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Oct 27, 2017
I bought this game years and years ago, I think. I still have my login credentials and whatnot, and played around in the hangar portion when it launched. How can I know if I can download this 3.0 update?
Not yet. You need access to PTU (test servers) to have access to 3.0 build.
You need to wait for Live release of 3.0.


Oct 25, 2017
I bought this game years and years ago, I think. I still have my login credentials and whatnot, and played around in the hangar portion when it launched. How can I know if I can download this 3.0 update?

If you were invited to PTU you would have received an email to the address that is tied to your account. You may want to check Junk as well. It is not available to everyone yet but if you were selected you follow email to download link to new client.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Oh well, seens I dont have any invites to the PTU. Will be waiting patiently then.


Oct 25, 2017
How is the support for Logitech Hotas 4 PC/PS4 stick?

I got it for Tie Fighter mainly, but would love to use it in this.

I have not seen anyone talking about it yet. From my experiance with other USB stuff everything I have thrown at SC works. Every control came be completely customized even down to custom curve levels for each anolog axis. You should be good to go with it.

Evil Calvin

Oct 27, 2017
St. Louis
Just curious guys, this began development 6 years ago and is STILL in Alpha? I haven't been following this game closely (don't have a PC to run it) but from the outside looking in it seems to be kind of a scam....selling thousand dollar ships and plots of land before the game is even close to be finished. Isn't anyone worried that this is another Kickstarter scam?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Just curious guys, this began development 6 years ago and is STILL in Alpha? I haven't been following this game closely (don't have a PC to run it) but from the outside looking in it seems to be kind of a scam....selling thousand dollar ships and plots of land before the game is even close to be finished. Isn't anyone worried that this is another Kickstarter scam?
Maybe if they stopped communicating. We get progress videos weekly, sometimes daily, and a massive patch that introduces a massive amount of gameplay mechanics was just released to testers (3.0, the topic of this thread). Considering the scale of the project, 6 years isn't terrible.

We're still bothered by stuff though, as you'd see with the land claim stuff we've been talking about over the last page.


Oct 25, 2017
Just curious guys, this began development 6 years ago and is STILL in Alpha? I haven't been following this game closely (don't have a PC to run it) but from the outside looking in it seems to be kind of a scam....selling thousand dollar ships and plots of land before the game is even close to be finished. Isn't anyone worried that this is another Kickstarter scam?
I don't know if you're being willfully ignorant or trying being inflammatory to rile people up, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. The game is not a scam, the scope has been changed and therefore they've had to work longer and harder on more difficult to accomplish aspects of the game, and negated most of their previous work. They've had to rebuild an engine to support their new goals, and are finally starting to put peices together which has culminated in the 3.0 build with many of the 'bones" or foundation to build on. One of the focuses next year is said to be working on mechanics, resources, and diving down on gameplay and functionality, more things to do/interact with the world/bring friends in.

Nobody who keeps up to date with the game is worried about it being a scam, there are 450 developers pouring a lot of hardwork into accomplishing what the backers have pledged for them to complete. There is progress being made in terms of patches, weekly videos that show what every studio has been up to in terms of development, and their internal schedules are posted and updated every Friday listing what they've completed, and what they hope to complete in the future.

Edit: Just to clarify again, this game is not a scam, and if you hear someone calling it a scam, they are being disingenuous. It cannot in anyway shape or form even be remotely classified as a scam. They may never be able to accomplish the full thought out game, but the community supports them in their efforts, and from the talent they have and what they've shown so far, we believe that they can accomplish it and so do they.

Evil Calvin

Oct 27, 2017
St. Louis
I don't know if you're being willfully ignorant or trying being inflammatory to rile people up, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. The game is not a scam, the scope has been changed and therefore they've had to work longer and harder on more difficult to accomplish aspects of the game, and negated most of their previous work. They've had to rebuild an engine to support their new goals, and are finally starting to put peices together which has culminated in the 3.0 build with many of the 'bones" or foundation to build on. One of the focuses next year is said to be working on mechanics, resources, and diving down on gameplay and functionality, more things to do/interact with the world/bring friends in.

Nobody who keeps up to date with the game is worried about it being a scam, there are 450 developers pouring a lot of hardwork into accomplishing what the backers have pledged for them to complete. There is progress being made in terms of patches, weekly videos that show what every studio has been up to in terms of development, and their internal schedules are posted and updated every Friday listing what they've completed, and what they hope to complete in the future.

No not being inflammatory. Actually curious. Years ago I was interested in jumping on board but then my PC aged and I lost interest. Every now and then I see an update but cannot believe it still hasn't been released. Maybe the scope increased too much. Maybe they should have released it a couple years ago and added on some expansions then that would be good but when I see the scope growing and seeing them sell stuff for a game not released it kind of angers me a bit. Kind of like Ark releasing a paid expansion before their game came out of early access on Steam. But anyway the game looks good, I wish it would come to consoles.


Oct 25, 2017
Just curious guys, this began development 6 years ago and is STILL in Alpha? I haven't been following this game closely (don't have a PC to run it) but from the outside looking in it seems to be kind of a scam....selling thousand dollar ships and plots of land before the game is even close to be finished. Isn't anyone worried that this is another Kickstarter scam?
I don't think you understand that begining development and being in alpha are not the same thing


Oct 25, 2017
No not being inflammatory. Actually curious. Years ago I was interested in jumping on board but then my PC aged and I lost interest. Every now and then I see an update but cannot believe it still hasn't been released. Maybe the scope increased too much. Maybe they should have released it a couple years ago and added on some expansions then that would be good but when I see the scope growing and seeing them sell stuff for a game not released it kind of angers me a bit. Kind of like Ark releasing a paid expansion before their game came out of early access on Steam. But anyway the game looks good, I wish it would come to consoles.
Sure, if you're still curious I welcome you to just read the OP that was posted not even a week ago announcing a major new update and see all the features it brings. Scams don't publish massive updates, they take the money and disappear without providing any communication. The scope change was driven by the community, not by them, and most of the backers are much, much happier getting the game that we have now, than potentially having what the vision was in 2013, which probably has 1% of the content we're looking to get now.


"This guy are sick"
Can't wait to put down my home on an out of the way alien planet. I had my home way out in the woods on Endor in Star Wars Galaxies and loved being there. Shit is bringing up all the feels in me and happy we will get something like it.

Evil Calvin

Oct 27, 2017
St. Louis
Sure, if you're still curious I welcome you to just read the OP that was posted not even a week ago announcing a major new update and see all the features it brings. Scams don't publish massive updates, they take the money and disappear without providing any communication. The scope change was driven by the community, not by them, and most of the backers are much, much happier getting the game that we have now, than potentially having what the vision was in 2013, which probably has 1% of the content we're looking to get now.

Fair enough. Thanks!


Oct 27, 2017
I've been following this project ever since it got announced. Never backed it because I rarely back projects, but I've been rooting for it to succeed. I admire how ambitious it is and I feel they are now finally getting in to a position where there is a solid enough basis to iterate more quickly. Its been fascinating so far to watch them progress through each Behind the Verse clip up to this 3.0 release.

I'll surely buy it once it gets out of beta; not to really participate in its economy and tasks, but more as a way to generate some interest in space and astronomy for my now 2 year old. I think this game will be able to have an educational role as well, just like Assassins Creed is now doing with the educational version of Origins.

Evil Calvin

Oct 27, 2017
St. Louis
When you say the the ships bought won't be around in beta, do you mean that someone who pays $1000 for a ship won't have it when the beta starts?

Evil Calvin

Oct 27, 2017
St. Louis
I just surprised people still are bringing up the idea that the game is scam nowadays.

Like I said, I am not a backer and haven't followed the updates like a backer would. From the outside looking in it seems like an overly long development cycle than any other PC or console game. but after comments by others explaining it makes more sense now. I guess a few console games did take forever (Too Human, Duke Nukem Forever) that jumped gens, but didn't turn out too well.


Oct 25, 2017
You can just literally watch the 20-30 minute segment they did with the director of the game who addressed your "game play implications and mechanics related to owning a land"

And you're right, planets and moons won't be clones. That being said 8x8KM is something like one pixel of their moon right now. The idea of you not being able to find;

1. Highly identical land to the one you wanted to purchase (Please go on Google Maps or on Daymar right now and find me a 8x8 km lot directly next to another one that looks distinctly different.)
2. Better land by performing more deep scanning and research on the planet with having more time to claim the land.
3. Somebody buying land on Day 1 won't have good land, you need to research, scan, inspect. This isn't something like you get a guide book and see that LOT 1220532 has 100% full mineral deposits from your ship. You need to physically explore, scan, and find good locations, someone rushing out on Day 1 to plant his flag is not going to end up with the same quality of land as someone on Day 300 who has properly researched the whole planet and knows exactly where the best locations are.
4. The purpose of selling ships (and now land claims) is to give people who don't have time to spend in a game, and just want to enjoy it for what it is, the ability to be on equal footing with people who want to play daily for months on end. That doesn't mean they're going to be better than the game at you, you still need to have the skills necessary at whatever profession you want to have to be good at the game. Someone with a Hull E who doesn't know how to fly or plan trade routes, won't make as much money in game as someone starting out with a Hull A and moving up by needing to know exactly how to fly the best routes, and save on costs. The same goes with land claims, someone just buying land somewhere won't translate him to having the best land nor making the most money if they don't know how to play the game or put the necessary time to refine their skills as someone else.
5. There is no winning in Star Citizen, it's a sandbox.

Your concerns are borderline pointless since they've addressed most of them right from the start. Is this a good look for Star Citizen? No, I really wish they had their priorities elsewhere right now. Is this some predatory, pay to win scam? No, it's clearly not. I wish there would be more balanced discussion between the doom and gloom.

Oh you mean the video where they basically don't tell me how much missions will earn me in game and how much the license will cost in game or how close to the cities we are allowed to build next, or what perks each planet will have over the other? Or how to economy works? Or how close to the trade route it's going to be, or how anything actually is going to work in practice or anything at all?

Or the video that does not explain why I can't use my store credit in the website? What's the point of buying gift cards if I can't use the money I stored?

Hell at this point the entire game mechanics has yet to be truly fleshed out. We are barely about to get some cargo situation with the upcoming 3.0.

I don't mind not having any balance as it is just an alpha right now and ressources are spent coding the game. The balance will come much later.

However what concern me is tying a game mechanic to really life money before even the balance is done and everything fleshed out and explained, leaving in the dark about the implementations of the purchase of the license.

I never said people who have money to spare and not enough time to grind not to be allowed to acquire things by using real life money, I have no problem with that. But what is the actual balance? We don't have it yet! If it cost you 50 bucks to buy the land what would be the equivalent for people who can only buy it in game? Do I need a 1000h to earn that? How much will I have to grind to get the same land as the person who use their credit card? You want to have a game to earn everything with money while others spend a thousands of hours doing so? For me it means that you want to have an advantage not equality, and that is indeed called p2w, I honestly hope SC don't fall into it.

Sandbox huh? You know how you win a sandbox? By being able to achieve your goals in reasonable manners, finish missions, have prestige by showing off your ships, lands, houses, to have shinies.. Etc. That's how you win a sandbox.

If ships and land are so useless and non issue why don't you just buy an aurora and buy with in game money the land? What is the purpose of buying anything but the basic game packages if nothing matters at all?

You also keep assuming that the value of a land is only tied to the mining, my answer is what about scenery? Closeness to a trade route? Over protected zone? Closeness to a city? Ports? Transportation cost... Etc. The value of a land can have various meaning.

I am repeating myself, I don't know how many posts I have about this news on this thread and yet people quote the same things that I answered before over the same concerns I explained, if you read all of my posts about it, you would have known that I'm not only talking about mining. You don't need to prospect or scan all the lands, it's not all about minerals.

And where did I say SC is a scam? Is anyone who criticized something about the game need to be accused of over reacting or accused of false claims? Do you rather live in an echo chamber of praise? Because honestly criticism is good for an MMO, it allows for a healthy discussion and sometimes it point out to the devs what went wrong... Etc. I remember guild wars 2 had legit criticism that were attacked and dismissed by the hard corse fans who worshipped the company and IP, let me tell you it didn't turns out well, the development even apologized and people were fired because how screwed up everything became.

Also I'm not the only one in this thread who is not happy about this new monitization system, or even in the official forum and yet somehow everyone in here is taking it over themselve to '' reassure me'' while they do not have more than speculations themselves. You don't know more than what we were told yesterday or on previous reports, we still seldom knows how things is going to work exactly, we have the basic concept but not how it is in actuality. If you are happy with it good for you, I'm not here to destroy your happiness about it, unfortunately I'm not happy about it.

I invested money and time in this game, I helped the development by baking and reporting bugs, is asking for an official explanation such a terrible thing? Is hoping for a fairer game play so bad?

You talk about disliking extreme opinions and yet you are calling my concerns and heck hundred of other bakers' pointless. I think you are the one who is extreme.

I talked about my own concerns, people gave me their assumed explanations and their own theories, I agreed to disagree and that's the end of it.

Now let's move on. I have no interest in spending days arguing about it.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
When you say the the ships bought won't be around in beta, do you mean that someone who pays $1000 for a ship won't have it when the beta starts?
No, they just won't be sold anymore (if what they tell us is true).
Like I said, I am not a backer and haven't followed the updates like a backer would. From the outside looking in it seems like an overly long development cycle than any other PC or console game. but after comments by others explaining it makes more sense now. I guess a few console games did take forever (Too Human, Duke Nukem Forever) that jumped gens, but didn't turn out too well.
Check out the development time of any MMO. They usually take upwards of 5+ years. CIG's greatest sin is they kept giving us too optimistic delivery dates.


Oct 25, 2017
Like I said, I am not a backer and haven't followed the updates like a backer would. From the outside looking in it seems like an overly long development cycle than any other PC or console game. but after comments by others explaining it makes more sense now. I guess a few console games did take forever (Too Human, Duke Nukem Forever) that jumped gens, but didn't turn out too well.
Worth mentioning I suppose yet again that there are two distinct games being developed concurrently. Star Citizen (the MMO) and Squadron 42 (the single player campaign). Funding and developer time is split between the two. Sure they share a number of assets and pipelines, but both are significant efforts in their own right with their own challenges and complications. Also, CIG didn't exist as a full sized development team ready to work right from the get go. It had to build up in manpower over the years, set up tooling and infrastructure to handle making the games, etc. Their potential capability over those years was not linear.


Oct 25, 2017
When you say the the ships bought won't be around in beta, do you mean that someone who pays $1000 for a ship won't have it when the beta starts?

Ship pledges are no longer going to be offered after beta. And seeing as the reason is that available mechanics should be feature locked before release the idea of selling certain ships or related mechanics later will not be a thing. Added to CR views on Pay2Win straight from him

Wow, there's a few things that get real gamer's blood boiling more than "micro-transactions" - perhaps "DRM", "EA" and "Pay2Win" but that's about it.

It would be nice if everyone that was getting up in arms about the OP actually read the article that was referred to as I DON'T mention micro-transactions anywhere. The full article is here If you read my words I'm incredibly happy and excited about making the game, how the interaction with all of YOU is making the game better AND how grateful I am that everyone has been so generous in their contributions as its allowing us to make a game without compromises.

My reference to World of Tanks was purely about how I felt the ability for people that don't have 40 hours a week to sink into a game have the opportunity to spend some money to keep up (an early post called this Pay2BeEqual) or drive a sexy tank they don't have 200 hours of game time to earn. I think WoT has some similarities to SC because they are both skill based games so having better equipment may help you but it will NOT guarantee victory - which is very important and similar to real life (I can have a better sports car than you but if you're a better driver you'll probably be able to beat me on a road course). And it is encouraging to me that they are doing well financially as it is a PC game in what I would have considered a niche category, which at first glance is how you could categorize Star Citizen. Its going to cost significant money to make Star Citizen and more money to continue to run it. I would love to see Star Citizen hit a 10 year anniversary like Eve, and knowing that another online PC game is doing well makes me feel confident that SC has the potential for longevity that I think everyone would like to see (which was the context for my comments in the article)

For the record here are my simple rules for what I'm aiming for with Star Citizen (and personal play preference)

1) NO grind - basic gameplay should be fun.

2) NO subscription to play. Once you've bought the game you should be able to play and have fun without paying another penny. Maybe this is from all the MMOs I signed up for and then didn't have time to play yet still had to pay to keep my character (I think I paid over 2 years of subs for both WoW and SWG before I canceled, despite only playing them for the first month or so!)

3) NO unfair advantage to people with either too much money or too much time. I think its disingenuous for people to claim that they should have a big advantage just because they can commit 40 hours a week in play time over someone that can only spend 4. Both types of player have purchased the game and are both entitled to have fun. If I make a game that only caters to people that have lots of time and nothing else I'm cutting out a huge part of the audience. The same goes if I build a game that just caters to people that have money to burn (The Asian P2W game style). Just because someone plays one way doesn't mean everyone should play that way. Some people will want to just spend a few hours dogfighting, some may want spend dozens of hours doing trade runs and building up a merchant empire. Others may just want to explore corners of the galaxy. A big audience supplies lots of players to make the universe more interesting. A big audience also spreads the costs of running the persistent universe (as it costs money for new content and servers), which in turn makes it cheaper for all.

4) NO Pay2Win - You should never be able to buy anything with real money that you can't buy in with in game credits. Once fully live SC in-game items will only be purchasable with in-game credits. There will even be some items you can ONLY earn by playing / flying missions. All you will be able to spend money on that is gameplay related would be buying some in-game credits as you don't want or don't have enough time to earn the credits you need for your contemplated purchase. We'll cap purchase of in-game credits to avoid someone unbalancing the game / economy. Finally as I point out above skill will always play a factor - there will be no "magic spaceship of death" that will sweep all before it, so while you may have bought a more expensive spaceship / weapon a better pilot can still beat you (this is where people with lots of time get an advantage as they'll have spent a lot more time honing their combat skills!)

From my perspective my above 4 rules and solutions are the best compromise that factors the need to make the game fun for people with lots of time or little time, while allowing the game the ability to cover its running costs based on player's actual engagement with the game. I am confident we can balance all this in a way that works and doesn't feel unfair to any one group. Contributing additional money beyond your initial ship package will be entirely optional and not required to have fun or progression (but if you do short cut once in a while, know that you're money is going to support the development of the game and on-going content!)

I hope this allays some concerns. If not, I ask that you wait to you have a chance to actually play and see how everything will work and be balanced before making your mind up.


Like I said, I am not a backer and haven't followed the updates like a backer would. From the outside looking in it seems like an overly long development cycle than any other PC or console game. but after comments by others explaining it makes more sense now. I guess a few console games did take forever (Too Human, Duke Nukem Forever) that jumped gens, but didn't turn out too well.

Of course it is a long time but keep in mind normally you don't see and MMO and SP experience developed at same time. In addition AAA games normally have full staffs and get larger during production. When kickstarter landed they had 7 employees. Most pubs also do not show games or advertise them at trade shows until game is well under development. Since game was kickstarted we basically saw game from initial concept art and target renders and nothing else. All this culminates to a process you never seen before and it also doesn't help that they are creating new tech and features that most pubs wouldn't find worth it. They are delivering a game backers asked for, all that is needed in return is patience. For people who aren't backers they can simply ignore it till it comes out.

However what concern me is tying a game mechanic to really life money before even the balance is done and everything fleshed out and explained, leaving in the dark about the implementations of the purchase of the license.

I get you want to stick to your guns on this angle, but you do realize that if this is the stance you are going to take..... that also applies to every ship being sold. Basically you have issue with every pledge because nothing is balanced, the mechanics aren't fully fleshed out, the rewards and economic system isn't finished and neither is many of the gameplay elements for most of the ships there. Hence people trying to repeatedly point this stuff out to you and you not getting. By taking issue with this pledge for those reasons, you are basically taking issue with every pledge. I am not trying to make you mad, it is just that you are asking about something that devs explained to the best of their ability and just like with cargo (now that we are seeing first iterations of) and many other mechanics, specifics cannot be given until they are closer to implementation. You are not alone in wanting to know more and even being able to play more. But because the systems are interdependent on each other there is an order to things that need to be finished before they can get to this answer.

EDIT: I also wanted to point out here that Aegis ships are the best ships!
Last edited:


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
As long as this is a planned feature down the line after release, then I'll feel better about it. But they've continued to promise too many additional things on top of core systems that aren't working or even implemented yet. This is the kind of feature you expect say a year into the release of a game. When it's a ship added for instance, with teams specifically dedicated to building those ships and polishing them, I'm ok with that. As it's something that's clearly already in their pipeline and scope. But these types of features worry me, because it brings expectations about what it's going to be. I sincerely hope the plan is really just drawing a box and tagging the geometry with a player name (you know what I mean) at this point.

Outside of that why are people always saying this game started development six year ago? That's way off. Sure technically it was funded at the end of 2012, but I think given what followed after we know it didn't truly start development until a year or two later.

Everything up until Q4 of 2012 was literally just material for the Kickstarter. They had to hire and setup studios after that and scaled quite a bit. I'd say in terms of actual development it's been four maybe. At AAA scale, maybe 2-3.

The nice thing about this is they've been incredibly transparent (for a game company) during development, so you don't have to take my word for it, or my guesswork. It's all catalogued/recorded.


Nov 3, 2017
Just curious guys, this began development 6 years ago and is STILL in Alpha? I haven't been following this game closely (don't have a PC to run it) but from the outside looking in it seems to be kind of a scam....selling thousand dollar ships and plots of land before the game is even close to be finished. Isn't anyone worried that this is another Kickstarter scam?

You should read Derek Smart's Twitter. It gives an alternative view from a Kickstarter backer and is usually up to date.

I'm just sitting back and waiting for it to be a final product before I give a final judgement.


Oct 25, 2017

The game mechanic is not tied to real life money, you can buy a claim with UEC. You're just putting baseless speculation about a lot of things that we have no idea about. But in general, yes, I agree with you that is a problem. We SHOULD be hearing more about these things. We shouldn't be left in the dark about a lot of these aspects, and I really hope that in 3.1, when ship leasing/purchasing comes into play that we'll get a better idea about how long we'll need to play to acquire money, ships, claims, etc. I totally agree with you that this is a valid criticism and we need to start hearing about this stuff if they want to keep using the "everything is obtainable in game" line.

You also keep assuming that the value of a land is only tied to the mining, my answer is what about scenery? Closeness to a trade route? Over protected zone? Closeness to a city? Ports? Transportation cost... Etc. The value of a land can have various meaning.

Exactly! Value is different for every person, I might only be interested in finding a good farming area, that's what will make land very diverse. Not everyone is looking for the same thing, so the probability of you finding something that you like isn't small, since everyone is after something different.

Is anyone who criticized something about the game need to be accused of over reacting or accused of false claims? Do you rather live in an echo chamber of praise?

No, I welcome criticism and I have my own issues with CIG and even agreed with you. However, if you look at this thread and others, you'll see many people saying it's a scam.

Again, you're right that them not giving concrete answers is an issue. However, speculating about if they might fuck it up isn't anything we can actually discuss, we just don't know.


Oct 25, 2017
You should read Derek Smart's Twitter. It gives an alternative view from a Kickstarter backer and is usually up to date.


Derek Smart has already proven to have ulterior motives. Don't derail the thread by posting anything about him. He has a very colorful history that anyone here can simply google if they want to know about.

Just stop. There are plenty of other streams/threads/etc. to find people documenting bugs.

I am not sure if you were trying to be funny but it isn't funny. Suggest people google about DS before reading his ramblings to get the full picture.


Oct 25, 2017
You should read Derek Smart's Twitter. It gives an alternative view from a Kickstarter backer and is usually up to date.

I'm just sitting back and waiting for it to be a final product before I give a final judgement.
You mean the dude who's every prediction has been wrong, said that 3.0 is impossible and the game is a scam, before every big convention makes big claims as if he has inside access and falls flat on his face every time, and harassed the wife of the director so much she had to stop using social media for months?

Don't bring that dude up.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Regardless of how you feel about Star Citizen to recommend to people that they read Derek Smarts work is... Not good.

It's like recommending to people they watch Alex Jones for their news.


Nov 3, 2017

I am not sure if you were trying to be funny but it isn't funny. Suggest people google about DS before reading his ramblings to get the full picture.

His Twitter posts aren't ramblings, just like Star Citizen isn't a scam, it's a work in progress.

We are all independent thinkers who can take a look at all the information and come to their own conclusion.


Oct 25, 2017
His Twitter posts aren't ramblings, just like Star Citizen isn't a scam, it's a work in progress.

We are all independent thinkers who can take a look at all the information and come to their own conclusion.
The guy is human garbage, who (with his goons) harassed the wife of the director of the game, so much so that she had to leave social media for months. And you're doubling down on recommending people to check out his twitter.

If your definition of rambling is doxing developers, harassing women, and posting flat out lies about the status of the game, then yeah, it's rambling. Anyone elses' definition is "scum of the earth".

Edit: Also might want to add he went to bat for GamerGate, so please, keep telling people in this thread to check out his twitter.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
His Twitter posts aren't ramblings, just like Star Citizen isn't a scam, it's a work in progress.

We are all independent thinkers who can take a look at all the information and come to their own conclusion.

Uhh, no. This is literally like saying "surround yourself with liars, and try to discern the truth. You're an adult, I'm sure you'll just inherently know the truth when you see it". The guy has a very clear motive and lies perpetually to try and project his narrative onto things.

Like I said, he's Alex Jones or Sean Hannity etc. In this equation. He's basically a conspiracy nut.


Oct 27, 2017
Once again another iteration of this thread turns into a hyperbolic, speculative fiction shit show. It sure would be nice to simply discuss the game.


Nov 3, 2017
Uhh, no. This is literally like saying "surround yourself with liars, and try to discern the truth. You're an adult, I'm sure you'll just inherently know the truth when you see it". The guy has a very clear motive and lies perpetually to try and project his narrative onto things.

Like I said, he's Alex Jones or Sean Hannity etc. In this equation. He's basically a conspiracy nut.

I don't have anything invested in this game. I just keep abreast of game news, Smart isn't the only one making these claims and comparing anyone to Alex Jones is really low. You may want to step back from the ledge there.


Oct 25, 2017
His Twitter posts aren't ramblings, just like Star Citizen isn't a scam, it's a work in progress.

We are all independent thinkers who can take a look at all the information and come to their own conclusion.

So despite Reddit shutting down his subreddit they actually collected ALL of the Drama that has been created by Smart including his harassment campaign

And overall compilation including rants, predictions and general back and forth.

You can try to pass him off as some unbiased source of information but can't really hide your past behavior on the internet. Trying to defend him so hard means either you are very uniformed about his tactics, or you are and are trying to be funny.


Oct 25, 2017
So despite Reddit shutting down his subreddit they actually collected ALL of the Drama that has been created by Smart including his harassment campaign

Just to clarify, it wasn't his subreddit, it was a subreddit dedicated to compiling his various lies, doxxing, and occasional slander. And Reddit didn't shut it down, the mods shut it down partially due to 3.0's forthcoming release (a milestone that a couple years ago was decided to be the end of the subreddit), and partially to remove the primary amplifier for Smart's shitflinging. I certainly find the Internet much quieter without seeing what his daily Twitter unhinged rants are.

Also, there's a final update to the megathread at . It's a little messy, but there's a ton more recorded there.


Oct 25, 2017
Just to clarify, it wasn't his subreddit, it was a subreddit dedicated to compiling his various lies, doxxing, and occasional slander. And Reddit didn't shut it down, the mods shut it down partially due to 3.0's forthcoming release (a milestone that a couple years ago was decided to be the end of the subreddit), and partially to remove the primary amplifier for Smart's shitflinging. I certainly find the Internet much quieter without seeing what his daily Twitter unhinged rants are.

Also, there's a final update to the megathread at . It's a little messy, but there's a ton more recorded there.

Thank you for the clarification and update!


Nov 3, 2017
Just to clarify, it wasn't his subreddit, it was a subreddit dedicated to compiling his various lies, doxxing, and occasional slander. And Reddit didn't shut it down, the mods shut it down partially due to 3.0's forthcoming release (a milestone that a couple years ago was decided to be the end of the subreddit), and partially to remove the primary amplifier for Smart's shitflinging. I certainly find the Internet much quieter without seeing what his daily Twitter unhinged rants are.

Also, there's a final update to the megathread at . It's a little messy, but there's a ton more recorded there.

I was just about to post it wasn't his subreddit.

Why do they feel the need to sell land before it can be used in game, to stay on topic.


Oct 25, 2017
I was just about to post it wasn't his subreddit.

Why do they feel the need to sell land before it can be used in game, to stay on topic.

Nice attempt to redirect out of a situation you created. But to answer you directly all the Pledges are used to help fund the development of the game. You can buy ships, in game currency, weapons, modules, ship parts, skins, and many other items, but the answer remains the same now as it did back then when there wasn't even a hanger to view the ships you were purchasing. This is all to fund development, they felt it isn't going to break game or be hard to implement/manage and that is their choice. If you don't feel like pledging you don't have to. But the bigger question is why does it matter to you since you are waiting till the final product to pass judgement?

I'm just sitting back and waiting for it to be a final product before I give a final judgement.
I don't have anything invested in this game.

Are you contemplating investing and/or passing final judgement?

EDIT: Just to give an idea of what is unfinished BTW, bounty hunting, trade, Mass transport, Mining, Stealth Warfare, repair, Data Running, Jump points (there isn't even more than one system) as they are all mechanics they are working on. The game is still in development, just in case that topic is forgotten.
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Oct 25, 2017
Ouch my foot!!!


Oct 25, 2017
I don't have anything invested in this game. I just keep abreast of game news, Smart isn't the only one making these claims and comparing anyone to Alex Jones is really low. You may want to step back from the ledge there.
He doxes people, creates harassment campaigns (often with a mysogynistic bent), invents bullshit. His mistakes are everybody else's fault, but when people call him out on his shit he is always the injured party.

How is that not like Alex Jones?

I consider that anybody that carries water for Smart to be a rotten human being.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol that is great. At least he didn't try to murder him. I had somebody sneak onto ship in 2.6.3 and try to kill me. Their aim was horrible and I killed them first. But man I check turrets and restrooms constantly in big ships.
Lol. Amazing. Are they planning on any systems to deal with that? Motion tracking or life sign scanning of your ship?
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