
Oct 25, 2017
Ahhh, the Jackie T days

The man literally wanted to end his tenure with a mic drop. I miss him (granted Shawn was still a good replacement, and having Adam Boyes on board that gen did wonders with developer and consumer outreach).
Oct 27, 2017
Last gen really was a repeat of Gen 5
Wii U was the sega saturn, a catastrophic failure down from its's sucessor's all time high for thr company and harder to develop for than its competition

Xbox was the n64 (but instead of 3rd party support issues it was first party) even down to collapsing in all markets besides the anglosphere

Ps4 was the Ps1. Made no lethal mistakes and basicslly had the competition take itself out.
Even down to the "399 ps4 " being similar to the ps1's 299 moment

Luckily the switch didnt end up like the dreamcast


Aug 30, 2022
It's kinda crazy how much this slapped against Microsoft's "bad policies" that have for the most part been adopted by the industry at large

- drm got worse with psplus / xbl gold redemptions and there's now digital only releases all the time
- everyone has a google home / Alexa / Siri speaker but hated the idea of Kinect (PlayStations even got listening microphones in controllers now)
- digital redemptions are now eclipsing physicals and Xbox had a (convoluted) gifting and second hand market for digital games iirc
- tv and movie tie ins are the new videogame hotness

It's like some data guys looked at telemetry and said this is where we'll be and then marketing completely messed the whole thing up
People need to understand that what mostly killed he Xbox was the confusing message.
Anti consumer features have been sold to people for decades but as long as it doesn't overtake what you're selling and you have your pitch nailed down you'll suceed.
MS had to set up a page to clear up their PR,sometimes even Xbox themselves would say one thing and then contradict it the next day.



Dec 13, 2017
I think Sony actually had to do their E3 marketing with how to play used games, mainly because no one was believing what they had said before.

At some point before E3 Sony had said that PS4 or their nextgen system would play used games, and wasn't going to do always online, and that it be up to 3rd party if they wished to do anything like that.

Look at articles like this one here, basically making a story out of nothing, especially after Sony said PS4 will play used games

The internet was convinced that the 2 next gen systems would block used games for some reason, "Sony is going to do it too" is something you saw a lot in forums back then.


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Sep 12, 2019
This was a huge bummer especially coming off of the even worse Xbox conference. They announced that they're changing to a paid subscription just to play your games online and more than half of the gaming world applauded them just for not going as far as MS did with regressive anti-consumer practices. They basically sandwiched in their 599 moment in between bullet points that they wont have always online DRM and that used games will still work (which should be baseline expectations), and that trick actually worked.