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Oct 25, 2017
That is soo odd. We have the same setup except for Video card and over clocking. Have you tried deleting the contents in the "USER" folder then launching again?

Haven't tried that yet, but will right now. Is your CPU overclocked? Mine is in the bios, but I am going to reset the clock to see if that makes a difference.

EDIT: Also, the gameplay is silky smooth in the arena commander mode, and none of the graphics settings affect the frame rate while online, so I really do not think it is an issue on my end. But I am about to update my drives with a clean install and delete the user file, and default the CPU clock to see if that makes a difference. I really just want to land on a damn planet already!


Oct 25, 2017
Just a couple crappy 1080p print screen shots, but I was pretty impressed at the size and scope of this thing when it popped up next to me on the launchpad. Been having fun just looking at some of the amazing ships getting launched out.


Yeah, the Starfarer is impressive the first time you see it. That said, the Starfarer is actually one of the smaller "large" ships. Just wait until the truly big ones get in game! Especially the ones with lots of usable interior space like the cap ships. Can't wait to wander the halls of the Idris and Jav.


Oct 25, 2017
Haven't tried that yet, but will right now. Is your CPU overclocked? Mine is in the bios, but I am going to reset the clock to see if that makes a difference.

EDIT: Also, the gameplay is silky smooth in the arena commander mode, and none of the graphics settings affect the frame rate while online, so I really do not think it is an issue on my end. But I am about to update my drives with a clean install and delete the user file, and default the CPU clock to see if that makes a difference. I really just want to land on a damn planet already!

No overclock here, everything is stock. And please update us. I love to hear how people find their first landing on one of the moons. Daymar is the most intense atmosphere and duststorms. The rest are beautiful as well but have thinner atmospheres.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, just de-clocked everything, deleted the USER folder, clean installed the drivers, and still cannot get a decent frame rate. Sometimes it will run smoothly for about a minute or two after I first connect, but then the fps will tank into in the 10-15 fps range and stay there. :(


Oct 27, 2017
Well, just de-clocked everything, deleted the USER folder, clean installed the drivers, and still cannot get a decent frame rate. Sometimes it will run smoothly for about a minute or two after I first connect, but then the fps will tank into in the 10-15 fps range and stay there. :(
Can you try changing the region of the servers?
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"This guy are sick"
Well, just de-clocked everything, deleted the USER folder, clean installed the drivers, and still cannot get a decent frame rate. Sometimes it will run smoothly for about a minute or two after I first connect, but then the fps will tank into in the 10-15 fps range and stay there. :(
This might sound odd, but do you have Nvidia shadowplay on? Turn it on and test it again if you don't. Something we've seen increase fps for some odd reason last month.

Edit: Sorry I mean the In-Game Overlay from Nvidia.


Nov 8, 2017
I am in the US, so I have been using that one, but I will give the other ones a try
Yeah honestly it could just be bad luck with servers. I have a 8700k 32 gigs and 1080ti. I played 3 times. First and third were silky smooth even with a bunch of people around. The second though was a complete disaster framerate and smoothness wise. Must have been down in the teens easily and just choppy. It was a really busy server though.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh man, I wish I could say I was having fun, but I guess I've been unlucky in the servers I get placed in.

On the 4 times I've actually gotten in to a server past the black screen, I've had sub 10 fps on 3 of them. For whatever reason the FOV can't be reduced below 140 so I have a fish eye effect while playing. This might be related to that as well, but some of my HUD is also cut off on the edges so I can't see everything (e.g. in my ship, i only see the right half of the ship and shields). Also, chat is so tiny it's a strain to read the words. I don't know if it has something to do with having a widescreen monitor, but it sucks not having a chance to enjoy it. Just gonna have to wait it out until I hear of consistent improvements I guess, I don't really have the patience/time to be dealing with the frustration of these issues to actually test gameplay out.


Oct 25, 2017
This might sound odd, but do you have Nvidia shadowplay on? Turn it on and test it again if you don't. Something we've seen increase fps for some odd reason last month.

Edit: Sorry I mean the In-Game Overlay from Nvidia.

Don't have Nvidia Experience installed.

I think I am just going to give up on it for the time being and come back to it when the next major update hits. Hopefully by then they will figure out these server performance issues


Oct 25, 2017
Sadly seems 3.0 just doesn't want to work proper in the port. If I go to hanger it runs beautifully but once in the port it begins to run at single digit FPS.

Used to run really good too. :(

I'm hoping updating my graphics card will help.
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Oct 25, 2017
Any work around the 3min loading black screen and also what's the console command for fps


Oct 25, 2017
Buy a SSD :D Otherwise you'll have to just wait it out.

FPS meter is r_DisplayInfo 3 in console (you should be able to open it with tilde ~ key)

That helps greatly even when on black screen somehow framrate jumps and dips, so you know there is activity. Thankfully I have an SSD so it isn't as bad, but there still is a wait. Whatever happened to the loading screen?


Oct 25, 2017
Buy a SSD :D Otherwise you'll have to just wait it out.

FPS meter is r_DisplayInfo 3 in console (you should be able to open it with tilde ~ key)
Well I do have an ssd but rather keep PUBG and csgo there and not really sure how the hell 200gb got filled up but I'll see if I can move it


Oct 25, 2017
Chris Roberts speaks on performance. I think this is very important.

For everyone with spectrum access click-------> Here

Important bits

Chris Roberts said:
From the data we see it is not so much about player count but more about WHAT the players are doing. In our internal testing we didn't witness the performance issues that we saw on PTU or Live once thousands of players got in and started doing all sorts of crazy things. Fill up a Caterpillar with cargo, blow it up over an Outpost on a moon and you can bring the clients and servers to their knees (as you've just added hundreds if not thousands of additional objects to simulate). One other common issue that can kill performance is interpenetration of objects as that causes an overload on physics, especially if its on a larger object. An example of this is the Asteroid Mission (which we disabled last night) that was spawning on top or near Olisar and being sucked into the local grid causing all sorts of issues and deadlocks. In addition we need to do a better job of efficiently handling the bigger ships which can bring in thousands of additional elements to update as opposed to the smaller ships that have a lot less items and geometry. Have a bunch of people fly around in Starfarers and Caterpillars and you're straining the clients and server far more than you would be with a bunch of Auroras and Hornets.

We have solutions for all these things, including moving physics to a batch updating model from an asynchronous one which will allow us to scale the physics much better (currently we are limited to only four threads for physics regardless of the cores on a client or server), level of detail updates for objects on the client from the server (don't update or update less frequently when far away, unbind an object from the network if far away from the client's view), Object Container streaming (whole areas of the game are only streamed in when needed on the client, allowing for dramatically less objects on clients) and they are in various stages of progress but they are not something we can complete in a week or two.

And as this is relevant to some posters in this thread.

Chris Roberts said:
If you are getting performance in the sub 10-15 FPS range there is definitely something not right, especially if you have a quad core CPU, 4GB video card and at least 16GB. I have seen people reporting 5 FPS when other people with the same specs are getting 25-30 FPS. This is likely a result of the game paging out to disk because of low memory, although sometimes we hear about this on machines that have 16GB or even more, which needs more investigation by us. Is it other apps in memory? Bad page allocation (need 10 GB have 16GB allocated)? Or memory leaks in the game? PCs have lots of advantages but one of the downsides is the huge diversity of configurations which make it hard to pin point the cause of some performance issues. We are investing in additional telemetry both on the servers and clients so we can automatically detect when things aren't performing how they should based on the raw specs of the machine and hopefully determine some issues that are causing the abnormally low performance. Of course this will take a bit of time , so please be patient.

Anyways Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all.

EDIT: Another response from chris

Chris Roberts said:
Unless this screen cap is from a stall due to some AI ships spawning in, there is something not right. What specs machine do you have?

As I mentioned reducing server player count has little impact on client performance (which is why I posted the graphs). You can also see that it is a small sample that are getting sub 5 FPS performance.
Having said that, we want to have everyone as long as they are running with a minimum spec running at least 30 FPS eventually but it is important to understand that everyone's experience isn't the same on 3.0, its just people that have poor performance are going to be vocal about it, which is fully understandable. Right now we're rather puzzled as to why some people that have machines that should be performing much better aren't. It is a high priority for us to address. On the serialized variable / object culling that is in progress and we should have a first pass in for the next full release in March
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Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I was thinking about my performance maybe being because it was paging to my disk, but I have 16gb so /shrug

Hopefully it's fixed soon so I can play more


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it's for sure FPS connected to Ping. When my ping is only 20. The FPS is great. Once it shoots up, the ping drops horribly.
Oct 31, 2017
Took some screens, it looks stunning. I hope they release patches soon to fix the bad frame rates though. When I started playing yesterday it ran at about 30fps but today it's been dipping a lot to below 10fps, and I think it has to do with all the crazy shit going on with a lot of players in servers.....






Nov 13, 2017
I have 16GB too and have it installed on an SSD as well, plus performance tended to be shit from launch rather than after a while or something. Shouldn't they just completely cull from any kind of interaction, including instruments data, anything that happens say, some KM away from the given player, so it doesn't affect them? And maybe also do it for situations where you're indoor, you can't interact with what's happening outside so cull everything at a much closer distance (so you can still see close by shit from the windows as that's cool) and so on.

I have to wonder if this game would be better served as single player with instanced co-op/pvp based on missions/specific areas rather than an attempt at a full MMO-like thing, even Eve struggles with many players at once and resorts to both lag and slow motion play, I just don't see how an action based game like this with all the simulations and calculations can work with too many players but whatever, I'm mostly in it for Squadron 42 myself (hope DLC and custom missions will be possible on that for post-story play). Maybe at least make solo play an option like Elite does it though, but if that would alter game parameters too much not allow interplay between offline/online enabled characters at all, make it separate.
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Oct 28, 2017
I have 16GB too and have it installed on an SSD as well, plus performance tended to be shit from launch rather than after a while or something. Shouldn't they just completely cull from any kind of interaction, including instruments data, anything that happens say, some KM away from the given player, so it doesn't affect them? And maybe also do it for situations where you're indoor, you can't interact with what's happening outside so cull everything at a much closer distance (so you can still see close by shit from the windows as that's cool) and so on.

I have to wonder if this game would be better served as single player with instanced co-op/pvp based on missions/specific areas rather than an attempt at a full MMO-like thing, even Eve struggles with many players at once and resorts to both lag and slow motion play, I just don't see how an action based game like this with all the simulations and calculations can work with too many players but whatever, I'm mostly in it for Squadron 42 myself (hope DLC and custom missions will be possible on that for post-story play). Maybe at least make solo play an option like Elite does it though, but if that would alter game parameters too much not allow interplay between offline/online enabled characters at all, make it separate.

They're already well into development for object culling, it should be in the March/April release. At some point they're still researching / planning for sharding for a single-instance also where each local area will be dynamically on its own instance and you would travel seamlessly between them, that may never happen though and if it does probably won't be until the EOY 2018 patch.


"This guy are sick"
Well, I just bugged my ship out. I have 13 Constellations now. At least I found out the game cannot properly handle someone having more than 10 of a ship. 10-13 are all considered Constellation - 1 now.

It keep replicating too. Everytime I log back in I have a new one. Been giving away free Constellations to people on the servers.

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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Well, I just bugged my ship out. I have 13 Constellations now. At least I found out the game cannot properly handle someone having more than 10 of a ship. 10-13 are all considered Constellation - 1 now.

It keep replicating too. Everytime I log back in I have a new one. Been giving away free Constellations to people on the servers.


Each with 9600 cargo, eh? Better try the trade terminal and see if you can sell whatever they're loaded up with.


Oct 25, 2017
Today's games I got 25fps avg but celin's textures didn't load it was just a giant pixelated moon then at the surface it was a grey mess and once at grim everything was so blurry so I had to stop.

Also the mobi glass is so hard to look at and so is the radar on the ship. I turned off the engines like 3 times trying to qt. And last can I qt to mission locations?


"This guy are sick"
Is the city-planet already playable?
Nope, doubt we see it even in 3.1

What we got is pretty good. I can't wait till they add in mining and the ability to fully steal ships.

I just stole a Starfarer from an npc while he was stopped. You can kill him and take his ship. Shit was glorious.

I did the same thing with some connies on the PTU and loved what we will be able to do.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally getting playable frame rates. I changed the page file size for my SSD to from the default of 4096 to 10240 and I am now getting around 25-30 fps fairly consistently. Game also seems much more stable. Although, it may just be a coincidence; I may just be getting lucky with better servers now (maybe low load because of Christmas). A few questions though:

How do you travel to ArcCorp and Hurston? What happened to the ArcCorp port with all the shops? How do I get there?

Why do the Mustang guns suck so much? How do you get better guns for this ship? What store sells them?
Can you store cargo in this thing? It seems that I cannot do most of the missions because I cannot store cargo and I cannot kill anything.


"This guy are sick"
How do you travel to ArcCorp and Hurston? What happened to the ArcCorp port with all the shops? How do I get there?
Can't get there yet. They will need to give us better quantum drives and larger fuel tanks before we can even reach those distances. They most likely will come after 3.1

Why do the Mustang guns suck so much? How do you get better guns for this ship? What store sells them?
Can you store cargo in this thing? It seems that I cannot do most of the missions because I cannot store cargo and I cannot kill anything.
They did a rebalance on ships health and shields. In general smaller ships pretty much can only kill each other 1 on 1. Large ships will need 2-3 smaller ships to take down.

If you want, add me to your friend list, name Ocyress. I can give you a loaner Constellation. You can easily do any mission with it, plus haul cargo for trading.

Look at all that cargo:


Dark Souls Man
Oct 24, 2017

But at least we now know it isn't netcode for sure.
The part in that Youtube video were one of the players gets on top of the ship of the other to then jump on a piece of debris and get inside it is pretty impressive.

It's also the kind of gameplay that needs to be supported by generalized systems that you'll never get to perform as well as something where he modes of interaction offered to players are more limited. (Which isn't to say that it couldn't be more optimized!)


Oct 25, 2017
Can't get there yet. They will need to give us better quantum drives and larger fuel tanks before we can even reach those distances. They most likely will come after 3.1

They did a rebalance on ships health and shields. In general smaller ships pretty much can only kill each other 1 on 1. Large ships will need 2-3 smaller ships to take down.

If you want, add me to your friend list, name Ocyress. I can give you a loaner Constellation. You can easily do any mission with it, plus haul cargo for trading.

That would be great! Added you and thanks for the gesture. Also, if I were to upgrade from the mustang to a something else (not looking to spend more than another 40 bucks), what would you recommend that will allow me to do the missions.

This is what my options are:

Aurora LN
Aurora XL
Mustang BETA
Aurora CL
EDIT: actually there are more since the price is the difference between the mustang and the new ship...

Mustang GAMMA
Avenger Stalker

EDIT: and where do I find a list of ships that are actually in the game at the moment?
EDIT: nevermind about the list of ships, found it.

Or are they all going to suck for that price?
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Oct 27, 2017
I still haven't gotten a chance to try out alpha 3.0. hopefully I'll be able to download it someones tomorrow. Hopefully my little Mustang Alpha well be somewhat useful.


Oct 25, 2017
Got some damn cargo space!


Kind of funny too, after the purchase the game runs so much smoother. Coincidence or conspiracy?


Oct 25, 2017
So I was able to play this for 30 mins or so the other day, now whenever I tried to launch it it seems to crash immediately, and the lights on the side of my 1080ti turn off for a second... Wtf?
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