
Oct 25, 2017
One thing they manage to break with the patch and the rolling nerf is Yoda's viability in Heroes Vs. Villains. He was always good in Galactic Assault and became even better, but without him capable of blocking lightsaber attacks, the only thing you can do is to dodge out of the way. And with that being significantly harder, any lightsaber villain, including Kylo Ren, have an advantage against him.


Oct 26, 2017
You almost can't do anything with a blaster hero in HvV now, it's ridiculous. I'm sure "roll spamming" complainers have no problem with spamming R2 to death when they see blaster heroes, who without rolling are all helpless bottom tier characters now.

Looks like I need to either start leveling up lightsaber characters or quit playing. Switching the characters you use wouldn't be a big deal if it didn't take hours upon hours to get the star cards up to the same level as the ones you main...


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I just played a game against a very competent Bossk and he did just fine.

I think you were using rollspam as a crutch


Oct 26, 2017
I mean, I still seem to be at the top/near the top at the end of a round. Doesn't change the fact that blaster characters feel helpless when up against a single lightsaber enemy on their own.

If you think that the sole counter to a saber wielding hero is rolling, you're doing something wrong. I'll take on Vader or Kylo any day of the week with Leia for example.

What can you do when they get close now? They seem to just spam attack me from full to zero health.

Again, my complaints are in HvV mode, where maps aren't large and close quarter combat happens often. I imagine GA is completely different and the rolling changes aren't a deal breaker.
Oct 27, 2017
Played some matches last night, and overall the patch is good! The visuals seem to have been cleaned up even more too as im seeing an even sharper and cleaner image on my PS4 Pro. Blaster effects look great!

Now if they could just do something about the load times....


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Still running into hackers :/ why are they so against anti-cheat measures in their game?

And damn, DC-15LE with Explosive Shot seems to have inadvertently had the cooldown penalty removed? It's insanely op. Like running around with SCS on all the time. That has to be a mistake. Hopefully hotfixed soon and not waiting the whole 4 weeks but then again they left Palpatine shooting through walls for months so who knows.
Dec 17, 2017
Still running into hackers :/ why are they so against anti-cheat measures in their game?

And damn, DC-15LE with Explosive Shot seems to have inadvertently had the cooldown penalty removed? It's insanely op. Like running around with SCS on all the time. That has to be a mistake. Hopefully hotfixed soon and not waiting the whole 4 weeks but then again they left Palpatine shooting through walls for months so who knows.
Seems like another bug as per reddit posts: cooling mods aren't working on guns where they should be and fire modes like explosive shot aren't applying proper overheating. This means everyone will be running round with either DC15LE explosive shot/reduced recoil or Bluurg explosive shot/burst combo melting everything.

Deleted member 1627

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I still seem to be at the top/near the top at the end of a round. Doesn't change the fact that blaster characters feel helpless when up against a single lightsaber enemy on their own.

What can you do when they get close now? They seem to just spam attack me from full to zero health.

Again, my complaints are in HvV mode, where maps aren't large and close quarter combat happens often. I imagine GA is completely different and the rolling changes aren't a deal breaker.

I feel like Lando is actually still one of the better blaster heroes in HvV - you have good snipe potential, his stun/scan thing is great and the smokescreen when you're not the target is pretty invaluable, doubly so now saber heroes can't do their closing attacks on you.


Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Still running into hackers :/ why are they so against anti-cheat measures in their game?

And damn, DC-15LE with Explosive Shot seems to have inadvertently had the cooldown penalty removed? It's insanely op. Like running around with SCS on all the time. That has to be a mistake. Hopefully hotfixed soon and not waiting the whole 4 weeks but then again they left Palpatine shooting through walls for months so who knows.
Same with the Blurrg and Explosive Shot.



Oct 26, 2017
Realistically, yeah, this is how it should go down when you're up against multiple opponents with a shit team, but bleh. Frustrating.

Match still ended like this, but it's not much fun when you don't stand any chance on your own anymore...



Prophet of Regret
Nov 3, 2017
Just got this game in the sale.
I was wondering if there was an 'optimal' way to earn credits in multiplayer (to unlock characters) or should I just play as I see fit?
Oct 29, 2017
Just got this game in the sale.
I was wondering if there was an 'optimal' way to earn credits in multiplayer (to unlock characters) or should I just play as I see fit?

At the beginning, you will check off a lot of challenges pretty quickly giving you quite a few credits. Beyond that, the daily timed challenges have all been worth 1k credits and most are very easy to accomplish.


Oct 26, 2017
Just got this game in the sale.
I was wondering if there was an 'optimal' way to earn credits in multiplayer (to unlock characters) or should I just play as I see fit?

Make sure to buy the cheapest loot boxes. Even though they just lowered the cost of the most expensive one, they aren't actually worth it as far as I know.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Have they made any indication that they are aware the team and map scramble aren't working


Oct 26, 2017
Getting used to lightsaber heroes. Vader seems incredibly powerful, with Epic cards I'd imagine he's probably unstoppable.


Oct 25, 2017
Messed around a fair bit in GA yesterday and today, but didn't get to try every hero.

-Map changes overall feel fine. I still think vehicles desperately need rebalancing; you sure as hell don't need two AT-ST, AAT, etc on most maps, and them regenerating full health is absurd. They also still need to institute forcing you out of vehicles on certain phases; Jakku was already the worst map in the game, but it's made ten times worse by two AT-ST's glitching through to the 3rd phase. The AT-ST is hilariously wasted in my experience on Maz's castle, you have virtually no clean cover and I only had success bumrushing with it to try to carry my team to capturing the point with a team that was already coordinated enough to get it. Unless they're going to physically alter the map it's pointless. I also still think that going back to the BFR2015 supremacy capture rule where the number of players from each team in the zone determine if it's being captured or not (aka one player can't contend a zone against 8 other people) honestly fixes a lot of issues.

-I continue to feel very strongly as I did in the beta that they need to cap the max health heroes can regen/heal up to. You already had beastmode players able to stay up virtually indefinitely and single-handedly cockblock entire enemy teams, and then they went and buffed Yoda and Luke lol. Senate isn't as bad but is still too strong, and in the hands of a decent player Yoda is straight-up fucking unstoppable. Teams with one or two really good hero players will completely steamroll an opposing team unless that team has good players that are ALSO the heroes that can counter.....which in what has to be at least 200 hours of play has not been my experience. I think capping the amount of health heroes could regen/heal to 50% of maximum would be a fair tradeoff IMO, it would be enough to discourage people from just hanging way back forever, but also would be fair enough to have good trooper players have at least a chance of taking down some of the more OP heroes. Right now on most maps all that really matters is which team has the better hero players, and having heroes up on the other team isn't enough of a counter on it's own. Heroes should be able to turn the tide of battle, but it's too extreme right now, and with how it's easier for most players to spawn in as a hero (which is good) there's currently too much emphasis on the actual skill of the actual hero players on each team. If that makes sense? Basically I feel like even as a very good player if I'm a trooper I'm literally just throwing my life away against a very good say Emperor, Darth Vader, etc because even if I get them down to 20% health, when I see them again in 90 seconds they will be back at full health. In BF2015 I wouldn't mind sacrificing myself against even a good player as a hero because I knew I was doing some kind of lasting damage.

-On the hero side of things: Emperor is still way too good (although with the nerf I'd say that's mostly because of his health regen/healing which I take issue with above already). Darth Vader is a fucking beast now, possibly too good. Luke is maybe a tiiiiiny bit too good but I don't take too much of an issue with it, at least not yet. Yoda is fucking ridiculous, and in good hands is fucking unstoppable and I've seen him do more broken shit than I ever saw the Emperor do. I love Yoda but he's way too good now in GA in good hands, I literally don't even want to play certain maps anymore like Naboo or Kashyyyk (unless I'm him, but you know what I mean). Phasma's staff is still garbage but I've warmed up to her a bit overall. Everyone else feels at least decent (except Iden lol) although I don't know how I feel about Fett yet, and Kylo still needs something.

It's weird, we FINALLY got a huge update I'm mostly pretty happy with what they did honestly. But in GA the increasing problems with literally one or two very good players getting a very good hero early on and just wrecking the other team unopposed is actually kind of killing the game for me. I'm on both sides of it, and I would say it's probably like 80%+ of my matches at this point. In BF2015 my friend and I would pride ourselves at being able to whittle down enemy heroes even when they were very skilled, but you literally can't do that here against a lot of the heroes, so it kind of breaks things unless you have a hero that is a hard counter to theirs and you're as good or better than they are. Honestly if team rebalancing was properly implemented, or even to the extent that it was in BF2015 (which was heavy-handed but generally did the job alright) it would probably not be as big of an issue for me, but these shitshow lobbies are just more and more of a thing it seems and hero buffs are only making that problem worse.

On the other hand I seem to consistently have different experiences than a lot of folks here so I could just be the odd duck out or have bad luck or whatever. I still desperately want game stats (how do we not have that yet?????) to see what my gametime is. I'm finding myself actually playing SA more and more which is weird because starfighter stuff is not my thing at all in games, but it's significantly less frustrating/broken and I feel like I can actually make a difference, even against a Hero ship etc.


Nov 20, 2017
Works normally on ps4.

Nope, I went ham with the DC15-LE with Explosive Shot last night and could keep firing for as long as the unmodded version with no penalty. The satisfaction of making all the point whore officers with their Blurrg's and SE-44C's run for cover as I shredded their Battle Command-buffed health.... so good.

Plus, the explosion has a huge radius so while it doesn't do huge damage, I was taking out multiple enemies clumped together very quickly. The only counter was pretty much other Heavies with Explosive Shot. At least with the Blurrg you need to choose between the recoil mod or the improved burst mod.

I never really rated the DC15-LE's explosive shot mod but when combined with the Expert Weapon Handling card it could be a real monster.

EDIT: Does anyone know if there's been a stealth nerf to the AAT? I was having serious trouble hitting anything inside 20m last night. It felt like the firing angles had changed at close range or when firing on a slope.
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Oct 26, 2017
Vader is insane, has so much health and does so much damage. Takes no skill to spam that attack button either, poor blaster heroes might as well put the controller down when they see him coming now.

Also I just leveled up but didn't get my credits, fuck.


Oct 26, 2017

It's a fact. If you were complaining about roll spamming before but acting like attack spamming blaster heroes with a lightsaber takes serious skill and isn't unbalanced, it's really funny.

I'm over it though, getting used to Vader and Rey very quickly and I'm probably sticking with them now. If anyone's still maining blaster heroes in HvV, I'd love to hear it.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'd love it if Conquest came and didn't include heroes.

In the old games we could turn off heroes in the server settings (and disable special units with a simple server-side mod) and we did.
Oct 27, 2017
Gonna echo others here and say that i hate Heros completely in their current form. It was much more fair in the last game when the heros had the timer. I feel they're way too overpowered in general.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
It's a fact. If you were complaining about roll spamming before but acting like attack spamming blaster heroes with a lightsaber takes serious skill and isn't unbalanced, it's really funny.

Before patch: Blaster heroes win at long range AND melee range

After patch: Blaster heroes win at long range, Saber heroes win at melee range

Objectively better


Oct 26, 2017
Before patch: Blaster heroes win at long range AND melee range

After patch: Blaster heroes win at long range, Saber heroes win at melee range

Objectively better

While that is correct, the issue is that HvV maps are very small and lightsaber heroes are faster and can jump over large obstacles. That long range is going to be long for an incredibly short time, after which you're done if you're up against a lightsaber. So you're hardly going to enjoy that long range advantage. Rolling around and shooting other players was harder then destroying everyone in front of you with a lightsaber. I've been using Vader just for a day and it almost feels like cheating...



Villains also seem to have a huge advantage now, after the rolling and Chewie nerf, who is a good Hero now? Nobody seems to be able to stand up to the Villains and especially not Vader.


Oct 27, 2017
Hey guys, I have a question.
How is the current state of the game in relation of microtransactions and balance?
I'm thinking about buying this game for multiplayer on ps4 but I don't want spend any money on ingame stuff. Can I still have fun or should keep looking for a different multiplayer shooter?


The Wise Ones
Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
Hey guys, I have a question.
How is the current state of the game in relation of microtransactions and balance?
I'm thinking about buying this game for multiplayer on ps4 but I don't want spend any money on ingame stuff. Can I still have fun or should keep looking for a different multiplayer shooter?

Currently there are no microtransactions in the game. Dice is in the midst of overhauling the progression system, and if you can look past the dubious progression system that's in the game now, there is much fun to be had. Microtransactions probably will make a return in the future.


Oct 26, 2017
Got close to winning this HvV match as Vader despite it being 2vs4, hilarious. When there's an AFK player on your team there's always another one that's gonna quit very fast and then it's a shit show for the rest of the match. Ended 0-4.


Oct 29, 2017
Nope, I went ham with the DC15-LE with Explosive Shot last night and could keep firing for as long as the unmodded version with no penalty. The satisfaction of making all the point whore officers with their Blurrg's and SE-44C's run for cover as I shredded their Battle Command-buffed health.... so good.

Plus, the explosion has a huge radius so while it doesn't do huge damage, I was taking out multiple enemies clumped together very quickly. The only counter was pretty much other Heavies with Explosive Shot. At least with the Blurrg you need to choose between the recoil mod or the improved burst mod.

I never really rated the DC15-LE's explosive shot mod but when combined with the Expert Weapon Handling card it could be a real monster.

EDIT: Does anyone know if there's been a stealth nerf to the AAT? I was having serious trouble hitting anything inside 20m last night. It felt like the firing angles had changed at close range or when firing on a slope.
Blurrg is fine. I can't speak for the heavy wep.


Oct 27, 2017
Currently there are no microtransactions in the game. Dice is in the midst of overhauling the progression system, and if you can look past the dubious progression system that's in the game now, there is much fun to be had. Microtransactions probably will make a return in the future.

I see, then it is decided. I will get it. Thank you :)


Oct 25, 2017
Having heroes be on a timer seems appealing in some aspects but I think would ultimately be negative for a number of reasons. I would potentially take it over what we have now, but barely. I still like capping hero max health/regen ability much lower than it is now is a decent compromise.


Oct 26, 2017
Having heroes be on a timer seems appealing in some aspects but I think would ultimately be negative for a number of reasons. I would potentially take it over what we have now, but barely. I still like capping hero max health/regen ability much lower than it is now is a decent compromise.
It really wouldnt.
If you want to play as a Hero all the time then play Heroes vs Villians. Heroes are terribly balanced in Galactic Assault


Oct 25, 2017
It really wouldnt.
If you want to play as a Hero all the time then play Heroes vs Villians. Heroes are terribly balanced in Galactic Assault

Timed heroes were already tried in the BF2015 beta and were removed due to massive negative blowback (you should actually go look up the community response to that anywhere, it was pretty wild). In theory that seems like a good idea, but runs into multiple issues like if you spawn in a bad spot as a hero or right before a phase change you could spend a good chunk of time getting to actual combat or being able to do anything. Or some heroes are more campy/defensive where being on a timer and playing your hero "correctly" means you have a pretty unsatisfying 5 minutes (or whatever the timer is) as a hero that you may have saved up for a whole match, and on the other hand if you just run out to try to get stuff done because of the timer you may not be playing the objective correctly and actually hurting your team overall. I've had matches where I'm actually playing the objective properly like say Yoda on defense on GA where I might go 5 minutes and only get like 2 kills because I'm actually acting properly as a deterrent and sticking to the objective. I would maybe be okay with heroes having a timer that extends on score gain or kills, but that also would penalize some characters more than others unless timers were different per hero.

The problem here is that in BF2015 you could whittle heroes down over time which didn't make it feel like a futile effort (except for Bossk on kills and small bacta bomb healing for everyone), so I was completely willing to die to get say 25-30 damage off on a Hero in that game. In BF2 it is much more of an issue with heroes being generally more offensive and less defensive than they were in 2015 BUT you regen health now and many heroes have max health back on kill cards, so compared to the last game the more highly skilled players are rewarded even more but anyone not in that top echelon is just going to get melted even faster than you did in BF2015. So you can melt a hero on paper much faster in BF2 but realistically that doesn't happen very often unless a few of you completely get the drop on a hero and/or the hero is incompetent. I think they COULD get a timer to work, but it would ultimately be harder than balancing it a different way, and there's no way they're going to even try the timer again after how bad the feedback was last time.

It's why I think the capping max health gain (from cards) to 50% max health is a fair compromise; it makes it more reasonable (but not easy!) for folks to take down a highly skilled hero because he can't fully regenerate health, but it doesn't totally nerf high-end players either, it just removes the bit of a "get out of jail free card" I think many of them have right now. I've said since the beta though that hero balance is incredibly tricky to get right here so outside of glaringly broken shit like the Senate I'm not gonna give Dice too much shit in this specific regard, but the problem's been getting worse for a while now, and buffing Vader/Yoda/Luke has only exacerbated it IMO, and the Senate is still ridiculous as well.

On a separate now can we talk about how the cooldown/explosive shot mods being broken right now are completely ruining the game right now, mostly the DC-15LE? Holy shit, I thought maybe I was just having bad lobby luck, but looking on both reddits nope, it seems to be everyone.

Edit: In case anyone doesn't believe me, this Emperor shit where he carries a team single-handedly with 100+ kills still happens for me EVERY SINGLE MATCH:


I swear I don't make this shit up lol. Also the DC-15LE shit is so bad, I was Yoda and had a single guy using it outright kill me in less than 2 seconds. I'm sticking to SA and BF2015 until they hotfix that, seems like most lobbies are like half people using it. Which is funny to a point, but still.
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