
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure I've seen all the tbh episodes but don't remember Ro at all and have no recollection of who Moriarty is. What else are they in so I can go back and watch?

Agree on the ship loveliness balancing out the over eagerness to use that one neon/laser street set.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm sure I've seen all the tbh episodes but don't remember Ro
Ro was in The Next Generation:

Ro Laren

Ro Laren was a female Bajoran national who formerly served in Starfleet aboard the Federation starship USS Enterprise-D as an Ensign, becoming the protégée of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. During a mission of infiltration, Lieutenant Ro sympathized with, and later defected to, the Maquis. Eventually...


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure I've seen all the tbh episodes but don't remember Ro at all and have no recollection of who Moriarty is. What else are they in so I can go back and watch?

Agree on the ship loveliness balancing out the over eagerness to use that one neon/laser street set.
Moriarty came from the episode where Data was playing Sherlock and it was so easy that they told the computer to make an opponent that could defeat him. Which, come to think of it, is pretty shitty programming to allow a computer to create a self-aware AI that can destroy the ship but what do I know. lol

Ro was a recurring character who was written into TNG in season 5 and was sort of regular part of the cast (getting several episodes that featured her) before being written off to potentially join the cast of DS9. That didn't happen, and Ro was replaced with Kira.


Oct 26, 2017
Seeing Ro was great. I still don't love the show but the last two episodes have been better. One thing that is hurting my enjoyment of this season is that I just don't care about Jack at all. I don't find his mystery or personality interesting. The overall Starfleet conspiracy is cool and the TNG love is fun.


Oct 28, 2017
So far I really hate the Jack-mystery plot. Could do without it. But overall it feels like they wanted to do both Khan and Undiscovered Country as a TV-show. Which I enjoy. Good TV but I wanted more from Ro.


Oct 25, 2017
We're what...25ish years after Voyager returns? Even in the show B'Elanna could fix it with, seemingly, relative ease. It seems reasonable enough that the brightest minds in Starfleet/the Federation might figure out a way to reverse engineer it.
It shouldn't even be that hard to build a mobile emitter, they've had all the necessary technology since TNG, they just had to miniaturize it. Decades after Voyager is enough time to do it even without reverse engineering the doctor's future emitter.
Maybe that's the reason why the time cops never retrieved the mobile emitter, it wasn't some fancy 29th century tech that would change the course of history, it was old technology that was developed in the late 24th century anyway so they never bothered.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm slight embarrassed to say that when they made a big point about the star fleet investigation team coming over by shuttle, I immediately thought… dr Pulaski! I'd have laughed my ass off if she was coming for revenge for getting ditched after S2.


Oct 25, 2017
So far I really hate the Jack-mystery plot. Could do without it. But overall it feels like they wanted to do both Khan and Undiscovered Country as a TV-show. Which I enjoy. Good TV but I wanted more from Ro.

same. Jack and Raffi I could do without. Jack in particular all the flashbacks and dramatic red stuff is giving me Discovery red angel vibes and I don't want that thanks very much


Oct 27, 2017
I'm sure I've seen all the tbh episodes but don't remember Ro at all and have no recollection of who Moriarty is. What else are they in so I can go back and watch?

Agree on the ship loveliness balancing out the over eagerness to use that one neon/laser street set.

How?! She was an integral part of the cast when she joined in S5 and immediately jumped to my favorite character. I'm forever sad she didn't reprise the role in DS9 but instead they had to create the character Kira.


Oct 25, 2017
How?! She was an integral part of the cast when she joined in S5 and immediately jumped to my favorite character. I'm forever sad she didn't reprise the role in DS9 but instead they had to create the character Kira.

searching her up I recognise her now but I don't recall her having such a deep relationship with Picard as implied in this show


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Ro was only in 8 episodes, 6 of them in season 5.

She fucked Riker as well lol


Oct 27, 2017
Ro was only in 8 episodes, 6 of them in season 5.

She fucked Riker as well lol
Yeah I did wonder why we didn't get more Riker and Ro interactions but with the limited time I guess they made the right choice .

As for Ro, her best episodes were her first and last and you could definitely see why Picard was hurt. In the first episode, both Ro and Picard came to an understanding and it really did seem like Ro was back under the umbrella of Starfleet so her exit was truly shocking (but understandable).


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I did wonder why we didn't get more Riker and Ro interactions but with the limited time I guess they made the right choice .

As for Ro, her best episodes were her first and last and you could definitely see why Picard was hurt. In the first episode, both Ro and Picard came to an understanding and it really did seem like Ro was back under the umbrella of Starfleet so her exit was truly shocking (but understandable).

first is ensign ro? whats the last one she's in? having a mini watch this weekend


Nov 4, 2017
This is how I remember Riker and Ro interacting.



Oct 27, 2017
Just noticed Trekyards have fucking Dave Cullen on, which is extremely disappointing as I viewed Trekyards as one of the few channeled separated from that nonsense. Sorry Trekyards, I guess the only channel I will bother with now is a trek culture.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 19, 2018
Moriarty coming back actually annoys me.

He had a great ending, living his best life. And now they are bringing him back so he can find out his whole life, including his adventures with the love of his life, were all a lie.
Except for his "best life" was all a lie. I for one am excited to see what the fallout is of him finding out and whether he did it on his own or if Starfleet Intelligence or the Changelings recruited him.


Oct 28, 2017
same. Jack and Raffi I could do without. Jack in particular all the flashbacks and dramatic red stuff is giving me Discovery red angel vibes and I don't want that thanks very much

Same. Haven't watched seasons one and two (only the RLM reviews) so I don't care anything for "Raffi".

When will screenwriters (or I'm guessing producers in this case) learn that what they think are "mysterious" really aren't. If you want something mysterious then earn it! Don't use flashy cutting and obtuse crap.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah I did wonder why we didn't get more Riker and Ro interactions but with the limited time I guess they made the right choice .

As for Ro, her best episodes were her first and last and you could definitely see why Picard was hurt. In the first episode, both Ro and Picard came to an understanding and it really did seem like Ro was back under the umbrella of Starfleet so her exit was truly shocking (but understandable).
My favorite one was the one where she gave up on the lower half of the ship and wanted to blow it up


Oct 27, 2017
Just noticed Trekyards have fucking Dave Cullen on, which is extremely disappointing as I viewed Trekyards as one of the few channeled separated from that nonsense. Sorry Trekyards, I guess the only channel I will bother with now is a trek culture.

Not familiar with Dave Cullen at al, but he seems like one of those Star Trek is too woke guys.

I watch Trekyards sometimes because they do pretty detailed analysis. Not anymore, I guess.


Nov 4, 2017
Not familiar with Dave Cullen at al, but he seems like one of those Star Trek is too woke guys.

Dave Cullen, better known as Computing Forever, is an Irish YouTube talker and conspiracy theorist who holds reactionary and ultra-nationalist views. His YouTube page had over 500,000 subscribers, and more than 100 million views, before his channel was banned in January 2021. Originally known as LACK78 on YouTube, he used to do reviews on tech products- hence the "Computing" in his username. Unfortunately though, he has since devolved into a reactionary similar to Sargon Of Akkad, only ten times worse.

Pretty shitty of TrekYards to have him on.


Nov 4, 2017
same. Jack and Raffi I could do without. Jack in particular all the flashbacks and dramatic red stuff is giving me Discovery red angel vibes and I don't want that thanks very much

Yeah, that's the only part of the show I don't like. If he was just normal Jack Crusher, son of Beverly and Picard, it would have been better. Maybe he obtained information of the changeling plot (unaware of its significance) and the changelings were trying to capture him before someone could piece it together. Superpowered Jack Crusher with a mysterious, dark secret is bleh.

Hopefully what we actually get is good. My fear is he's got some Borg shit inside him from Picard and something something Borg happens.


Oct 29, 2017
Just reading throught this page and I've no idea if Moriarty is coming back or not. Are people just post spoilers and not caring?
Oct 25, 2017
Just noticed Trekyards have fucking Dave Cullen on, which is extremely disappointing as I viewed Trekyards as one of the few channeled separated from that nonsense. Sorry Trekyards, I guess the only channel I will bother with now is a trek culture.
We'll that's certainly a bad sign.

I don't know too much about the two "hosts" as people, but I already unsubbed from them a while back because each episode about anything from recent Trek seemed like a struggle between Stuart trying to remain open minded and flexible but getting his positivity beaten down by Sam being absurdly pedantic and negative about how he believed things "should" be.

Maybe Picard S3 has them in better spirits but there's only so many times I can listen to shit like "it makes no sense to have 4 impulse engines instead of two these ignorant designers clearly don't know what they're doing" before I lump the content in with the rest of the malcontents on twitter/Reddit

I like the ship breakdowns but when half the video is shit talking it's just not what I'm there for
Last edited:


Oct 11, 2022
...only so many times I can listen to shit like "it makes no sense to have 4 impulse engines instead of two these ignorant designers clearly don't know what they're doing" before I lump the content in with the rest of the malcontents on twitter/Reddit

Do people forget that Star Trek is a tv show? Sometime you design stuff just to look cool and interesting.


Oct 25, 2017
Birmingham, UK
Do people forget that Star Trek is a tv show? Sometime you design stuff just to look cool and interesting.

Unfortunately there are subset of Trek fans who treat it like it's hard sci-fi with absolute science based rules, rather than an often contradictory TV show with a long history of making things up as it goes along in service of the story or looking cool.

Making up fanon interpretations of how things work based around what was shown on TV used to be fun, but loudmouth fans who have to be right can suck the joy right out of it. Social media circlejerking and "influencer" culture has made things worse.


Oct 11, 2022
Unfortunately there are subset of Trek fans who treat it like it's hard sci-fi with absolute science based rules, rather than an often contradictory TV show with a long history of making things up as it goes along in service of the story or looking cool.

My go to example is shields being referred to as screens in early TOS and the warp factor being really large compared to what it's been since TNG.

And then Discovery did use a lot of real world scientific theory which was ridiculed by those subset of fans. Remember the whole time crystal debacle?


Oct 30, 2017
if Moriarty is from some holodeck episodes, could it be that he only appears if they go back to an old Enterprise?

they put him in a special chip

And fooled him into thinking he was actually able to set himself free and is traveling around the galaxy with his wife.

He was likely pissed when he found out the truth.

Really excited where they take this. It's a real who's who of TNG and TNG-era enemies.


Oct 27, 2017
Moriarty probably realized he was in a simulation within 48 hours of leaving the simulation Enterprise in the shuttle. I'd pissed as all hell if I were him.

I don't remember what was said was going to happen to the data cube they had the simulation stored/running in though, wouldn't surprise me if it went to Daystrum.


Nov 7, 2017
I wish this show had better dialog for its more dramatic moments. Most of it ranges from bad to serviceable but never really captivating. Stuff like the Picard and Ro talk was like the two of them reciting stilted explanations about the situation and their past to each other. On the other hand, somehow the dialog is bringing out more of Picard and Sevens natural selves and adding some wit to help make characters like Shaw fun and engaging. His scene with Picard in the bar was the closest I think, to drawing me in. Otherwise most of the more intense drama I feel like I'm hovering about while everyone emotes somewhat generically at each other. Never really pulls me in because they lose the complexity the closer they get to crisis points. The Raffi stuff is like 'Hey I'm Worf' and 'bla bla conspiracy bla crime bla'

I hope the twists and turns coming up will do something a little more than the kind of remix of classic Star Trek scenarios. What's happening so far is fine, just a little familiar.

My prediction that I doubt would actually happen -

The changelings are hybrids or something like that with Species 8472. In Voyager they morphed themselves into perfect replicas of humans and their whole alien gimmick was that they were masters of their own biology or something like that. They were on a mission to infiltrate Starfleet at the highest levels. Even though Janeway and Chakotay resolved the conflict, perhaps some malcontents splintered off and discovered the Founders.

The conspiracy stuff is sort of the good and the bad of the show. It's fun to consider what classic enemies or antagonists could be involved and how it could fit together, it keeps the audience engaged. But in another sense it's a little manipulative when I think the characters investigating the conspiracy should be doing something more interesting and revealing with it than basically stalling every episode with 'oooh what's going on?!' while beating up cheesy crime guys.


Oct 25, 2017
Moriarty probably realized he was in a simulation within 48 hours of leaving the simulation Enterprise in the shuttle. I'd pissed as all hell if I were him.

I don't remember what was said was going to happen to the data cube they had the simulation stored/running in though, wouldn't surprise me if it went to Daystrum.
If I recall, they just kept it in storage with a running battery on the Enterprise after the last episode he appeared in. So when the E-D crashed in Generations, Starfleet probably donated what was left to the Daystrom institute, and then they found Moriarty in the portable simulation.
Oct 25, 2017
Do people forget that Star Trek is a tv show? Sometime you design stuff just to look cool and interesting.
I'm a big believer in the Rule of Cool, Obviously it's to be employed with finesse, but I feel like a lot of internet complainers (not specifically trek, just today's viewers of fiction in general) are for some reason devoted to talking themselves out of ever having any fun.
I'm a scifi nerd too, I get it, I'm into all the nitty gritty details too. But like...have some joy.


Nov 4, 2017
Do people forget that Star Trek is a tv show? Sometime you design stuff just to look cool and interesting.

That USS Intrepid shot is full of commentators online going "lol fire doesn't burn in space" or "why is the ship sinking and rising".
Honestly my response isn't even "rule of cool" anymore, it's "stop nitpicking nerd".

And for the record I own 3 or 4 Trek technical manuals, but there comes a point you seriously just need to leave this shit go.
Oct 25, 2017
That USS Intrepid shot is full of commentators online going "lol fire doesn't burn in space" or "why is the ship sinking and rising".
Honestly my response isn't even "rule of cool" anymore, it's "stop nitpicking nerd".

And for the record I own 3 or 4 Trek technical manuals, but there comes a point you seriously just need to leave this shit go.

what's funny is that fire absolutely burns in space


Oct 27, 2017
The English Wilderness
I'm a big believer in the Rule of Cool, Obviously it's to be employed with finesse, but I feel like a lot of internet complainers (not specifically trek, just today's viewers of fiction in general) are for some reason devoted to talking themselves out of ever having any fun.
I'm a scifi nerd too, I get it, I'm into all the nitty gritty details too. But like...have some joy.
Standard insecure nerds trying to "beat" media, to show themselves as cleverer than the writers, and especially cleverer than the normies.


Oct 25, 2017
That USS Intrepid shot is full of commentators online going "lol fire doesn't burn in space" or "why is the ship sinking and rising".
Honestly my response isn't even "rule of cool" anymore, it's "stop nitpicking nerd".

And for the record I own 3 or 4 Trek technical manuals, but there comes a point you seriously just need to leave this shit go.

to be fair by the end of that episode I was a little frustrated at how conveniently the shrike was right there in front of them despite them being lost in a huge spherical mass of a nebula. Was Droopy at the helm?