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Deleted member 17810

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Oct 27, 2017
Rather than just engage in an actual discussion you try to make light of the situation but I will remind you that in Return of the Jedi Luke takes out a Rancor, fights Jabba's mercenaries and actually does have a showdown with Darth Vader.

That's what I remember.

You need to go back and watch the movie, you missed the biggest lesson for Luke as a character.

Having Like just get into more "epic fights" would be more of an insult to his character than anything The Last Jedi did...

Deleted member 9824

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Oct 26, 2017
Wanting "epic fights" is such a weird way to look at this film. Star Wars saga films are about the story, philosophy, myths, its essentially a biblical style myth set in space.

Stop treating the saga series like a super hero dime a dozen movie, Rian Johnson isn't going to do that sort of movie.

LUKE ISNT CAPTAIN AMERICA. He isn't about kicking ass and blowing stuff up. He is a pacifist at this point in his life.
Why do you think I'm the one they quoted? Quote Kuma Bear. I never engaged with Orb on that subject, nor do I intend to start a discussion on that subject. I couldn't care less about how the fights are choreographed, as long as they make sense in-universe.


Oct 27, 2017
It's true they could definitely do a great Luke arc without a great fight scene, but there is no fucking way you can argue TLJ achieved that.
Luke had the best arc in TLJ. He went from the hubris of trying to rebuild the Jedi Order to broken and embarrassed to hating the own Legend he had become and realizing he hadn't earned it to realizing that the Legend was important and then doing something truly worthy of living up to that Legend


Oct 25, 2017
Christ on a cracker. JJ will NOT retcon Rey's parentage or Snoke's death. Get a grip people. This is like after TPM when fanboys were certain Maul would return in the next film. It's mostly sad wishful thinking that is never going to pan out.

Rey's parents will still be nobodies in IX, and Kylo is the big bad, not Snoke reincarnated.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The film is always about space chases, blasters and lightsabers. If you look at the toys, everyone just eats that stuff up. Star Wars is not a drama, it's full of adventure.
That isn't Luke. Luke threw down his saber in Jedi. Luke isn't a badass. He isn't your super hero. Wanting him to go out and blow stuff up goes againt who he is.

Mindless action at the expense of the characters character growth? No thank you.


Oct 25, 2017
Christ on a cracker. JJ will NOT retcon Rey's parentage or Snoke's death. Get a grip people. This is like after TPM when fanboys were certain Maul would return in the next film. It's mostly sad wishful thinking that is never going to pan out.

Rey's parents will still be nobodies in IX, and Kylo is the big bad, not Snoke reincarnated.
They did bring Maul back in the Clone Wars cartoon. I was never a huge fan of that choice. Thankfully it doesn't affect the films.


Oct 25, 2017
How do you know that ?

She stopped him when he was extremely close to the canon, I remember that shot.

Then they are having their little moment just nearby the ATs who no longer give a fuck by the way, and they teleport back inside the base.

I can't for the life of me recall how they got back in. I figured I missed it... U sure about this one?

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
I realize that this movie wasn't satisfying for a lot of people, but for me it's the best since Empire, and that seems to be the consensus of most of the people I know IRL.

Specifically, I view the subverting of expectations very exciting, and the place they've left the story wide open with possibilities. Think about this-- Episodes 4-7 plus R1 all basically feature the same conflict. Empire/First Order vs Rebels/Resistance. One or the other might have had an upper hand, but it's basically two military forces. Now, there is only one.

Also, regarding the "slow speed chase" aspect-- I have no complaints. Apart from a small band escaping, the First Order won. Since they had the Resistance on the ropes, why risk extending with fighters? They waited them out. It worked. It was the right strategy,

I've already weighed in on how I thought Luke's last stand was brilliant, and underscores the themes of the movie and is consistent with the Jedi ways. And I find Luke's backstory and actions consistent with the OT Luke. I've never consumed the EU material, but based on just the movies, it works.


Oct 25, 2017
They did bring Maul back in the Clone Wars cartoon. I was never a huge fan of that choice. Thankfully it doesn't affect the films.

Yeah, I meant in the mainline live action films though. Fans were speculating his return in AOTC, and even some truly deluded people held out hope for him in ROTS.


Oct 29, 2017
Because Poe states that the attack will be unsuccessful and orders him to turn around, and to make sure the audience doesn't miss this fact they show the ship disintegrating the closer it gets to to the cannon.

Maybe hitting the cannon would cause a rift in space time and kill Kylo Ren and the resistance would live happily ever after. How do I know it wouldn't? Maybe hitting the cannon would supercharge the laser and melt the entire resistance. How do you know it wouldn't?

The movie supports that the attack won't work, visually and verbally. Nothing suggests otherwise.

No it visually doesn't convey that, because the last shot show Finn extremely close to the canon and he has not turned to ashes far from it.

Verbally it does, a lot, and if it does so I am inclined to believe it's because it's not so clear visually.

Your maybe thing I don't really have to comment on it.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Christ on a cracker. JJ will NOT retcon Rey's parentage or Snoke's death. Get a grip people. This is like after TPM when fanboys were certain Maul would return in the next film. It's mostly sad wishful thinking that is never going to pan out.

Rey's parents will still be nobodies in IX, and Kylo is the big bad, not Snoke reincarnated.
Exactly. JJ isnt destroying the entire arc of Rey vs Kylo.

Kylo is the guy born into royalty. His mother is a Princess and was a Senator, his dad is a war hero, grandfather toppled the Emperor, and his uncle is a legendary hero.

Rey is a nobody from drunk loser parents.

That comparison is what makes the Kylo vs. Rey dynamic work. JJ is NOT going to ruin that. He isn't a complete idiot, unlike a lot of fanboys.


Nov 15, 2017
Luke had the best arc in TLJ. He went from the hubris of trying to rebuild the Jedi Order to broken and embarrassed to hating the own Legend he had become and realizing he hadn't earned it to realizing that the Legend was important and then doing something truly worthy of living up to that Legend

I mean, it's amazing for you to think that, but you literally just expressed it way, way better than the film itself did, in one paragraph. The execution was janky as fuck.

Deleted member 17402

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Oct 27, 2017
I don't get where people are getting the idea that come the end of 9, they'll start another Jedi training school

The Jedi are done - finished, tidied up. If this film had a mandate outside of showing the power of hope in war time, it was removing all the technical nonsense out of Star Wars. There's the force - an abstract life energy people can manipulate - and there are people attuned to it... but the structure of Jedi and Sith, their particular abilities and looks needs to be thrown out the window.

It's too rigid and unwelcoming - and seeing as Disney's thing is getting as many people on board with these new films, they're all the better for changing it up.
I think it'd be more interesting if Rey could somehow ignite the foundation for everyone in the galaxy to start searching for the force within themselves, some successfully, others unsuccessfully, rather than create an all-inclusive academy for a resurrected Jedi.


Oct 27, 2017
Rather than just engage in an actual discussion you try to make light of the situation but I will remind you that in Return of the Jedi Luke takes out a Rancor, fights Jabba's mercenaries and actually does have a showdown with Darth Vader.

That's what I remember.

An incredibly reluctant showdown. The second he actually wins, he stops himself and tosses his lightsaber away, then gets zapped a lot.


Oct 27, 2017
No, it's childish. I grew up with Star Wars and I would have loved to see him do one last duel and your response is "kill me". Seriously? Is it so offensive if a fan wanted to see another duel with Luke?
I don't believe fan desires should dictate the vision of a writer or director. I don't think the character of Luke in this movie would have lent itself to an "epic fight," and in fact it would have undercut his character arc completely. And it's not personally something I needed or wanted.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, it's amazing for you to think that, but you literally just expressed it way, way better than the film itself did, in one paragraph. The execution was janky as fuck.
Nah, it was pretty damn clear in the movie and worked wonderfully. Why do you think nearly every film critic praised Luke's arc in the film?


Nov 2, 2017
Christ on a cracker. JJ will NOT retcon Rey's parentage or Snoke's death. Get a grip people. This is like after TPM when fanboys were certain Maul would return in the next film. It's mostly sad wishful thinking that is never going to pan out.

Rey's parents will still be nobodies in IX, and Kylo is the big bad, not Snoke reincarnated.

Honestly with this massive, massive crying campaign over TLJ, I just wish Star Wars went back to the nothingness it was after ROTJ. :/


Oct 28, 2017
It might be a valid point. I am just going to chalk it up to them being too small to target but it's never explained and I don't really need an explanation.

dude, they see luke skywalker, why wouldnt they see finn and rose?

also kylo has a grudge on Finn too, why wouldnt he explode his ass right there running on the sand?
Oct 26, 2017
Man, can't say John Williams' soundtrack for this and TFA have been noteworthy. I need to listen to demo of the tracks on itunes or something. Can't recall a single tune in my head from either movie.


Oct 25, 2017
TBH Snoke being a classic overconfident dark side user who gets jobbed hard and cut down in the second act is one of my favorite things about TLJ. That entire throne room scene was amazing (and cool as hell visually).


Nov 15, 2017
Nah, it was pretty damn clear in the movie and worked wonderfully. Why do you think nearly every film critic praised Luke's arc in the film?

Why do people keep bringing that up like I have to agree with all critics? That means absolutely nothing to me. Besides IGN gave it a 9.7. Surely even the biggest fans of the film can see that's suspicious as fuck?

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
Luke had the best arc in TLJ. He went from the hubris of trying to rebuild the Jedi Order to broken and embarrassed to hating the own Legend he had become and realizing he hadn't earned it to realizing that the Legend was important and then doing something truly worthy of living up to that Legend

This. It's very satisfying if you go in with open expectations.

I honestly thought we were going to get Luke-as-Ben and one last Lightsaber duel out of him, but when he tossed the lightsaber I just went along and let the story unfold. I'm glad to *not* have gotten what I imagined-- what we got was better.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, it's amazing for you to think that, but you literally just expressed it way, way better than the film itself did, in one paragraph. The execution was janky as fuck.
How in the hell would I have been able to express it to you in those words if the film didn't visually convey it? I didn't just make that shit up from whole cloth. It's literally all staring you in the face. Many people got it. Some people either ignored it or just missed it for some reason.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly with this massive, massive crying campaign over TLJ, I just wish Star Wars went back to the nothingness it was after ROTJ. :/
No fucking way.

Do you see all the endless young girls who dress up as Rey for opening weekend showings and Halloween?

Star Wars is THEIRS now. Not ours. Passing Star Wars on to young girls, giving them their own hero like we had Luke is the best thing Star Wars has given the world in 40 years.

This is why the Sequel Trilogy is so vital:




Oct 27, 2017
Exactly. JJ isnt destroying the entire arc of Rey vs Kylo.

Kylo is the guy born into royalty. His mother is a Princess and was a Senator, his dad is a war hero, grandfather toppled the Emperor, and his uncle is a legendary hero.

Rey is a nobody from drunk loser parents.

That comparison is what makes the Kylo vs. Rey dynamic work. JJ is NOT going to ruin that. He isn't a complete idiot, unlike a lot of fanboys.
Another thing about this weird JJ vs Rian narrative, are people even familiar with JJ Abrams's work? Yeah, he has his mystery box thing, and yeah he hardcore channels Spielberg and has found success (and some not-success, looking at you Into Darkness) re-purposing the past, but Alias, Felicity, Lost or shit like Cloverfield and other things he keeps in his orbit? I would venture to guess that the subversion and these dynamics left after TLJ probably have probably got him real excited.

Deleted member 9824

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Man, can't say John Williams' soundtrack for this and TFA have been noteworthy. I need to listen to demo of the tracks on itunes or something. Can't recall a single tune in my head from either movie.
There's a few original themes that could be memorable, but they're just extremely quiet compared to previous themes, making them slip past most people's ears.


Nov 2, 2017
No fucking way.

Do you see all the endless young girls who dress up as Rey for opening weekend showings and Halloween?

Star Wars is THEIRS now. Not ours. Passing Star Wars on to young girls, giving them their own hero like we had Luke is the best thing Star Wars has given the world in 40 years.

This is why the Sequel Trilogy is so vital:


I just hope they won't have to suffer from the disgusting people that cause these downvoting hate campaigns from 4chan and Reddit.


Oct 25, 2017
One thing I'm surprised they didn't just rip off from the EU was the Star Forge from KotOR. If you've never played it, the Star Forge is a basically a ship factory that uses energy from the sun as well as the FORCE. That could have explained how the First Order managed to rebuild. Though I guess it might be redundant since Starkiller Base also used a star for energy. Still though, I expected Snoke's funding to have a more elaborate answer than "funded by gambling addicts."

They may still do this. There is another movie to come, and we still don't know how the First Order got so well equipped or wealthy.

Rather than just engage in an actual discussion you try to make light of the situation but I will remind you that in Return of the Jedi Luke takes out a Rancor, fights Jabba's mercenaries and actually does have a showdown with Darth Vader.

That's what I remember.

Yes, of course Luke did all these things. Luke was the main character in ROTJ. He is not the main character in TLJ. It's not his movie.

It's true they could definitely do a great Luke arc without a great fight scene, but there is no fucking way you can argue TLJ achieved that.

I think they did.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Why do people keep bringing that up like I have to agree with all critics? That means absolutely nothing to me. Besides IGN gave it a 9.7. Surely even the biggest fans of the film can see that's suspicious as fuck?
I have seen countless people rank TLJ second only to Empire Strikes Back. So that score is pretty reasonable.


Oct 27, 2017
Why do people keep bringing that up like I have to agree with all critics? That means absolutely nothing to me. Besides IGN gave it a 9.7. Surely even the biggest fans of the film can see that's suspicious as fuck?
... why is it "suspicious" that someone liked it enough to give it a 9.7? Say what you really mean.

Deleted member 19218

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
That isn't Luke. Luke threw down his saber in Jedi. Luke isn't a badass. He isn't your super hero. Wanting him to go out and blow stuff up goes againt who he is.

Mindless action at the expense of the characters character growth? No thank you.

You need to go back and watch the movie, you missed the biggest lesson for Luke as a character.

Having Like just get into more "epic fights" would be more of an insult to his character than anything The Last Jedi did...

Don't be so quick to write off any opportunities or possibilities. The film is great but there are other ways it could have been created, also...

Well what was this about?


I had thought Kylo Ren gathers some force users and they ravage Luke's new generation of Jedi. I'm guessing not, but that could have been a great way to weave in action with the sad demise of Luke's new generation of Jedi.


Oct 28, 2017
I think it'd be more interesting if Rey could somehow ignite the foundation for everyone in the galaxy to start searching for the force within themselves, some successfully, others unsuccessfully, rather than create an all-inclusive academy for a resurrected Jedi.

I mean - between how the film ends with Luke sacrificing himself to not only buy the rebels time but to inspire the entire galaxy - that seems the most likely thing (especially with the Force kid at the end). Rey's going to encourage people to use the force for good, while Kylo I imagine will encourage them to use it selfishly.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I just hope they won't have to suffer from the disgusting people that cause these downvoting hate campaigns from 4chan and Reddit.
That is what makes me sad. Star Wars isn't about 30-40 year old fanboys nostalgic over the OT. You didn't get your badass Luke sequel trilogy?

Get over it. This is who Star Wars is for:


Oct 26, 2017
Sarasota, Florida
Luke had the best arc in TLJ. He went from the hubris of trying to rebuild the Jedi Order to broken and embarrassed to hating the own Legend he had become and realizing he hadn't earned it to realizing that the Legend was important and then doing something truly worthy of living up to that Legend

Woah woah woah... I agree with the rest of your post and all, but Luke:

1. Blew up the original Death Star with a one in a million shot
2. Okay, he didn't really do anything in ESB
3. Devised and executed (with help, obvi) the plan to rescue Han from Jabba
4. Surrendered himself over to the Emperor in what was basically a suicide mission as part of the plot to get the new Death Star shield down
5. Turned Darth Vader back to the Light Side just enough to get him to kill the Emperor and send the Empire scampering without leadership

Luke was and deserved his legend.

Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I mean - between how the film ends with Luke sacrificing himself to not only buy the rebels time but to inspire the entire galaxy - that seems the most likely thing (especially with the Force kid at the end). Rey's going to encourage people to use the force for good, while Kylo I imagine will encourage them to use it selfishly.
Yeah. The sooner they get rid of inclusivity in Star Wars a la Jedi and Sith, the better, in my opinion, and The Last Jedi certainly pushes in that direction.


Nov 2, 2017
That is what makes me sad. Star Wars isn't about 30-40 year old fanboys nostalgic over the OT. You didn't get your badass Luke sequel trilogy?

Get over it. This is who Star Wars is for:

THAT, and we STILL did get our badass Luke. Hell, he was more badass than he ever was in ANH and ESB.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Don't be so quick to write off any opportunities or possibilities. The film is great but there are other ways it could have been created, also...

Well what was this about?


I had thought Kylo Ren gathers some force users and they ravage Luke's new generation of Jedi. I'm guessing not, but that could have been a great way to weave in action with the sad demise of Luke's new generation of Jedi.
That is clearly not the temple scene.

Ben wasn't Kylo yet when he destroyed the Temple. He had his blue lightsaber and didn't have his Kylo get up yet. This flashback is likely a few years after the temple destruction.


Oct 28, 2017
That is clearly not the temple scene.

Ben wasn't Kylo yet when he destroyed the Temple. He had his blue lightsaber and didn't have his Kylo get up yet. This flashback is likely a few years after the temple destruction.

it is such a cool scene, i hope is a flashforward and we get to see this on 9

Deleted member 19218

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I don't believe fan desires should dictate the vision of a writer or director. I don't think the character of Luke in this movie would have lent itself to an "epic fight," and in fact it would have undercut his character arc completely. And it's not personally something I needed or wanted.

That's fine if you're not interested but "kill me" is just immature and serves no purpose in having a conversation.


Oct 27, 2017
Woah woah woah... I agree with the rest of your post and all, but Luke:

1. Blew up the original Death Star with a one in a million shot
2. Okay, he didn't really do anything in ESB
3. Devised and executed (with help, obvi) the plan to rescue Han from Jabba
4. Surrendered himself over to the Emperor in what was basically a suicide mission as part of the plot to get the new Death Star shield down
5. Turned Darth Vader back to the Light Side just enough to get him to kill the Emperor and send the Empire scampering without leadership

Luke was and deserved his legend.
I should say he felt like he hadn't earned it. Obviously he did some incredible things in the OT. But the shame he felt from losing Ben overshadowed all of that. You can really tell the pain he felt from failing Leia by losing her son to the dark side.
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