Oct 25, 2017
No no, you're remembering the bar scene correctly. Peter had to transfer control. And i too noticed that he didn't need to get the rights back. Buuut (and probably more fool me) Just had waved it as Peter will always have true control regardless, who he gives user rights to.
the way edith says "Welcome back mr parker" (or maybe it was welcome back peter) gave me the impression that Tony basically predicted it and made sure Peter would always have master control


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
I can't believe they actually brought back the guy from "TONY STARK BUILT THIS IN A CAVE! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS"

I am not going to lie, I probably marked out harder at him being back than Simmons returning as JJ.



Nov 21, 2017
Marvel Sony isn't going to do a scene in the new spiderman showing a retcon on how Mysterio survived. You think the post operation cleanup wouldn't have them pick up the body?

and whats more ridiculous is the idea that this movie shows

"fake mysterio dying"

"tries to fakeout spideman and shoot peter"

"peter catches on and he dies as a result of his villiany/actions"

and then you guys think they will somehow have him back in a future movie...
I don't disagree that it will be going overboard with the whole "you think you got me? But think again!" Trick, but on the other hand, Jake's Mysterio is wonderful, and not to mention, it is absolutely within Mysterio's character to do just that, as others have mentioned.

Personally, I don't mind more Jake, but I do understand it's way more likely that Mysterio is dead dead, for reason you mentioned.


Oct 27, 2017
Great movie. Illusion stuff was awesome and the mid-credit reveal was fantastic. Interesting to see how they deal with the identity reveal. Most likely with shape-shifting fun, as others have already said. I do think Beck is still alive. "I'm going to show them exactly what I want them to see."


Nov 15, 2017
One negative aspect about everyone knowing Peter is Spiderman is we will lose the whole Peter working for the Daily Bugle storylines. One of my favorite aspects of his character.
Jan 31, 2018
Saw it earlier today. Kind of disappointing in that Mysterio just didn't feel strong enough to carry the movie as the only villain. While he was certainly well done, it does seem like it would have been better had he been a secondary one with someone else being the primary.

Also not a fan of direction they're going with with the mid credit scene. Why does everyone's secret identity have to be known by everyone? Bringing back JK Simmons was definitely a coup.

The post credit scene was a lot better. It's nice to get some stories that aren't always earth-centric.
Oct 25, 2017
One negative aspect about everyone knowing Peter is Spiderman is we will lose the whole Peter working for the Daily Bugle storylines. One of my favorite aspects of his character.

Eh, I'm fine with it.

They've kinda set him up as being Tony's successor. So him working for the Bugle would feel more like fanservice than something that benefited his character.

And besides, the Bugle in the MCU is literally InfoWars and JJ is basically Alex Jones.

I wouldn't want pure boi Peter working for him.


Oct 25, 2017
One negative aspect about everyone knowing Peter is Spiderman is we will lose the whole Peter working for the Daily Bugle storylines. One of my favorite aspects of his character.

Given that they went the Alex Jones playbook for JJ, I'm glad he doesn't work for him in this continuity.


Oct 25, 2017
Just came home from it. It was a fine fine desert after the Endgame cornucopia.

Hogan's shield throw was a highlight for me.


Oct 25, 2017
the way edith says "Welcome back mr parker" (or maybe it was welcome back peter) gave me the impression that Tony basically predicted it and made sure Peter would always have master control
This is how I interpreted it. Peter can give control to others but he is the "admin" user.
Yep yep. I'm glad we're in agreement.
One negative aspect about everyone knowing Peter is Spiderman is we will lose the whole Peter working for the Daily Bugle storylines. One of my favorite aspects of his character.
Yeah, same. That's bread and butter Spidey stuff. Shame to lose it.

Also because my idea for a third film (which i posted earlier in here) can't be now.... Well, it could do with some tweaks. It's not the same though.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Not gonna lie. I don't really care much for Marvel characters or the MCU overall.

But I'll be damned if this isn't the best Spiderman movie ever made. Got goosebumps a few times. I never do that.


Nov 12, 2017
This movie blew me the fuck away. Holy fuck so many great moments both action and comedy. MYSTERIOOOOO was godly godly godly


Nov 15, 2017
Eh, I'm fine with it.

They've kinda set him up as being Tony's successor. So him working for the Bugle would feel more like fanservice than something that benefited his character.

And besides, the Bugle in the MCU is literally InfoWars and JJ is basically Alex Jones.

I wouldn't want pure boi Peter working for him.
Given that they went the Alex Jones playbook for JJ, I'm glad he doesn't work for him in this continuity.
Eh, the Alex Jones comparison is taking it a step too far imo. And even if it reads that way, that's just another characterization I disagree with. JJJ to me was always an asshole but still redeemable, Alex Jones like is someone who can never be redeemed.

Yep yep. I'm glad we're in agreement.

Yeah, same. That's bread and butter Spidey stuff. Shame to lose it.

Also because my idea for a third film (which i posted earlier in here) can't be now.... Well, it could do with some tweaks. It's not the same though.
It's an integral part of his character so I'm sad that it most likely won't happen. I guess since they are pushing him as the next leader of the Avengers it makes sense but I wish we at least got a couple more movies as the neighborhood Spidey before we got to that level.


Oct 26, 2017
Feige definitely isn't playing repeats with this Spidey and I'm kinda glad, aside from him in high school, nothing has felt like a repeat.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Possible hot take, but this tops Spider-Man 2 as my favorite live action Spidey film and Tom Holland further proves he's the best iteration of Peter Parker.


Oct 27, 2017
I just really hope we get more quips from Spidey in the next movie. I feel like he doesn't say anything in Homecoming or FFH. At least the Russos have him lines during fight scenes.
One negative aspect about everyone knowing Peter is Spiderman is we will lose the whole Peter working for the Daily Bugle storylines. One of my favorite aspects of his character.
I didn't think this version of Spider-Man was ever headed in that direction anyway, especially given that the newspaper industry is in steep decline these days, so it doesn't have the sort of cultural centrality that a paper like the Bugle would have had when the setup was introduced.


Oct 27, 2017
Just got back from the theater my hot takes:

1. Loved the whole High School video/News Cast in the beginning. It was beautifully cheesy and bad.
2. Blipping back into existence was really well handled to talk about (RIP the basketball players LOL) and that the older brother is now the younger brother.
3. Mysterio was great, very to his character. It's very interesting Stark made many enemies out of his employees and they will probably form or work in Oscorp at some point. I already can see Doctor Octopus being around the corner with the Iron Spider suit having the appendages tech already there. Or even Chameleon using the tech (or being an experiment using the Skrull blood or whatever idea they come up with).
4. All of Mysterio crew all having ties to all the previous Iron Man movies is excellent. They even got a rando from Iron Man 1 who was in some random brief scene being yelled at by Stane to join the crew.
5. Jonah making his trumpet return makes me happy, by far my favorite character in Spider-Man.
6. Illusion tech was perfectly executed.
7. The filmmakers perfectly captured Spidey's world post End Game, every small detail of the world is very well made. Drawings in the background because kids are only thinking of tony. Tony Stark movies on the plane, Spidey suit having a charging generator that can be plugged into the wall outlet of his bedroom. I could go on. This film will be worth watching for every little detail in the background, this world just feels like a living breathable world. It's perfect, every other movie felt like these details were shoehorned in, the filmmakers behind these sets just get it. They know how a regular person in this world would see, do, react, hear, and believe in these situations.
8. Super hyped for the next Spider movie.

Now my not so favorite things:
1. This film is not fun to watch knowing Mysterio was you know, Mysterio. It felt like the beginning half just dragged on this notion of waiting for the big reveal and great acting of a full of Mysterio. For a fan, it's just sort of lame watching this act unfold, and Peter making a mistake I knew was happening. While the payoff was worth it for amazing Mysterio illusion scenes and commentary of how this version of the villain pulled off his stunts with Drones. I still don't enjoy the fact I had to spent a good portion of the first half of the movie sitting around for the obvious betrayal/trick.
2. I feel Mary Jane is being put on a pedestal and being constantly compared to the last Mary Jane in the original Trilogy. Rather then having more moments of her standing out as her own character who can stand alongside Peter as support. I feel the filmmakers want a more stronger and realistic Mary Jane, but in execution I feel like she is still a fridgerator character being used for Peter's own character growth rather then a character that can accomplish things on her own. Ill give the filmmakers again another benefit of doubt, because I believe this movie could be an amazing stepping stone to focus on her character by time the next movie. The Spider-Man video game really did spoil me on a well written and executed Mary Jane though and I have very high standards for the MCU take on her.
3. Flash being lonely, wanting friends, affection, and attention felt needlessly thrown in. I understand why they are doing it, but it feel like it lacks a payoff. I'm sure we will see the payoff in the next movie, but... I dunno, I feel like they could had at least tie in one quick reaction scene when Jonah revealed Parker's identity.
Last edited:

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
Eh, the Alex Jones comparison is taking it a step too far imo. And even if it reads that way, that's just another characterization I disagree with. JJJ to me was always an asshole but still redeemable, Alex Jones like is someone who can never be redeemed.

Never forget in Spider-Man 1 when he didn't sell out Peter.

Or in Spider-Man 2 when he was genuinely sad that he thought he drove Spider-Man away.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait was Cap in the memorial video? Does the rest of the world think he's dead? If so, kinda weird to see the world react to Iron Man's death so strongly but barely mention Captain America. Though it's a movie so whatever.

Also pretty neat how Fury saying "Do not invoke her name" in response to Parker saying Captain Marvel's name was recontextualized after the post credits scene.


Nov 15, 2017
I didn't think this version of Spider-Man was ever headed in that direction anyway, especially given that the newspaper industry is in steep decline these days, so it doesn't have the sort of cultural centrality that a paper like the Bugle would have had when the setup was introduced.
It's not a hard task to modernize the Daily Bugle. BuzzFeed is already referenced in this movie, just make the DB a long-time running publication transitioning into the digital age. Peter could take up photography and MJ and Ned could encourage him to apply for a job at the Bugle. They could have Flash and Peter compete for an social media content internship or something and it would have been a neat side story.


Nov 21, 2017
Also not a fan of direction they're going with with the mid credit scene. Why does everyone's secret identity have to be known by everyone? Bringing back JK Simmons was definitely a coup.

The post credit scene was a lot better. It's nice to get some stories that aren't always earth-centric.
I think it's all to set up Spider-Man as the new Ironman, which should be obvious since that was mentioned so many times in the movie. However, unlike Ironman 1 when Stark willingly announced his true identity on TV, we have Parker's identity unwillingly being announced on TV.

Infinity Saga started with Ironman, who announced his own identity at the end of the 1st movie of the series. The next MCU saga start with Ironman's successor's identity being announced on TV at the end of the, what I assume to be, 1st movie of the series.

Even Happy's "he will call you" was a callback to Ironman, if I recall? The entire movie was in reference to the Ironman trilogy so to set up Parker as Stark's successor in the most literal sense. Even that struggle with handling his identity as Parker and Spider-Man was similar to Stark' struggle to accept that he's more than his iron suit, but in Parker's own non-egomaniac way.


Nov 15, 2017
Never forget in Spider-Man 1 when he didn't sell out Peter.

Or in Spider-Man 2 when he was genuinely sad that he thought he drove Spider-Man away.

Exactly. Small things like that is why JK is loved as JJJ. Not to mention, you don't bring back someone with the likeability and charisma of JK Simmons only to make him essentially a propaganda pusher.


Oct 25, 2017
The lighthearted tone of the movie just kills all suspense and drama for me. There just aren't enough stakes.
Oct 25, 2017
Eh, the Alex Jones comparison is taking it a step too far imo. And even if it reads that way, that's just another characterization I disagree with. JJJ to me was always an asshole but still redeemable, Alex Jones like is someone who can never be redeemed.

It's an integral part of his character so I'm sad that it most likely won't happen. I guess since they are pushing him as the next leader of the Avengers it makes sense but I wish we at least got a couple more movies as the neighborhood Spidey before we got to that level.

I mean, in the Spiderman game by insomniac he literally lied while on the Bugle that "Spiderman killed cops" which made Peter leave the Bugle.

They distinctively styled the Bugle after InfoWars. I think this version of JJ is going to be the "conspiracy nutter" type they had in the PS4 game.


Oct 25, 2017
Eh, the Alex Jones comparison is taking it a step too far imo. And even if it reads that way, that's just another characterization I disagree with. JJJ to me was always an asshole but still redeemable, Alex Jones like is someone who can never be redeemed.

The background is a dead ringer for one of those alt-right youtube shows. And like...no. After that performance I would not like him to be redeemable. I don't care if it feels a classic Spider-Man role in your heart, if they invoke alt-right imagery, it's on them to follow it through. I do not need people telling the vile alt-right that they have a point, or they are redeemable. No, fuck that. Let it be drilled into their heads till the end of time that their vile disgusting ways are never any more than the scum of the earth.


Oct 27, 2017
Clinton, MO
Got out of it a little while ago, loved it...need to see it again though.

Loved Mysterio and JG's performance, so good.

Man Holland is such the perfect Peter/Spidey....

Really thought they were going somewhere with Brad, thought he was going to turn out to be something larger in the story but I guess not.

Can't wait to see what's next...the mid credit scene might be my fav. post credit scene in all of the MCU.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not a hard task to modernize the Daily Bugle. BuzzFeed is already referenced in this movie, just make the DB a long-time running publication transitioning into the digital age. Peter could take up photography and MJ and Ned could encourage him to apply for a job at the Bugle. They could have Flash and Peter compete for an social media content internship or something and it would have been a neat side story.

Peter's identity is known. Jonah would never hire him, Peter will forever have a role with the Avengers and Stark Industries unless the company goes under or worst gets bought out. There is just no logical reason for Peter to interact with Jonah besides Jonah engaging with Peter to showcase of why he's a menace to society. Jonah character is great because he does have general good points, he's a bit of a hypocrite or is usually plain wrong, but he is a general good guy that creates an obstacle for Peter public reception. Which is why we get the fakeout with Peter "revealing his identity" and then cue him being outed. Tony had the character, intelligence, courage, and wealth to reveal he is Iron Man. Peter is no where near that level, and now he is going to have to face the worst of news media. Which is why having Jonah now is more important then ever for this story angle the writers want to go for.


Dec 26, 2018
Peter's identity is known. Jonah would never hire him, Peter will forever have a role with the Avengers and Stark Industries unless the company goes under or worst gets bought out. There is just no logical reason for Peter to interact with Jonah besides Jonah engaging with Peter to showcase of why he's a menace to society. Jonah character is great because he does have general good points, he's a bit of a hypocrite or is usually plain wrong, but he is a general good guy that creates an obstacle for Peter public reception. Which is why we get the fakeout with Peter "revealing his identity" and then cue him being outed. Tony had the character, intelligence, courage, and wealth to reveal he is Iron Man. Peter is no where near that level, and now he is going to have to face the worst of news media. Which is why having Jonah now is more important then ever for this story angle the writers want to go for.

However, due to Mysterio's technology and the Skulls they do have options to undo this, or place doubt on that news.


Oct 25, 2017
I just got back and absolutely adored it. As somebody who's not incredibly versed in Spider-Man overall:

It really seemed like they were painting that Asian kid as a rival to Peter (in many ways, even outside of with MJ). He was also one of two (from my count) new classmates, with it being him and the girl in hijab. Is he a named character with any significance? Like, if Mysterio came back to run a Sinister Six with Vulture, Prowler, Shocker, and Liz, is he somebody who has any sort of comic book background?


Oct 28, 2017
Wait was Cap in the memorial video? Does the rest of the world think he's dead? If so, kinda weird to see the world react to Iron Man's death so strongly but barely mention Captain America. Though it's a movie so whatever.

Also pretty neat how Fury saying "Do not invoke her name" in response to Parker saying Captain Marvel's name was recontextualized after the post credits scene.

Cap was considered a War Criminal right up to Infinity War, while Tony wasn't. On top of that Tony was always visibly heroic, specifically to the city of New York (He single handed saved NY from the nuke and ended up defeating the Chitari in doing so). He lived there, was HQ'd there, etc... It also stands to reason that of the heroes that survived, they likely reported to people that Tony sacrificed himself to save the planet. Cap's fights Post-WW2 were much more secretive. Outside of leading the team tactically in the Battle of New York most of what he did wasn't really in the public eye like Iron Man. So while Cap was the leader of The Avengers, Tony was the public face. It makes sense that the general public would place him on a high pedestal as a result.