
One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
I didn't even like Last Jedi and I thought JJ might have gone too far in a few places in his relentless crusade to unmake it and erase it from existence.

It was pretty silly that this movie introduces multiple utterly pointless characters to function as minor plot contrivances when Rose had literally nothing to do and so she just stood around looking at plastic set screens.

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
He should have given her more.
I didn't even like Last Jedi and I thought JJ might have gone too far in a few places in his relentless crusade to unmake it and erase it from existence.

It was pretty silly that this movie introduces multiple utterly pointless characters to function as minor plot contrivances when Rose had literally nothing to do and so she just stood around looking at plastic set screens.

At the same time--I think it *is* important to note that there are new resistance members of some standing and that's hard to sell if none of them really talk.

I'd have included Rose in one of the films many adventures across various planets and had her take a blaster wound to the leg or something at the end of it.


Oct 27, 2017
It sucks but the last film needed to focus on what is supposed to be the core 3 heroes.

Though im not sure why Poe is considered that.

TLJ didn't help by having them all spilt up the whole film.


Oct 25, 2017
Okay but did Charlie from Lost really need all that dialogue they could have tossed her way? I screamed at him having two pages in the Visual Dictionary and Rose having an excerpt.
Greg Gunberg from heroes had more lines than Rose

JJ has to support his faves and sideline the character the Alt right despises so they buy tickets.
For real, these two speaking roles could have been Kelly's.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
He should have given her more.

At the same time--I think it *is* important to note that there are new resistance members of some standing and that's hard to sell if none of them really talk.

I'd have included Rose in one of the films many adventures across various planets and had her take a blaster wound to the leg or something at the end of it.
Remember when Carrie Russel showed up as a voiceover for a body double wearing a big stupid robot head that they CGI'd her eyes onto in one scene, and her role was to be hostile to our heroes only for one scene later to give them an incredibly rare and powerful MacGuffin that she's been planning her entire life to find and use to escape her planet.

Why not rewrite that awful character as Rose on an away mission instead.

"We're stuck in this occupied village, how can we possibly escape? The only way past the blockade is if we can get passage on an official ship!"

"Does anyone need a lift" *Rose steps in flipping the magic First Order coin*


Oct 25, 2017
I've seen so many articles on this, it's insane. The movie and trilogy had so many problems. Rose's lack of screen time on the last movie was not one of them. She was an under developed borderline uninteresting character dropped in the middle of a trilogy. She got more screen time than Jar Jar did in the last movie of his trilogy, and he was basically the star of the first one.

This is a classic example of absolutely nothing being spun into a giant controversy by social media and the internet. People will have to "answer" for this, even though the vast majority don't give a fuck.


Jun 10, 2018
It's funny because a lot of people around here were also blaming JJ after Rian Johnson pretty much sidelined Finn too in TLJ.

People are heaping blame on JJ for not knowing what to do with a weak character that Rian created.

"Fuck you JJ, you should've given her more!"

No, Rian Goddamned Johnson should have given her more. It wouldn't have been so easy to write her out if her role in TLJ didn't suck so much to begin with.

But hey, he queened her on Twitter.


Oct 29, 2017
TLJ is easily my 2nd favorite star wars movie but that whole section is nonsense. She crashes into him which could have killed him and then they're both stranded about a mile away from their base with no working vehicles and her knocked out all right next to the entire First Order army and they somehow make it back unscathed.

Yeah Finn prolly just would have gotten blasted and then they would have fired up the cannon again but still, worst part of the movie by far.

But themes and metaphores! Had to teach him his valuable Saturday-morning cartoon lesson.
It sucks but the last film needed to focus on what is supposed to be the core 3 heroes.

Though im not sure why Poe is considered that.

TLJ didn't help by having them all spilt up the whole film.

Poe is overrated since TFA. Boring character with no background. TFA actually did terrible setting up the main characters. They get picked up by the plot and all magically all get along like best buds. Finn and Rey at least have some inner conflict, Poe is really boring. Rose was far more "real" than Poe, but her character was annoying and introduced in an awful plot, completely separated other than from Finn, when she should have been with Poe and Finn. If they had put all three together I'm sure she could have stuck in RoS.

Future Gazer

▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Remember when Carrie Russel showed up as a voiceover for a body double wearing a big stupid robot head that they CGI'd her eyes onto in one scene, and her role was to be hostile to our heroes only for one scene later to give them an incredibly rare and powerful MacGuffin that she's been planning her entire life to find and use to escape her planet.

Why not rewrite that awful character as Rose on an away mission instead.

"We're stuck in this occupied village, how can we possibly escape? The only way past the blockade is if we can get passage on an official ship!"

"Does anyone need a lift" *Rose steps in flipping the magic First Order coin*

That would have been much worse. While the new characters that JJ introduced were underwritten, they at least add some flavor to the different planets the trio visit and help make the galaxy feel lived in.

Keri Russell also has infinitely more screen presence than Kelly.

Deleted member 42102

User requested account closure
Apr 13, 2018
The whole trilogy has treated their PoC characters like shit so it's no surprise. JJ, Rian, Disney, Lucas, whatever. It's all the same.
Oct 27, 2017
It sucks but the last film needed to focus on what is supposed to be the core 3 heroes.

Though im not sure why Poe is considered that.

TLJ didn't help by having them all spilt up the whole film.

Poe is overrated since TFA. Boring character with no background. TFA actually did terrible setting up the main characters. They get picked up by the plot and all magically all get along like best buds. Finn and Rey at least have some inner conflict, Poe is really boring. Rose was far more "real" than Poe, but her character was annoying and introduced in an awful plot, completely separated other than from Finn, when she should have been with Poe and Finn. If they had put all three together I'm sure she could have stuck in RoS.
Poe is barely in TFA. And doesn't even interact with Rey until the end of TLJ. It seems really odd that he could be considered part of the trio compared to Luke, Han, and Leia in the original trilogy.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
That would have been much worse. While the new characters that JJ introduced were underwritten, they at least add some flavor to the different planets the trio visit and help make the galaxy feel lived in.

Keri Russell also has infinitely more screen presence than Kelly.
I'm not saying that tropey scene would have been great (this trilogy needs a page one rewrite for any part of this final movie to approach "great") but Zorii Bliss is such a nonsensical character now who exists exclusively to reassure audiences that Poe isn't gay and draw a nice paycheck for one of JJ's friends.

The thing she sacrifices so much to give them is used one time, and they instantly blow their cover by shooting a bunch of storm troopers anyway. This whole thing is a fucking mess.


Oct 25, 2017
I loved Rose's design and general background in TLJ, but her overall characterization was too on the nose, and in general was a detriment to Finn's story arc (nevermind that awkward feeling that she was introduced as a "consolation" price for Finn's clear infatuation for Rey, which unintentionally detracts from the character's humanity).

All the more reason for JJ to rise her for the occasion. She is the only tech-related person; she -at the very least- ought to had been one of the main POVs in the capital ships. Not being there, it's just a full betrayal of her personality.
To instead so visibly side line her, without even hint (one way or another) her thing with Finn, feels not just too mean, but straight unprofessional.

But as with TLJ, the ultimate culprits are both KK and Iger. They signed off this cut.
Even if Disney + end up showing an extended version with Rose included to assuage criticism, the damage is already done.

The only serving grace of the trilogy, was supposed to be opening SW to people of other races and backgrounds.
Well, we can now tell how that went.
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Oct 29, 2017
Poe is barely in TFA. And doesn't even interact with Rey until the end of TLJ. It seems really odd that he could be considered part of the trio compared to Luke, Han, and Leia in the original trilogy.

He wasn't supposed to be since he was supposed to die. Would that have only left Rey and Finn as the main cast? Maybe, but if the plan was to have the OT characters throughout (minus Han)I think it would have led to a tighter plot.

Finn and Rey are both orphans. There was enough there to focus on them specifically especially with the theme of family.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Fuck Abrams. Fuck Terrio. Fuck Disney and fuck Star Wars.

"hair tied back to avoid getting caught in machinery" "open collar due to warm weather"
wow what fascinating details that are totally unique to this character!

lmao i gotta get a job writing these dumbass visual dictionaries. you don't even have to bother pretending like you give a shit, just write down whatever pops in your head first and never do a second draft. easiest check on the planet


Oct 30, 2017
Poe is barely in TFA. And doesn't even interact with Rey until the end of TLJ. It seems really odd that he could be considered part of the trio compared to Luke, Han, and Leia in the original trilogy.

He was never originally supposed to survive the opening escape. Might have been better for this trilogy overall to just let him die on Jakku. He was so fucking annoying in both TLJ and TROS.


Oct 26, 2017
Her part was over. Like Landos part was over after 5 and only had a small part in 6.
Since JJ basically replaced her with another woman of color I dont think his intentions were racist or sexist.


May 27, 2019
Coporations care only about money, and whiny nerds on the internet have the fattest wallets.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
At the end of the day I don't even blame JJ for this. I blame Disney. I don't for a second think that JJ had final say on this movie and I really think he was basically paid a lot of money to be the face of corporate executives who tried to direct the movie by consensus tests.

Given that, I'm not at all surprised by this. Corporate America did to a woman of color in KMT the same as they did to Leslie Jones when she was getting death threats from the same fuckboy incel groups decrying that she ruined Ghostbusters-- they hung her out to dry with nothing but a couple instances of corporate speak decrying how bad some people are online.

Like, you're the fucking Disney corporation. You own most of pop culture at this point and could use your influence and might to both make money and *be good* rather than just make money. But they refuse to. These people burned thru multiple directors in each of the last Star Wars movies because they didn't want directors who would have their own vision or do anything except what the executives and their spreadsheets said test audiences wanted. So they shitcanned Lord and Miller, they shitcanned Colin Trevorrow, and let's be realistic-- they shitcanned Rian Johnson once he turned up the heat in a creative way that they didn't like.

The most disappointing thing about these Star Wars movies isn't the product on the screen, but Disney's cowardice in standing up for anything good and forcing KMT to basically lay down on the tracks and take one for the team so that they can get the Incel Brigade off their backs and go back to making money and selling toys. It's not illogical but it's damn sure cowardly, in my opinion.


Nov 8, 2017
The strangest thing to me was during Comic-Con, JJ gave Kelly a standing ovation, which made me think her character would play a larger role.

I think the movie has a lot bigger problems than the mishandling of Rose, but for him to give such reactionary lip service to the actress and then invent two dozen new characters to take her place seems super disingenuous. Maybe it was corporate meddling, or the 5 hour cut of this movie that the frantic editing of TROS suggests exists (but probably doesn't).

I've been a fan of hers since she did completely gonzo YouTube videos for Mega64/Noclip member Frank Howley's personal channel, but I hope she can move on from this franchise before they drop a moon on her.

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
And yet that didn't save him from being reduced to pining after Rey like a love struck teen. TLJ was on to something with him that could've really blossomed here, but oh well, I guess.

Yeah it was on to something, that something called sidelining him and turning him even more into a comedy relief.
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Jun 19, 2018
Okay but did Charlie from Lost really need all that dialogue they could have tossed her way? I screamed at him having two pages in the Visual Dictionary and Rose having an excerpt.

I didn't enjoy her performance (she's much better in TROS for the limited time she has) in Rotj but if it meant bumping Charlie out of TROS, I would've given every line he has.


Nov 1, 2017
Okay but did Charlie from Lost really need all that dialogue they could have tossed her way? I screamed at him having two pages in the Visual Dictionary and Rose having an excerpt.



And his role was nothing. Better to get an unknown actor for those types of shots than someone fantasy and sci-fi nerds know and will be distracted by. I was expecting him to do something because of how well-known he is for his work on LOST and LotR.


Oct 25, 2017
You all don't get it. Her side quest was over, so she is available as an NPC at your home base. Maybe we'll get some DLC later for a quest she is in.


Oct 25, 2017
Besides Palpatine, this is probably the thing that most annoys me with the movie. A damn shame.


Oct 27, 2017
Working on that also.
Love it how some people are saying "Her story was done in the last movie. We don't need to expand on it here" When we literally brought the villain from the old trilogy back from the dead who's story was more then wrapped up.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017

JJ and KK should be embarrassed.

The bad takes are endless. Kowtowing to racists when you're the guy responsible for steering one of the biggest IP releases of all time with a female heroine and black male hero leads, and introducing more characters of colour in the final release of the trilogy too. Infact, TRoS is arguably the most progressive Star Wars ever made.


Oct 31, 2017
I didn't really expect her to have much of a role at all in the new movie, simply because it felt so much like her whole piece of the puzzle was slotted neatly into the confines of Episode VIII. And as much as I feel the whole bit on Canto Bight was nothing but filler, I really did enjoy KMT's character, and the way she came through in the end to make a sacrifice for the greater good and show Finn that sometimes just being able to provide hope is all that the Resistance needs to be able to do. Knowing the self esteem struggles she endured prior to the casting, it's really heartbreaking to see a bunch of racist dipshits online destroy whatever confidence that being in Star Wars could have done for her.

I really hope that she gets the fan support that she clearly needs, both on a personal level and because her character, if anything, did a great job of symbolizing the message of the Resistance in this part of the Saga.

That said I still need to go see Episode IX....


Oct 25, 2017
The bad takes are endless. Kowtowing to racists when you're the guy responsible for steering one of the biggest IP releases of all time with a female heroine and black male hero, and introducing more characters of colour in the final release of the trilogy too. Infact, TRoS is arguably the most progressive Star Wars ever made.
Argument could be made that the female heroine's power was retconned at the last moment to be due to the power of a (male) villain's bloodline
The black male hero retconned to receive no focus and no arc
The characters of colour introduced just so male characters of colour could have someone to have tension with

But I didn't say it :)


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
Argument could be made that the female heroine's power was retconned at the last moment to be due to the power of a (male) villain's bloodline
The black male hero retconned to receive no focus and no arc
The characters of colour introduced just so male characters of colour could have someone to have tension with

But I didn't say it :)

I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about, but if the insinuation is that the power of one's bloodline revokes a character of their importance, then basically every key hero or villain in Star Wars is unimportant to a similar degree. In other words, that notion is farcical. In the Star Wars world, bloodlines, races, lineage, legacy etc are all a point of reverence, importance or prominence.
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May 17, 2018
Argument could be made that the female heroine's power was retconned at the last moment to be due to the power of a (male) villain's bloodline
The black male hero retconned to receive no focus and no arc
The characters of colour introduced just so male characters of colour could have someone to have tension with

But I didn't say it :)
dont forget the 'not gays'
All black people know each other.
Woman falls for abusive hottie.


Oct 26, 2017
Love it how some people are saying "Her story was done in the last movie. We don't need to expand on it here" When we literally brought the villain from the old trilogy back from the dead who's story was more then wrapped up.

I agree. Also "she was a poor thought out character that did not need more screen time", then you got all those other shit characters that serve little or good purpose.

dont forget the 'not gays'
All black people know each other.
Woman falls for abusive hottie.

Well said.

The Real Abed

Oct 25, 2017
When I saw TLJ I loved the addition of Rose. I could not wait for the next movie to see more of her character since it'd be the last one. But then the internet had a stroke. I knew she was gonna be cut down but I didn't know they were going to cut her out this much. Fuck those people. Fuck JJ for catering to them. I hope Tran has a great career despite the assholes.

They couldn't even let her tag along on the adventure so even if she had no lines she'd still be there helping. But no. "You have to stay here". Fuck off.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I'm glad they didn't continue the "romance" because it wasn't earned anyways, plus the nonconsensual kiss, but goddamn they could have done better by Tran.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, you didn't understand the movie. You don't have to like the casino sidequest, but it has an obvious purpose in the story. Finn starts the movie ready to abandon the fight because all he cares about is himself. He just wants to escape the First Order forever.

When he gets roped into the casino mission, he sees how bad for the galaxy that selfishness is. These rich scumbags who keep slaves, abuse animals and are perfectly happy for the galaxy to be at war as long as they can live the high life. These are the people that Finn would be throwing his lot in with by abandoning the fight against the First Order. People like DJ who only look out for themselves. Rose helps Finn to get over that selfishness and commit to the cause, although he goes a bit too far towards the end and has to be stopped from throwing his life away for nothing.

That's not "no relevance to the story". That is the story.
This. It boggles my mind the shit people spew about her character, and her and Finn's arc. If lasers aren't flying about or if lightsabers aren't clashing, I wonder if people ever pay attention.

Deleted member 4353

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I've always said that Rose and Finn where the best parts of TLJ to me. Why is every so sure that the decision to sideline Rose in TROS was JJ's and not maybe studio interference?


Oct 26, 2017
I've seen so many articles on this, it's insane. The movie and trilogy had so many problems. Rose's lack of screen time on the last movie was not one of them. She was an under developed borderline uninteresting character dropped in the middle of a trilogy. She got more screen time than Jar Jar did in the last movie of his trilogy, and he was basically the star of the first one.

Apart from other stuff, a role that writters and directors have is to develope and make characters interesing, especially if they had issues in the previous movie/book/whatever.

Only hacks flat out delete them from the screen. And JJ and Terrio are huge hacks. The fault is on them for not even trying it, not on how the character was or wasn't in the previous movie.