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Oct 25, 2017
With Let's Go! on the horizon we are presented with a unique generation in which there very well could be a split, assuming sales and critical reception are there, of the mainline Pokemon games in the future.

What do you think of this idea?

Personally, I think this is one of the smartest things Game Freak has ever done. With every release they have tried to simultaneously cater to long time fans and a broader, more casual audience. This has usually resulted in neither being truly happy. If Let's Go does well and become its own thing, that means the next core games can specifically cater to long time fans, competitive players, and more hardcore video game fans. I'm very excited for Let's Go as a streamlined experience to play with my girlfriend, and even more curious to see what they are cooking up for us in 2019.

Can Morimoto direct a new generation now please?


(gif courtesy of Lady Bow)
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It will sell millions anyway, so yeah, I think it was a good idea.


Oct 28, 2017
Split it as it is now and have one series for casuals and one for hardcores and everyone can be happy. Right?

Personally I will buy LGP/E AND the Gen VIII games anyway. I kinda get the impression from the Eurogamer interview that if the LGP/E games prove immensely popular (of course they will!) that they might put elements from it in to the "traditional" RPGs. I think they should keep them two separate series at least for a game or two to see just how well the Let's Go! series fares vs "traditional" RPGs before they start thinking about combining them together.
Oct 27, 2017
I can't see any reason not to be a strong yay. Gamefreak has had 2 teams working on separate games for a while, so it's not like their staff being divided between projects is even new. If Lets Go can allow them to make more accessible, child targeted titles (which I assumed they already did, but whatever) while the "traditional" games let them go back to the more complex overworld and scenario design of the older titles, then it's a win win for both groups. And of course there will be cross over between the two, in terms of uses and maybe features (pokemon following/riding BETTER be in Gen 8)


Oct 25, 2017
I don't buy into the idea that Gamefreak will use the Let's Go series as an excuse to cater more towards the longtime pokemon fans with the main games. Pokemon games are never going to stop being designed around kids and new players.


Oct 25, 2017
If it means that the main games are a lot less hand-holdy than they were in gen 7, I'm all for it. I don't see anything wrong with a simplified Pokémon for younger and/or less experienced players and a "full" version for everyone else.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
If they drop the Kanto pandering from the traditional series and reverse the continual decrease in difficulty that I feel the series has undergone, I'll be more for having two separate series.

I won't believe that's the case though for a second until I actually see them doing those things.
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