Deleted member 48434

User requested account closure
Oct 8, 2018
Imagine if Dark Souls showed 15 minutes of gameplay, somewhere in the Undead Burg or another early level like maybe the Depths. Played by a skilled player who mows down those enemies with decent ease, too.

"Crumbling grey castle walls/moldy sewer corridors, zzz, level design so boring"
"Combat looks so slow and tedious."
"Generic zombie enemies/rats and slimes, really?"
"Looks linear and generic. Pass."
Given that Dark Souls is one of my favorate games of all time, I honestly thought the star wars gameplay looked great.


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
This bugged me to be honest. That said, I do understand why the game which is throwing multiple enemies from multiple sides (eased for flanking) with projectile weapons may have resort to this defense mechanism.
Imagine a deflect button that twirls your lightsaber to meet any laser blasts headed your way in a completely organic way using the new motion mapping style animation they're using in TLOU2. That would look cool as fuck. Everything about this game just feels like they're living in the past in every sense. Such boring game design that makes Star Wars seem really dull.


Oct 27, 2017
Doesn't look horrible, but it looks pretty basic. Combat looks pretty mindless, hopefully the ease of difficulty is just for demo purposes. It looks like it could provide a couple days of fun, i.e. rental status. Most games I buy these days it feels like it takes me weeks to get through as I can really sink my teeth into them, this doesn't quite give that feeling.

At least people in YouTube comments seem to be ecstatic about this. Despite those with higher expectations wanting something deeper I'm sure this will sell well unless there is some huge headline stirring problem with the game.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
He could just sit waiting for the enemy to arrive.
That would be a very jedi thing to do actually...

Imagine a deflect button that twirls your lightsaber to meet any laser blasts headed your way in a completely organic way using the new motion mapping style animation they're using in TLOU2. That would look cool as fuck.
There's literally only one game, LITERALLY, one game that has motion matching.


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
It looked alright. Seems to be taking ideas from God of War for the combat, which is good. The traversal felt very linear, but I bet there will be secrets and more exploratory elements they didn't show because it wouldn't look exciting on video. It was alright - the little robot was the star.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
It's because the momentum doesn't amount to anything. He dashes in close, suddenly stops briefly, then lunges.
It would be more satisfying to see the dash lead into the lunge.
yeah, a lunge stab, or lunge into animation would probably feel better

like it was said earlier, maybe you can upgrade combos and stuff to make it even faster/smoother

Young Liar

Nov 30, 2017
Joining the chorus here to say that none of it looked inspired. It's "fine" at best.

Of course, this is just pre-alpha, so I'm not totally gonna write it off. Final product could be much better, and maybe actually playing it yourself feels as satisfying as Respawn says.

Just wasn't excited about anything they showed in that demo.


May 12, 2018
Painfully bland with impactless combat and clunky animations. I thought I was taking crazy pills while watching the gameplay demo. I feel vindicated reading this thread.


Oct 25, 2017
Kind of mixed on what I'm seeing though I'm only half way through the video. Very obvious cinematic style platformer action gameplay but certain aspects like the animations seem very really loose and floaty. Not bad but with the fidelity on a lot of the other aspects it makes that stuff stand out especially during combat and platforming but this is stuff they'll probably clean up as they go. The one thing that stood out to me at random is that it appears like the enemies and even their attacks are in slow mo. The storm troopers are shooting laser blasts at our protag and they look like they're moving through molasses which is made even more obvious when the game actually slows down time.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm just glad to have a Jedi game that is showing promise. I have a feeling some people are gonna change their tone after they've had a chance to play through it.
I love how Uncharted-like is being brought up in this thread a lot as a derogatory term. Like what the hell is even going on lol?
Yeah, I actually like that aspect of it too, not to mention since I was looking forward to Hennig's game.
Some of the animation is stiffer than I'd like (meanwhile some is pretty good) but I thought it looked quite decent. A bit surprised they didn't really show a "wow moment" in this first demo, but I thought it looked pretty cool.

Looked pretty good to me. Traversal seems to have a decent amount of stuff going on between the grapple, wallrunning and climbing (certainly more than Uncharted). Combat looks pretty satisfying with stormtroopers that get shredded by your lightsaber (but I expect them to be dangerous in numbers if improperly managed), and there seems to be a bit more involved blocking/stamina depletion/parry interactions with tougher enemies. Some light puzzle solving elements round out the classic action adventure formula that most companies don't shoot for anymore. I love linear action games that make me feel like I'm going on an adventure and this seems right up my alley.
Yeah. Plus then on top of that if it really does have some wider exploration to it.

Deleted member 3897

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
How is it possible for the enemies there, especially at the gate, to not notice him? They are literally standing viewing the direction he is in.



Oct 29, 2017
Looked somewhat impressive, very solid graphics - I'd prefer this over a titanfall-esqe fps. Biggest problem is the IP has been overused to the ground by Disney - so I'm not really interested in the story. Forest whitaker's inclusion was nice - but they need to have better closeups and detail to exploit his presence and acting. As other's mentioned the AI looked a little weak. The bar for 'single player cinematic adventure' is very high seems to be their biggest problem. I think at this point the IP is really not very strong the only games that would open to excitement here would be tie fighter/xwing games (with vr support) and KOTOR sequels.


Oct 27, 2017
east coast, usa
I absolutely 100% commend raw game play without any bull shots. That is awesome. I also think the game looks pretty ho hum. My two opinions do not have to correlate with each other. Nobody wants developers to fake a game and make it look better than it really is, that's false advertising.

All I'm saying is, I don't blame developers for being dishonest after this. I don't discount anyone's opinion. You seem level headed, what I'm saying is coming from some of the crazy things said in the other thread.

It sucks when a developer decides to be honest, and then gets shitted on for the "horrible graphics".

Detective Pidgey

Alt Account
Jun 4, 2019
Honestly I'm not seeing what is all that wrong about the animations and the combat looks great, but I do hope this is set to easy because it didn't look all that challenging. I also wonder if it's constantly this linear or if there will be some more open areas too.

I agree with others that it's a shame dismemberment is not in, come on Respawn, why? So that youngsters can play it? It does seem that The Force Unleashed seems more "loose" when it comes to using the powers and such?


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017

Deleted member 18161

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Looks good to me.

Star Wars x Uncharted x Quantum Break x 1313.

Knew there would be a ton of "generic" comments in this thread despite the forum always asking for a return to more linear experiences and Respawn having just come off two very good games (TF2 / Apex).


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Why are people saying it's too early to show this stuff? The game is out in five months. A YEAR before release, Naughty Dog (Bruce Straley, I think) played this demo at E3, live. It even froze and had to restart!

And it looked amazing to just about everyone.

Oct 25, 2017
I liked it looks pretty cool. I guess I get that it looks like generic Star Wars and the main character seems a little bland but whatever been awhile since we've gotten a AAA single player Star Wars.

My dream is if you crank up the difficulty it will feel a bit more souls like but won't hold my breath.


Oct 25, 2017
To elaborate further.

A game developer finally throws us a bone. Shows raw gameplay, no upscaled graphics, no overly choreographed gameplay and a lot of people shit on it.

I just think it's a shame, and it makes me understand why ubisoft loves to bullshit their reveals.

The reactions to this reveal make me understand why we had the whole anthem situation.
We've been getting "raw" gameplay for years now. This isn't new. And there's no guarantee that the visuals won't be downgraded. It may not have been "overly" choreographed, but it was still obviously staged and rehearsed.
Oct 30, 2017
AI is dumb as shit. Zero reaction to what the main character is doing. The 3 troopers trying to shoot the guy without any one of them moving was awful.

How about when he forces pushes that big pipe to make a bridge? 4 troopers 30 feet ahead didn't hear or see that? Come on...

The health bar is also redundant if your little droid companion changes color as you take damage. Take it out.


Oct 27, 2017
So the 1313 demo, which was looking to be an uncharted clone, was ok to be so but for this demo it's no ok to have similarities to Uncharted? I think this looks great and it's the metroid like open world nature that, if true, has me most excited.


Creative Director, Microsoft
Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
Looks great. Given Respawn's pedigree, I'm going to stay on the side of positive optimism for it. I'm hoping combat on higher difficulties (or later in the game) gets very souls-ish in terms of fights requiring more strategy. The power toolkit looks like as it expands it'll be fun to find ways to really use it in combat.


Oct 28, 2017
Why are people saying it's too early to show this stuff? The game is out in five months. A YEAR before release, Naughty Dog (Bruce Straley, I think) played this demo at E3, live. It even froze!

And it looked amazing to just about everyone.

Maybe because creating these demo is extremely hard and ND is one of the best in the world in this aspect?

Did you watch the Gow documentary? The explain that they spent months doing the E3 demo.