only do the last three have their best and most success with Sony, just ensuring and guaranteeing that they're not going anywhere is simply worth the cost. Also being able to have three or more major exclusives every year on a consistent basis from launch year to the final year is also worth the cost. Plus, the quality is there and with Sony's massive budgets and marketing, I don't think that any major AAA title would ever not be a massive success.

Another reason is that there could be a time where the other more established studios lose talent and thus, their overall talent decreases which when you have other excellent studios, it lessens the loss and can make up for it.

Yet another reason has to do with San Diego, Media Molecule and Polyphony Digital. San Diego is basically a single IP yearly sports game studio. Polyphony is basically a single IP sports racing game studio. Media Molecule develops cool unique games but at the same time, weird shit. These three studios are pretty much eliminated from the majority simply because what they develop isn't going to appeal to everyone. Adding three already proven development studios not only makes up for this but adds to it overall.

Me wanting to see Sony buyout those three studios has nothing to do with Microsoft as the majority of their moves have been "meh" at best. I have wanted to see Sony buyout Ready at Dawn since The Order 1886 released especially since they could have been a cheap purchase at that time, Insomniac since PS4 R&C and Quantic Dream since E3 2016 when they premiered Detroit.

Granted, none of this is going to happen but I would be trying to accomplish this 1000% simply because it all makes sense, is nothing but positives all around and increases your quality output even more than what it already is. But to each their own.
Oct 27, 2017
Edit - sorry, I posted before actually writing anything!

Era really values the possibilities of what a studio could do more than what a studio is actually doing. Announced games are lesser than the mystery of what MS's studios could be to a lot of people. It's silly.

There's a contingent of football (soccer) fans who spend more time discussing transfer rumours than their current squad. It's the same thing.

Yeah, I agree. Find that mindset kind of frustrating to be honest.

Chloe looks way too close to Lara Croft to see her as the new face of Uncharted lol.

Aside from being women with dark hair from English-speaking countries Chloe doesn't have any particular resemblance to Lara Croft. Personality-wise she's much closer to the original Lara but she hasn't been genuinely relevant in close to two decades now.

By 2020, Guerrila Games will be at 3.5 years of development time. That means Horizon 2 as a launch PS5 title is likely.

Unless they want it to make it launch windown and put it at early 2021.

They could do that if one of their remaining flagship titles (TLOU2, Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima) ends up being cross gen.

TLOU2 as a launch title could be especially huge. I think it is a Fall 2019 PS4 title tho, so I am not counting on it for a cross gen launch in 2020.

Sony will probably want it ready close to PS5 launch but the last thing they should be doing is rushing development. I imagine most studio resources were tied up with The Frozen Wilds, so I reckon Horizon 2 has only been in active development for a year at most.

I don't see the point in buying any of those studios. KojiPro seems like a bad long term investment. He's tried to hand over the lead plenty and never done it. He wants to work in other fields. He could be close to packing it in, and there's no indication that without him the studio would be worth retaining.

Insomniac is pointless, they own R&C and the Spider-Man publishing deal. They have them regardless, and they don't even want to sell.

Bluepoint haven't proven they have design value, and remasters aren't a long term concern.

Sony shouldn't just buy to keep up appearances. They should do it when it makes sense. I think DoubleFine would be a wise move.

There's two sides to it; on the one hand a solidifying a partnership with someone like Insomniac or Quantic Dream and making them a first-party studio makes a lot of sense as the relationship is already there and has already proved fruitful for both, but from the consumer standpoint it's a bit less exciting as nothing would really change. On the other hand you've got the prospect picking up a developer like Obsidian who've made great stuff in the past but it's quite apparent they've had budget issues and could do more with a better publisher and better support.

Personally I'd like to see Sony acquire a couple of smaller devs with a view to AA digital releases and a long-term vision to grow the studio, like say Arrowhead, Frozenbyte or Housemarque.
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Self-Requested Ban
Apr 1, 2018


Alt Account
Aug 28, 2018
Yeah what ever release this late just going to be remaster or ported for the PS5 imagine

Not everything, at least not next year. It has yet to be seen which of the three makes it next year. Dreams and Days Gone are a lock for 2019. But Ghost, TloU, and DS aren't. One or of those is coming next year however, and I still think it's TloU. But if any of these come next year they won't be PS4\PS5. But whatever comes in 2020 and beyond, absolutely. That's why FFVII:R is 100% going to be PS4\PS5 because that game isn't coming until 2020+. Or maybe it'll just straight end up being PS5 only and Sony will use it to have a strong launch lineup for PS5. Horizon 2, Uncharted 5, FFVII:R, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
Personally, I wouldn't even waste money, resources or time on remasters when backwards compatibility with a PS5 update patch would get the job done and at a far lesser cost.


Oct 27, 2017
Not everything, at least not next year. It has yet to be seen which of the three makes it next year. Dreams and Days Gone are a lock for 2019. But Ghost, TloU, and DS aren't. One or of those is coming next year however, and I still think it's TloU. But if any of these come next year they won't be PS4\PS5. But whatever comes in 2020 and beyond, absolutely. That's why FFVII:R is 100% going to be PS4\PS5 because that game isn't coming until 2020+. Or maybe it'll just straight end up being PS5 only and Sony will use it to have a strong launch lineup for PS5. Horizon 2, Uncharted 5, FFVII:R, etc.
Yeah its pretty much a toss up for most of those games right now only games certain so far is Days Gone and Dreams.


Oct 27, 2017
Not everything, at least not next year. It has yet to be seen which of the three makes it next year. Dreams and Days Gone are a lock for 2019. But Ghost, TloU, and DS aren't. One or of those is coming next year however, and I still think it's TloU. But if any of these come next year they won't be PS4\PS5. But whatever comes in 2020 and beyond, absolutely. That's why FFVII:R is 100% going to be PS4\PS5. Or maybe it'll just straight end up being PS5 and Sony will use it to have a strong launch lineup for PS5. Horizon 2, Uncharted 5, FFVII:R, etc.

I still believe that TLOUP2 WILL BE the swan song for PS4. It sure as hell won't be GOT or DS. DS I still see as September 2019.

FFVIIR honestly should be fucking cancelled in my opinion. I truly don't give two shits about Final Fantasy and wish that the Fantasy would become Final already but even I know what FFVII was back in 1997 and in my eyes, you simply don't fuck that up. You keep your legacy and classics intact for what they were and meant at the time as opposed to trying to remake them which more times than not will turn out to be a fuck up. Plus, it's Square Enix, they're fine but will never ever be anywhere near what they were when they were SquareSoft. It's just not going to happen. Granted, this has really nothing to do with Sony but in three and a half years, there has not been one single positive to come out of this remake idea which should be telling them, cancel it and move on instead of possibly damaging and killing off the legacy of what FFVII was and still is 21 years later.


Oct 27, 2017
I believe TLoU is 2019. I mean, just look at this tweet:

"While we finish making this game", clearly they are in the last stages ;)


Oct 27, 2017
BC is not a substitute for remasters or remake to me, people always going to want a better version,they going to continue this I am sure.

A remaster is basically just a higher resolution version of the last gen game and in some cases, (ala Batman) is worse than the original version. An update/patch can do the exact same thing with at a far lesser cost.

Remakes are different though. I see REmake2 as a remake. Stuff like TLOUR are not remakes. They're just a higher resolution and seen as a cash grab because well, that's what they are. If you compare TLOU on PS3 and TLOUR at launch, it's a minimal difference at best and not worth $50.

An update to TLOUP2 on PS5 would be the exact same thing but you basically get it for free if you already own the game or plan on buying the PS4 version. Remasters made sense for Sony because there was no PS3 BC but if PS5 has PS4 BC which im fully expecting 100%, I just don't see the point in wasting money, time and resources when you could just patch an update instead. It simply made more sense for PS4 due to not having PS3 BC and due to a lot of Xbox 360 owners jumping ship and possibly never owning a PS3. For PS5, I just don't see this applying anymore.

Now if Sony doesn't include PS4 BC (which would be beyond fucking stupid) then it's a different story but I truly can't see Sony not having PS4 BC on PS5.


Oct 25, 2017
IF - and that is a big IF- Sony decided to make an acquisition, I think they should go big.
Thry already have all the infrastructure they need internally to grow, and with a set of key AAA IPs to develop.

So in my humble opinion, and seeing what has been their priorities in the past, acquiring turn key studios with little to no IPs must be very low on their list, as they are after content and IPs (cf EMI).
The most natural fit imo, and reachable, must be Capcom itself (and yes I imagine that will make some teeth gnash).
-Good relations
-Japanese publisher (so likely no political hurdles)
- Several studios included with key talent associated (but remember that talent isn't indentured servitude. They can leave whenever)
- Capitalisation within reach (as opposed to say, Square Enix)
- A ton of key IPs in areas Sony isn't in, and many that are often associated with PS

Resident Evil
Devil May Cry
Monster Hunter
Street Fighter
Marvel v Capcom
Dragon's Dogma
Dead Rising
Ghost n Goblins
Mega Man
Ace Atorney
Bionic Commando
Breath of Fire
Sengoku Basara
Dino Crisis
Final Fight
Lost Planet

Of course one of the ways Capcom maintain this amount of studios and IPs is by being multiplatform.
So I imagine that if that ever happened (again a super long shot) Sony would keep Capcom semi independant and identify 2 sets of IPs: PS exclusives, and mp IPs to develop on PC, and possibly even other platforms (particularly online ips which would thrive with gaas setups).


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
Capcom are a publicly traded company, who's value would decrease substantially if they were tied to a single platform. The buy out would be obscene.


Aug 12, 2018
IF - and that is a big IF- Sony decided to make an acquisition, I think they should go big.
Thry already have all the infrastructure they need internally to grow, and with a set of key AAA IPs to develop.

So in my humble opinion, and seeing what has been their priorities in the past, acquiring turn key studios with little to no IPs must be very low on their list, as they are after content and IPs (cf EMI).
The most natural fit imo, and reachable, must be Capcom itself (and yes I imagine that will make some teeth gnash).
-Good relations
-Japanese publisher (so likely no political hurdles)
- Several studios included with key talent associated (but remember that talent isn't indentured servitude. They can leave whenever)
- Capitalisation within reach (as opposed to say, Square Enix)
- A ton of key IPs in areas Sony isn't in, and many that are often associated with PS

Resident Evil
Devil May Cry
Monster Hunter
Street Fighter
Marvel v Capcom
Dragon's Dogma
Dead Rising
Ghost n Goblins
Mega Man
Ace Atorney
Bionic Commando
Breath of Fire
Sengoku Basara
Dino Crisis
Final Fight
Lost Planet

Of course one of the ways Capcom maintain this amount of studios and IPs is by being multiplatform.
So I imagine that if that ever happened (again a super long shot) Sony would keep Capcom semi independant and identify 2 sets of IPs: PS exclusives, and mp IPs to develop on PC, and possibly even other platforms (particularly online ips which would thrive with gaas setups).
What are you smoking dude?


Jun 29, 2018
For me personally, I would love to see Sony acquire a few studios because the studios already appeal to me but if they go multi-platform or exclusive with Microsoft, they tend to not appeal to me. It's also because the quality is there where as when not with Sony, it's a 50/50 shot. Add in the fact that you're eliminating the possibility of the competition acquiring them which would mean that you lose them completely and at the same time, you're making your first party studios even stronger for the future while maintaining a high level of quality and increasing game output every year without a dip in quality. It's simply positive after positive. My dream list for Sony including what's already there is as follows -

- Naughty Dog
- Santa Monica
- Guerrilla Games
- Sucker Punch
- Bend Studio
- San Diego Studio
- Polyphony Digital
- Japan Studio
- Media Molecule
- San Mateo Studio

- Insomniac Games
- Ready At Dawn
- Quantic Dream

Not only do the last three have their best and most success with Sony, just ensuring and guaranteeing that they're not going anywhere is simply worth the cost. Also being able to have three or more major exclusives every year on a consistent basis from launch year to the final year is also worth the cost. Plus, the quality is there and with Sony's massive budgets and marketing, I don't think that any major AAA title would ever not be a massive success.

Another reason is that there could be a time where the other more established studios lose talent and thus, their overall talent decreases which when you have other excellent studios, it lessens the loss and can make up for it.

Yet another reason has to do with San Diego, Media Molecule and Polyphony Digital. San Diego is basically a single IP yearly sports game studio. Polyphony is basically a single IP sports racing game studio. Media Molecule develops cool unique games but at the same time, weird shit. These three studios are pretty much eliminated from the majority simply because what they develop isn't going to appeal to everyone. Adding three already proven development studios not only makes up for this but adds to it overall.

Me wanting to see Sony buyout those three studios has nothing to do with Microsoft as the majority of their moves have been "meh" at best. I have wanted to see Sony buyout Ready at Dawn since The Order 1886 released especially since they could have been a cheap purchase at that time, Insomniac since PS4 R&C and Quantic Dream since E3 2016 when they premiered Detroit.

Granted, none of this is going to happen but I would be trying to accomplish this 1000% simply because it all makes sense, is nothing but positives all around and increases your quality output even more than what it already is. But to each their own.
I think you might be a little paranoid with Microsoft buying developers and undermining Sony's good streak of games. Which seems a bit unfounded. If what Microsoft PR says is even somewhat remotely true, they want developers who develop both PC and console games but are struggling to get the resources they need to develop the games they want. Insomniac does not fit that mold in any way shape or form. And Sony buying insomniac would take away their ability to work on Oculus games which I doubt insomniac is anywhere close to walking away from. And after listening to Ted Price and his employees, the most important thing at that studio seems to be making sure they only work on games that they desire to work on. Being owned by a platform holder will take that away.

As for the other studios you mentioned, Ready at Dawn did not deliver, sorry. They tried really hard, they made a mediocre game, and they got destroyed for it. Who knows what the story behind that is. Maybe they didn't get the resources they needed, maybe they needed more time, maybe they didn't have a good enough vision, or they prioritized the wrong things. RaD need another chance to prove they can handle a major AAA project. I think it would be unfair for them to be bought, release a couple of games, and then have Sony shut them down because they don't deliver in a significant fashion.

And Quantic Dream doesn't seem likely because of the type of games they develop. Even without telltale, there is not a shortage of high quality narrative driven, choice-based games being released. Even though QD is extremely talented, they do not offer something that is scarce in the market. For that reason (among others) I think they will remain independent.


Self-Requested Ban
Apr 1, 2018
Are you just here to troll then?
no Not at all just watch Both thread Since joined Era but rather not write here....

But since you quote me

i really don't know why people here are mad SONY Clearly don't need to answer to MS acquisition they are doing really well with Their 1P games they well loved by their Fan and Sell incredibly.....But MS in a different position And they need this moves

so i hate the way this thread goes same with MS 1P thread every time Sony hit a number
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Oct 27, 2017
I think you might be a little paranoid with Microsoft buying developers and undermining Sony's good streak of games. Which seems a bit unfounded. If what Microsoft PR says is even somewhat remotely true, they want developers who develop both PC and console games but are struggling to get the resources they need to develop the games they want. Insomniac does not fit that mold in any way shape or form. And Sony buying insomniac would take away their ability to work on Oculus games which I doubt insomniac is anywhere close to walking away from. And after listening to Ted Price and his employees, the most important thing at that studio seems to be making sure they only work on games that they desire to work on. Being owned by a platform holder will take that away.

As for the other studios you mentioned, Ready at Dawn did not deliver, sorry. They tried really hard, they made a mediocre game, and they got destroyed for it. Who knows what the story behind that is. Maybe they didn't get the resources they needed, maybe they needed more time, maybe they didn't have a good enough vision, or they prioritized the wrong things. RaD need another chance to prove they can handle a major AAA project. I think it would be unfair for them to be bought, release a couple of games, and then have Sony shut them down because they don't deliver in a significant fashion.

And Quantic Dream doesn't seem likely because of the type of games they develop. Even without telltale, there is not a shortage of high quality narrative driven, choice-based games being released. Even though QD is extremely talented, they do not offer something that is scarce in the market. For that reason (among others) I think they will remain independent.

LMFAO. Paranoid? That's funny. I see Undead Labs and Compulsion as complete crap. InXile and Obsidian while good will only appeal to the minority of gamers and they both seem to do the same exact type of RPG's so they kind of cancel each other out. Ninja Theory is great but I still see Enslaved as their best game. Playground is BY FAR the best acquisition but even then, it remains to be seen if they can go from a racing franchise to an action RPG.

I agree somewhat in regards to Insomniac but at the same time, Sony seems to let their development studios do what they want for the most part. The Rift aspect would be the only problem but I don't see Rift being around past 2025 so it's not going to matter.

Ready At Dawn was developing ports and PSP games. It's 100% unrealistic to think that they were going to hit a home run on their first console game. Also, Sony knew EXACTLY what the game was (just like with No Man's Sky) so they technically don't have any right to complain about what the game wasn't. Besides, they probably would have been cheap to acquire so why not?

Quantic Dream is just simply better than all of those other choice driven narrative QTE games. They're simply at a higher level. And I for one never thought that Telltale was any good to begin with. Supermassive was good with Until Dawn but have declined since then and are doing an episodic setup with Man of Medan. I just see QD as the best in this aspect and I don't think that they would cost a lot either. I also see episodic as garbage because if the first episode is crap, you're most likely going to say screw the rest and if it's a good, you have to wait which by then, you probably won't care anymore or there will be far better games to play.

With Insomniac and QD, im simply going based on a quality aspect. Their games are high quality. For Ready At Dawn, I think expectations were just too high. My friend was expecting the second coming of Gears of War and I was like, you're nuts and going to be very disappointed if you think that because well, that was never going to happen. And again, it was their first console game and being on handhelds. Same for Sony Bend. After Syphon Filter, they have been on handhelds. Can't expect 10's for Days Gone as that's just unrealistic.

I know none of this is going to happen. Just wish it would because for me personally, it would be fucking awesome. :)


Oct 26, 2017
Question time:

Would you guys rather see Joel reveal or new Infected type reveal for TLOU2 Game Awards trailer?

You can only choose one.


Oct 25, 2017
Capcom are a publicly traded company, who's value would decrease substantially if they were tied to a single platform. The buy out would be obscene.
As I said, given Capcom's current valuation, they are within reach for Sony.
And as I also said, it would make sense for a subset of ips to keep them mp (to a point, on mobile and PC).

What are you smoking dude?
Care to develop your rebuke?

I didn't say they will.
I said it would make the most sense for them given their situation.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
Save Joel for the game. Imagine that. The first game did that incredible thing of having an intro that completely recontextualised everything they'd shown up till that point. I'm hoping for that feeling again.


Oct 26, 2017
I'd be fine with not seeing Joel until the game launches. No chance they do that though. Do we know for sure we're getting a trailer then or is it just speculation?

Just speculation. I think it is pretty safe we are going to get something TLOU2 though. Also Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima. No PSX means Sony will probably want to have a big presence there.


Apr 7, 2018
Question time:

Would you guys rather see Joel reveal or new Infected type reveal for TLOU2 Game Awards trailer?

You can only choose one.
Infected by far. There should be some significant improvements with the AI and maybe a new type of infected. I wouldn't be surprised if they say we won't play as Joel in the game because this is "Ellie's story" with the intention of keeping it under wraps, like the winter section. Just have an infected gameplay trailer and at the end reveal Joel rendered in the improved engine.
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