Oct 25, 2017
It's been tackled a few ways. The Star Trek Legacy game goes with the... very difficult to reconcile idea of the Borg as the result of one vulcan scientist from Archer's era having weird ideas. There's also the 'Shatnerverse' which had its own take, mentioned by tidewatersouthern. The main novelverse tackled the idea as part of the 'Destiny' trilogy, with a rather elaborate backstory, revealing them to be a time displaced offshoot of a species called the Caeliar; Captain Hernandez discovered them, the whole species accidentally gets flung back in time, with an asshole named Sedin in particular finding herself so desperate to survive, that she forcefully assimilated the others, resulting in the first Borg. Which are named such because one of the humans absorbed in the process was thinking how they didn't want to be turned into cyborg

Just as Discovery season 2 is partly a way of making use of the concept of Control while thoroughly nixing the way it was depicted in the novels from being considered in any way part of canon, Star Trek Picard's general use of the Borg seems partly geared to make sure the Star Trek Destiny novels - which had a large Borg invasion as the big threat - weren't possible anymore

Interesting, I could see a survival aspect of it being cool but not a tech from the future kinda thing, the Borg are powerful because of how many cultures they've assimilated, I feel that makes them scarier (well before they got killed off)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I genuinely thought Disco was going to answer the Borg origin question for nearly an entire season, but then it didn't.


Nov 7, 2017
I'm okay with this era of Star Trek wrapping up in the near future and letting it all rest for some time. While there's no guarantee, I'd like some new blood involved in a newer more unique vision than what a lot of this era has produced. While it hasn't all been terrible and the animated series particularly stood out, not a lot of it really grabbed me or revitalized things in an exciting way. If everything got the spirit of the animated series then I think we'd be off and running.

I'd even rather see a TNG 2 in the sense of making a new series far enough removed from everything else setting up its own vision of the future even it contains some light continuity. I'm absolutely done with Kirk era for the rest of my life and everything they did with the 90s continuity in live action has been… not great.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm okay with this era of Star Trek wrapping up in the near future and letting it all rest for some time. While there's no guarantee, I'd like some new blood involved in a newer more unique vision than what a lot of this era has produced. While it hasn't all been terrible and the animated series particularly stood out, not a lot of it really grabbed me or revitalized things in an exciting way. If everything got the spirit of the animated series then I think we'd be off and running.

I'd even rather see a TNG 2 in the sense of making a new series far enough removed from everything else setting up its own vision of the future even it contains some light continuity. I'm absolutely done with Kirk era for the rest of my life and everything they did with the 90s continuity in live action has been… not great.

TNG2 was the Orville and it is basically on hiatus because it wasn't lighting streaming charts on fire (unlike current trek series' like discovery, Picard and the very successful SNW). "old" the post? Lol


Nov 7, 2017
TNG2 was the Orville and it is basically on hiatus because it wasn't lighting streaming charts on fire (unlike current trek series' like discovery, Picard and the very successful SNW). "old" the post? Lol
What does your last sentence there mean? Old the post? I dont understand.

I dont want TNG 2 in the sense of continuing the 90s continuity and doing the same thing I want a new series to do what it did when it ignores TOS mostly and did its own thing while expanding things in new directions. Like in the sense that while TOS was a fair bit more melodramatic and adventure oriented, TNG went about it a little different and toned some of that down to tell other kinds of stories, even if both series could also still relate to each other.

I think Discovery had ambitions in this regard but for me it felt too much like very traditional television and didn't live up to what it could have perhaps been with more sophisticated showrunners.
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Nov 27, 2020
What does your last sentence there mean? Old the post? I dont understand.

I do t want TNG 2 in the sense of continuing the 90s continuity and doing the same thing I want a new series to do what it did when it ignores TOS mostly and did its own thing while expanding things in new directions. Like in there sense that while TOS was a fair bit more melodramatic and adventure oriented, TNG went about it a little different and toned some of that down to tell other kinds of stories, even if both series could also still relate to each other.

I think Discovery had ambitions in this regard but for me it felt too much like very traditional television and didn't live up to what it could have perhaps been with more sophisticated showrunners.
I think I get what you're saying. This era of Trek has felt a bit too beholden to what came before. Discovery seasons 3-5 and Prodigy to an extent have been stand outs in that regard, but everything else is very much tied to previous Trek.

Personally, I'd love to see them actually take a page from the 90s Trek playbook, and do a TNG to DS9 type of "transition". A TNG style series to establish an era and do a bunch of world building, and then a DS9 type show that takes that and dives deeper and turns some of that stuff on its ear. It doesn't even have to be a "future" based series either. It could totally be a "Lost Era" series set between the TOS movies and TNG. You'd get classic ship designs and uniforms for the nostalgia bait, but beyond that, you could treat it mostly as a blank slate.

Kind of interested in Section 31 simply for how they adapt the look of that era.


Nov 24, 2017
I hope the old vs new balance levels out in a few years when we are down to snw, Starfleet academy and (fingers crossed) prodigy.

Snw can continue to build on the tos era, sa can explore the 32nd century and prodigy can continue to do it's thing.


Oct 25, 2017
prodigy is pretty good. Even with it being a kids show, it has some nice pacing keeping me wanting to watch the next episode. And 20 episodes is a pleasant surprise these days.


Oct 26, 2017
Why is the Prodigy release licensing so weird?
Paramount, Netflix, French streaming service...

Like, I subbed to P+ to have all Star Trek there, but nope.
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Nov 27, 2020
Why is the Prodigy release licensing so weird?
Paramount, Netflix, French streaming service...

Like, I subbed to P+ to have all Star Trek there, but nope.
Long story short….Paramount Plus cancelled Prodigy with a near complete season 2 already done, Netflix picked it up, hasn't given us a release date, but a pre-existing licensing agreement allows a French network to air it like two months ago.

It really sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess the flip side is that at least they didn't completely kill it for tax writeoff purposes.

They just pretend it doesn't exist as part of any Star Trek marketing now.


Oct 25, 2017
That's the part that bothered me the most about the cancellation. They almost completely erased it from existence. I was happy that they got to be part of the best of the animated shorts they did in tribute to TAS though. At least there was that.
Yeah, very briefly as paper cutout puppets IIRC. lol

It's weird because season 2, without getting into spoilers, is really important to the "modern era" of Trek and instead it's practically de-canonized. I'm not even sure what the official policy is for the franchise. Is what happens to Janeway canon here if someone wanted to write a Janeway live action show?
Nov 27, 2020
Yeah, very briefly as paper cutout puppets IIRC. lol

It's weird because season 2, without getting into spoilers, is really important to the "modern era" of Trek and instead it's practically de-canonized. I'm not even sure what the official policy is for the franchise. Is what happens to Janeway canon here if someone wanted to write a Janeway live action show?
I don't know…I've been dodging spoilers like Neo dodging bullets in the Matrix!

But still…TAS was treated as "non-canon" for a long time, but DS9 started sneaking references in and it's since become part of the official timeline. I suspect that would happen here.


Nov 24, 2017
I think prodigy feels iffy in terms of canon right now because season 2 is in this strange limbo. Once it's out (beyond France), that will likely go away


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, unless season 2 does some crazy shit AND was changed after Paramount+ dropped it, I don't see why Prodigy season 2 wouldn't be considered canon unless Prodigy has been non-canon this entire time and no one said anything. Like there doesn't seem to be a good reason to render it non-canon or anything; I'm not convinced "didn't make enough money to remain on Nickelodeon or Paramount+" is a good enough answer. The marketing I assume is largely because all Star Trek promo goes through Paramount+, which leads to weird erasure shit now but probably will be fine once Netflix spins up their promotion for the upcoming season.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Okay two things for real:

Why do the DS9 subtitles on Paramount+ not have apostrophes? It's driving me fucking crazy!

Also, noticing a curious omission from the DS9 thumbnail...






Oct 25, 2017
I don't know…I've been dodging spoilers like Neo dodging bullets in the Matrix!

But still…TAS was treated as "non-canon" for a long time, but DS9 started sneaking references in and it's since become part of the official timeline. I suspect that would happen here.
I think prodigy feels iffy in terms of canon right now because season 2 is in this strange limbo. Once it's out (beyond France), that will likely go away
I mean, unless season 2 does some crazy shit AND was changed after Paramount+ dropped it, I don't see why Prodigy season 2 wouldn't be considered canon unless Prodigy has been non-canon this entire time and no one said anything. Like there doesn't seem to be a good reason to render it non-canon or anything; I'm not convinced "didn't make enough money to remain on Nickelodeon or Paramount+" is a good enough answer. The marketing I assume is largely because all Star Trek promo goes through Paramount+, which leads to weird erasure shit now but probably will be fine once Netflix spins up their promotion for the upcoming season.
Season 2 is probably as important to Trek as anything that has happened in any show, if not more so, so hopefully it makes the cut. I guess with Lower Decks ending though, 25th century Trek isn't going to be much of an ongoing concern for a while anyway so maybe it won't matter until the next Trek boom happens, whenever that may be.

(30 years from now someone will do a Discovery-style reboot of TNG-era Trek)


Oct 25, 2017
the protostar and discovery are both too fast yet also basically irrelevant in the overall timeline. Hugely groundbreaking for what they mean for exploration and expansion of the Federation, but its like they don't exist (partly as they're retcons effectively)

Its a little frustrating as they feel like 'plot speed' ships rather than trying to properly integrate into the overall universe (perhaps in a desire to shrink the universe and bring more of it into play). Protostar if its ahead in the timeline of most shows except later discovery is maybe ok but Discovery is early doors Star Trek and never mentioned and feels too artificial to me.

if you have transwarp tunnels just use those for when you need big distances and keep the ships within the bounds of the timeline they're in


Shinra Employee
Sep 15, 2022
Colorado, USA
Also, noticing a curious omission from the DS9 thumbnail...

lol wtf Paramount. I won't lie at first I thought something was wrong with the station and was studying it closely to figure out what you were talkin about...

In unrelated comment, I would be ok with Star Trek just sticking to Academy and SNW for awhile. I don't want them to over saturate the market like Marvel has started to do with it's shows and movies. (Which they seem to have wisely dialed back significantly.)


Nov 1, 2017
Did they put in a whole bunch of new people on the bridge of Discovery this season? I know it's always been bad with giving them coverage, but it seems worse with all these new faces who don't seem to exist as characters

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
Did they put in a whole bunch of new people on the bridge of Discovery this season? I know it's always been bad with giving them coverage, but it seems worse with all these new faces who don't seem to exist as characters
I forget if it was season 3 or 4 of Discovery, but there was an episode where some of the background bridge crew came up with an idea to save the day or fix whatever problem was happening that episode.

I didn't remember their names or even really recognized them so I looked them up on IMDB and was shocked that they'd been in the show since the beginning, and were in pretty much every episode.


Nov 24, 2017
Did they put in a whole bunch of new people on the bridge of Discovery this season? I know it's always been bad with giving them coverage, but it seems worse with all these new faces who don't seem to exist as characters
I think it's just the two in front that are new, replacing detmer and owo. The dudes have been around


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Rhys has definitely been around for a few seasons. Linus (the reptilian alien) has been light comic relief for a while too. I checked and it looks like the two officers at the front are new for this season.

I just assumed it was an actor availability thing that they wrote around. In other Star Trek shows I feel like these positions tend to rotate more than the others anyways (think of how many people had the conn at some point in TNG after they stopped putting LaForge and Wesley there) so I don't really have a problem with it. It only feels more obvious because each of the seasons is so much more heavily serialized and so replacements end up showing up in most of a season.


Oct 25, 2017
Continuing along with DS9 s2. This episode Blood Oath is fucking awesome. All the classic Klingon actors are top notch and Jadzia is great in this episode. Great performances all around.

What was the state of Klingon/Federation relations as of this episode? Friendly and not at war-but the Klingons were not part of the Federation correct?
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God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
Continuing along with DS9 s2. This episode Blood Oath is fucking awesome. All the classic Klingon actors are top notch and Jadzia is great in this episode. Great performances all around.

What was the state of Klingon/Federation relations as of this episode? Friendly and not at war-but the Klingons were not part of the Federation correct?

Friendly and not at war, aye. It's something of a high period, really, as the Federation have now directly aided the Klingons in combating Romulan influence that attempted to take over the Empire - and the reason the Romulans are so interested in such attempts is that Klingons and Federation have gotten so close as allies


Nov 24, 2017
Continuing along with DS9 s2. This episode Blood Oath is fucking awesome. All the classic Klingon actors are top notch and Jadzia is great in this episode. Great performances all around.

What was the state of Klingon/Federation relations as of this episode? Friendly and not at war-but the Klingons were not part of the Federation correct?

This is one of the episodes that develops jadzia as a party animal, right?

On my latest rewatch (started 5 years ago now?) I noticed that her character in the first season is basically: old smart worm. Adding party person to that was a good call.


Oct 25, 2017
This is one of the episodes that develops jadzia as a party animal, right?

On my latest rewatch (started 5 years ago now?) I noticed that her character in the first season is basically: old smart worm. Adding party person to that was a good call.
They've slowly been establishing that. In the previous episode she was mentoring a new young Trill and he was constantly shocked by her carefree nature.
Nov 27, 2020


Oct 25, 2017
I've always wondered if he hates "Lower Decks" because it's basically "The Ensign's Log", which predated LD by many years.

"The Ensign's Log" is HIGHLY recommended though. It's freaking hilarious and goes places!
Yeah, I think he's made that joke too. lol

I honestly can't remember his issue with Lower Deck's comedy - part of it is the fanservice element I'm sure, which I know he despises based on his thoughts on Picard, but I guess he's more allergic to that than I am.

I kind of wish there was some kind of Ensign's Log guide though, I know they're on DS9 now but it feels like they stopped matching their episodes directly with the actual Trek episodes recently.
Nov 27, 2020
Yeah, I think he's made that joke too. lol

I honestly can't remember his issue with Lower Deck's comedy - part of it is the fanservice element I'm sure, which I know he despises based on his thoughts on Picard, but I guess he's more allergic to that than I am.

I kind of wish there was some kind of Ensign's Log guide though, I know they're on DS9 now but it feels like they stopped matching their episodes directly with the actual Trek episodes recently.
They split the characters up to cover the overlap between TNG and DS9. Splunk stayed on the Enterprise, while Dana and Steve went to DS9. They do still cover events from episodes, but something will be happening to one of the characters from an episode, while the other setting is "in between". I'm pretty sure they stopped doing each individual episode once they made the time jump. It would have taken far too long to cover just TNG with their release schedule anyway.

I am curious if they're going to do anything with Voyager. I know neither Steve or Jason are fans of the show, but damn…I do want someone to turn into a salamander, and we know Splunk is ok with non-mammals. 😂

As for Steve's issues with LD…I kind of take it with a grain of salt. It clearly doesn't tickle his Trek fancy, and I actually kind of appreciate that it basically boils down to "I just don't think it's funny". Which is fine. And it's clearly a blind spot, since Ensign's Log comes from the exact same place…low brow, parody style humor with a cargo hold full of deep cut references every episode. It could also be that he sees that as being ok for an unofficial, parody podcast, but not for an official production? 🤷‍♂️


Oct 25, 2017
They split the characters up to cover the overlap between TNG and DS9. Splunk stayed on the Enterprise, while Dana and Steve went to DS9. They do still cover events from episodes, but something will be happening to one of the characters from an episode, while the other setting is "in between". I'm pretty sure they stopped doing each individual episode once they made the time jump. It would have taken far too long to cover just TNG with their release schedule anyway.

I am curious if they're going to do anything with Voyager. I know neither Steve or Jason are fans of the show, but damn…I do want someone to turn into a salamander, and we know Splunk is ok with non-mammals. 😂

As for Steve's issues with LD…I kind of take it with a grain of salt. It clearly doesn't tickle his Trek fancy, and I actually kind of appreciate that it basically boils down to "I just don't think it's funny". Which is fine. And it's clearly a blind spot, since Ensign's Log comes from the exact same place…low brow, parody style humor with a cargo hold full of deep cut references every episode. It could also be that he sees that as being ok for an unofficial, parody podcast, but not for an official production? 🤷‍♂️
Oh right, DS9 and TNG did have overlapping years so that makes sense. And that also explains why I can't follow exactly where each Ensign's Log episode takes place, but that also makes sense that they'd skip episodes and just do situations.

I think Jason hasn't even watched Voyager so it'd be funny to have Steve basically explain situations to him as their characters if they somehow ended up there. But it might actually be easier for them to time skip to Discovery era if they continue, since I assume Steve wouldn't want to do Picard or Lower Decks. But I'm curious how they end it anyway.

Steve has definitely gone into his problems with LD at least during his conversations with Jason in their Picard reviews (I do remember him vehemently stating they'll never do a LD review show) but I just can't remember the details. He also acknowledges that he's in the minority position among the Trek community though (that isn't in the "woke is broke" crowd who hates all modern Star Trek).

But yeah, like Starfleet Janitor cleaning up the Holodeck feels like a LD gag taken to the next logical extreme. lol
Nov 27, 2020
Oh right, DS9 and TNG did have overlapping years so that makes sense. And that also explains why I can't follow exactly where each Ensign's Log episode takes place, but that also makes sense that they'd skip episodes and just do situations.
It's also heavily serialized at this point and has a ton of lore that works its way into every episode. Like the fact that Splunk's katra was put into his evil, immortal time clone's body. That was a whole season plus of storyline leading up to that, spun off a situation that happened at the end of the TOS run…sometimes they give a bit of context, but sometimes it's just "why is Splunk wanting to murder the universe?" Lol…I'm just glad I started listening to it from the beginning.


Oct 25, 2017
It's also heavily serialized at this point and has a ton of lore that works its way into every episode. Like the fact that Splunk's katra was put into his evil, immortal time clone's body. That was a whole season plus of storyline leading up to that, spun off a situation that happened at the end of the TOS run…sometimes they give a bit of context, but sometimes it's just "why is Splunk wanting to murder the universe?" Lol…I'm just glad I started listening to it from the beginning.
I must admit I dropped off a bit after the TOS era and yeah, I was confused by what was going on as they had their own lore to match up with the actual Trek lore. lol
Nov 27, 2020
I must admit I dropped off a bit after the TOS era and yeah, I was confused by what was going on as they had their own lore to match up with the actual Trek lore. lol
You should dive back in if you have the chance. They've been doing some really fun stuff with the TNG era, brought back a few TOS era characters in surprising ways, and set up Steve to be a potentially pivotal player in DS9's politics. Not kidding either!

Edit: oh, and a couple of the characters from the YouTube channel shorts show up on the show as well.