
Oct 27, 2017
Ive now watched TNG, DS9, Voyager, all the movies except nemesis. Now I am on Enterprise, and I kinda cant stand it. I dont care about any of the characters at all, they mostly seem like assholes so far. The doctor is ok. Im up to episode 15 or so. Does it get good after awhile like the other shows?

loved all the other shows btw
It gets OK...


in the final season, sorry.
Nov 27, 2020
Ive now watched TNG, DS9, Voyager, all the movies except nemesis. Now I am on Enterprise, and I kinda cant stand it. I dont care about any of the characters at all, they mostly seem like assholes so far. The doctor is ok. Im up to episode 15 or so. Does it get good after awhile like the other shows?

loved all the other shows btw
The characters took a while to grow on me. I didn't really care for the dynamic between Archer and T'Pol during the first couple of seasons. It felt antagonistic for no good reason. That changes during season 3 and especially season 4, and it makes the earlier seasons more palatable in retrospect.


Oct 25, 2017
Takes a lot longer. There are some OK episodes in the first 2 seasons. Season 3 does a ds9-style arc. And season 4 contains some of the best star trek has to offer, last episode aside. Manny Coto and team really brought it when they took it from Berman and team.
Season 4 is overrated, it's mostly stupid fan wank.
Jan 29, 2018
I feel like this is the first good look at this ship lol

Man, I'm enjoying this new era of Trek but so far none of the new ships we've gotten out of it have done anything for me -- aside from the Discovery itself (and I know I'm in the minority there) and the Enterprise redesign. That Zheng He is pretty ugly, and the La Sirena could be from any sci fi at all.


Nov 24, 2017
Man, I'm enjoying this new era of Trek but so far none of the new ships we've gotten out of it have done anything for me -- aside from the Discovery itself (and I know I'm in the minority there) and the Enterprise redesign. That Zheng He is pretty ugly, and the La Sirena could be from any sci fi at all.

I'm a fan of most of the Disco designs seen in the battle at the start of the series, but I think they'd look more appropriate if the setting was after Nemesis, not pre TOS.
Nov 27, 2020
Man, I'm enjoying this new era of Trek but so far none of the new ships we've gotten out of it have done anything for me -- aside from the Discovery itself (and I know I'm in the minority there) and the Enterprise redesign. That Zheng He is pretty ugly, and the La Sirena could be from any sci fi at all.
I think that part of that is that they've eschewed the "beauty shots" that we got in previous incarnations of Trek. Discovery has had a few, and the La Serena had one that I can remember in Picard. With CGI the f/x artists can create more variety, but it comes at the expense of familiarity. When they were using models, they couldn't make as many shots, so they had to make each one count. Sure, we may have seen the same angles of the Enterprise, -D, or Defiant (at least until it went CGI), but they were damn good angles, and we were allowed to fall in love with those ships through familiarity.

I'm not a huge fan of the All-Access Trek's design language in general, but I suspect if they shot their ships with a more "model-like" restraint if I might feel a bit differently. Mandalorian does this, with a mix of actual models and CGI shot to look like models (or Rogue One for that matter), and I'd kind of like Trek to take on the same mindset.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
Finally got to watch Lower Decks and I binged that shit in one go thanks to Amazon uploading it all at once. Will watch the first and last episode in German since I'm curious how they dubbed some of this stuff.

The series has a lot of heart even though they didn't play the Lower Decks part as straight as I expected and honestly wanted them to. It's best to approach this as Star Trek Cerritos rather than an actual show about lower decks personnel.

This slots in right after Picard and Discovery Season 2 on my ranking of CBS All Access Trek.
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Oct 31, 2017
55 years. I'm getting too old. I still have the VHS of the 25th Anniversary Special somewhere.


Oct 31, 2017


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
What are some good Star Trek channels and podcasts to follow? It's hard to sort through the good ones since there's a weird number of gator channels in the fandom.


Oct 25, 2017
What are some good Star Trek channels and podcasts to follow? It's hard to sort through the good ones since there's a weird number of gator channels in the fandom.
I listen to "The Greatest Generation" podcast sometimes, they rewatched and reviewed all of TNG in order and are now almost finished with DS9. They also do "The Greatest Discovery" which reviews DSC, Picard and Lower Decks (and occasionally random TOS and TAS episodes). The guys actually like Star Trek and don't get hate boners when something isn't 100% their cup of tea.


Oct 25, 2017
What are some good Star Trek channels and podcasts to follow? It's hard to sort through the good ones since there's a weird number of gator channels in the fandom.
I like Women at Warp if you want a change from the pure recap type podcasts.
But there's The Next Conversation, the Delta Flyers (which is basically Wang and McNeill doing the "TV stars rewatch their show" thing) and Treks and the City (although that typically depends on the guest they have on).

Steve Shives occasionally gets linked here, but I find the Ensigns Log show that he does cute. It's basically an improvised radio show about two ensigns who start a podcast during Kirk's adventures on TOS. It's essentially a recap show, but way more than that. lol


Oct 25, 2017
Continuing to very gradually watch Enterprise (mostly for the first time). Most of the way through Season 2 now.

A significant portion of the issues thus far are arguably ones similar to Voyager. Not doing enough with the premise and instead just putting out episodes that could be copy-pasted into TNG/any 90s Trek series. But what makes it worse is that... Voyager didn't exactly have the most stellar cast of characters but holy shit are they so much better than Enterprise's. Travis is probably the only one I like (and was glad that they touched on his cargo hauler backstory with Horizon). I want to like Hoshi, if only she was given anything. Further disappointing on that front is that, after Voyager had a relatively diverse cast, so much of the ENT cast are white males.

The rest is... well, beyond how stupid doing a prequel iand having the overarching plot over the first two seasons being about a 31st century time travel war is, just the... feel of everything is weird on almost every front possible. Design-wise, I definitely get the idea of leaning into a more utilitarian, navy-esquie design, but even, 30+ years later, with however much of TNG etc that's out of date, LCARS etc still manages to give it an actual futuristic feel, vs looking at a bunch of off the shelf flat panel monitors from 2000. Similarly, how direct the navy and 1950s parallels are seem out of touch given how Earth was devastated by World War 3 etc, but obviously not as completely fucking ridiculous as collegiate water polo being around and being played exactly the same, by exactly the same universities. Again, 90s Trek was so much better and vaguely relating to the moment without drawing such direct lines to the literal modern day. While not the intention, so much feels like MAGA Trek.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Started a DS9 rewatch when...




Oct 26, 2017
Ironically I don't think I've ever made it to the last episode of Enterprise. I've probably done about 4-5 rewatches of both TNG and DS9, and about 2-3 rewatches of Voyager. I've made two attempts I never seem to make it to the end. I think I fizzle out somewhere in the 3-4th season. Maybe it partially has to do with it being on the tail-end of my Trek marathons and I'm a bit Trekked out by the time I get to Ent. But seeing it back to back with the other series also just highlights the shows serious flaws, many of which have already been brought up here. It was inferior to the other Trek shows in just about every way. Inferior casting, inferior chemistry, inferior story arcs, inferior technology, and inferior theme song. There's a reason the show basically killed Star Trek on TV for a generation. Not enough decontamination chambers could save it.


Oct 25, 2017
Whew and to think I was trashing Enterprise after a relative high (a Travis backstory focus ep) as opposed to after that Borg crap. Besides the stupid causality paradox, it amazes me how earlier Enterprise spends more time on "we're gonna have a very close, deliberate encounter with [Ferengi, Romulans, Borg] but we never [hear their name/see them] so it's cool" episodes than anything else legacy-related (besides the Andorians, at least).

And wasn't a fan of "Archer's Right Stuff", either, but beyond me not being a fan of how direct Enterprise goes with the 50s/60s schtick for Starfleet, it felt like they needlessly condensed/contradicted the timeline just so they could do their test pilot crap.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
See, I feel like S3/4 of Ent is when it gets watchable. Everything after Earth gets attacked is way, way more interesting than anything before.

The last ep is deffo a kick in the nuts tho.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
i haven't watched a ton of star trek but in discovery s1e2 they just strap a bomb to a corpse to blow up a ship? that doesn't seem very kosher with how the federation does things.

Deleted member 14568

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
i haven't watched a ton of star trek but in discovery s1e2 they just strap a bomb to a corpse to blow up a ship? that doesn't seem very kosher with how the federation does things.
that would only be weird if you only watched TNG
sisko used chemical weapon to poison an entire planet so that no human could live there
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God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
An odd observation to bump the topic with, but:
This year is gonna be the 20th anniversary for Enterprise, and... I know it's a fair while off, but it does feel like it's gonna be something that kinda just... passes by this year, unless something funny happens in Strange New Worlds or something. Maybe an event in Star Trek Online.


Oct 25, 2017
ENT did not kill Star Trek. Franchise Fatigue and the same people in charge who had no idea of what to really do is what harmed Trek. Pretty much everyone agrees once fresh blood took over on Enterprise the show got much better but the damage had been done and then the finale was from the old crew and what a shock it sucked ass.

Funny thing regarding Archer is they were hesitant on the rumor because of his show on CBS. That show was just cancelled so if there is any truth to it he is open now.


Oct 25, 2017
ENT did not kill Star Trek. Franchise Fatigue and the same people in charge who had no idea of what to really do is what harmed Trek. Pretty much everyone agrees once fresh blood took over on Enterprise the show got much better but the damage had been done and then the finale was from the old crew and what a shock it sucked ass.
Franchise fatigue is a myth. JAG/NCIS has been on the air since 1995 and has produced over 1000 episodes so far. The Law & Order franchise has been in the air since 1990, also 1000+ episodes. The Chicago franchise since 2012 and in those few years they've pumped out 450 episodes over 4 series, 3 of which are still running.
Calling it franchise fatigue implies there was nothing that could have been done, the audience was just not interested anymore but Enterprise just wasn't a very good show and the new blood in season 4 definitely didn't help, the show became more interesting for long time fans due to all the TOS and TNG references they did but there was no way this would attract a bigger audience. I still think season 4 was the worst season of Enterprise because for all its flaws at least the first seasons weren't just fan wank, by season 4 the writers had given up and didn't even try to do a show with its own identity anymore.
Nov 27, 2020
Continuing to very gradually watch Enterprise (mostly for the first time). Most of the way through Season 2 now.

A significant portion of the issues thus far are arguably ones similar to Voyager. Not doing enough with the premise and instead just putting out episodes that could be copy-pasted into TNG/any 90s Trek series. But what makes it worse is that... Voyager didn't exactly have the most stellar cast of characters but holy shit are they so much better than Enterprise's. Travis is probably the only one I like (and was glad that they touched on his cargo hauler backstory with Horizon). I want to like Hoshi, if only she was given anything. Further disappointing on that front is that, after Voyager had a relatively diverse cast, so much of the ENT cast are white males.

The rest is... well, beyond how stupid doing a prequel iand having the overarching plot over the first two seasons being about a 31st century time travel war is, just the... feel of everything is weird on almost every front possible. Design-wise, I definitely get the idea of leaning into a more utilitarian, navy-esquie design, but even, 30+ years later, with however much of TNG etc that's out of date, LCARS etc still manages to give it an actual futuristic feel, vs looking at a bunch of off the shelf flat panel monitors from 2000. Similarly, how direct the navy and 1950s parallels are seem out of touch given how Earth was devastated by World War 3 etc, but obviously not as completely fucking ridiculous as collegiate water polo being around and being played exactly the same, by exactly the same universities. Again, 90s Trek was so much better and vaguely relating to the moment without drawing such direct lines to the literal modern day. While not the intention, so much feels like MAGA Trek.

Starting with your last point, while I don't think ENT is literally "MAGA Trek", it was mostly made in the aftermath of 9/11, and that colors a lot of the stories they tell, especially season 3. However, once you get there, you might first feel kind of uncomfortable about the direction it goes, but that's mostly by design, and it builds to a pretty Trekkian conclusion. Season 4 is basically just fun riffs on other stuff in Trek, but it's still a pretty good season. ENT was on the upswing in quality when it was cancelled.

Now, to your beginning points, ENT, especially seasons 1 and 2, is a pretty clear cut case of trying to have your cake and eat it too. After Voyager, they wanted to move away from the 24th century and that TNG/VOY style Trek. DS9 wasn't well liked by Berman and Braga, and they saw it as the red-headed stepchild of Trek (more on that in a minute). So when they set out to create a different style of Trek show, they set it in the past, gave it a more current day look, created characters that acted more like people might act today…and then wrote stories for them that were just like stories that they wrote for TNG/VOY.

When I was watching ENT first run, I was keenly aware of this. After being really excited by the setting, the characters, and the first episode, I was really let down over the course of the first season by how much it felt like a poor version of a TNG or VOY season 8. Season 2 was even worse. It felt like such a waste of actors and the setting.

When Season 3 came around, it felt like a big change for Trek, but I realized that was because they had started following the DS9 mold. I don't know if B&B ever really came around on DS9 in those days, but season 3 of ENT was structured a lot like season 5 and 6 of DS9. That change elevates the show, not quite to DS9 levels, but certainly above the mostly dreck that was seasons 1 and 2.

While TNG and DS9 felt like Trek fully realized, ENT and VOY mostly felt like pale imitations of those shows. They have their high points, to be sure, but never hit the same highs and their lows are much lower. Still, I do find myself enjoying rewatches of those shows from time to time, something I can't really see myself doing for DSC or PIC. Those are watch once and move on shows for me…but nostalgia is a funny thing and I might feel differently in ten years or so.