
May 11, 2018
Im gonna write a long one here so bare with me: Star Wars was never meant to go past its first movie. It was an happy little accident.
The OT was not hatched by one person, but a group of people working together. (David Lynch was supposed to be the director of RotJ, which would have been amazing)
The prequels showed that GL was not meant to be the only creative force behind the SW.
The current series shows the failure of leadership. It could have been KK, JJ, RJ, Disney, etc.. Realistically it was probably a combination of everyone's fault. The OT had a creative group of people working together. This is a creative group fighting each other. Disney was probably overbearing because its cool child, the MCU had made 5 billion movies and stuck the landing, while its weird child SW can only make 1 out 5 movies smoothly. KK has to have some blame. She is the head of LF and has some responsiblity, she clearly made some bad hiring and either was hands off with the series or hands on. We will never know, but to me it seems Disney is making moves to pin it on her. I'm not saying there going to fire her, but moving in their favorite son, Kevin Feige, is interesting. JJ deserves a lot of the blame, his writing it terrible, but here in Era, he getting too much. Him and RJ didn't want to do the last film, I can assume they didn't like working with Disney or Lucas Film or both. RJ also needs to have some blame. I understand a lot a people like TLJ, but you have to acknowledge RJ made some dead ends to get around JJ dead ends. TLJ doesn't have any of the main characters in a scene together and making more poetry with empire vs rebals and Kyle vs Rey, the third impact. They also put a lot of stock into Leia's character, which was just unlucky. For Kyle Ren, I believe Disney never liked him being the final villain. I don't know why, maybe they didn't like his face or something.
In the end, I think truly Disney unimpressed with SW slow and messy output and is mostly at fault for this messy trilogy
Honestly, I don't know what KK does and don't know if she deserves a lot a blame, but KK has lot a fault to for not planning well and bad hiring. She is the manager and the gets the punished by the big boss.

As for for the directors and writers, they get some blame, but I can see a lot of finger in their pies and had to deal with a lot of corporate bs. They get a lot of unnecessary hate from both sides.

No Martha Lucas, no franchise.
Kathleen made 2 missteps? I am sure she will be fine her first production was Et and she made a few tiny films since then before SW.


Oct 27, 2017
KK should stay, but they probably should look at bringing in an overall story person.

That really shouldn't be the job of the producer anyway, the producer's job is to support the vision of the writer/director(s) and work out the logistics of bringing that to life ... not generally to be the storyteller on top of that.

The next writer/director they chose for a "main" Star Wars film, I'm also insisting that they have to sign a 3 picture deal with Disney having the right to retain your services if they want after the first film.


May 11, 2018
Yes it is arguably his best and it was executive produced by someone who really really knows how to tell a fuckin story. I've been saying for some time that JJ constantly needs a Spielberg-tier story teller to help round out his work. Otherwise he's just a slightly better Michael Bay.
From the producer of Transformers.......


Oct 28, 2017
Its hard to tell the exact intention of the talker, but in the original interview (below), he is specifically being asked about Palpatine's return idea, and he immediately brings KK to the topic.

‘Star Wars’ Screenwriter Chris Terrio on Ending the 42-year ‘Skywalker’ Saga

Screenwriter Chris Terrio won an Academy Award for writing Argo, the 2013 Oscar winner for Best Picture directed by Ben Affleck. That experience, however, would not prepare him to step into the wor…

If you read the previous question, the interviewer is clearly talking about the interaction between him and JJ, and -- again--, he brings/namechecks KK as the one with the overall plan.
I'm sure we will get even more clarifications in the upcoming weeks.
The way I read it is that KK had always wanted Kylo to be redeemed and part of the bigger story beats she wanted as part of that is tying the last film to the previous 8 as having a single throughline, but in a way that wasn't immediately apparent. That says to me that Kylo was never intended to be the big bad of 9, especially since he was supposed to be redeemed (a thread that RJ actually brought back and elaborated on in TLJ after he already had his full-on-evil turn of killing his dad in TFA).

I'd believe that Palpatine wasn't always the endgame, but it sounds like a Palpatine stand-in always was, whether that was Snoke's mysterious origins meaning he had some sort of tie to Palpatine and all the Sith already, or that Rian Johnson killed him off in part to clear the way for whatever that more powerful force to present itself. Palpatine is a better solution than cloud Galactus from Rise of the Silver Surfer, because it sounds to me that it would always be Sauron-tier disembodied evil incarnate to ever live up to that series-ending-villain expectation, but unfortunately the first 2 movies didn't really set up a good villain to pull it all together. Especially if the mandate was that Kylo Ren was to be redeemed.

Honestly, I think that Kylo and Rey were not only the heart of the trilogy and ultimately the best new characters because of it, they were the only ones that seemed like they had purpose from the beginning and got consistent treatment from both JJ and RJ as the threads handled with the most care and consistent progression across the films to where I totally believe that there was actually communication and planning amongst all parties to pass along that baton to the finishline. Unfortunately, not everything else had that care.

Palpatine didn't have that care, but for me, it makes some amount of sense that someone with ultimate power like Palpatine had to be pulling the strings and that like Terrio says, it didn't make much sense from the beginning that Ben would hear Anakin speaking to him when he turned before he died, so the manipulation of another voice posing as Vader makes more sense. Even how JJ created Snoke as both mysterious and shallow, to RJ killing him off but not really setting up a replacement seems to me like it was intentionally kicking the can down the road, but not because they couldn't have come up with a solution, but because they were leaving it for a final reveal, which ended up being Palpatine as the solution they ended on.

Moose the Fattest Cat

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 15, 2017
The two planets they introduce are barely seen, and one of them blows up. We got Yoda ripoff puppet, a faceless lady with 5 lines, a lady who is literally Rule 63 Finn, and yet another little wheelie robot. The macguffins are terrible and part of the stupidity which I don't like, and I have no idea what you're talking about in terms of the other films. Star Wars has never been about macguffins, especially not the original trilogy.

The original trilogy was never about macguffins??? In the very first film, R2-D2 was little more than a beeping macguffin!

Brother if you don't like macguffins, you're truly looking at this through the wrong lens. Macguffins, cliffhangers, and daring rescues... these cheap thrills are the lifeblood of this series.

Star Wars is the spiritual successor to the old-school adventure serials. In other words, they are comic booky. They completely break down when you stop looking at them as the sum of their parts.

Like, seriously, what did Zori Bliss' planet look like? Or Exogol? They have no character, because they're paper-thin backdrops and nothing more.

Besides Tattooine, Bespin, and Coruscant, you could say this for every planet in the series. They're all paper-thin backdrops. "Here's the snow planet. Here's the volcano planet. This planet is a big forest." And so on.

Same with that our two new female characters, who exist solely to show that Finn and Poe aren't gay (which they fucking are, and shame on everyone for cowarding out on that). Same with D-0, a droid who serves essentially no purpose in the story except to be another toy, and isn't even interesting as that! There wasn't anything here!

If you like it, cool. I like a lot of bad movies. But don't toss a bunch this movie's godawful characters and production design (that I remembered better than you!) and claim that makes the movie good. Objectively, there is less interesting ephemera than in any other Star Wars film, which means that there's nothing redeeming to even sort of make up for the incredibly bad writing.

Okay but it seems like the movie's biggest offense to you is... it isn't the movie you wanted it to be. The movie zagged when you wanted it to zig.

That's the same complaint people had when Last Jedi came out. They wanted Luke to be a different way, and just refused to accept the portrayal the movie was giving.

And I'm not parroting shit, these are my opinions, that I formed while watching this trashfire of a film.

I would be more inclined to believe this if you didn't use a meme as your critical adjective!


Apr 6, 2019
No Martha Lucas, no franchise.
Kathleen made 2 missteps? I am sure she will be fine her first production was Et and she made a few tiny films since then before SW.
Of course she will be fine, not saying she won't or she's unsuccessful, but her boss is Disney with a capital D and only cares about their mega series. Can't make a climatic universe out of ET, at least not yet. As for her faults, only one SW movie production sent smoothly in this decade, Disney is not impressed about her tiny films, they literally care about big pictures.

Moose the Fattest Cat

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 15, 2017
Honestly, I think that Kylo and Rey were not only the heart of the trilogy and ultimately the best new characters because of it, they were the only ones that seemed like they had purpose from the beginning and got consistent treatment from both JJ and RJ as the threads handled with the most care and consistent progression across the films to where I totally believe that there was actually communication and planning amongst all parties to pass along that baton to the finishline. Unfortunately, not everything else had that care.

Palpatine didn't have that care, but for me, it makes some amount of sense that someone with ultimate power like Palpatine had to be pulling the strings and that like Terrio says, it didn't make much sense from the beginning that Ben would hear Anakin speaking to him when he turned before he died, so the manipulation of another voice posing as Vader makes more sense. Even how JJ created Snoke as both mysterious and shallow, to RJ killing him off but not really setting up a replacement seems to me like it was intentionally kicking the can down the road, but not because they couldn't have come up with a solution, but because they were leaving it for a final reveal, which ended up being Palpatine as the solution they ended on.

Something cool about having it come back to Zombie Palpatine is that he is again a sort of "Phantom Menace."

Also, having Rey being a Palpatine does make all 9 episodes connect a little more... each of the 9 episodes tracks the ways in which the Skywalker and Palpatine bloodlines have impacted this series of wars.

The family thing makes sense with the other medieval trappings of the series — the knights and princesses and wizards — just recontextualized in a sci-fi/fantasy setting.


Oct 26, 2017
Good lord.... Im kinda laughing at adding like my 15th Star Wars thread to ignore. The threads are fine Im just not interested and dont want to have to dig pages to find the topics, but it seems every day a new line of dialogue from someone somewhat related in someway to someone who heard someone else worked on the film leads to another 10 threads. Im legit astounded at how many topic this generates.

Must be what its like to not be interested in the MCU when the Infinity War and Endgame news cycles were going. lol


May 11, 2018
Of course she will be fine, not saying she won't or she's unsuccessful, but her boss is Disney with a capital D and only cares about their mega series. Can't make a climatic universe out of ET, at least not yet. As for her faults, only one SW movie production sent smoothly in this decade, Disney is not impressed about her tiny films, they literally care about big pictures.
Um, her tiny films? She made them Billions and you may what to Google what films she has produced.......


May 11, 2018
Something cool about having it come back to Zombie Palpatine is that he is again a sort of "Phantom Menace."

Also, having Rey being a Palpatine does make all 9 episodes connect a little more... each of the 9 episodes tracks the ways in which the Skywalker and Palpatine bloodlines have impacted this series of wars.

The family thing makes sense with the other medieval trappings of the series — the knights and princesses and wizards — just recontextualized in a sci-fi/fantasy setting.
Weirdly I just watched a few mins of one if the Making ofs of the prequels and Lucas said that the films are the story of the Palps, so I guess JJ watched that and Return of The Jedi

Moose the Fattest Cat

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 15, 2017
The opening crawl even calls him the "phantom emperor."

Yeah! I thought it was a neat little touch. Also the Lost/Hobbit whatshisface guy also mentions clones being a lost secret of the Sith. I appreciated these details.

The sequel trilogy does quite a lot to justify a lot of the prequels. Like, the rules about how Force healing works (it drains your own life force) also retroactively makes the Jedi Council's rules about Jedis not having any families work better too.

If Jedis had families, it'd be easy for enemies to take them out by targeting their families. The Jedi would always sacrifice themselves. So it makes sense for them to be more like the space monks.


Oct 29, 2017
Solo wasn't awful, it was better written than all of the recent SW movies. It was terribly lit for some reason. And it should have been more campy, like the bit where Han speaks to Chewie in wookie and the free the robots robot.

Really, it's obvious the top management or KK is very uncertain with the direction to take, which leads to a lot of backtracking and course correcting, without ever knowing if it's the good direction.

With the tight schedules, lack of clarity regarding tone, and an excessive amount of lore to juggle with, it isn't an easy ship to sail, less so now than before TFA came out.

They really need to jump a few centuries in the future to get rid of some of the current weight. But if they think they can take the Marvel route they will fail, at least not anytime soon. They need to build something new over time.


May 11, 2018
Solo wasn't awful, it was better written than all of the recent SW movies. It was terribly lit for some reason. And it should have been more campy, like the bit where Han speaks to Chewie in wookie and the free the robots robot.

Really, it's obvious the top management or KK is very uncertain with the direction to take, which leads to a lot of backtracking and course correcting, without ever knowing if it's the good direction.

With the tight schedules, lack of clarity regarding tone, and an excessive amount of lore to juggle with, it isn't an easy ship to sail, less so now than before TFA came out.

They really need to jump a few centuries in the future to get rid of some of the current weight. But if they think they can take the Marvel route they will fail, at least not anytime soon. They need to build something new over time.
They need to give Rian his green light asap.


Apr 6, 2019
Um, her tiny films? She made them Billions and you may what to Google what films she has produced.......
Friend, you call them tiny films first, I just used your language, clam down. I know her track record, but this last decade was not a perfect 10.
Disney does not care about movies it didn't make, it cares about its mega franchise going smoothly. Clearly, Disney interfered with this franchise a lot, probably they compare it MCU and felt disappointed for some reason. Disney literally in bodies the quote, "but what have you done for me lately."


Oct 29, 2017
Under my Hela Hela
lmao everything about the production of this movie is a mess.

Kennedy needs to go. She completely botched all the good will audiences gained after TFA. She thought she could do the bare minimum because it's Star Wars, right?

This is the perfect example of why corporate suits shouldn't be anywhere close to the creative process.

Oh yeah, I mean she should be fired for writing the film,

Wait, she didn't write it.

Oh well, fire her for directing it.

Wait, she didn't direct it.

Well, fire her because she asked them to include something and JJ and Chris put zero effort into having it make sense, having it work within the film, using it to create tension, having internal logic, giving the actor something to do, or using it in any way other than lazy.

JJ and Chris are at fault here. Palpatine could've been used in hundreds of interesting ways. They chose the laziest. They don't get a pass.


Oct 27, 2017
lmao everything about the production of this movie is a mess.

Kennedy needs to go. She completely botched all the good will audiences gained after TFA. She thought she could do the bare minimum because it's Star Wars, right?

This is the perfect example of why corporate suits shouldn't be anywhere close to the creative process.

KK stays hands off and lets Rian Johnson more or less do what he wants: OMG! This is the perfect example of why someone needed to step in and have an over arching vision! The director can't just do whatever they want!

KK requests some story beats: OMG! Fucking studio hacks disrupting the creative process!

lol you can't win.


Oct 29, 2017
Under my Hela Hela
KK stays hands off and lets Rian Johnson more or less do what he wants: OMG! This is the perfect example of why someone needed to step in and have an over arching vision! The director can't just do whatever they want!

KK requests some story beats: OMG! Fucking studio hacks disrupting the creative process!

lol you can't win.

I think some people here genuinely believe Kevin Feige makes the MCU films himself, and hold Kathleen to the exact same absurd specifications they're made up in their heads.


Jun 9, 2018
I'm so confused why people are so willing to give Kathleen a pass on the complete mess that everything Star Wars has been post buyout. Like RoS was a singular event? Are people forgetting that almost every film in this series had had to deal with revolving Directors, extensive reshoots, and declining box-office takes since it started? You think these things are all just coincidences? I mean, yeah, it's entirely possible there's blame that goes up even higher than her, with senior disney management trying to step in, but ultimately, who is responsible for the complete mess that lucasfilms has been if not the person in charge? If you're not gonna hold her accountable for this now, when your big trilogy is over, then when? The next time a big movie is coming out and underperforms because of the leadership? You blame JJ and RJ for their mistakes, but WHO BROUGHT THEM IN? The person in charge of the studio!


Oct 27, 2017
*sigh* I do quite like 7 and 8, despite some disappointments here and there.

Shame it had to fall off a cliff...


Oct 27, 2017
I really don't understand how people can put TFA on a pedestal yet are so disappointed with TRS. So many things that are problematic in ROS & TLJ are direct result/continuation of the choices that JJ made in the first film.


Oct 27, 2017
The film is pretty flawless from a tech standpoint. But none of the Palpatine scenes work narratively. They barely even needed McDiarmid back considering how buried he is under even more makeup and the stupid strobe lighting.

And while I am in favor of Sith cults, a whole lot of people seemed to make it to that planet you can only get to if you have one of two maps in the galaxy to find it. To say nothing of the people needed to crew the 500 star destroyers.

My bet is Palpatine could get the word out about where the planet is to those he wants to know.

I didn't mind him coming back, it was a meh ending to everything but I didn't enjoy TLJ so I went into the movie expecting to be let down so I was pleasantly surprised when I didn't hate it. Is what it is, TLJ got the ball to mediocrity rolling.


Oct 31, 2017
Anakin was consumed by Vader at that point. The Dark Side is a literal thing in Star Wars. So it's hard to directly relate it to bad behavior in our world, it's an extreme example as I have said. But the idea is you are not really you once you turn. Yea it's maybe not so simple when you intellectualize it, but children tend to understand right away.

You are right not all kids stories need redemption arcs, but the level Star Wars operates on is that redemption is possible. So when you dismiss it, then you fundamentally disagree with the philosophy of Star Wars. Which is fine but it's criticizing Star Wars for something it was never trying to be. There is room for redefining what redemption means of course and maybe that's something the Sequel Trilogy should have focused on.

And Ben Solo is presented as having turned to the Dark Side, so yes he was good at one point. He was not born evil and his parents and family, known good people, knew him as a good person at one point. This is presented in TFA and expanded on in TLJ.
The dark side is a symbolism for hardcore drugs in Star Wars as George describes it. Once you start it's very difficult to stop and it's all consuming. From a outsiders perspective once you start your a different person (it's why he also added the physical changes to your body once you start).

It's why he said there's no gray Jedi. It's like taking cocaine once a month to attain "balance". It's unsustainable.

Lost Lemurian

Nov 30, 2019
The original trilogy was never about macguffins??? In the very first film, R2-D2 was little more than a beeping macguffin!

Brother if you don't like macguffins, you're truly looking at this through the wrong lens. Macguffins, cliffhangers, and daring rescues... these cheap thrills are the lifeblood of this series.

Star Wars is the spiritual successor to the old-school adventure serials. In other words, they are comic booky. They completely break down when you stop looking at them as the sum of their parts.

Besides Tattooine, Bespin, and Coruscant, you could say this for every planet in the series. They're all paper-thin backdrops. "Here's the snow planet. Here's the volcano planet. This planet is a big forest." And so on.

Okay but it seems like the movie's biggest offense to you is... it isn't the movie you wanted it to be. The movie zagged when you wanted it to zig.

That's the same complaint people had when Last Jedi came out. They wanted Luke to be a different way, and just refused to accept the portrayal the movie was giving.

I would be more inclined to believe this if you didn't use a meme as your critical adjective!
You dont know what a macguffin is, which means your entire standpoint is based on ignorance or trolling, so I dont have anything else to say to you.


May 11, 2018
Friend, you call them tiny films first, I just used your language, clam down. I know her track record, but this last decade was not a perfect 10.
Disney does not care about movies it didn't make, it cares about its mega franchise going smoothly. Clearly, Disney interfered with this franchise a lot, probably they compare it MCU and felt disappointed for some reason. Disney literally in bodies the quote, "but what have you done for me lately."
That is not how literally works.
And the last 10 years? she made them billions.
Looking at Marvel? Ant-man and the wasp, that didn't set the box office or critics alight, and audience perception? Captain Marvel had the TLJ issue of the incels hating it.
After the reaction to TLJ/SOLO/ROS I would be surprised if they didn't just can everything and start off new. Bring in someone new and just go a different direction.
The reaction to TLJ? were it made a ton of money and critical praise? Solo? 70% on RT 62 on MC? Box office was poison for sure, but lets not pretend its Alita.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Kathy Kennedy is a bum. Get her the fuck out and put Dave Filloni in charge.

Uh, that's definitely what should not happen. Dave Filoni doesn't even want that for himself.

Maybe start on a more logical path like Jon Favreau who clearly has the experience to manage a staff of directors to create a coherent and enjoyable experience.

Or we don't oust Kathleen Kennedy out at all because she isn't the sole issue with the franchise but instead it was a bunch of people's fault, probably starting with Iger and some Disney execs all the way down to the editing room.

In fact, this rhetoric sounds like the nonsense that came out of people's mouths after TLJ and with TROS people seem to retroactively like the film now so...


Oct 30, 2019
How much underhanded blame was passed around Disney over the last 2 weeks?

I can´t even keep up...


Oct 27, 2017
Should have got Shyamalan if they wanted a twist.

The more and more I read stuff like this, the more obvious it becomes that Rian Johnson really fucked up the whole overall narrative. TLJ was a good movie but it doesn't really fit in the trilogy.


Apr 6, 2019
That is not how literally works.
And the last 10 years? she made them billions.
Looking at Marvel? Ant-man and the wasp, that didn't set the box office or critics alight, and audience perception? Captain Marvel had the TLJ issue of the incels hating it.
Then can you explain why there moving Kevin Feige to handle it? For some reason you listed 2 movies with shakey audience perception out of how many Marvel movies, compare that to SW, its all of them.

Now for some reason you brought up audience perception while ignoring my argument, that the production of the majority of the SW movies have not been good. They have made billions, but for some reson going to take a break. In there efforts to expand there SW climatic universes, Rogue One and Solo, has been the worst produced SW movies this decade. They are limited. As I said, Disney does not care about the movies she produced while not working for them, they are not building parks and toys out of ET. They know her resume, but they can name literally 1 SW movie she has produced that has gone smoothly. Disney wanted a cinematic universe out of this. They wanted a race between Marvel and SW. One produced like 20 movies and stuck the landing, the other produced 5 and shit the bed.

Yes Star Wars made billions, but Marvel made billions faster and is lining up for the second impact.