
Oct 25, 2017
Like Sibylus said, the two souls merged together. The version we have is a combination of the two, which is part of why he mostly reverts back to his pre-Exarch personality.

Yep. If anyone's played Tales of the Abyss, it's basically...

Luke and Asch fusing at the end minus the physical bodies.


Oct 27, 2017
Lyse has become a leader so now her role has been reduced to sparodically appear throw some lines and dissapear like the rest of the nation leaders.

I miss Merlwyb :(

Meh, I miss ARR Merlwyb, but after the VA change I'm glad we've only heard like two lines from her. She's the only original cast VA I really feel was a downgrade in quality.


Roll Tahd, Pawl
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think they'll kill anyone that we can select as a Trust. I don't have much of a reason for believing this other than thinking they won't take away Trust options after the trouble they went to when creating the system in the first place.

My biggest issue with Stormblood is that we didn't actually win. The stories themselves never really wrapped up so much as they kinda just stopped. Doma isn't really rebuilt yet and Ala Mhigo is still a shithole. They tried to go a little too highbrow with the concept that just because you won a war doesn't mean the problem is solved. Especially when said war felt like a big wet fart.
Possible, on the Trust thing. Though they just did add in G'raha, and unless I didn't look at it right, he's already level 80, while the other NPC's are at whatever level you've gotten them to. That already puts G'raha in a separate category (he's not going to gain XP on any trust runs).

I could be wrong on this though, I only looked at the trust after getting the notification and it had him at level 80 while everyone else was level 71/72 (I haven't run Trusts alot)

Please let Alisaie be a Berseker in the next expansion. I can only imagine how funny and sick this would be lol. With all her outbursts Berserker would be a nice surprise.

I'd love to see this, if only to maybe somehow get Curious Gorge on screen with the main characters.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
On one hand I want Merlwyb/Kan-E to get more focus cause they got done so dirty. On the other hand I started in Ul'dah and love it, so please SE by all means keep feeding me more of that- it really made it feel like the plot was tailored to my character lmao

The Kidd

Oct 27, 2017
Eeeeeeh, there's really not much reason to think she isn't do just fine and is alive and well on the First until you actually end up going there and find out how fucked everything is. Also, she's still mostly herself when she isn't being used as Hydaelyn's microphone, thought they explained that pretty well.
It might be because the voice actor change coincided with her becoming the Oracle of Light, but she just never seemed to be the same person to me. I'll be honest tho I was confused about many things, and stopped looking things ups to get clarification because I would always find spoilers for things an expansion or two away.

Now that I've caught up, I can do some deep dives.
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"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
Someone is going to die. I actually do think it's Y'shtola too. Her lifespan is shortening because she spends her aether to 'see'. It's her, Thancred, or Urianger, and Thancred stands the best chance of surviving because he's now a shonen protagonist.

You know the best part about G'raha now being a Scion?

No more completely white hair Scions!!! yaaaaaay!


Oct 25, 2017
Y'shtola has had death flags for a while so I wouldn't be shocked if she actually bit it.


Oct 26, 2017
Did Coils of Bahamut today and they should bring that into the MSQ somehow. That even had a CGI scene! Also checked Louisoix Wiki entry and found the following:

"As part of a New Years greeting from the development team of A Realm Reborn, Yoshida included a prophetic verse from Louisoix. Upon careful comparison between language versions, the consistent message implies one of two entities will decide the fate of the world through actions taken on the primals: one entity of light and one of darkness/might."

Hey Warrior of Light and Zenos (Might).


Oct 25, 2017
The best impact death for characterization food would be alphinaud or alisae, just feels like the pain would write itself but cutting down a bond like the twins.


Oct 25, 2017
You take that back, dammit!!!!
But... but when you think about it wouldn't it be smart of writers to set up death flags for characters to mislead the community and let someone with no death flags die?
There is also the possibility of both dying to call back to porom and palom.
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"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
Honestly, at least one of the twins and Urianger or Y'shtola need to bite it for the stakes to be at their peak next expansion.


Oct 25, 2017
Someone is going to die. I actually do think it's Y'shtola too. Her lifespan is shortening because she spends her aether to 'see'. It's her, Thancred, or Urianger, and Thancred stands the best chance of surviving because he's now a shonen protagonist.

I think all of em are dead.

Honestly, at least one of the twins and Urianger or Y'shtola need to bite it for the stakes to be at their peak next expansion.
The twins will live

I think you devalue the story if one of the twins die an y'stola doesn't. Strait up

Urianger is more of an ashy blond (which isn't shown in that art piece), but yeah. Like half of them have white hair. Doesn't help that my WoL has white hair too. lol
We are in the same boat. My WoL currently has white hair. Though he is darker , tall, gothier and scalier than everyone else so he's visually distinct


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Don't. You. Dare.

The 5.3 MSQ insinuated they'll have a lot of focus next expansion. Scions die so rarely, this would be too cruel.

Alph ALWAYS has a ton of focus though. He's basically the Robin to the WoL's Batman. So I don't know why the two of them were complaining.

Alisaie just got a new character class one expansion ago, too.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Alph ALWAYS has a ton of focus though. He's basically the Robin to the WoL's Batman. So I don't know why the two of them were complaining.

Alisaie just got a new character class one expansion ago, too.
While this is true I think some of the other Scions got way more development in Shadowbringers. Thancred was front and center with the Minfillia/Ryne plot, Urianger finally came out of his shell, so to speak, and joined the other Scions on an adventure(and was Exarch's co-conspirator), and Y'shtola lead an entire forest tribe and uncovered a ton of mysteries related to The First and the Ascians.

Alphie and Alisae were there through it all of course, and had their own arcs in Shadowbringers, but their arcs were pretty standard fare for the two. Alisae tried to help people and became quite emotionally attached to their causes and pain/loss. Alphinaud did a lot of politicking. And I'm not downplaying their contributions in Shadowbringers, just that they were probably the most static characters throughout the expansion.


Nov 1, 2017
While this is true I think some of the other Scions got way more development in Shadowbringers. Thancred was front and center with the Minfillia/Ryne plot, Urianger finally came out of his shell, so to speak, and joined the other Scions on an adventure(and was Exarch's co-conspirator), and Y'shtola lead an entire forest tribe and uncovered a ton of mysteries related to The First and the Ascians.

Alphie and Alisae were there through it all of course, and had their own arcs in Shadowbringers, but their arcs were pretty standard fare for the two. Alisae tried to help people and became quite emotionally attached to their causes and pain/loss. Alphinaud did a lot of politicking. And I'm not downplaying their contributions in Shadowbringers, just that they were probably the most static characters throughout the expansion.
And the only ones with no new job , so its time for my girl to be the new caster/whatever job.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
And the only ones with no new job , so its time for my girl to be the new caster/whatever job.

She just got one an expansion ago. I don't know why she's whining about her job. Alphinaud has been an Arcanist for god knows how long. As far as I know he never even upgraded to Summoner.


Nov 1, 2017
She just got one an expansion ago. I don't know why she's whining about her job. Alphinaud has been an Arcanist for god knows how long. As far as I know he never even upgraded to Summoner.
She will get a new one 2 expansions after, she changed in heavensward. I always thought the devs intended for the twins to be your character "rank 1" party members. The parallel with them being inexperienced and having more room to grow alongside you while the others are already at a more matured development has been often clear to me. Also my prevision is for both of them to have the 2 new jobs, canonically only the WoL can be scholar I think, thats why Alphi doesn't have a faerie.


Nov 20, 2018


Oct 25, 2017
Hey, is this where we talk about the story ending?

So I just got back into the game and caught up with the 5.3 MSQ.

I loved the 5.0 ending, but I I don't think the 5.3 ending hit nearly as hard. It felt like the writers were trying to do a repeat performance of 5.0's ending and make us sympathize with Elidibus the way we did with Emet-Selch, but the whole thing feels a little forced and doesn't have as much impact. Emet-Selch's development was a bunch of huge revelations that turned around a lot of the things you felt about the Ascians, but Elidibus doesn't really tell you anything besides "you're a hero to the people on your side, but a villain to the people you fight", which is not a new idea to you.

Moreover, he has no reason to tell you any of that because in his introduction, he makes it very clear that unlike Emet-Selch, he doesn't see you as someone worth talking to anyway... and then the game spends the next few hours making him show you just how bad you are in his eyes.

I think the part leading up to the finale was fun, but didn't make much sense to me because Elidibus had no reason to raise an army and attack you so directly when Ascians were known to be immortal, patient schemers. The only explanation was that he had become desperate to save his people, but that seems like a fairly weak explanation for his actions when it's ultimately fairly stupid and reckless to attack the WoL so directly.

Unless you're Zenos, I guess.

I'm disappointed and wary about how they're clearly setting up the next expansion to be about Zenos and his new Ascian jester guy (I know it's not the same guy, but that guy with the sketchy haircut was one of my least liked villains in Stormblood). They're elevating the two most boring living villains in the game into the main antagonists of an entire expansion, so I hope they know what they're doing with that. Shadowbringers is good because they took comic book villains like the Ascians and turned them into good villains with believable and relatable motivations. Moving straight back to a pair of blatant comic book villains is going to be really rough. I understand if they're trying to go for contrast, since it would be equally bad if they tried to go for a third run of Emet-Selch's story beats, but damn, Zenos is such a boring villain through and through. I hope they have something good in store for his story.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
They're elevating the two most boring living villains in the game into the main antagonists of an entire expansion, so I hope they know what they're doing with that.

One correction: Asahi is very dead. Very, very dead. This is just Fandaniel wearing his corpse like a skin suit the same way Elidibus was wearing Ardbert.

That said, Fandaniel seems to suck too. So hopefully he and Zenos both get swept off the board before we get to Garlemald, because yeah - an entire SECOND expansion with Zenos as the main bad guy would be hugely disappointing.


Oct 25, 2017
One correction: Asahi is very dead. Very, very dead. This is just Fandaniel wearing his corpse like a skin suit the same way Elidibus was wearing Ardbert.

That said, Fandaniel seems to suck too. So hopefully he and Zenos both get swept off the board before we get to Garlemald, because yeah - an entire SECOND expansion with Zenos as the main bad guy would be hugely disappointing.
Yeah, I know it's Fandaniel and not Asahi. It's just that as soon as I saw Asahi's face I was like ughhhhhhhhh because I hated his mini-arc in Stormblood so much lol.

I agree that Fandaniel doesn't seem interesting so far either. He just seems like one of those deranged "I just wanna fuck around with everything because it's fun" types, like Kefka.


Oct 26, 2017
Hey, is this where we talk about the story ending?

So I just got back into the game and caught up with the 5.3 MSQ.

I loved the 5.0 ending, but I I don't think the 5.3 ending hit nearly as hard. It felt like the writers were trying to do a repeat performance of 5.0's ending and make us sympathize with Elidibus the way we did with Emet-Selch, but the whole thing feels a little forced and doesn't have as much impact. Emet-Selch's development was a bunch of huge revelations that turned around a lot of the things you felt about the Ascians, but Elidibus doesn't really tell you anything besides "you're a hero to the people on your side, but a villain to the people you fight", which is not a new idea to you.

Moreover, he has no reason to tell you any of that because in his introduction, he makes it very clear that unlike Emet-Selch, he doesn't see you as someone worth talking to anyway... and then the game spends the next few hours making him show you just how bad you are in his eyes.

Did you realize that Elidibus was still a kid with a ton of responsibility on his shoulders? A kid was Zodiarks heart. A kid was sacrificid to summon him. Elidibus went mad because he couldn't even remember why he did the things he did unlike someone like Emet-Selch. Elidibus story is so tragic that it broke my heart when his Warrior of Light figure disappears and it shows us...that he is a kid. A manipulated kid who doesn't even know anymore why he does everything. Confused and now all alone without anyone he knew.

Having him be the Warrior of Light (hero in his eyes, the final hope as said by him, like him) fighting you the Warrior of Darkness (villain in his eyes) and him summoning people around him (loneliness) made a ton of sense for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Elidibus saving Unukalhai makes a lot more sense now considering his circumstances. He even dressed him like himself lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, Washington
Y'shtola has had death flags for a while so I wouldn't be shocked if she actually bit it.

I don't think they will ever kill any of the characters involved in major side content because it would be dumb to have an emotional y'shtola death then go run Alexander and have he be part of the story. Same thing with the twins because of Coils and Thancred because of the Eden raids.


Jan 10, 2019
I don't think they will ever kill any of the characters involved in major side content because it would be dumb to have an emotional y'shtola death then go run Alexander and have he be part of the story. Same thing with the twins because of Coils and Thancred because of the Eden raids.
Even Urianger has to stick around unless they're going to give all the ARR EX quests to someone else.


Jan 2, 2019
they could just make more old content a requirement to advance the story, same as the crystal tower series. that way you can't have npcs be dead in the story but alive for old sidequests.

Deleted member 18021

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Is it really a FFXIV expansion if Y'Shtola didn't get killed/nearly killed? 🤔

I feel if they were going to kill someone, it'd have been Thancred, but probably better that they didn't.

they could just make more old content a requirement to advance the story, same as the crystal tower series. that way you can't have npcs be dead in the story but alive for old sidequests.

Reworking/Remaking Coils so it can go into the roulette is pretty overdue, honestly. It's kind of important, story-wise.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think having Urianger 2.0 for Ex quest would be a problem to kill him.

Y'shtola is too popular to kill her.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Nov 4, 2017
Thancred is basically story arc complete now. So I can see him biting it.

I have a feeling that Zenos is a shard of Azem like Ardbert and WoL.