Aug 3, 2018
My favorite memory is the day episode 1 came out...I got busted by my grandmother having my girlfriend spend the night. After getting the situation defused, I then skipped an AP GOVERNMENT final to wait in line to buy tickets to the midnight screening. I then fell asleep in the middle of the movie and woke up see the three way dance at the end. What a day.

Xbox if I win. Thank you.

Deleted member 2507

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Favorite game moment? So many...

The Force Unleashed has many flaws but it was pretty fun game. The best thing in it were these small AI and physics interactions. I grab a stormtrooper with the Force, and his friend grabs him and tries to keep him from floating away but getting lifted as well. Though the Force was overpowered in the game, it did make telekinesis fun.

Though it is not alone really. In Jedi Outcast and Academy, one can fire a rocket at an enemy Force user and then proceed to play tennis with Force pushes. Funny, especially since it is only a matter of time when either side will fail a push and get rocket in the face.

But those are gameplay moments. As for story moments...

I really like X-wing Alliance's story about feuding families, the moment when Azzameens (player family) get betrayed and their home gets swarmed by the Empire... good stuff. Pity the family story gets kind of ditched toward the end, apparently it was meant to be finished in an expansion but the game didn't sell well enough and that didn't get made :/

Republic Commando has pretty damn cool moments, the squad personalities are awesome. The ending, leaving Sev missing feels horrible.... pity the game never got a sequel.

Bah, there's too many to list.



Oct 27, 2017
I have really enjoyed many star wars games. My favorite is kotor2. That game's tone - mysterious and morally gray is one of the most effective of any game I've ever played. I liked how it took the star wars mythos and put a new spin on it.

Favorite star wars movie is return of the jedi

PC is my preferred platform. Thank you for doing this
Oct 25, 2017
The Cyclone State
Man, before my parents even began to think about letting my brother and I get consoles back 20+ years ago we got our first in-home PC, a Compaq Presario. It came with a copy of Star Wars Jedi Knight and Sith Lord. I can remember not being into gaming, but playing it for hours just enjoying using the force powers at the time. Years later when the bundle showed up on Steam I had to have it. It has not aged well, but I'd like to think those games started my foray into gaming that has turned into a lifetime hobby today.

Xbox code for me!
Thanks for doing a giveaway!

Darth Karja

Oct 25, 2017
Best memories I had were playing Original Battlefront 2 on Xbox. I wasn't allowed to play video games at the time, so I had a portable DVD player screen hooked up to the Xbox and I would play it under a blanket after my parents went to bed. First time ever playing a star wars game. I had heard about the game at school, and went and bought an Xbox just to play it.

Xbox or PC work, no preference.


Oct 28, 2017
Back in the days I bought a xbox to play doom, and i got it with kotor never knew that game what it was the guy told me it was a wack rpg, started to play kotor and man felt in love with it, took me some time to adapt to the gameplay but the story was amazing wish they would do a remaster


Oct 25, 2017
For me it was definitely the moment in KOTOR where it's revealed that the player character is Revan. The flashbacks to the foreshadowing of it completely blindsided me too. I was playing a light side character, but it blew my mind as a kid to discover the Jedi manipulated me into a tool for their purposes. I got to then decide if I continue on the light side path I set out before me or embrace who I knew of Revan from what people had said about him. It was more mindblowing and crazy to me than even the "I am your father" twist because it felt like I experienced that moment. It was the first role playing game where it felt like I was legitimately invested where I wanted to role play outside what I usually played as - a good character. To this day it still amazes me that BioWare managed to create a blank slate character with a pre-determined history in the story but the player just didn't know about it yet. The fact that it was in Star Wars was even better.

As far as my favorite Star Wars movie. Definitely Empire Strikes Back. It set the example for the second darker movie and I think it's one of the more influential movies of all time.

For the game, I'd love an Xbox One copy should I win.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
One of the greatest star wars games to me was the n64 game, shadows of the empire. Great game, great graphics, punishing but most of all the one game that got me out of a depression after losing my favorite aunt. My favorite level was the swoop bike event, that music was glorious!

Favorite movie is empire strikes back followed by the last jedi.

Platform of choise, PC. THANKS!
Last edited:


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Jedi Outcast was freakin lit. Then I found the dismemberment console command. God damn.

make mine Xbox please and carrots


Oct 28, 2017
Very generous of you, thanks Wanda.

Star Wars has been a huge part of my life since I was a kid. The original trilogy was always shown on TV every Christmas. Combine that with new Star Wars toys for Christmas. I was in heaven as a kid.

l love all of the movies, yes, even the prequels. I think Disney buying the rights has been great for the franchise. I really don't think George would ever have made more movies, or green lit a TV show. So I'm thankful he sold the IP. The new movies have all been good and the Mandalorian looks amazing. I plan on going to Galaxy's Edge some time in the near future. It's been a great few years for Star Wars fans.

My favourite memory from a game has to be Rogue Squadron II, I got it with my launch GameCube. I played that game so much for months. I liked the new mechanic of giving orders to your wingmen. My favourite mission was probably Vengeance on Kothlis.

I haven't been a fan of EA's handling of the Star Wars license so far. But, I think Respawn could change that.

If I win, I'd like Xbox please


Oct 30, 2017
It was some months after the launch of Call of Duty 1 on PC that I ran into some old clan mates from Moh:AA and asked them what they were playing besides fps's. They were intrigued by my curiosity and let me know that they were playing a modded Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and would duel each other in lightsaber fights. Normally in the other games we'd play together I'd always have the upperhand and dominate them especially in fps games, but this was not the case with JK2. They punished me over and over again, but were nice enough teach me the ins and outs as well as how to use the different swing speeds. After several weeks of training I finally would ascend to their ranks and have the opportunity to beat one in a duel. We crouch bowed and began our epic duel to the death upon a floating platform. In the end I was able to dismember my clan mate/master (thanks to the dismemberment setting) and I was elated. I likened my victory to that of Vader's when he tossed Emperor P down the chute. But all of that pales in comparison to the first time I beat my cousin in pod racing in
Star Wars Episode I: Racer.

The Empire Strikes Back / Xbox One


Oct 27, 2017
One of my favourite moments is definetly Chewbacca's death saving Han's son, Anakin, in Sernpidal. Truth be told I didn't really cared much for Chewbacca up until that point in the Star Wars Universe, but his death shook me. If you only took the first sentence of this paragraph at face value you would imagine he dies fighting in a heroic last stand. He doesn't, his death is just a simple stroke of bad luck. As he gets knocked far from the Falcon and Han runs to the entrance ramp I simply assumed that somehow he would make it and they would all escape, like they always do. Except that, this time, they didn't. I didn't feel sad, but I couldn't take it in at firt. I thought I had misread (english is not my native language), but then it hit me. They had just killed the first major character from the Original Trilogy.

If we talk about games, then I can't stop mentioning seeing the TV comercials of the N64 Shadows of the Empire game. I actually never got to play but every time I saw it, to me it looked just like the films. The game I did play and got to love was Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. I felt like actually playing a new movie. Kyle was a cool character and the FMV made me feel like I was part of a new exciting trilogy. A classmate lend it to me and I could not give it back. I replayed it over and over again. My favourite moment was fighting the lightsaber weilding duo Pic and Gorc. I did not have my bearings in lightsaber combat by then and it proved a difficult fight (thank the empire for thermal detonators). But that was the "shit just got real" moment for me. A new character, a new trilogy, with movie production values and of the best FPS of the 90s. A few years afterwards when I saw Yoda fighting I could't help but remember this fight, since Yoda moved pretty much like Pic.

Edit: Spelling Check, in case of being chosen Xbox One platform. Added game answer.
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Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
I didn't have many SNES games, so I got a lot of mileage out of each one. Two that I played the most were Super Empire Strikes Back and Super Return of the Jedi. Very tough games, but with a Game Genie I was able to brute force my way through the games. I can still hear the SNES renditions of John Williams' score in my head!
Empire / Xbox


Nov 2, 2017
My favourite memories from a Star Wars game is easily the Jedi Knight multiplayer on Microsoft's zone. It was one of the first online games I ever played and still to this day some of the funniest experiences ive had. The game was hacked to shit as this was long before measures were in place to prevent such shenanigans. As a result you would run into other players who swapped there character model for other "things". Usually other character models like R2D2 but some people got creative. My favourite was the dude that swapped his for a 10x10 section of wall. Seeing that shuffle around the map wielding a lightsaber was quite the sight. Truly a master of the force.

Xbox is my preference


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
As with many others, my favorite Star Wars moment is the twist in KoTOR. I think there will always be (new) good things that can be said about it, it's that great, but I'm going to focus on my reaction to it. The twist in KoTOR is so memorable to me because I don't simply remember it, I remember my reaction to it. I remember what I felt and how I reacted to it. It was back in 2008. I was sitting right here looking at the same place I'm looking right not (even if it was a different chair and screen) and when the reveal happened I was completely awestruck. While the reveal was going on I wasn't fully sure what it was, but I suspected it. And for the majority of the cutscene I was like, oh my god I can't believe it, I can't believe it. And only at the very end I became really sure who exactly I was playing with. I literally got up from the chair and walk around is circles trying to process what I just witnessed. I like to say KoTOR is the only game I played for the first time twice, because with that knowledge in my head, the second time was an entire new experience. I can't overstate my love for KoTOR, so I'll just say that moment is singular in my gaming life. And one that changed my relationship with Star Wars forever.

Favorite Star Wars film: Revenge of the Sith

Plataform: PC


Jan 17, 2019
Oh man I bought Star Wars Jedi Power Battles on launch day and I really believed I loved that game... Even beat it and convinced my younger cousin to play... I don't think she was as blind to how what an objectively poor game it was.. but I loved it.
Was bummed when it got really poor reviews.
Looking forward to playing on Xbox hopefully.. but I have a gaming laptop too.
Favorite movie is and has always been The Empire Strikes Back
Oct 28, 2017
My most memorable moment has to be rp'ing a miner/crafter stranded on Tatooine in Star Wars Galaxies at launch. Before the Jedi nonsense and before the combat update, there was just me and my friends creating are own little space on this dustball of a planet, trying to eke out a living. Gathering materials, grinding through to make better gear and then trying to persuade randoms to buy my stuff at the nearest space port.

This was literally the closest I had ever come to inhabiting a life on another world with all the problems and drama that came with it. We were all lost in our characters so every day was filled with excitement, suspense, failure and heartbreak. It really was the most fun I ever had with a game, let alone a Star Wars game and nothing has ever come close.

PC is my platform of choice. Favorite film is always going to be Empire Strikes Back. Aside from expanding the background of characters and lore of the Galaxy, it really established the Empire, and Darth Vader in particular, as a menacing threat and really showed what is at stake.


Oct 27, 2017
The kotor reveal still is my favorite Star Wars gaming moment. I had a feeling of dread for some reason as it was happening - and at the end I thought how could I have not seen that coming.

Ties halo 1 as my favorite xbox game and I've bought it on pc/xbox back compat/mobile many times. Favorite film will always be ESB but that first 30 min or so of RoTJ showing Luke was with the shits has a special place in my heart. Dope thing you're doing for the community - xbox code if selected!


Oct 26, 2017
I have fond memories of Star Wars bounty hunter on PS2. I remember being stuck on the first level for a really long time, and my brother ended up helping me get through that. Then I was able to manage the rest of the game on my own. I remember the final boss fight being super intense, getting chased by Vosa with dual lightsabers around the room. Felt so accomplished after finishing it. I wasn't good at games back then, so it was a big deal that I finished it lol. I wish we could get another game that was similar to it.

i really like rogue one the more I watch it

and I'd prefer Xbox if I am chosen, thanks!


Oct 27, 2017
Mine actually comes from SW:TOR the Sith Inquisitor story line. The way it builds in scale is overwhelming and the concepts it's throws around. Stealing power and absorbing force ghosts. Fighting them for control of your mind. The epic final fight before the sith counsel. The entire thing just did what I love which is make the force less mystical, more scifi and the universe itself more scifi. I loved it.

Shout out to playing Jedi Outcast online and dueling full size Yoda's when size was standardized. Lol.

PC if chosen please.

Deleted member 41931

User requested account closure
Apr 10, 2018
Maybe not the best one, but my favorite Star Wars memory would have to be playing the the Force Unleashed 2 Endor DLC going in blind. My friend happened to have it installed, so I asked if I could play a bit to see if the story DLCs were worth buying. The said sure and the next 20 or so minutes was deeply confusing and uncomfortable as I made Han Solo kill Chewbaca, then killed Solo and later a Jedi Leia during what I later learned was an alternate history battle for Endor. Not the best experience for me, but still the one that stuck with me.

A much more positive one would be playing the Pod Racer arcade game which is still my favorite arcade game to this day. I just deeply adore the feeling of using the physical physical controls.

Thank you for your generosity. Either would be fine.
Star Wars Legends games and clarification


Sep 21, 2019
There appears to be confusion about the content in which some write their entries about, with a focus just on the films. This is for writing about experiences and memories of video games set in the old Star Wars Legends continuity. That's the main topic of writing about these entries. Apologies for any confusion on my part.


Nov 2, 2017
there's been lots of good star wars gaming moments. the snes star wars games were a memorable part of childhood, and I think Kreia from KOTOR2 is the most compelling star wars characters ever created. But my best memory is playing lego star wars trilogy with one of my kids. He's a big star wars fan and the lego games are a great way to introduce kids to gaming. I'd love an xbox code. Favourite film is return of the jedi.

Revan Ren

Jan 11, 2018
As you maybe can tell from my username, KOTOR made quite an impression on me. I'd heard a lot about the game and as a kid I'd had it for months before actually playing it - this was my first Western RPG and I was a little intimidated. The graphics, characters, story and the cutscene with that twist just blew me away. I vividly remember being legitimately astonished at what I was watching. I play the game every few years and it's always special.

Empire is my favorite movie and I play on PC.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Oh man. Forgive me, I'm not the best writer.

KOTOR 2 helped me fall in love with my favorite band of all time. I think I was 15 or so at the time and my parents had bought me Coheed and Cambria's album Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV (I'm not typing out this full album title because it's fucking long) for Christmas. It did absolutely nothing for me when I first heard it. Thought it was kinda goofy. Spacey sci-fi prog rock stuff sung by the dude with the highest-pitched voice I'd ever heard whereas I was just getting into like Rise Against and Bad Religion, punk shit.

On a whim while trading in some games at the local game shop, I picked up KOTOR 2. I hadn't played the first one nor had I really played any of the Star Wars games, however I did love the movies (including the prequel trilogy I was like 10 sue me) because my mom introduced them to me at a pretty young age. It's kind of our bonding thing. I immediately fell in love with this game. The storytelling, the voice acting, the characters, the planets. Yeah, it was unfinished and buggy, but god I fell for this game. I don't know why because normally I don't like listening to other peoples' music while playing a game, but I put my headphones on and let GAIV play on my little CD player and everything just...clicked. I listened to that album and played KOTOR2 together for months. Something about huge video game space operas and prog rock space operas mix so, so well. Eventually I played the original KOTOR, got into Coheed's previous albums, and the rest is history. I can't put on that album now without getting the massive itch to wake up on Peragus II not knowing how I got there.

Anyways, yeah, I think that's my most memorable experience. Oh and my favorite Star Wars movie is Empire. One of my favorite movies in general. If I somehow do win, I'd take a PC code. Thanks for doing this, Wanda!


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if you'll count it but I'll try anyway 😉

When I was like 5 or 6 I had this Star Wars game that plugged into the TV. You had a lightsaber and you would be attacking battle droids with it. I would swing it around and have a blast and all my friends would gather around and play it to. We always loved when we made it to grevious and we would just swing it like a madman 😂

No idea what it was called or where it went but man that is what got me into gaming along with timesplitters 3!!!


May 1, 2018
Shadows of the Empire has always stood out to me. The first level alone was worth the price as it immersed me in the Hoth battle. The rest of the game had a great variety of locations and gameplay types, all culminating in its own Death Star esque climax. Tim Rogers hit the nail on the head regarding level design helping cement a feeling of continuity and place while exploring Gall Spaceport.

Empire Strikes Back is my favorite.

Xbox version preferred.


Oct 27, 2017
i was a big fan of the star wars games in the snes, loved those games, the 3d leves with the speedracer and the last one on the ROJ were my favorites and i always wanted games with battle ships, then the N64 came out and i got shadow of the empire, man, man the first level, the battle of hoth, i was totaly blowned away, this was i always dreamed, i couldn't believe it, me totally flying a snowspeeder, then i changed to cockpit view, almost cried, one of my favorites n64 games with all it flaws.

Thanks for the memories OP, Xbox code for me would be amazing


Dec 3, 2018
Thank you for doing this ! My fondest memories come from either Star Wars : Empire at War or Star Wars Jedi Knight : Jedi Academy. I'll go with Jedi Academy because I think it fits better with Jedi Fallen Order. I had a ton of fun with Jedi Academy back when The Force Awakens came out and which made me want to satisfy my SW gaming urges. The story was lots of fun to play through. It really opened my eyes as to how awesome light saber combat can be in a video game (coming from Force Unleashed haha). The amount of options you get in approaching situations with either force powers, guns, your lightsaber or a combination of all these things to fight your enemies is great. However, my best time was not with the main game but instead with the mod : Movie Battles 2. Movie Battles 2 completely overhauls the combat system and makes multiplayer a real pleasure (and the original MP was already hella fun). I especially love the duel mechanics in that game as they're skill based and make any fight very rewarding. My most treasured time with the game is probably with my dueling buddy I met in-game. He helped me get better at the game and fighting side-by-side with him in dual duels was some of the best time I had.

Bonus : My favorite movie is Return of the Jedi because of the throne room scene but my favorite era is the Clone Wars (thanks to the show). My favorite Star Wars moment is Ahsoka vs Vader. Okay, I'm done !

Also, I want to say that I don't have an Xbox so I'm only entering for the PC version.

Le Dude

May 16, 2018
As a kid, we were never allowed to own any gaming consoles. My mom was vehemently against video games and for a long time our only opportunity was to play games at friends' houses (or my Grandma's house, because she had an NES!). When we got a PC that sort of changed, but we were limited to "educational games". Eventually we were allowed to move onto some real games and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy was one of the first real games we ever got. It was a total blast. The ability to customize your character and choose your lightsaber setup was amazing. My favorite moment of the game would have to be just starting the game up for the first time and creating my own jedi. Eventually my brothers and I got burned out on the singleplayer, but then we started to dive headfirst into the multiplayer—my first experience with online multiplayer gaming. From there I got online and started downloading some mods, I delved into the game files and discovered how to mod the game myself. I never put out anything too serious, but I was able to piece together a few custom skins that I was really proud of. At one point one of our install discs broke and half and we ripped a friends disc and burned it into a CD. I learned a ton about PC gaming from the game. My favorite game of all time is still A Link to the Past, but Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy holds a special place in my heart as being one of the first games that I personally owned, and for being the game that introduced me to online multiplayer and game modding.

Platform of choice is PC.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Very generous, thanks for doing this!

I'd participate but... a) I'm a mod and it'd probably look weird and b) I actually haven't really played any Star Wars game in earnest. I was, in fact, hoping Fallen Order would change that, as it looks exactly like my kind of game (I've been dreaming of a Sekiro with lightsabers/jedi powers since I played, well, Sekiro!). The only Star Wars games I played were the SNES RotJ (barely remember a thing about it), the pod racer game on N64, and a bit of Force Unleashed (it was kind of mediocre). I really hope Fallen Order is finally the Star Wars game I've been dreaming for.

Good luck to everyone!


Oct 27, 2017
Probably the Death Star run in Rogue Squadron 2. My young mind couldn't quite comprehend how I was playing something that looked so close to the real deal (at least at the time). The Death Star was so massive and lasers (or whatever) were flying everywhere and then Tie Fighters came swooping in and then there was the trench run, just like in the movie, and my shots were lighting up my surroundings as they flew forward. Little Famassu's mind was blown.

Favorite SW movie is either Empire Strikes Back or The Last Jedi. Can't decide which I like more.


Nov 1, 2017
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy for Xbox was some of the most fun I've had playing multiplayer with friends before I got Halo and Xbox Live became a thing. I'd always choose between blue and yellow lightsabers because Obi-Wan was my favorite during the prequel days and I loved Plo Koon's saber from Jedi Power Battles on PS1.

Even though I loved the prequels growing up, Empire Strikes Back has always been my favorite.

Xbox One is my preferred system too -- thanks for this!


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Who could forget that moment towards the end of KoTOR, when you confront Dark Bastila right before going to the Starforge, and you actually get the option to join her and team up to rule the galaxy together as Sith. It was the most unexpected thing that the game could have allowed you to do, made even crazier with how the rest of your party reacts. Killing your other Jedi companions, having Not-Chewie kill Mission Vao, sending Carth into the woods to go live out the rest of his days. It was a massive "holy crap I can't believe the game is actually doing this" moment in a game that already had one of the best twists of all time. Needless to say, this game made a huge impression on me as a kid.

I play primarily on PC btw, thanks!


Feb 25, 2018
I would have to say my favorite memory of Star Wars in Video games is OG Star Wars Battlefront. I first played it at my cousins house back in Christmas of 2004 or 2005. I really liked the game and I would go to his house just to play the game (I didn't have a PS2, Xbox or PC to play the game on).

At the time I was still in elementary school and I didn't know much about Star Wars at all (just like a lot of kids from that period of time the most that I knew was Vader saying "Luke I am your Father", I didn't really even knew what that meant), I think I saw some stuff about it before but I didn't have any interest in it. So I am now playing this Star Wars game and I am having fun, I am looking at all of these different maps that have all of this cool locations like Naboo, Tatooine, Bespin, Yavin 4, Kashyyyk, and others. So I would play the game for hours and get really into, it was also around this time that Gendys Clone Wars series came out and well after that I was just really into Star Wars and wanted to learn more about well everything that the series had to offer. I watched all of the movies, I started to collect Lego Star Wars sets (I was of course also playing the LEGO Star Wars games as well) and then I would get into games like Star Wars Bounty Hunter (the game was too hard for me as a kid so I never beat it, but it was cool seeing Jango Fett in the very begging with him hunting done some one and then telling him something about the highest bidder).

So by middle school after having playing OG Battlefront I was really into Star Wars and the best part is that after all of that I was able to find out what the locations in Battlefront where and who all the characters are.

So after OG Battlefront I played the Lego games which I liked, I played Bounty Hunter which I thought was hard, I also play Battlefront 2 which I was not a fan of, I also play the PSP Battlefront games and thought they were cool (I even played the DS Elite Squadron game, the space battles where the only good part about the DS version). I also did play Jedi Outcast 2 as well but I just could not get into the game (it didn't make much sense to me), The Force Unleashed I played on the DS and Wii and I liked the game, it was cool how on the Wii you would hear lightsaber sounds. I did enjoy The Force Unleashed enough to pre-order the Force Unleashed 2 on the DS, I was disappointed in Unleashed 2, the trailer was really cool and was what got me to buy that game

(this is when I was going though my edgey teenage years)

I was disappointed with how the first game had 3D environments but the second game as just a 2.5D side scroller game where a lot of the combo system that was in the first game was just removed.

In 2013 when I heard there was going to be a reboot of Star Wars Battlefront I got very excited and could not wait to play it, I was even thinking of getting a PS4 or Xbox One just to play the game since it would not be on the Xbox 360. In the end though I played the Beta for the game on PC and while it looked very pretty it just didn't have the soul that the first game had, it just felt like a husk (there was no Clone Wars era content and there was not Galactic Conquest and the shooting felt off as well). I didn't even bother with Star Wars Battlefront 2 (EA). I got really excited when I heard that Star Wars Battlefront (2004) got released on Steam and ended up buying it right away, the game still hold up to this day (sadly there are some bugs in the current PC version that may never get officially fixed)

In a lot of ways I kind of lost faith in the Star Wars series, it sort of sad to me to see this series that I really liked and was really into was I was younger just go to waste, we don't see many Star Wars games.

But after seeing all of the more recent stuff about Jedi Fallen order and how it's developed by Respawn (Titanfall 1 is an amazing game, Apex is also pretty cool, but I stopped playing that and oddly enough I never played Titanfall 2. I think I have almost 250 hours in Titanfall 1 and over 100 hours in Apex so I do like what Respawn makes ). So there is hope that this game will turn out pretty good. I was planning on just picking the game up via Origin Premium and playing it that way (because of the 7 week early trial, which this game will not be getting in order to avoid story spoilers)and then just buying it on Steam.

When it comes to Star Wars there is one promise that I want to keep to myself and that is that at some point in time I will buy a LEGO LAAT Republic Gunship and I intent to keep it (sadly though things are really expensive and go for around $200-400USD ), so I will settle for an X-Wing for this Holiday Season. Also I think I will end up buying the Lego Skywalker Saga since I did enjoy those Lego games and they are what put Lego games on the map. The Lego Yoda sound is funny, me using cheats to to "daisy chain". Looking back at Lego Stars Wars games on its own is rather interesting because those games recreate scenes from the movies but when I was playing those games I had no idea what was going on since there was no voice acting in those games. I remember seeing General Grievous and seeing that he had 4 arms and could destroy everything around him and that made him my favorite.

I also played The Clone Wars, I don't remember much other than being in vehicles and shooting at things.

And very recently I played Republic Commandos. RIP SIV, that ending song though. I actually did wish that I had played this one when I was younger since gameplay wise it did not age very well (The thing I like the most about this game was giving commands to my squad... only to then have them die, and have to revive them and die myself in the process of reviving them) but I most likely would have enjoyed it a lot more, 10 years ago.

I do wonder who different would Star Wars game have been had Star Wars Battlefront 3 been released, would that game been one of the biggest releases on the PS3 and Xbox 360? If it was a home console version of Elite Squadron it might as well have been. Why didn't the EA Star Wars game let you battle on the ground like the PSP game, then let you do atmosphere battle, then go to space and then attack their carrier ships.

One last thing to note Star Wars Battlefront (2004) > Star Wars Battlefront (2005), don't @ me

And lets not forget RIP Darth Maul game, Star Wars 1313 and Rag Tag

Edit: I don't really have a favorite Star Wars movie, since I got into the games before I got into the films. The OG films are good and the Empire Strikes Back is the one that stand out the most. Time wise though I like the prequels more since I grew up with the Clone Wars.

While not a "Star Wars film"

Gendy's animated Star Wars series is a must watch

Just look at it!!!!
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Nov 27, 2017
Kitwe, Zambia.
Back in like 2007 or so I remember borrowing Star Wars Battlefront II for PS2 from a friend and oh boy that game was amazing. Split screen with my brother was super fun no doubt and very memorable but what stuck with me the most was that campaign.

The amount of events covered, the narrator etc. I'd never played a star wars game till that point that let me visit so many of the planets from the real movies. At the time as a kid fan, just going through all these scenarios and battles from the movies was simply mind-blowing. Very few feelings like that when growing up. Sadly had to give the game back after a few months and I could never get a copy myself because my PS2 died shortly after, so my story with BF2 didn't end as I'd hoped.

That's it from me. Good luck all. Personally I'd prefer an Xbox One code if I won. Oh and my favorite star wars movie is the Last Jedi. Love what it does with Rey's heritage and Luke's character as an old man.


Mar 28, 2018
My favorite moment when Darth Vader said he was Luke's father, actually IDK much about this series and am looking to get in to the franchise.


Oct 28, 2017
My favorite memories come specifically from the multiplayer in Jedi Academy. I was 7 when it came out, and it was the first multiplayer I got heavily invested in. Spent hours hanging out in the lobbies, bowing to duel, and doing some close to role play scenarios.
I spent hours looking through the JKfiles website, downloading skins and maps to play on. Maps that had secret admin rooms that my brother and I spent hours trying to sneak into without the admins realizing.


Oct 27, 2017
Favourite moment was wielding a lightsaber for the first time ever, in Jedi Academy; won't ever forget it.
I don't need a code, but I have an OCD that makes me post in every Star Wars thread lol. Thanks for the offer though!


Oct 27, 2017
We didn't have a VCR when I was a kid and I hadn't seen that many movies. When I was around 11 or 12 we had a sleepover at a freinds house. He and he's older brother wanted to show me this star wars movies. There where a lot of kids there, mostly friends of my freinds older brother. As we started watching I was really amazed. You know that kind of amazed you can't be as an adult and/or with the technology progress we are used to. It was like showing a Neanderthal an iPhone. The thing a remember the most is the dramatic seen when the evil (and at this time I really thoght he was really scary) wizard half robot who's actually choking people to death reveal that he is the heros father. I remember that strongly because I had a hard time not to cry. It was very emotional to me (and a huge surprise) and.... well you don't want to be a crybaby in front of the older kids.

Return of the Jedi is absolutely my favorite movie ever. I tend to like most starwars related stuff but I'll guess much is due to nostalgia.

My preferred weapond of choice is lightsabering on my xbox one

Edit: oh, a game related experience. Definitely star wars the force unleashed. I really enjoyed the first game mostly because it tries to echo the dramatic relations and story.
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Oct 17, 2019
Fortaleza - Ceará
My favorite memory was when I got a PS1 from my cousin, me and my sister were kids and just watched The Phantom Menace for the first time and one of the few games we had was Star Wars Jedi Power Battles, which featured couch co op and it was based on the film, so we played it a lot.

The final mission is entirely a boss fight with Darth Maul and was ridiculously hard, so we cheesed it. The plan was my sister kept baiting him running around and me spammed Mace Windu's skill where he would use the force to make his lightsaber go crazy floating around him that was so powerful that Maul couldn't block it. We had 0 credits left and we did it! I will never forget that day.

Bonus: My favorite movie is ROTS. I grew up with the prequels, so watching those visuals, listening that soundtrack was crazy good. The bad acting was ironed out by the Brazilian Portuguese dub so that wasn't a problem.

Xbox One version for me and good luck!


Mar 15, 2019
I had such a blast playing Star Wars: Episode I Racer as a kid. The high speed racing, the various locales, the characters who I couldn't remember from the movie at all, it had everything. Buy new parts for your pod racer was also fun and added a nice sense of progression to a fairly straightforward singleplayer. "It's a new lap record," is probably my favourite voice line from any game.

My favourite Star Wars movie is Solo (because I think it's underappreciated) and my preferred platform is PC (Xbox is also ok)


Oct 16, 2018
I'd say my favorite moment was landing on (as well as exploring) Nar Shadaa in KOTOR 2. I'd heard about the planet in various stories before (such as the Han Solo book trilogy) and as a fan of futuristic city visuals, I was excited to check it out. A lot of factors came together to make this my favorite. Even right after landing, the kid in me (I was a teen at the time) got positively giddy seeing the toydarian voiced by the same guy who voiced Watto. That feeling got multiplied when I tried to force persuade him and failed, as one does with toydarians.

Bounty hunters, hutts, gangsters, and that first glimpse of Kreia's "alternative" view of the force all mashed up to draw me in. Even today, the atmosphere of that place never fails to immerse me. (Plus it's where I get to make Mira a jedi, and she's my favorite character from the entire Old Republic continuity.)

As for movies, Return of the Jedi is my favorite. I don't claim it's the best (in fact, I acknowledge it's probably the weakest of the original trilogy), but I grew up loving it. Plus I always prefer a happy, all-encompassing ending.

Edit: Oh right. PC is my platform.
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Oct 30, 2017
KotOR rocked my world back in the day. I never would have imagined some Star Wars game set long before the OT would become almost as compelling to me as the movies.

I played as a female Revan. The twist that she was an ex-Sith lord, with Darth Malak originally her apprentice, kicked my ass. That's got to be the defining moment of the game for me, and probably one of the formative experiences that crystallized my love of video games. What a cool way to connect the main character to an antagonist and raise the stakes for every moral choice you make throughout the game.

When I get talking about the crew of the Ebon Hawk I can go on all day, so I'll leave it at this: Each and every member was special.* Their personalities, backgrounds, and relationships made Revan's already exciting story an unforgettable and truly emotional experience. HK-47 alone could make a mediocre game into a must-play.

I'm still disappointed we never got a KotOR 3 to wrap up the story for that time period. I hated how Revan had simply vanished to the Outer Rim or whatever in KotOR 2. I could never bring myself to look into what the Old Republic MMO did with the plot. Watching the story unfold, or rather, actively participating in it with my own choices in KotOR 1 and 2, left me with a sense of ownership over my personal version of that saga.

As for my favorite Star Wars movie, it's still the original. While ESB ups the ante in pretty much every way, ANH gives me the most nostalgia. Watching it still feels like seeing a myth in the making. I love the pace and progression of its story, I love the imagery, I love each individual scene. It all seems so much bigger than a Flash Gordoney space adventure. George Lucas really did create a whole new universe with that film.

XB1 version please! I can't play newer PC games.

*Except Carth.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
Thanks for the giveaway! I'm always amazed at people's generosity on here.

For me, my favorite moments were playing Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy online. I was part of a PC clan called Fraggle Rock in my preteen years and we played everyday. We would just hang out on the server and chat and have light saber duels and roleplay. We also had a huge forum where we chatted. It was my first time really being part of an online community like that and interacting with other people in other countries with other beliefs than me. I always remember those times fondly, and it helped that the light saber combat was incredibly good in those games and very deep.

I'm an Xbox guy now so that my preference.


Apr 29, 2019
I'm not going to lie but this is a really difficult question. I can think of so many great memories from playing dark forces on my Mac back in 94, super star wars for the snes, pod racing on n64, rouge leader on gc, and the of Xbox had some great experiences such a Kotor 1 and 2, Jedi academy, and republic commando. But after all those great games I'd have to say that the original star wars battlefront as it was just an absolute blast to play. Galactic conquest(I wish this mode was in the newer games) was just a joy to play with so many different options on how to play the game. Then the multiplayer as so much fun and I'd just get lost for hours playing it. Also it was the first game I ever played on Xbox live and that was such an amazing experience that I never wanted to end.

Bonus: Favorite Movie - A New Hope

If by some miracle I get picked I would love a PC version of the game

P.S. thanks op for letting me reminisce and making me give a hard look on some of my favorite games from my childhood.


Oct 28, 2017
My favorite Star Wars memories:

When on Xbox, playing KOTOR for the first time. My mind was blown. The game was so engaging and epic and I'd never made it all the way through a game of that type and scope but I could NOT stop. When you first meet HK-47, I was sure games would never get better. Easily my favorite character in any Star Wars property. So I'm loving the game and suddenly I realize I'm at the end and.OH MY GOD WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!?! No game's ending had ever or likely WILL ever have the same impression made on me. Blown away.

My favorite memory of the movies is when my grandparents took my older brother and I to see the OG classic in the summer of 1977. It's my earliest distinct memory. I was four years old. I'd already seen it and wouldn't shut up about it so they wanted to see what the fuss was. We watched it and grandma was like "I'm not sure I understood all of what was going on. Let's sit here and watch it again." So we sat in the back row of the theater for the entire summer afternoon and watched it twice in a row. I was 4 and I sat in one place, loving life, somehow with a 4.5 hour attention span at that age.

I've loved Star Wars ever since. (Xbox if I were that fortunate. Thanks for this thread! I'm loving reading all these!)


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 25, 2017
Well I was blown away with Kotor1 plot twist (I was young and didn't see it coming) even though is obvious.
I actually need to reply them, because I don't remember much else about it to be honest.

Pc only , don't have an Xbox anymore


Prophet of Truth
Nov 10, 2017
Mallorca, Spain
To me, the best memory of the whole EU might have been in a videogame, specifically Knights of the Old Republic. I remember visiting the Korriban sith academy, and preparing among fellow students to go into the tombs of several mighty dark jedi, only spoken of in whispers...
The feeling of entering such forbidden places, for knowledge coming from such terrible beings, was a source of tension yet joy, for me. What could go wrong? ANd finally getting to "talk" with some of them, see how they were so worried about the sith empire, their philosophy, how history remembered them. There's where I said "this is a marvelous story!".
After all, how many games let you discover the myth and truth of your own legends?
If somehow I got chosen, pc version would be preferred. Thank you!
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