
One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
And yes, I need this game to be a success so starfighter action-sims can come back. XCOM revived turn based tactics. Let's see Squadrons drag another lost genre out of its grave.
That's what I was hoping Squadron 42 would be back when the Kickstarter first came about, before Star Citizen became Feature Creep: The Game.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Would a VR user have an advantage over a TV user?

A VR user in an A-Wing would have unparalleled situational awareness. I'm very curious what advantages a TIE pilot might have that will offset the lack of peripheral vision in those cockpits.

I'm also curious to learn more about the "ping" system, and whether VR players will have "look to target" options.

Gah, I have to go reinstall EVE: Valkyrie.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Nope. The only thing that can fly faster than a TIE Defender is a boosting missile boat. With full power to weapons and shields it's slightly faster than a TIE Interceptor with half power to weapons.

In TIE Fighter, it was the fastest, it had the strongest shields, it had the most firepower, and it even packed a tractor beam. There was only one missile in the game that had a prayer of hitting it and that hit wouldn't even take down fully charged shields. It was amazing to fly and the developers realized that it was so overpowered that they didn't put it into X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter. The only reason the TIE Defender isn't thought of as the most broken thing ever is because the missile boat is in the same game and it's even more broken.
As much as I love TIE Fighter, I think I put X-Wing Alliance as the top game in the series, in part because the TIE Defender really throws off the balance of the former. The Defender is so powerful that the endgame/expansions of TIE Fighter just devolve into nonstop Defender vs Defender turning battles that last for-ev-er. And then the missile boat is just plain farcical.


Nov 1, 2017

Tractor beam thing I believe was removed when they reintroduced the Defender into the canon with Rebels and yes it was designed by Thrawn. Course the other thing they did was made the Defender a failed project that never left prototype phase before even ANH happened.

All that lore from the old games and such is no more, lot of things changed especially the B-Wing and A-Wing backgrounds


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Tractor beam thing I believe was removed when they reintroduced the Defender into the canon with Rebels and yes it was designed by Thrawn. Course the other thing they did was made the Defender a failed project that never left prototype phase before even ANH happened.

All that lore from the old games and such is no more, lot of things changed especially the B-Wing and A-Wing backgrounds
I like the implication that if they had gone for Thrawn's Defender project, the Empire might have won. Imagine a Death Star's worth of TIE Defenders and Star Destroyers (and support ships). The Rebellion would have been in a lot of trouble if they had to face that.

Because as seen in the Rebels show, the TIE Defender wasn't nerfed all that much coming into Canon from Legends. It's still the scariest fighter out there, but it just didn't get approved for mass production. Honestly, it's so powerful that keeping it out of player hands in a PvP game is probably smart.
Oct 27, 2017
Let's brainstorm - how could the TIE Defender be revamped to be more balanced? IMO, the big thing that should differentiate it is its shields. So if it has shields, reduce it to 3 lasers (one per foil) and give it a slower engine. Give it a single missile launcher. Make it slow but tough. Kind of like an Imperial B-Wing.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Let's brainstorm - how could the TIE Defender be revamped to be more balanced? IMO, the big thing that should differentiate it is its shields. So if it has shields, reduce it to 3 lasers (one per foil) and give it a slower engine. Give it a single missile launcher. Make it slow but tough. Kind of like an Imperial B-Wing.
I'm thinking that if you need another role, it would probably be that of the Tank. A TIE Defender would certainly fit here. It's not as nimble as a TIE Fighter or X-Wing, it's not as powerful as a TIE Bomber or Y-Wing, nor does it have the anti-fighter power of the TIE Interceptor or A-Wing. It's is obviously not a support ship either.

So you make it a Tank. The ship that can survive a strafing run by an Interceptor. The ship that can eat a capital ship turbolaser shot to the face and just lose shields. It's not going to win on maneuverability or speed, it's going to win by endurance. Give it the Ray Shields by default. It'll be missile vulnerable, yes, but that's fine. It needs a weakness. It just needs a reason to be targeted more. And, well, a taunt doesn't make much sense in a starfighter, plus you can just ignore it.

Sextuple lasers might make it a bit of a threat, though. Or maybe cluster missiles that can break the shields on all Republic craft but a Y-Wing. Meaning it'll rarely get a kill with it, but if one slinks off and gets a moment, everyone on team Republic will be dodging missiles soon.

The B-wing can be the Republic counterpart, yes. Make it more nimble, but with two fewer lasers. It still has the role of missile sniper and Tank. If a B-Wing and a TIE Defender end up in a fight, the B-Wing can win the straight dogfight, but loses head-to-head as the six lasers do a ton of damage if you stay in a Defender's sights.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Full controller remapping for consoles confirmed.

" We have our default controller scheme. We have a few different ones you can choose between, if other things feel more comfortable to you. It's not like there's just the one. But, beyond that, even on console, we have a really robust customization system so you can remap anything. Remap the sticks. Remap the buttons. It's pretty in-depth, particularly on the console side. PC users are a bit more expecting of that, but on the console side it's a bit more rare. So it's not just presets, you can remap whatever you like."


Oct 29, 2017
I'm confused because erryone saying what a disappointment the EA event was when this looks like the Star Wars game I've always dreamed of (xwing + rogue squadron).


Oct 25, 2017
Game is going to be deep and allow for some creativity.

"We've got a drift maneuver implemented in Star Wars: Squadrons. This is just an example — but if you put your power to engines: First, putting your power to engines makes your ship faster, and it makes it turn better. In addition, where you sit on the throttle also determines your turn speed. So that combination of things is a way to be better at dogfighting in and of itself.

Another reason to max power to engines — not just put a few pips in it, but max it — is that when it's maxed it builds like a boost charge, and that is a finite amount of crazy superspeed. And you can't turn very well when you're doing that. You can a little, but it's really meant for forward blasting. Every dogfighting game has the problem of the death loop. You get stuck in the loop. They're chasing you, you're chasing them, and you can never escape. So part of why we have this boost is to resolve that problem — in addition to getting my throttle dead center, and having power to engines helps me turn.

On top of that, if you boost you can then cut off the boost kind of mid-stream. That shuts off your engines completely, so you have a brief moment of drift where you can whip around in a 180 and shoot at them."


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Aug 21, 2019
Looks like I finally get this bad beast for my PS4!


Love Machine

Oct 29, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
Full controller remapping for consoles confirmed.

" We have our default controller scheme. We have a few different ones you can choose between, if other things feel more comfortable to you. It's not like there's just the one. But, beyond that, even on console, we have a really robust customization system so you can remap anything. Remap the sticks. Remap the buttons. It's pretty in-depth, particularly on the console side. PC users are a bit more expecting of that, but on the console side it's a bit more rare. So it's not just presets, you can remap whatever you like."
Oh my gosh, HUGE relief. Excitement at max! Thanks for sharing!


Oct 28, 2017

Wow this really feels like my dream Star Wars pilot game. Just hope the single player is robust. I would've loved a good Rogue Squadron type of campaign but it feels like we're getting something a bit shorter. Still, the multiplayer will be fantastic if the gameplay mechanics are pulled off well. So far they're ticking all the right boxes!


Oct 29, 2017
I wonder if this game will have a Hoth style of level, on the surface of Hoth? This is always my favorite setting for any Star Wars game...
Dec 31, 2017
Full controller remapping for consoles confirmed.

" We have our default controller scheme. We have a few different ones you can choose between, if other things feel more comfortable to you. It's not like there's just the one. But, beyond that, even on console, we have a really robust customization system so you can remap anything. Remap the sticks. Remap the buttons. It's pretty in-depth, particularly on the console side. PC users are a bit more expecting of that, but on the console side it's a bit more rare. So it's not just presets, you can remap whatever you like."

Oh my gosh, HUGE relief. Excitement at max! Thanks for sharing!

Does this mean that flight sticks are compatible?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure all the people that worked hard on these games would disagree. Also the 45min presentation is not something anyone was forced to watch so what's the big deal?

I'm not here to belabor EA's conference when this is specifically a Star Wars Squadrons thread (which looks absolutely fantastic), but my thoughts are that a press conference is supposed to not only sell me on your individual games but also your brand as a whole. What I and many others got from that conference is that EA is dry on games and is barely ready for next gen if at all. They showed glimpses of demos of NFS and Dragon Age without even telling us what they were, implying that they're so far off. The only things they'll have at launch are sports games, which is great, but it's like the floor for what we expect from a company as big as EA. So much of their conference was focused on old (albeit great) games that are now on Steam. That is a great selling point, but doesn't need more than 20 seconds to promote. And the great stuff they did have to show like EA originals and Star Wars Squadrons was bogged down by poor set up like a long animated intro for EA originals and then pre interviews for each game before we saw footage. ALWAYS SHOW GAMEPLAY BEFORE INTERVIEWS. No one cares about the interviews if they don't know what the game is like. The interview before Star Wars Squadrons would have been a million times more enjoyable if we just saw the game first and could visualize the passion he was talking about ourselves. And what's worse is they played an OLD TRAILER before the new one. I definitely understand that when people work hard on games they would love to spend hours talking about them, but that doesn't mean that'll get me to buy your product and thus it makes for a bad presentation. Their big surprise for last, Skate, didn't even have a logo!

If you love the games on there that's fine. I love them too! But that was a terrible presentation/conference, bar none, and "you weren't forced to watch it" is probably the poorest excuse you could give to it.


Nov 2, 2017
Will this be more arcade or sim? I'm hoping both, or customisable by the player. I want something like Rogue Squadron.


Corrupted by Vengeance
May 29, 2020
Motherwell, Scotland
Just pre-ordered this game which I'm usually loathed to do when it comes to EA, but for £35 it seems like a fairly risk free gamble given what's been shown and the fact it has cross play. Just noticed this comes out the same day as Crash 4 - that'll be a busy weekend gaming wise!


Oct 29, 2017
Added to my Steam wishlist, will likely preorder it next week on payday. I'm super-hyped, I love Elite Dangerous so my flightstick for that will get good use on this too. I have such fond memories of X-Wing Alliance too.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Will this be more arcade or sim? I'm hoping both, or customisable by the player. I want something like Rogue Squadron.
This is more X-Wing than Rogue Squadron. Though both have been cited as inspirations, this game leans more towards Starfighter Sim than Rogue Squadron ever did.

For one, this game is exclusively 1st person. You'll see everything from the cockpit outside cutscenes.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Well, that's the dream at least.

It does look snappier than X-Wing was. More arcadey in how the ships move. And i'm sure the ships will have their durability changed. I distinctly remember a Tie Interceptor being tougher than a Tie Fighter, but in this games, those roles are reversed.

But does look more X-Wing than anything released since, well, X-Wing Alliance.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
This game was designed VR first and it shows, cannot wait. I'll pay the digital tax rather than save £5 buying the disc, worth it I'm sure.


Oct 25, 2017
I just hope it has a decent single-player mode. I don't want to get my hopes up expecting something like a lengthy Tie Fighter-esque campaign, but if you're playing as both factions then surely it has to be at least 5-8 hours. I'd love if they could do a full-blown ~20 hour campaign as DLC or something though.

Have they mentioned anything about a photo mode at all? And is there no 4K version of the trailer?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
You know, since I mentioned ship durability compared to the X-Wing and Tie Fighter games, something hit me.

In those games the default laser charge was 200%. It's what you started with and what the lasers would charge to if left even slightly enhanced. In this game, the default laser charge is 100% and you can only charge to 200% if you set lasers to Max Power.

So in X-Wing, a TIE Fighter died in two default shots, but those where 200% shots. Interceptors took three. But at 100% power, those were doubled. Needing to hit a TIE 4-6 times to kill it is a significant buff to its durability.

On the other hand, the lasers in Squadrons fire rather quickly, so that helps in killing speed. Hm, an X-Wing or TIE Interceptor with a rapid fire laser mod can probably shoot a storm of lasers thanks to their four guns.

I could actually see double-charging lasers being the way to go for TIE Interceptors for the most part. They're fast as is and don't sacrifice much Engine power to do so. Gut feeling says TIE Interceptors are going to be an outright menace in this game. I kind of want to make one with the stealth hull, and the biggest boost you can get for engines on it. Supercharge engines as the battle starts, get behind the enemies, slide 180. Max Laser power. Shoot them in the back before they realize that a red dot is missing on the sensors.

Basically a DIY TIE Phantom.

Sneaky Gato

Oct 27, 2017
Interesting to see that Lambda Shuttles and Imperial Raiders will be present in the single player. I would also guess we will see Gozanti Class Cruisers and Quaser Fire Light Carriers as the story goes on.

Though not sure what larger ships you would have on the Rebel/New Republic side. There is a GR-75 but I dont think I saw anything other than some Corellian Cruisers. Maybe we will get Hera's Lucrehulk?

Edit: and of course will we see any Scum and Villany type factions as well? I think Homdo is still a pirate at this time. Or how about actually getting to see the Hutt Navy actually do some thing for once.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Really bummed that this is first person only. I don't know why, but I always feel uneasy and sick when driving vehicles or flying in first person.

This is rough. From an accessibility perspective, there needs to be a plethora of first person options to clean up the experience, as well as a third person mode. The complicating factor is obviously that third person would give you such a huge advantage over first person players that no one would use first person, which kind of ruins the experience.
Nov 2, 2017
Birmingham, AL
This is rough. From an accessibility perspective, there needs to be a plethora of first person options to clean up the experience, as well as a third person mode. The complicating factor is obviously that third person would give you such a huge advantage over first person players that no one would use first person, which kind of ruins the experience.

Yeah, that's why I'm not mad. I get why they are doing it, and don't disagree with it. And will still buy and play it in short doses, but really bummed about it.


Oct 27, 2017
To please everyone, why not in SP mode have the option for 3rd person view with Rouge Squadron type missions and then for MP force 1st person view!

Also i cant seem them doing any DLC for this if there not doing micro transactions in the base game, there'd be no incentive for them to do this unless they charge for the DLC which is always a bad idea as it splits the player base!
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