Oct 27, 2017
I'll tell ya one trend I'm noticing lately with new shooters and that is matches are set almost within the first clash of every game.. It's that way in ww2, destiny 2, and it seems the same here...when matches start and the first clash of players happen you already know if you're gonna win or lose. Maybe the larger battles are different not sure, but that's how it seems lately.
Oct 27, 2017
Starting to regret my purchase. Balance and matchmaking are bad, but I should have expected that after SWBF 2015.

I loved bf15, it felt great to me but I guess that's why everyone's different.

Here i love things about it but I sort of dont feel as fluid as I did in original. I feel clunky at times and I just haven't found weapons to suit my style.

I also really believe we need to be able to mix match cards like we could in last game, I feel very boxed in with these classes so to speak..
Oct 25, 2017
Here's Battlefront 2015's Heroes at launch for reference, bottom are all the DLC characters, I believe one from each expansion.


Going forward I think they should add Plasma, Poe, Mace Windo, Jango (lol at two hovering bounty hunters on one team), Grievous and Dooku (dude had so much screen time, I think he deserves a spot) plus all the other characters mentioned here already.
Mace should be a voiced skin for Obi-Wan at the very least.
Honestly i'd be fine if they reskinned him into Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Aayla Secura, Ki-Adi-Mundi, etc


Oct 25, 2017
Should I be saving my credits for a potential overhaul of the system in the next week or so?

I currently have 35k and haven't bought a thing because I feel like I need to hoard.


Oct 27, 2017
The thing that's amazing is how I remember when years back people bagged on rpgs for grinding, leveling etc.. And how it's literally commonplace now in every game and so many moron idiot companies have no idea how to make it fun.. Like every fucking game is the last someone is going to play for the rest of their life because they need that grind time to do so.

There's still a lot of great games out there and coming... But I get for some people to say this shit is for the birds man

It's like the laziest way to try and keep someone engaged, keep 'em grinding. :(

With how shitty the progression system is in this game they should throw a crate your way after every game. It's stupid.

Yeah I was thinking it's not even particularly smart, surely you want people hooked on the loot box dopamine, "shower" people with them early levels, then start to peter them out, every other level for a while then every 5 levels after that etc.


Oct 26, 2017
I loved bf15, it felt great to me but I guess that's why everyone's different.

Here i love things about it but I sort of dont feel as fluid as I did in original. I feel clunky at times and I just haven't found weapons to suit my style.

I also really believe we need to be able to mix match cards like we could in last game, I feel very boxed in with these classes so to speak..

I really liked the gunplay in SWBF2015. Boosting through the air with a jetpack while blasting enemies was amazing. But in the long run it lacked depth and got repetitive.
And DICE already struggled with balance there, even though it was a much smaller and simpler game.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit this progression system is evil. You don't get anything later on essentially. lmao, wtf?

So this is how they're going to justify bringing back MTs huh... "people were vocal about not being able to get cards and credits fast enough so now we're giving you the option to just buy it!"


Oct 28, 2017
I really liked the gunplay in SWBF2015. Boosting through the air with a jetpack while blasting enemies was amazing. But in the long run it lacked depth and got repetitive.
And DICE already struggled with balance there, even though it was a much smaller and simpler game.

By the end of all of the expansion packs the balance was just tossed completely out of the window. Everybody was using the personal shield/bacta/jetpack combo, it just got to the point where it became a nightmare to actually kill anybody that was decent at the game. If there is one thing I have learned it's that you can't play a DICE game and expect amazing balance or you'll just end up tearing your hair out.
Oct 27, 2017
I really liked the gunplay in SWBF2015. Boosting through the air with a jetpack while blasting enemies was amazing. But in the long run it lacked depth and got repetitive.
And DICE already struggled with balance there, even though it was a much smaller and simpler game.

I found it fun for a good 300 hours or so tho lol I thought the gameplay was just great fun, I feel a bit to constricted here.

I will say I'm finding my groove with the el16 tho


Oct 25, 2017
Should I be saving my credits for a potential overhaul of the system in the next week or so?

I currently have 35k and haven't bought a thing because I feel like I need to hoard.
I saved up for Iden during the trial, bought her, saved for Vader, got him, and now I'm sitting on mine as well.

Interested to see how much more fucked up the system is going to be since they disabled buying crates with cash.


Oct 26, 2017
Damn the campaign is really good, it has really surprised me. It's a bit too hectic though, the plot moves fast just as I want to shoot bang bang and I miss all the talk.
The lenght seems to be perfect too, I don't want to play fifteen hours of single player when there's multiplayer waiting for me.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
Lausanne, Switzerland
The single player part of the game really feels rushed, especially at the beginning. The trailers really hyped up the empire part of the story a lot and it didn't deliver. It feels like some content has been cut. The characters and story are fine, but the execution is really deplorable. I honestly expected more than that.


Oct 29, 2017
The single player part of the game really feels rushed, especially at the beginning. The trailers really hyped up the empire part of the story a lot and it didn't deliver. It feels like some content has been cut. The characters and story are fine, but the execution is really deplorable. I honestly expected more than that.
The defection portion was odd to me.
I felt like there was a disagreement about orders, then suddenly I'm blasting storm troopers. Wtf.
Oct 27, 2017
Couldn't get into a match last night or this morning on PS4, so played arcade custom match for a bit. It's fine on the ground, but no fighter skirmish matches means the first BF will be hanging around a while longer. More than 20k people have been playing it all day.

Beyond the smaller events and mission release in December, I think the schedule is toast. That WaPo article with the psychologist and Jim Sterling quotes is the worst press yet. If this game was getting any visibility at the Game Awards, well...it's too bad because the moment-to-moment gameplay is fun and the campaign fidelity is strong. The cherry on top would be to find out that like Mass Effect Andromeda, there was no long-term DLC schedule. I'm hoping for better.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Has anyone else had trouble with the last jedi pack thing working? I never got it to show up as a loot crate, I redeemed a code last night and it gave pretty much zero feedback aside from that I redeemed a promo code and nothing has happened yet.

Straight Edge

Oct 27, 2017
I loved bf15, it felt great to me but I guess that's why everyone's different.

Here i love things about it but I sort of dont feel as fluid as I did in original. I feel clunky at times and I just haven't found weapons to suit my style.

I also really believe we need to be able to mix match cards like we could in last game, I feel very boxed in with these classes so to speak..

The class system is too restrictive and forces unwanted abilities on the player. I don't know why I have a shotgun in a SW game.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm about to break my goddamn controller trying to win a SINGLE game of Strike for the trophy. N O O N E understands how to play objectives. I outscored the second place person on my team by literally over 3x as much FOUR GAMES IN A ROW. I never want to play this mode again.
Oct 27, 2017
The class system is too restrictive and forces unwanted abilities on the player. I don't know why I have a shotgun in a SW game.

Yea, we need to mix match things. It's such a weird game in general.

For me the best thing about this game is how it looks. For a console, I'm so blown away by what they've pulled off in terms of how things look and hold 60 frames on the pro, they are by far some of the most good lookin console graphics going.

But the rest of it is fun but a mixed bag tho still, I dunno.


Oct 25, 2017
Regarding Vader's choke, do you hold RT or tap it repetedly for the damage?


Oct 26, 2017
They could let us have more crates and still keep the rng percentages tempered. I just want to fucking open a box more often.

Yeah, the rewards are far too infrequent and far too often meaningless dupes.

Yeah I've wasted credits on at least 4 trooper crates and gotten straight trash which is made worse by how infrequently we can open crates.

They should have doubled all credit payouts at the same time they turned off MTs. Or something.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't found the progression awful, evil, fucked up or massively grindy (yet) but I've been doing things a bit differently than it seems most here. Though my two most played games this gen are Destiny 1 and Warframe, so I suppose I don't mind a bit of grindy progression... However, maybe some will benefit from my tips:

Do NOT buy trooper crates! These are by far the worst value. Always buy hero crates. I suppose if your main game is starfighter assault, those crates aren't too badly priced either. But the trooper crates are horrible value! It's a bit off to complain "the progression is way too slow!" when you're gimping yourself to ~55% progress through choosing the slowest option every time. Even if you're playing troopers at all times, hero crates are a much better value!

Don't think of crates as a means to get cards! They are a means to get crafting mats, which are a means to get exactly the card you want. As far as I know every regular crate (Trooper / Starfighter / Hero) has a guaranteed drop of 35-50 crafting mats. On average easily enough for a new rank1 star card. Think of each hero crate akin to a "skill point" in any regular game, it unlocks 1 ability of your choice. The rest of the stuff it gives are secondary, unlikely to be what you want (but doesn't matter, since you are guaranteed what you want!). You will of course pick up a lot of cards along the way anyhow, which saves some crafting mats.

Strongly consider buying hero crates instead of unlocking heroes at the start. If you must have Darth Vader, or if your main game is HvV then I suppose fair enough. To the general galactic assault beginner player though, chances are it's a pretty rare to score enough BP in a game with zero-card classes to even make use of the most expensive heroes. So I think at the least using hero crates (the crafting mats from them) to unlock the 2nd star card slot for your regular class(es), and add some basic buffs / abilities you like the look of is a good idea. And then when you do get to unlocking the remaining heroes, you have the majority of their cards unlocked already.

If you use this hero crate strat, duplicates are not (as much of) a useless waste (as they are in trooper crates), since the price of a hero crate is so much cheaper. Every 11 dupes are a free hero crate, or equivalently another ~40 crafting mats (the real currency). Because the pool of hero cards is quite small,

Saving all credits for an eventual unknown rebalance seems like a terrible idea to me. I consider it far more likely a rebalance will alter credit earn rate, rather than let that remain constant and tweak the prices of things and risk the ire of people who have spent credits already.


Yeah I've wasted credits on at least 4 trooper crates and gotten straight trash which is made worse by how infrequently we can open crates.

They should have doubled all credit payouts at the same time they turned off MTs. Or something.

I don't mean to call you out, I realize trooper crates are the top of the list and the default choice. But this is a perfect example. You've been spending twice as much credits as you needed to, no wonder it feels they are infrequent and not worth it. But you can "double credit payout" for yourself whenever you want - choose hero crates, craft the cards you want :)
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I second the idea of purchasing Hero crates over Trooper ones, if you are going to buy them at all considering stormy skies are on the horizon. You can get blue Trooper cards out of them anyway, and the Hero cards are almost required for Heroes vs....well no just for Heroes. Villians already win most of the time.

I finally played Specialist for a while today, and it was a real ballache grinding 50 kills just to have a decent rifle. I hate the feeling of not really making an impact on the match, either. I have the card that lets you flag enemies with your binoclulars, but they have to be completely out of cover for it to work, and half the time the binoculars bug out and don't work anyway.

I also unlocked the 500 kill Officer blaster, and I didn't put 2 and 2 together and realize its just the Jump Trooper blaster! In its default state, it still doesn't beat the Blurrg, but I'd like to see it with rapid fire. Not going to grind 500 kills just to test though.
Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit this progression system is evil. You don't get anything later on essentially. lmao, wtf?

So this is how they're going to justify bringing back MTs huh... "people were vocal about not being able to get cards and credits fast enough so now we're giving you the option to just buy it!"

What they did is so fucked up considering the deluxe edition.

Basically the deluxe edition gives people

1) A 3 day head start when it comes to playing

2) Crates for all the classes giving them an early tier 3 star card.

So basically, I spent a lot of yesterday being killed by people who had early access and these high tier cards because I refused to shell out 20 extra bucks.

This is hands down THE WORST progression system I have ever seen in a video game.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I've wasted credits on at least 4 trooper crates and gotten straight trash which is made worse by how infrequently we can open crates.

They should have doubled all credit payouts at the same time they turned off MTs. Or something.

The crates are really only good for possibly getting a roll on a higher tier card allowing you to skip some of the due process to get it. Crafting parts are the actual most valuable thing.


Oct 26, 2017
What they did is so fucked up considering the deluxe edition.

Basically the deluxe edition gives people

1) A 3 day head start when it comes to playing

2) Crates for all the classes giving them an early tier 3 star card.

So basically, I spent a lot of yesterday being killed by people who had early access and these high tier cards because I refused to shell out 20 extra bucks.

This is hands down THE WORST progression system I have ever seen in a video game.
Those cards are not THAT good but yes, it's the worst progression system in any game ever. And I really like the game but it is.


Oct 31, 2017
Just had the best round ever. Just unlocked the explosive sentry upgrade and played on the AT-AT map. Managed to jump on the top of it when it went past and rained death down on people. Laughing my ass off all the way. Had about 12k in points and all the Heros taken. Typical. Such a crazy sentry upgrade that is bound to get nerfed.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't mean to call you out, I realize trooper crates are the top of the list and the default choice. But this is a perfect example. You've been spending twice as much credits as you needed to, no wonder it feels they are infrequent and not worth it. But you can "double credit payout" for yourself whenever you want - choose hero crates, craft the cards you want :)
Well, shit. I had assumed (apparently incorrectly) the trooper crates have better credit/crafting payouts. And I also didn't know Hero crates had trooper cares.

Thanks for the tip!


Oct 25, 2017
Man, I think I'm missing something regarding how to rack up points in Galactic Assault. I always try to play objective, and I'm not extremely bad when it comes to eliminations, but the top guys on the score board always have 2x-3x my score, don't know how they do it

Any tips?


Oct 31, 2017
Man, I think I'm missing something regarding how to rack up points in Galactic Assault. I always try to play objective, and I'm not extremely bad when it comes to eliminations, but the top guys on the score board always have 2x-3x my score, don't know how they do it

Any tips?
Sticking with your squad while doing the objectives helps. Make sure you have the added score card as well. Bounty I think? To be honest, some games and maps you make loads, others is like a fight for points.

Also, swap out your classes just to provide something else to the battle.


Oct 26, 2017
man, i was about to bite...then i watched the easy allies review..ya, no way.
Eh, don't just go off of one review, one of the most negative. And it's another example of a review that basically docked the game 3+ pts (out of 10) for the progression system.

If you know what you're getting into in terms of that, there's a ton here to like.
Oct 27, 2017
I second the idea of purchasing Hero crates over Trooper ones, if you are going to buy them at all considering stormy skies are on the horizon. You can get blue Trooper cards out of them anyway, and the Hero cards are almost required for Heroes vs....well no just for Heroes. Villians already win most of the time.

I finally played Specialist for a while today, and it was a real ballache grinding 50 kills just to have a decent rifle. I hate the feeling of not really making an impact on the match, either. I have the card that lets you flag enemies with your binoclulars, but they have to be completely out of cover for it to work, and half the time the binoculars bug out and don't work anyway.

I also unlocked the 500 kill Officer blaster, and I didn't put 2 and 2 together and realize its just the Jump Trooper blaster! In its default state, it still doesn't beat the Blurrg, but I'd like to see it with rapid fire. Not going to grind 500 kills just to test though.

Yea what's Unreal is people are just fucking on it, man you can't even peek your head out to take some aim..

See that's the one thing that seems off, guys come from every direction and I know they did in bf15 but it seemed easier to manage I felt. I'm still pushing 20 to 30 kills but I'm also having matches that I can't get my footing at all and I believe it's because there are more more openings.

I'm talking mainly blast tho atm, haven't stepped into galactic assault but blast maps last game had a layout that felt right and I could easily understand where battles were and where guys probably are coming from.

Maybe it's the spawns, like this one dude spawned literally right in front of me and I killed him. Like 2 steps ahead of me... That stuff shouldn't be.

But I played sort of a specialist in first game, but not with a sniper. But I did snipe a little and it seems here you're fucking head stands out like a beach ball or something


Oct 26, 2017
Maybe it's the spawns, like this one dude spawned literally right in front of me and I killed him. Like 2 steps ahead of me... That stuff shouldn't be.
I've seen some outrageous spawns in Blast. Nothing worse than one match at Starkiller Base where I got spawn killed three times in a two minute span literally before I took three steps.

So only kills and not assists count towards challenges?

Correct, pretty sure assists don't count. If they did, I'd have completed a lot more challenges by now. I get assists like nobody's business.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't found the progression awful, evil, fucked up or massively grindy (yet) but I've been doing things a bit differently than it seems most here. Though my two most played games this gen are Destiny 1 and Warframe, so I suppose I don't mind a bit of grindy progression... However, maybe some will benefit from my tips:

Do NOT buy trooper crates! These are by far the worst value. Always buy hero crates. I suppose if your main game is starfighter assault, those crates aren't too badly priced either. But the trooper crates are horrible value! It's a bit off to complain "the progression is way too slow!" when you're gimping yourself to ~55% progress through choosing the slowest option every time. Even if you're playing troopers at all times, hero crates are a much better value!

Don't think of crates as a means to get cards! They are a means to get crafting mats, which are a means to get exactly the card you want. As far as I know every regular crate (Trooper / Starfighter / Hero) has a guaranteed drop of 35-50 crafting mats. On average easily enough for a new rank1 star card. Think of each hero crate akin to a "skill point" in any regular game, it unlocks 1 ability of your choice. The rest of the stuff it gives are secondary, unlikely to be what you want (but doesn't matter, since you are guaranteed what you want!). You will of course pick up a lot of cards along the way anyhow, which saves some crafting mats.

Strongly consider buying hero crates instead of unlocking heroes at the start. If you must have Darth Vader, or if your main game is HvV then I suppose fair enough. To the general galactic assault beginner player though, chances are it's a pretty rare to score enough BP in a game with zero-card classes to even make use of the most expensive heroes. So I think at the least using hero crates (the crafting mats from them) to unlock the 2nd star card slot for your regular class(es), and add some basic buffs / abilities you like the look of is a good idea. And then when you do get to unlocking the remaining heroes, you have the majority of their cards unlocked already.

If you use this hero crate strat, duplicates are not (as much of) a useless waste (as they are in trooper crates), since the price of a hero crate is so much cheaper. Every 11 dupes are a free hero crate, or equivalently another ~40 crafting mats (the real currency). Because the pool of hero cards is quite small,

Saving all credits for an eventual unknown rebalance seems like a terrible idea to me. I consider it far more likely a rebalance will alter credit earn rate, rather than let that remain constant and tweak the prices of things and risk the ire of people who have spent credits already.


I don't mean to call you out, I realize trooper crates are the top of the list and the default choice. But this is a perfect example. You've been spending twice as much credits as you needed to, no wonder it feels they are infrequent and not worth it. But you can "double credit payout" for yourself whenever you want - choose hero crates, craft the cards you want :)

This post should be stickied to the top of the OP. Great stuff.


Oct 28, 2017
Should I be saving my credits for a potential overhaul of the system in the next week or so?

I currently have 35k and haven't bought a thing because I feel like I need to hoard.
I would go ahead and spend credits on unlocking heroes because I dont think that price is going to change.

But don't spend them on loot boxes because those prices could drop.

And don't spend any crafting parts because those prices could drop, too.

Kind of sucks to have to do that but it shouldn't be long, I expect by the end of this week we'll have a pretty good idea what's going to happen.


Oct 25, 2017
What does leveling up your rank even do in this game? I can't figure out what it even does other than be a number that increases.

Deleted member 15848

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I've seen some outrageous spawns in Blast. Nothing worse than one match at Starkiller Base where I got spawn killed three times in a two minute span literally before I took three steps.

Correct, pretty sure assists don't count. If they did, I'd have completed a lot more challenges by now. I get assists like nobody's business.

Yes, seems that way, which is a pain in the ass.

Damn, Im also an assist machine in this game so that sucks.