Rad Bandolar

Oct 25, 2017
If they had the time and really wanted to explore some heartbreaking stuff, they'd have Tilly put in all of her effort and try her best, but never quite make it over the wall. There's a well to be plumbed with people who do all the right things, and work their asses off, but still never quite make it for one reason or another. Sort of like what Halt and Catch Fire did, but focused on a single character who sees a lot of other people make it, but who always just seems to be behind.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked the last episode a lot. I feel like the show is getting better and feels more like Star Trek with each new episode. Anyway, it's great season 2 is already confirmed.

Deleted member 1445

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I echo the sentiments a lot of people have about Michael. Her character just feels sort of one note so far but she seems like a good actor so hopefully she can be fleshed out some.
I don't get the problem with Michael really. Sure she's one note, but so is every other Vulcan. She's gradually easing into her human emotion so far, so there is some character progression I would say.
Oct 25, 2017
Show has improved dramatically from the start. It still needs a little more time to settle to be honest. But I can't think of a Trek show that was "great" until the second season.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't get the problem with Michael really. Sure she's one note, but so is every other Vulcan. She's gradually easing into her human emotion so far, so there is some character progression I would say.
I guess for me it's her sort of one note anger and frustration that's irksome. Her being "stoic" doesn't bother me much. She's just always pissed off. Or at least acting like she's pissed off


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Echo Base
I have 2 more episodes to watch to be caught up but this show really took me by surprise. The pilot was a little too fast moving for me but after that it really settled into a good Star Trek flow and feeling. Glad to have an OT here.


Resident Thread Mechanic
Oct 26, 2017
I'm giving her no greater than 50% odds she survives the season. :c
Until they've got someone else to care about on that level, they'd be mad to kill her. I like all the other characters but right now only Tilly is the one that would make me go "fuck youuuuu".

Admiral whatsherface is totally going to get it tho. And Lorca knows it.


Oct 25, 2017
Yay, TrekEra is here. I was dying on Sunday not being able to read reactions from you all.

Last week's ep was such a weird turnaround for me. Spoilers ahead:
The first ten minutes I felt were super cringey ("SARREEEEK *flies through space via the power of 1980s music video effects). However, by the end of the episode I think it was my favorite so far. I loved the slower pace and the character development of both Burnham and Lorca. I'm really liking this Captain, in a "damn, what a flawed character" kind of way. A welcome change from the heroicness of Kirk and the collectedness of Picard. So far he's shaping up to me by favorite character on the show.

Michael's realization that her failure was basically manufactured to provide an opportunity for Spock was great, and made sense for Sarek, in a sense that I would have done the same thing in his shoes, as much as it would have killed me to do so. Also, it adds context for why Sarek has always been so mad at Spock for choosing Starfleet in the end.

All-in-all, the show keeps getting better and I look forward to more.


I need to be officially on-record in support of this statement.


Oct 26, 2017
I guess for me it's her sort of one note anger and frustration that's irksome. Her being "stoic" doesn't bother me much. She's just always pissed off. Or at least acting like she's pissed off
If you think she seems pissed off all the time, then you probably haven't been around somebody who has a generally flat affect. She's externally subdued, but there's a lot going on that you can read from her dialogue and body language.


Oct 26, 2017
Woof! Missed you all.

Last episode was fun but Michael's story is wearing me down. Little more focus on other crew members would be appreciated.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think Michael seems one note at all. Shes shown that shes struggling internally between her background and her present circumstances. I really like her.


Oct 25, 2017
If you think she seems pissed off all the time, then you probably haven't been around somebody who has a generally flat affect. She's externally subdued, but there's a lot going on that you can read from her dialogue and body language.
I guess you may be right. I could me misconstruing the flat affect for anger or Vulcan calm but she just doesn't do conflicted well to me. To be clear I think the actor is good and I think the character so far has been reasonably well written but I'm just not sure the actor gets what she's supposed to be emoting.

All that said I feel like the last couple episodes she's been miles better than the first couple so it may just have been a case of "finding" her motivation


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
Yay, TrekEra is here. I was dying on Sunday not being able to read reactions from you all.

Last week's ep was such a weird turnaround for me. Spoilers ahead:
The first ten minutes I felt were super cringey ("SARREEEEK *flies through space via the power of 1980s music video effects). However, by the end of the episode I think it was my favorite so far. I loved the slower pace and the character development of both Burnham and Lorca. I'm really liking this Captain, in a "damn, what a flawed character" kind of way. A welcome change from the heroicness of Kirk and the collectedness of Picard. So far he's shaping up to me by favorite character on the show.

Michael's realization that her failure was basically manufactured to provide an opportunity for Spock was great, and made sense for Sarek, in a sense that I would have done the same thing in his shoes, as much as it would have killed me to do so. Also, it adds context for why Sarek has always been so mad at Spock for choosing Starfleet in the end.

All-in-all, the show keeps getting better and I look forward to more.


I need to be officially on-record in support of this statement.

Huh, looking at your spoiler bit, that's... actually a really good observation. Now it's not just that he feels personally slighted by Spock, but that he had to screw over someone else's chances for them, and it all went to waste anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Huh, looking at your spoiler bit, that's... actually a really good observation. Now it's not just that he feels personally slighted by Spock, but that he had to screw over someone else's chances for them, and it all went to waste anyway.

At first I was very much critical of the Burnham "retcon" into Spock's family, but if they keep using it like this, I think I'll come around to the idea. Last week's revelations actually ADDED to the complexity of previously established characters and... improved them by giving more context to the situation.

I still think the writers have a lot of work to do when it comes to more natural character interactions, but their broad strokes are on point.


Oct 25, 2017
Its funny I wasn't really enjoying parts of the prior episodes but the last one was much better.


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
At this point, I think this week's more straight-up sci-fi story (at least going by the preview) is what I'm craving. It looks completely bonkers.


Oct 26, 2017
I like the show. For context, I'm a hardcore Trek fan and although I enjoyed the Kelvin timeline movies I still very much prefer the tone and style of the TNG era. I went in with an open mind and I didn't really like the first two episodes. Once the series started properly and Burnham ended up on the Discovery the show started to pick up.

Things I like: the quality of the effects, the stories so far, Lorca, Stamets, the tall alien guy and the admiral. My favorite episode was the fifth one, I enjoyed the ethical dilemma of basically torturing a living being to save federation citizens. It felt very trekky.

Things I don't like: Burnham's connection to Sarek, the Klingons and Burnham herself. Making Burnham such a big part of Sarek's life is... lame. It's completely unnecessary. The Klingons don't feel like Klingons to me at all. As for Burnham, she is just incredibly boring. I'm guessing she was meant to be presented as a cold Vulcan-like human who gradually rediscovers her humanity but either the writers or the actor aren't doing a good enough job with her character.


Staff Writer at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
Yeah, I touched on the Vulcan martial arts goofiness as the one real issue I had with 1x06 because it just didn't click for me at all as part of a telepathic link. Felt rather like when VOY tries to look cool for UPN-sama to no avail.

Does anybody know who wrote and directed the next ep?


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't get a chance to discuss it on The Original Forums, and I'm sure you all discussed this stuff to death long ago, but I just wanted to give a not-entirely-brief intro to my experience with the show so far before digging into new episode specifics:

So, I had intended to wait and let the season finish in order to binge it. But I caved and watched the first three episodes and here we are.

Now, I have to be clear that I was thoroughly skeptical about this series going in. I had seen the production updates and the promotional materials, and I had all sorts of reservations. As far as I had seen, the ships themselves looked ugly and poorly rendered, the uniforms seemed mediocre and ill-fitting, the Klingons seemed too radical of a change, the setting/timeframe seemed like a bad choice, and most importantly it didn't look like it was going to feel very Star Trek-y at all.

And, okay, I was totally wrong.

First off, the show looks phenomenal. The whole production looks expensive as heck, and I am more than satisfied with the quality of the ship designs and effects, both interior and exterior. Sure, I love the old Klingon Birds-of-Prey and D-7 class ships, but it's okay to do new things. I even thought the Sarcophagus Ship in particular had a sort of gravitas to it that made the first episode more engaging.

Then there's the cast. I love Sonequa Martin-Green, so she didn't need to win me over or anything, but it's a daunting task to carry a new Star Trek show in 2017 and I think she's doing great so far. Doug Jones was also a standout from the start. But episode three, with Tilly, Anthony Rapp's character, Lorca (omg I love you Jason Isaacs btw) and more really made this feel like an actual Star Trek series to me. No more of feeling a need to lower expectations.

Of course there are all sorts of small things I'd do differently if it was up to me, like I still can't quite deal with the outfits the Klingons wear (don't even mind their new looks otherwise), but I'm really happy overall.

I also genuinely love the character arc they're setting up for Michael and how her relationship with Lorca moving forward will inform on her point of view, as well as how the show itself views her actions. That's a dynamic that I'm genuinely interested in seeing explored.

There's actually a whole lot more I could go on about, but it's already tl;dr. I just I hope our dear departed Ivy is proud.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how much of the criticism against the Klingon redesign would have been avoided had they simply given them hair.


Oct 25, 2017
Just want to say I am blown away by how good this show is. I was a big Star Trek fan as a kid and watched all of TNG and most of DS9 but that's about it. Now I want to go back and watch all that I missed.


Oct 25, 2017
Christchurch, New Zealand
So they've already named dropped the Constitution class, sounds like it's the hot thing to achieve in Starfleet (which is kinda funny considering it looks so dated compared to the Disco). I wonder if we'll see one before the season ends.


Oct 25, 2017
Tilly will be 1st officer when Micheal takes over
Haha, yeah, I'm not sure she's dying. Last episode felt a bit like it with all the "becoming captain one day" talk but it probably makes more sense to keep her around and show her development from what we've seen initially to either something akin to Michael or, well, Lorca.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still pissed they killed off Rekha Sharma so quickly, and in like, the dumbest way possible. She was so good in a love-to-hate sort of way on BSG (and she's hot as fuck). I was hoping to see her get a chance to stretch her acting chops and develop as a more heroic character than I am used to seeing her as due to her last big role. Instead it just felt like some quick fan service for the genre and then an arbitrary kill that was more laughable than traumatizing.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Man the design on these klingon ships look more like something outta farscape than star trek sometimes.
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how much of the criticism against the Klingon redesign would have been avoided had they simply given them hair.
I'm fine with their current look and I think if they had hair, they wouldn't actually look that different than normal.
I actually like the hairless look, but showing a couple of those houses in the meeting with hair would have placated a lot of folk right then and there, even if they had no intention of depicting any starring klingons with hair. Just one and done them in the meeting of the houses to show they still exist, but aren't in fashion.

Also I'm in love with your avatar. I watched Short Circuit every week for years as a child, it was my favorite. I feel all warm and fuzzy whenever I see Johnny. He's my twitter icon.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't watched the sixth episode, so i cant comment on the most recent developments, but i like what i've watched so far.The show also looks great in Dolby Vision (even only in 1080p). I should note that from the previous series, i've watched a few episodes of the Original Series, of Next Generation, and of Enterprise.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeahhhhhhhh, so glad this thread is here on Era. I was missing the discussion.

Stoked about the season 2 renewal and the last couple eps have been great.


Oct 26, 2017
One thing I'm wondering (and I'm fairly new to Star Trek/Trek lore so forgive me if I'm wildly off base) is that maybe the officer structure protected Michael's dispassionate nature. Because she's in the upper echelon of the ship's hierarchy, she's able to swaddle herself in the trappings of her position, and because she's always making Utilitarian decisions based on protocol and the well being of the crew, she can rely on logic and rationality more than a typical person might. Now that she's down with the rank and file, she's forced to question things on a personal rather than an objective level, and it's cracking through her Vulcan culture and into her humanity a bit more, perhaps.