
Oct 30, 2017

Alpha 3.23 - Adventure Beckons is now live


Updates & Features
  • πŸš€ New Character Creator (basically a new character creation process with many more options)
  • πŸš€ Distribution Centers (some big new areas/buildings on existing planets for missions, FPS gameplay, etc.)
  • πŸš€ First "real" Wildlife (bird & sort of dogs ^^)
  • πŸš€ Master Modes (huge changes to combat and how you travel/fly basically)
  • πŸš€ Updated UI, Interactions, mobiGlas, StarMap (for many the most important part, it's mostly a new UI, comfort features, looting screens, finally a much better interaction system and star map, ship UIs will be updated with a later patch and some things are still the old UI, so not perfect, but a step in the right direction)
  • πŸš€ Enhanced Cloud and Water Tech (looks pretty cool, the water tech is basically what was shown at CitizenCon last year with some additional improvements)
  • πŸš€ Two new hover bikes and some new ships added that can be purchased for in-game money
  • πŸš€ DLSS, TSR & FSR support added (not 3.x FSR or DLSS yet mind you)
  • πŸš€ Added Vulkan support (still in an early stage)
  • πŸš€ New EVA traversal
  • πŸš€ Many changes to FPS gameplay (first iteration of fps maps in the UI, in-game map)
  • πŸš€ Server Crash Recovery / Replication Layer Split (next step to server meshing and it should remove 30K/Server crash disconnects, though there is still a wait time in-game when a server crashes and the player gets moved to another server basically, can be 2-5 minutes, but you'll no longer crash out and wake up at your last location where your character was bound, should be a big improvement for gameplay)
  • πŸš€ And more!

Dedicated Website with all patch details and changes

Still open for 3.23.x | no date for follow-up patches

Sadly some stuff didn't make it into the initial 3.23 release, for example the persistant personal hangars, physcial manual cargo transport and freight elevators, etc. these were things I was very much looking forward to, but they still caused issues in internal testing and as these personal hangars will be used to call the players ships, it was the right call to delay them shortly into a 3.23.x patch. Imaging the fun if returning, new or old players can't properly spawn/call their ships in a hangar and basically get stuck and can't really do anything in a worst case scenario.

  • πŸš€ Item Banks (allowing players to store & retrieve FPS items more easily)
  • πŸš€ Personal & Instanced Hangars (customizable personal instanced hangars for players at their starter location, calling ships, loading ships manually, etc.)
  • πŸš€ New Cargo Hauling & Freight Elevators (new missions, new cargo types, new freight elevators, etc.)

Upcoming next: Invictus Launch Week & Free Trial/Free Fly (most likely) | May 17 - May 29


I'm not an expert (at all) when it comes to Star Citizen and it's events, but as far as I know Invictus Launch Week is pretty similar to the convention (IAE) which happens around years end (november I think), but is focused on military aircraft rather than all ship typees and the more civilian focus of IAE. There will be new ships added and made available for sale, there will be a chance to walk through some upcoming huge ships (Idris) and see one (Polaris) flying by/around. Players will also be able to rent ships for free to try them out for a limited time and there should be a free trial/free fly event around the same time, maybe some more days than the Invictus Launch Week itself.

Next major update: 4.0 Pyro System | Summer 2024?

As mentioned above the 3.23.x patches will contain some great and totally new ways to experience Star Citizen, but the next major update will be 4.0 sometime around "summer" 2024. This one will bring a new star system including many different planets, moons, stations, etc. It "should" also include stuff like server meshing and the way CIG communicates, I do expect 4.0 to actually happen soon(ish), if it will be summer like planned, no idea, but it should happen sometime later this year ;) If I would have to take a guess, I would say around August-October.

They even mention it again in todays patch notes about 3.23 - quote: "This release also marks a significant milestone toward the upcoming Pyro system, laying the groundwork and adding many of the front and back-end necessities that will empower players to leap to the new star system in the next patch release."
Oct 29, 2017
Holy shit this released today?

I love returning to SC every now and then, but updates has been quite slow recently. I was very much "we'll see" when they said that Squadron features are going to come at a higher pace to SC.

I'm honestly quite surprised that they managed to get this done with few features getting bumped to the next patch.

The UI changes are an absolute game changer.
Oct 29, 2017
A note to anyone looking at DLSS:

While it's good to have and the game can certainly push GPUs, it is still CPU heavy and AFAIK solid 60 is not really achievable in cities.

This patch also comes with Vulkan which replaces the kind of shitty old renderer. This won't bring better performance just yet, but they stated that this is the first step towards heavy CPU optimization. They didn't really prioritize it previously because they didn't want to spend much time on the old Dx11 renderer.


Aug 17, 2019
So, what is the game loop at this point?
I'm not trying to be a snark lord, it's a serious question. I only really hear about 'tech stuff' for this game but never actual 'game stuff.'
Like, what do you DO? It seems interesting but also I'm not sure what's there.


Oct 27, 2017
So, what is the game loop at this point?
I'm not trying to be a snark lord, it's a serious question. I only really hear about 'tech stuff' for this game but never actual 'game stuff.'
Like, what do you DO? It seems interesting but also I'm not sure what's there.
The basic loop is do missions (of which there are different kinds from ship combat, on foot combat, package delivery, and commodity trading) to buy new weapons/components/ships to repeat and make more money.

At that's what I gather from playing again. There's also more intangible rewards like vistas and the like. It's not exactly structured but just a series of systems working in tandem. I personally find myself engaged to it kind of how American trucking simulator is for me. Enjoyment in the mundanity of going to a space station, landing to see the stores they have, leave to do a mission or 2, die, etc. I can see this becoming a lot of fun if there are RP servers down the line to further encourage the stuff like civilian clothes, multi crew ships and other stuff
Last edited:


Apr 3, 2024
The new interaction system and mobiglass overhaul is what I've been waiting for. Looks incredible. Everything else is just a bonus.


Oct 30, 2017
So, what is the game loop at this point?
I'm not trying to be a snark lord, it's a serious question. I only really hear about 'tech stuff' for this game but never actual 'game stuff.'
Like, what do you DO? It seems interesting but also I'm not sure what's there.

I think it always depends and I usually have more fun with at least one friend, but everyone is different in that regard I guess. I'm not much of a combat person, so I mostly go for trading (which will get a lot more interesting in 3.23.x with new trading goods, physical manual loading/unloading, freight elevators, new missions/reputation + rewards, coming hopefully partially in the next weeks), mining and salvaging. Sometimes fighting, bunker missions FPS and space combat with friends. Haven't done a lot of solo combat. Some gameplay mechanics are better, some are worth or non existing basically (hacking isn't a big deal, exploration is very limited in my opinion, etc.). Still think there is a variety of things to discover and do, you can always do missions which often include different parts like killing NPCs, retrieving some goods, etc. Not gonna say everything is fun enough for 100h or non buggy ^^ but I think there is plenty of things to do solo and with friends, depending on what you like to do more (more quiet gameplay like mining/salvaging) or action in space and/or on the ground. I mostly did mining and salvaging in 3.22 to get some money for bigger ships (in-game). Luckily those are still in the game after the patch ;)

My initial impression from the update (only very briefly played it on the test server) is pretty positive, maybe I was lucky with the server or it's just because the patch just went live, but I had no major issues and the performance was strangely good. Usually I have <30 fps in the middle of the major cities and it just gets better when I leave the planet/major area. It's not terrible terrible, but it often was 25-29 fps witch times slighty over 30fps in the middle of major towns on planets and like 35-40 a bit outside maybe and 40-60+ in space then. This time it was mostly 30 fps in one major city, with 50-60 a bit outside (still many many buildings, settings to high/very high and the new clouds active) and 60+ in space, with DLSS on (which wasn't available before). Still, on the test server it was basically 1:1 the frames then with 3.22, so I was a bit surprised in a very positive way. Mind you, I only have a gaming laptop currently with 16 GB RAM (RTX 3080).

Anyway, aside from equipment dropping back into the inventory after I put it one (once, second time worked) I had no real bug or issue, but only did one mission with space combat & black bock retrieval, mostly to check the new UI/UX and fps and that worked all fine, have to get used to the changed flying and combat (Master Modes) though.


Oct 26, 2017
HUGE update for them, and they must feel really happy to have hit such a milestone. It's undeniably coming together into something absurdly impressive now.

4.0 will be exciting too, but honestly, it's post Squadron 42 release that I'm more excited for, when their full attention shifts back to SC with everything they've developed for SQ42 in tow.


Digital Foundry
Oct 26, 2017
Berlin, 'SCHLAND
Very happy to see this - I will try and cover the game again as soon as Vulkan gets the multi-threaded rendering bit added (currently not there tmk).


Oct 25, 2017
Server meshing will be the true test and easily the biggest addition to the game.

If they can pull it off, it would be a big leap forward for gaming.


Oct 25, 2017
Really happy they're on pace to release all the features this year.

Highlights of this patch for sure are the starmap, MM, and UI updates.

Biggest one for sure is the replication layer being implemented and seemingly successfully. That much closer to server meshing for the summer with Pyro.

Tried the EPTU a few times, but they sent out patches so quick didn't get a real feel of the updates. Excited to dive in as I had mostly stepped away waiting for this patch. Looks like besides the new patch bugs, it's mostly been successful rollout. Biggest thing I'm really looking for is AI stepping up, but I don't expect the next real leap or test until server meshing.

Shin Kojima

Oct 27, 2017
For fear of asking an insanely stupid question, is there even the slightest chance this will be released on a console in some far future?
I need something to replace Elite Dangerous and NMS isn't cutting it.


Oct 26, 2017
Great performance boost with this patch. Server fps are higher too, i think.
Oct 29, 2017
For fear of asking an insanely stupid question, is there even the slightest chance this will be released on a console in some far future?
I need something to replace Elite Dangerous and NMS isn't cutting it.

Probably not in the near future. The game is still years away from "release", which in my opinion is going to be basically the beta, and at that point it slowly transforms into a GaaS game with no reset and "real" economy. Once all core systems are in place.

Maybe then they might think about the possibility.


Oct 25, 2017
For fear of asking an insanely stupid question, is there even the slightest chance this will be released on a console in some far future?
I need something to replace Elite Dangerous and NMS isn't cutting it.

Besides the technological hurdle of getting this game to work on consoles, I don't know how they get past the sheer number of key bindings required to make using a controller viable. Even the current gamepad binding that's available is wholly inadequate.


"This guy are sick"
Guess people are slowly recreating themselves with the character creator now and also making Shreks. They did a pretty good job there. I can't wait for more curly hair styles so I can work towards making myself in game.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
Sounds like a great update. And I'm super excited unlike every other SC thread this isn't just post after post of what a scam and people playing are suckers.


Oct 25, 2017
it feels so much more polished in general even if some of the quest stuff is kind of breaking a bit

Guess people are slowly recreating themselves with the character creator now and also making Shreks. They did a pretty good job there. I can't wait for more curly hair styles so I can work towards making myself in game.

the different color skin stuff will probably be gone next patch (the ship show)


Oct 25, 2017
The water physics excite me more than most anything else. Just want to fly low over bodies of water and create waves.


Oct 26, 2017
Besides the technological hurdle of getting this game to work on consoles, I don't know how they get past the sheer number of key bindings required to make using a controller viable. Even the current gamepad binding that's available is wholly inadequate.
I imagine controls will get a new pass at some point even on PC. A lot of the UI/IX work still needs streamlining, but this patch is definitely heading in the right direction. The horrendous UI was always my joint biggest criticism with the game (along with how the camera is far too erratic, feels like I'm controlling a drunk person, and doesn't reflect how much motion stabilisation our eyes/brains do irl).

It's a lot better now, but definitely still something that would be considered in bad shape if it launched like this. Even just little things like tapping F to open a door causing your camera to do a quick zoom in / zoom out just in case you wanted to hold it down. Really easy fix by just slightly delaying and slowing down that zoom in, but they're not looking at overly polishing this all just yet, for perfectly understandable reasons.

I can totally see SC launching on PlayStation 6 one day, far far from today. And by then I think controls will be a lot more streamlined (not the same thing as removing systems and simplifying the game itself) and if we're REALLY lucky then consoles will have paddles by default on controllers too.

Sounds like a great update. And I'm super excited unlike every other SC thread this isn't just post after post of what a scam and people playing are suckers.
Haha! Yes, I think we're at the point where people here are realising they'd need to eat crow if they keep that up now.


Oct 25, 2017
New Zealand
I haven't played in like a year and a half at this point so I'm curious to check this out.
I want to jump in but I'm a little worried about a character reset when they hit 4.0 and when I next play my goal is to make enough money to buy a Drake Vulture


Oct 27, 2017
I've never been a huge star citizen player. I always try it out for a couple of weeks off and on and then quit.

I must say 3.23 has me hooked. The difference I get in performance from 3.22 to 3.23 is amazing. I love the new gui and looting as well. Patch day was the most fun I've ever had in the game.

Actually feels like they are making progress. Don't get me wrong the game still way alpha and a ton of issues and bugs but I'm love it.


Oct 27, 2017
I still don't understand that unfinished thing. I don't get it. When will it release?

Years and years from now, if ever. And what is released will essentially be a rough beta that is slowly refined over several years into something resembling what an actual 1.0 should have been. Assuming the company doesn't shut down from lack of funds/interest. If there ever is a fully functioning "complete" version of Star Citizen, it is over a decade away.


Jun 5, 2022
The game looks a lot more refined.

Beyond that it just seems like an awesome tech demo to me. Almost like the Matrix Unreal Engine 5 experience.


Apr 3, 2024
For fear of asking an insanely stupid question, is there even the slightest chance this will be released on a console in some far future?
I need something to replace Elite Dangerous and NMS isn't cutting it.
The hardware is enough to run it so I don't see why not. Depends on how much they can simplify input. Based on 3.23's improvements and the existence of Squadron 42 which will absolutely come to consoles, I can actually see it becoming quite controller-friendly one day. It won't be optimal by any means but I can see it becoming playable enough to pass certification w/ optional but strongly recommended KB+M support.
I still don't understand that unfinished thing. I don't get it. When will it release?
It'll likely soft launch with four or five star systems and that's okay because the one we have now is already enough to keep their users engaged and logging in daily for hours at a time. Contrary to belief, a large number of players do play the persistent universe like a GaaS and it's not just a tech demo to check out once every couple months. Too much jank for me but I could see myself playing 3.23 onward like that.

I suspect a soft launch is closer than most people think. If the current leaks are off by even a year or two (Q4 2025-Q1 2026), everyone's gonna be shocked at their aggressive timeline is when they announce it at CitizenCon.


"This guy are sick"
The hardware is enough to run it so I don't see why not. Depends on how much they can simplify input. Based on 3.23's improvements and the existence of Squadron 42 which will absolutely come to consoles, I can actually see it becoming quite controller-friendly one day. It won't be optimal by any means but I can see it becoming playable enough to pass certification w/ optional but strongly recommended KB+M support.

It'll likely soft launch with four or five star systems and that's okay because the one we have now is already enough to keep their users engaged and logging in daily for hours at a time. Contrary to belief, a large number of players do play the persistent universe like a GaaS and it's not just a tech demo to check out once every couple months. Too much jank for me but I could see myself playing 3.23 onward like that.

I suspect a soft launch is closer than most people think. If the current leaks are off by even a year or two (Q4 2025-Q1 2026), everyone's gonna be shocked at their aggressive timeline is when they announce it at CitizenCon.
Yep, they pretty much need to have Squadron 42 and Star Citizen in sync around Squardon's launch. The single player leads directly into the MMO. They need SC to be a decently functional with not much jank for an MMO. It would fuck up their marketing around both games if not.


Oct 25, 2017
I still don't understand that unfinished thing. I don't get it. When will it release?
It's released, it just isn't in a 1.0 state yet.

It'll be much closer to 1.0 once Squadron 42 is released, as most of the mechanics and features were created for that and now they're bringing them over to the MMO side.


Oct 27, 2017
I only have the Avenger Titan but looking at getting a new ship depending on the sales during Invictus. Was thinking the Cutlass Black. Does anyone have any ship suggestions?


Oct 25, 2017
Did this get/does this have an option for Freelancer style controls? I remember a poll...or something maybe even as far back as the Kickstarter. Always loved the way Freelancer flew and I thought that might resurface here based on that old pill/survey thing.
Oct 29, 2017
Did this get/does this have an option for Freelancer style controls? I remember a poll...or something maybe even as far back as the Kickstarter. Always loved the way Freelancer flew and I thought that might resurface here based on that old pill/survey thing.

Never played freelancer, but if you mean Battlestar Galactica-like actual realistic space "flight" model, yeah thats in.


Oct 30, 2017
I only have the Avenger Titan but looking at getting a new ship depending on the sales during Invictus. Was thinking the Cutlass Black. Does anyone have any ship suggestions?

Depends on what you want to do or focus on in-game. Lot's of possibilities, you can try out many ships for free during Invictus Launch Week starting on Friday, so that might be a good time to check some of them out. You can buy most ships in-game as well, if you don't want to spend real money on a new ship or upgrade for yours. Usually ships (that are flight ready) get added in-game 3-6 months after the initial sale. I upgraded last year from my Freelancer package to the Crusader C1, just loved the design and you can do most things "ok" with it. Cutlass Black is also an option, among others or sometime in the next weeks/months the RSI Zeus line (depending on what you want to focus on).


Oct 27, 2017
Depends on what you want to do or focus on in-game. Lot's of possibilities, you can try out many ships for free during Invictus Launch Week starting on Friday, so that might be a good time to check some of them out. You can buy most ships in-game as well, if you don't want to spend real money on a new ship or upgrade for yours. Usually ships (that are flight ready) get added in-game 3-6 months after the initial sale. I upgraded last year from my Freelancer package to the Crusader C1, just loved the design and you can do most things "ok" with it. Cutlass Black is also an option, among others or sometime in the next weeks/months the RSI Zeus line (depending on what you want to focus on).

I'm kind of just looking for an all-around better ship. What I do so far in the game is just some bounty hunting, mercenary, and delivery missions. I only play solo so been taking it slow. The Cutlass Black seems like a decent upgrade and I've seen some people recommend Connie Taurus as well.

I've read if I want to get more into ship 2 ship combat that the Buccaneer is a good choice in 3.23 too.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm kind of just looking for an all-around better ship. What I do so far in the game is just some bounty hunting, mercenary, and delivery missions. I only play solo so been taking it slow. The Cutlass Black seems like a decent upgrade and I've seen some people recommend Connie Taurus as well.

I've read if I want to get more into ship 2 ship combat that the Buccaneer is a good choice in 3.23 too.

Yeah some stuff changed for ships with 3.23, I'm no expert on ship 2 ship combat. Connie is great though and Cutlass is doing well (buggy a bit though currently if I remember correctly). Just rent the Connie and some other stuff during Invictus for free and see how you feel with them. Personally the Taurus would be too big for me as a daily driver, but some people would surely disagree there. I think ships like Freelancer, Cutlass or C1 are more suitable as a daily driver (C1 not that much for combat though ^^).


Oct 25, 2017
I'm kind of just looking for an all-around better ship. What I do so far in the game is just some bounty hunting, mercenary, and delivery missions. I only play solo so been taking it slow. The Cutlass Black seems like a decent upgrade and I've seen some people recommend Connie Taurus as well.

Cutlass isn't a great ship for solo bounty hunting, at least from my experience... just because it is a bit weak and the turret is where it gets a huge chunk of the firepower from

decent for parcels/smaller cargo missions - it's essentially a straight upgrade on all the starter ships

it's basically *the* 2 player starter ship and it's versatile enough to do a lot of things. Taurus I think would be bad for solo bounty hunting, it's a cargo ship...

my advice? wait for the ship week to begin. you'll be able to rent every ship for free and you can see if you like it. Cutlass Black is a great little ship tho


Oct 25, 2017
Never played freelancer, but if you mean Battlestar Galactica-like actual realistic space "flight" model, yeah thats in.

Ehhhh, it probably doesn't play like Freelancer in that case. Freelancer had a really slick and intuitive KB+M control setup that I enjoyed a lot. It may have existed prior to Freelancer, but I'd never played a game that controlled like it before. But it was probably a bit more...arcadey than something akin to the way Vipers flew in BSG.
Oct 29, 2017
Ehhhh, it probably doesn't play like Freelancer in that case. Freelancer had a really slick and intuitive KB+M control setup that I enjoyed a lot. It may have existed prior to Freelancer, but I'd never played a game that controlled like it before. But it was probably a bit more...arcadey than something akin to the way Vipers flew in BSG.

Well, SC feels good even in coupled mode (where it kind of stimulates atmospheric flight). There is ESP, which is enhanced stick precision. I'm not sure if this might be what you are looking for, but I don't really have enough experience to talk about it in depth. It can be toggled on and off much like coupled mode.

Although I love the fact that decoupled mode does feel like flying a plane in atmosphere if you are not flying a literal brick thanks to aero.

My suggestion is: a free weekend is coming up, try it and see for yourself. Coming from Elite Dangerous, it's really enjoyable to me.


Oct 27, 2017
So how often is there resets?
I kind of want to jump in (Drake Cutter) but honestly don't want to waste my time farming creds if they all going to puff away in like 4 months


Oct 25, 2017
So how often is there resets?
I kind of want to jump in (Drake Cutter) but honestly don't want to waste my time farming creds if they all going to puff away in like 4 months

It's hard to say - resets have become less regular in the last year (3.18 release was notorious). I'd probably expect one more reset for 4.0 in late summer/early fall tbh.

However, they've gotten good at persistence of items and ships bought in game though, and credit wipes are announced with advanced time so you could spend what you've earned on new ships/items and that would more than likely carry over fine. In 3.23, all my ships I had bought with credits carried over.


Oct 27, 2017
It's hard to say - resets have become less regular in the last year (3.18 release was notorious). I'd probably expect one more reset for 4.0 in late summer/early fall tbh.

However, they've gotten good at persistence of items and ships bought in game though, and credit wipes are announced with advanced time so you could spend what you've earned on new ships/items and that would more than likely carry over fine. In 3.23, all my ships I had bought with credits carried over.

Thanks for the info! I'll play around and stop myself from getting too invested. Now If I can only look at a city from space without my pc having a heart attack


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah some stuff changed for ships with 3.23, I'm no expert on ship 2 ship combat. Connie is great though and Cutlass is doing well (buggy a bit though currently if I remember correctly). Just rent the Connie and some other stuff during Invictus for free and see how you feel with them. Personally the Taurus would be too big for me as a daily driver, but some people would surely disagree there. I think ships like Freelancer, Cutlass or C1 are more suitable as a daily driver (C1 not that much for combat though ^^).

Thanks for the advice on the Freelancer and C1. I'll give those a test drive this weekend.

Cutlass isn't a great ship for solo bounty hunting, at least from my experience... just because it is a bit weak and the turret is where it gets a huge chunk of the firepower from

decent for parcels/smaller cargo missions - it's essentially a straight upgrade on all the starter ships

it's basically *the* 2 player starter ship and it's versatile enough to do a lot of things. Taurus I think would be bad for solo bounty hunting, it's a cargo ship...

my advice? wait for the ship week to begin. you'll be able to rent every ship for free and you can see if you like it. Cutlass Black is a great little ship tho

Hmm since I'm solo only, maybe I should look into a different ship if the cutlass is the 2 player starter ship.

Here's a good video. The list includes ships of various crew sizes and cost.


Thanks for the video. Gave me a few more ships to look into and test drive plus some end game goals to own.


Oct 25, 2017
I only have the Avenger Titan but looking at getting a new ship depending on the sales during Invictus. Was thinking the Cutlass Black. Does anyone have any ship suggestions?

Crusader C1 has been a very popular choice since it released for people looking for a step up from a starter ship. Same number of pilot controlled weapons and tractor beam as a Cutlass, but it has more cargo capacity and significantly more hull HP. It handles really well in atmosphere, it has that real sleek Crusader aesthetic, and most importantly you never run the risk of getting tetanus as you would flying a Drake ship.