
Oct 25, 2017
We actually start with a prologue. So when the game kicks off, it's set right after the Death Star has blown up Alderaan. I'm going to say this now, because people are going to tell us we made a mistake, but we didn't. When you watch our character creation sequence, you'll see the Rebel symbol and not the New Republic symbol. That's because, in character creation, you are still a rebel. So you're creating your characters for this moment that happens in the time period of the original films.

DAMN we might get Death Star stuff!


Oct 31, 2017
What the fuck, this looks great?!

Also, I feel like graphically it doesn't look as strong as other EA Star Wars games... kinda feel like it might have to do with the full VR support?
This actually makes me more hyped. Tired of Frostbite games being so focused on graphics that they fuck up all the important gameplay. This focus on good performance for VR makes me more comfortable thinking this will feel very good to control and play instead of looking as pretty as possible.


Oct 25, 2017
For the consoleros here:

But, beyond that, even on console, we have a really robust customization system so you can remap anything. Remap the sticks. Remap the buttons. It's pretty in-depth, particularly on the console side. PC users are a bit more expecting of that, but on the console side it's a bit more rare. So it's not just presets.

Full controller button configuration!

So I can, for instance, put roll on my triggers.

You can remap whatever you like.


Dec 8, 2017
From the articles and videos, it sounds like they're putting a lot of love and authenticity into this game. Can't wait to play this in PSVR.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Calling it right now, this will be a skin in the game

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
"You can unlock all cosmetics and ship parts by playing *"

"* One million years of gameplay needed. Shortcuts available at reasonable prices **".

"** Reasonable according to what we know players are willing to pay."


Nov 3, 2017
Looks no different than Battlefront 2 and absolutely nothing like the "in engine" trailer from a couple days ago.


Oct 25, 2017
"You can unlock all cosmetics and ship parts by playing *"

"* One million years of gameplay needed. Shortcuts available at reasonable prices **".

"** Reasonable according to what we know players are willing to pay."
There are ZERO microtransactions in this.
They have made it very very clear that you unlock everything by playing and there is no DLC, no microtransactions and only two currencies: one for cosmetics and one for ship customization


Oct 25, 2017
It's kind of funny how limited the view is from inside a tie fighter.

That's going to look pretty crazy in VR


Oct 25, 2017
It's ridiculous that they think marketing this as not a live service is a good thing.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
There are ZERO microtransactions in this.
They have made it very very clear that you unlock everything by playing and there is no DLC, no microtransactions and only two currencies: one for cosmetics and one for ship customization

And as we all know EA never lies or obfuscates language about this very topic. I see absolutely no reason to doubt this consumer-friendly corporation's word.


Oct 31, 2017
This interview is great, btw. Tons of questions about the gameplay and how they wanted to get back the "ww2 style" from the PC games (and movies :P) and the "depth" they had:
They are saying everything right for this game. Very excited, hope they can execute and really deliver. I just pre-ordered on steam and I normally never preorder games until maybe just the week before.


Nov 1, 2017
5 vs 5 sounds great. Any game I've played that has large number of fighters in a dog fight situation just turns into a massive clusterfuck of randomness. Smaller intimate dog fights is where you really get a feel for a battle without having to constantly worry about missile locks from every directions and shit


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
As an absolute fanboy of the 90's PC "simulators", I'm really, really pleased with what I've seen. Sure, I have some doubts here and there (how's the aiming? seems to be totally assisted although it may be just a lack of HUD for the video) and the main mode feels lackluster used to the big battles of the classic games, but overall this feels much, much, MUCH better than anything I actually expected.

This is, by far, the best birthday gift I've received in a long, long time. I'm happy.

EDIT: Seems there's no aim assist at all, from an interview at Polygon that touches all the "spiritual succesor to the X-wing/TIE Fighter games but focused on Multiplayer" buttons.


Star Wars: Squadrons — everything you need to know

A deep dive into the game EA calls the ‘definitive’ Star Wars flight experience

That's a great article. It seems the developers are very mindful of what made the old PC games great, especially in how those games feel. The conscious decision to not have a leading indicator is one I appreciate, since I agree that small detail is the difference between playing against the movement of the enemy ships vs just trying to keep HUD elements aligned. Details like that are why a lot of other space arena combat games have fallen flat for me.

I'm feeling more and more optimistic about this. It's easy to be skeptical how well EA, of all companies, will serve this genre that has become fairly niche since its heydays. And I have a suspicion that the single-player mode is going to be closer to a gloried tutorial than the campaigns of the old PC games. But the devs are talking about the right stuff, so I really, really hope this game walks the walk.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
remember when they lied about it for fallen order and Command and Conquer?

A single player game and a remaster aren't the same as a new AAA multiplayer game.

edit: wait did you just link the surprise mechanics thing? how is that comparable to the director of the game saying 'No MTX'?

How is "they're not actually loot boxes, they're surprise mechanics" comparable to "they're not actually microtransactions, they're [insert marketing term here]"? I'm sure you can figure it out.

For the record, I don't know if the game will have microtransactions or not. I'm just saying people should be more skeptical of EA at this point. That said, if they stick to their word, it will certainly improve my opinion of them and my belief that they have turned over a new leaf.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck yes. As an Oculus owner, this is exactly the kind of thing I want to see. More games with optional VR support. And this is the perfect game for VR. Can't wait! Great job EA and Motive, wow.


The Fallen
Dec 26, 2018
Looks really good. Just hope the controls are a lot better than they were in Battlefront II. Also hope your ship can last a little longer because I didn't enjoy dogfights in that game at all. And I don't have much faith that this game will be balanced considering how overpowered you become in Battlefront II when you have fully upgraded star cards compared to someone just starting out. Hopefully the upgrades in this aren't quite as ridiculous. Everything looks really nice in this trailer though. I'm cautiously optimistic.

From the Polygon article
I can't go into too much detail on that. I can tell you that when you play you're going to be unlocking two different kinds of currencies. One of those currencies is for cosmetic stuff, to make your pilot look and sound cool. To make your ships look and sound cool. The other one is more mechanical. It's how you're getting those components that let you change out how your ships behave. And to be super clear, it's orthogonal progression. It's not Level One Laser, better Level Two Laser. We don't do that because we don't want to unbalance the playing field. It's all like, "Well, you know, the laser that's more like" — I'm using just normal shooter terms — "more like an SMG. So it's sort of spray and pray. And it's got a little bit shorter range. It's got its own trade offs." But I want the laser that hits like a truck, but takes 20 minutes to recharge. Not literally 20 minutes, but you follow me; that idea of trade offs, kind of weapons and components that are that are better or worse at different things. And then where the team aspect comes in is, "Okay, I'm doing this. What are you taking? What is she taking? How are we working together with our loadouts to be an effective strategy."

Sou Da

Oct 25, 2017
How is "they're not actually loot boxes, they're surprise mechanics" comparable to "they're not actually microtransactions, they're [insert marketing term here]"? I'm sure you can figure it out.
How is a game director directly telling the audience something comparable to someone trying to bullshit their way out of being regulated? Like I'm pretty sure the former is very sueable.

Like this feels like a very common sense thing to me. Whatever, don't respond, I really hate pseudo defending these people.


Newbie Paper Plane Pilot
Oct 25, 2017
I hope they release modes later with larger scale battles. 10 vs 10 feels like it should be the minimum for some of this.

I think I could've swallowed the 10 v 10 pill a little easier than 5 v 5.


Easy there.

X-wing vs TF had an 8 player count....... in 1997.

VR support is a hell of a bitch performance wise, especially if you are bound to PS4 and XBONE

Whole wars are fought on PC servers using air and ground assets on DCS. In VR.