
Oct 25, 2017
Played by Game of Thrones' Indira Varma, Tala was first shown in the Obi-Wan Kenobi trailer as a very intense looking Imperial officer. PSYCH! Because we learned mere seconds into her actual introduction on the show that she was not an Imperial officer at all, but rather a double agent working undercover, and a contact of Kumail Nanjiani's conman, Haja Estree, whom Obi-Wan met on Daiyu.

Tala turned out to be a key character, as it was she at the end of the episode that saved Obi-Wan after the Jedi Master got his butt kicked — and dragged, and Force pushed, and burned — by his former apprentice. (Then again, she also got Leia captured, but you win some, you lose some.) As Varma tells EW, Tala also experienced a metamorphosis of sorts during the production process and at one point may have even been… Obi-Wan's girlfriend?!?

"There had already been different incarnations of the script and the story line," explains Varma. "And I think, originally, she was going to be a love interest."
While the thought of Obi-Wan settling down with a significant other after renouncing his Jedi ways (or at least burying them with his lightsaber in the sands of Tatooine) is certainly intriguing, Chow and Harold ultimately went in another direction. "They felt that it was maybe a bit clichéd where always the woman turns up and they fall in love or whatever," says Varma. "And it's more interesting that this is a woman with agency who is not just going to fall at the feet of Obi-Wan."
But just because Tala and Obi-Wan may not pull a Padmé and Anakin or Leia and Han, that doesn't mean the undercover code switcher doesn't feel a spark for the tormented Jedi. At least that is the way that Varma sees it in her portrayal. "I do think in my heart that she's in love with him," says the actress. "Because she's prepared to give up everything to further his quest and to help him out. So that's my little secret thing that's going on inside."
While producers mulled over different visions for the character, they also discussed various back stories for how Tala came to her current position as an Imperial infiltrator. "We talked about several different versions of what her back story could be," reveals Varma. "They would talk about maybe she'd lost a child in a war and that she had therefore become disillusioned. She'd become an Imperial officer because she thought they were going to do good. There were all these storylines that were being bandied around."

However, as Varma notes, "If not much of it's going to be seen on screen, there's a limit to how much you want to share what your inner life is."

More at:

Indira Varma reveals Tala was originally a love interest for Obi-Wan Kenobi

Indira Varma reveals her Imperial double agent Tala was originally conceived as a love interest on 'Obi-Wan Kenobi.'

Itch my Jedi code if old
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Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
I ship.

But my dude watched a woman die without admitting that he loved her, so :|


Oct 25, 2017
Page not found but interesting lol I'm happy it didn't happen or atleast in this scenario


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
even in her death, Obi Wan would never betray Satine.

but I bet he regrets not confessing his love.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
If they had made her his love interest, I imagine that we would've gotten an oopsie baby out of it and we would've seen Obi-Wan's child/grandchild in one of these shows.

That's how Star Wars rolls.


Oct 25, 2017
Not really a SW buff but it was funny during the episode I thought "are they going to make her a love interest for him?" For some reason for that vibe.


Oct 29, 2017
If they had made her his love interest, I imagine that we would've gotten an oopsie baby out of it and we would've seen Obi-Wan's child/grandchild in one of these shows.

That's how Star Wars rolls.

They already made it that he had a brother probably specifically to have "House Kenobi" in a future series. Said it before, Palpatine being a family name for a dude named Sheev was all about laying the groundwork for SW to eventually become GoT, back when higher ups at LF thought this would be a great idea and why they went on to hire D&D.

"Star Wars is about family."

House Kenobi
House Solo
House Skywalker
House Palpatine
Clan Fett
House Yoda


Oct 25, 2017
Not really a SW buff but it was funny during the episode I thought "are they going to make her a love interest for him?" For some reason for that vibe.
It's when Leia stops in the tunnel and tells her to go back to go help Obi-Wan. If Tala didn't care she would just have said no and continued running with Leia lol


Oct 27, 2017
The English Wilderness
They already made it that he had a brother probably specifically to have "House Kenobi" in a future series. Said it before, Palpatine being a family name for a dude named Sheev was all about laying the groundwork for SW to eventually become GoT, back when higher ups at LF thought this would be a great idea and why they went on to hire D&D.

"Star Wars is about family."

House Kenobi
House Solo
House Skywalker
House Palpatine
Clan Fett
House Yoda
So Dune, then?


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
"They felt that it was maybe a bit clichéd where always the woman turns up and they fall in love or whatever," says Varma. "And it's more interesting that this is a woman with agency who is not just going to fall at the feet of Obi-Wan."
This is kind of a dumb take. A woman can have a boyfriend and still have agency. I get what she's getting at, that (female) love interests are often uninspired characters who exist solely for the male character, but it's entirely possible to have love interests who are compelling characters with tons of agency (see: Kim in Better Call Saul). Of course, you need competent writers who see women as people rather than plot devices to succeed at this, I guess... 🙄

You know, I was actually thinking that Obi-Wan meeting a new person, like a close friend or even love interest, and having to be torn apart between his new friendship/love and his duty to protecting Luke, would have made for a far more interesting story than what we got. While it's a theme that's been done in fiction before, it's a good one, and it's mostly all about the execution, how charming that new character is and how much the audience is invested in them, and it would be more than fine for Star Wars. Alas....


Oct 29, 2017
This is kind of a dumb take. A woman can have a boyfriend and still have agency. I get what she's getting at, that (female) love interests are often uninspired characters who exist solely for the male character, but it's entirely possible to have love interests who are compelling characters with tons of agency (see: Kim in Better Call Saul). Of course, you need competent writers who see women as people rather than plot devices to succeed at this, I guess... 🙄

You know, I was actually thinking that Obi-Wan meeting a new person, like a close friend or even love interest, and having to be torn apart between his new friendship/love and his duty to protecting Luke, would have made for a far more interesting story than what we got. While it's a theme that's been done in fiction before, it's a good one, and it's mostly all about the execution, how charming that new character is and how much the audience is invested in them, and it would be more than fine for Star Wars. Alas....

That was probably the original intention: have him meeting someone who is starting the rebellion, she falls in love with him, but at the end he refuses to join her and help the rebellion, she wouldn't understand why and insist he joins and he'd have to pretend he doesn't care or doesn't want to help them, and he'd feel down because ultimately it's not true that he doesn't care, he just can't tell her the truth as to why he could not join them. It would have ended with her ditching him in anger/disappointment, so a sort of bittersweet ending.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
They already made it that he had a brother probably specifically to have "House Kenobi" in a future series. Said it before, Palpatine being a family name for a dude named Sheev was all about laying the groundwork for SW to eventually become GoT, back when higher ups at LF thought this would be a great idea and why they went on to hire D&D.

"Star Wars is about family."

House Kenobi
House Solo
House Skywalker
House Palpatine
Clan Fett
House Yoda

Clan Kryze.

The Clan of Two.