
Oct 25, 2017







Note: Graphics created by Quick for the original OT.

Welcome to the third Star Wars: The Last Jedi Official Thread on Reset Era! The Rian Johnson era is well under way and there's a lot more to discuss…

Rotten Tomatoes: 93% | Metacritic: 86

Some good articles on the film:
The Last Jedi doesn't care what you think about Star Wars - And that's why it's great (Slashfilm)
The Force Belongs To Us: The Last Jedi's beautiful refocusing of Star Wars (Film Crit Hulk)
About themes and the beautiful brilliance of the ending of Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Rooster Teeth)

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Reviews and Reactions Thread
Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Official Soundtrack |OST| Music composed and conducted by John Williams
Listen to the full soundtrack from John Williams here.
Official Star Wars Website
Star Wars YouTube Channel

Previous OTs:
Star Wars: The Last Jedi |OT| It's time for the Jedi to end (Unmarked Spoilers)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi |OT2| Let the past die (Unmarked Spoilers)

Special Thanks:
Star Wars ResetEra Community


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
Porgs are still the best thing about this movie. And this movie is pretty good.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
1. TLJ
2. TFA
3. ANH
Star Wars Holiday Special
7. TPM
Dec 18, 2017
A 3rd OT in just a few short weeks. Lol. I remember just a few years ago when some dopes insisted that Star Wars was no longer culturally relevant.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
I want to see this a second time in the theater. I don't normally do that.


Oct 27, 2017
Woo! New thread

It was in response to the conversation that was happening at the time with folks saying we need decent characters and that all the new characters are shallow and 1 dimensional...

I mean it was right there if you read that page but ok.

'A ton of people' implied quite strongly that you weren't just referring to a handful. But even within the scope of the conversation there were a lot of elements touched But they weren't talking about an overall negative popularity. You yourself seem to have been the sole person taking up that mantle in response to me posting a scientifically sound poll showing the relatively poor favorables of the ST crew and put me to task to prove a criteria you invented for yourself. This is a literal straw man.
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Oct 25, 2017
Carrying from the last

Imagine how many Asian Americans would've felt if a prominent role was reduced tonsinple love fodder.


Makes the whole love angle even more glaringly bad. It's curious that they clearly are taking care writing for women characters but for whatever reason they keep tripping over themselves writing for minorities...Curious
Oct 27, 2017
Biggest problems with the movie:

I wasn't 6 or 7 when I first watched it, think about how much cooler it would have been?

I had to go pee for a good half the movie, but didn't want to miss anything. That was mildly annoying.

I liked the Thrawn trilogy books.

Didn't care for the smell of the guy's popcorn next to me.


Outer Wilds Ventures Test Pilot
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Overall, I really enjoyed the movie. Granted a couple of things bothered me:

1) Space Leia (could have been done in a less cheesy manner)
2) The opening scene with Poe baiting Hux was just a little too corny for my taste

Other than that, I really enjoyed it and can't wait to see it again.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
'A ton of people' implied quite strongly that you weren't just referring to a handful. But even within the scope of the conversation there were a lot of elements touched on but they weren't talking about an overall negative popularity. You yourself seem to have taking up that mantle in response to me posting a scientifically sound poll showing the relatively poor favorables of the ST crew and put me to task to prove a criteria you invented for yourself.

I said a bunch of folks... as in some.

Yet in the context of what the conversation that you jumped in on was about, and what I clearly meant by sucks (again context is all around that post) your poll is not actually a counter argument... It doesn't show that people think Rey sucks... or Finn... like at all...


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
A third OP for one of the best SW movies. Praise Yeezus.

The only part that sucked was Kelly Marie Tran kissing my husbando


Oct 27, 2017
I said a bunch of folks... as in some.

Yet in the context of what the conversation that you jumped in on was about, and what I clearly meant by sucks (again context is all around that post) your poll is not actually a counter argument... It doesn't show that people think Rey sucks... or Finn... like at all...

If only people were ever talking about that in terms of overall popularity to begin with.


Oct 27, 2017
I said a bunch of folks... as in some.

Yet in the context of what the conversation that you jumped in on was about, and what I clearly meant by sucks (again context is all around that post) your poll is not actually a counter argument... It doesn't show that people think Rey sucks... or Finn... like at all...

Except no one was saying that the characters were overall unpopular. This is a literal stawman on your part. You responded to a conversation about characters being 1 dimensional and such by saying that them sucking isn't consensus.

I posted a chart showing relatively awful favorable ratings (something that could subjectively meet the interpretation of being sucky) and then you claimed that your response was somehow addressing them making the statement that these characters were overall unpopular and that I had intended to prove such when they never were and I never did.

How can my chart not be a valid counter argument when you're saying that it doesn't address your rebuttal to their argument if your rebuttal isn't actually addressing an argument that they made? Or I even attempted? The logic doesn't follow, sorry. You're shifting the goal posts to cover your butt. Maybe you legitimately misinterpreted the chart and that's what fuelling this 'over/under' obsession, but it doesn't dissolve your straw man.

Was the substance of that conversation 'most people don't like these characters'? No
Did I ever say 'most people don't like these characters'? No
This was something you invented after the fact.
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Oct 30, 2017
Carrying from the last

Makes the whole love angle even more glaringly bad. It's curious that they clearly are taking care writing for women characters but for whatever reason they keep tripping over themselves writing for minorities...Curious

Is it bad that I immediately jumped to the conclusion that they added a new love interest for Finn because they didn't want a black guy with a white girl(Finn/Rey)? It looked like they were trying to set up Poe and Rey at the end as well, and I was about to lose it.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Quoting from the old thread:
Actually did some reading on Rey's backstory, so yea remember how someone said she's "clearly a newbie" in the last thread? Growing up she straight up had a reputation of brutally defending herself, it got to the point where people who tried to mess with her weren't already in the know that you don't fuck with Rey.

Is it bad that I immediately jumped to the conclusion that they added a new love interest for Finn because they didn't want a black guy with a white girl(Finn/Rey)? It looked like they were trying to set up Poe and Rey at the end as well, and I was about to lose it.
Poe isn't white. And as I said before, this is the most ridiculous hot take of the reason behind a POC's inclusion in SW since TFA, where people thought Maz was CGI because Disney didn't want too many black people on screen.


Oct 27, 2017
Responding to everyone who thought my points are just really nerdy nitpicks
Sure some of them can be seen that way, the main point however, that slow chase scene setup had to bend or violate so many established SW logic to make the script work, that I think a lot of old time fans just couldn't suspend their disbelief (within SW logic!) anymore. Character actions, sacrifices, a whole sub plot all in service of that main construct and a lot of folks, at least subconsciously felt like that construct was really weak.

But I wanted to resurrect the thought about TFA and TLJ's failure to hint or build at something that could give part 3 the feeling of an earned payoff, a climax that feels organic or even something where the audience can feel this thing was built with a 3 movie arc in mind.
Not saying the OT was more than a series of movies and that Lucas had it all planned out. It was not on Harry Potter 1-7 level, but the character conflicts and setup was done in a way where 4-6 feel like a proper package. Sure 6 is basically the condensed version of what could have been more movies and the Ewoks arguably showed the first sign of how Lucas had changed but still.

Where do we they go from TLJ? It feels they didn't plant any organic seeds in TFA or TLJ that could bloom in part 3. Do they even want to have these characters have their arcs complete in part 3 or are they not thinking about this like a trilogy?
The OT had Han mention Jabba in ANH and again in ESB in which he was also kidnapped, which organically lead into the first act of ROTJ. The throne room confrontation also was telegraphed in ESB already.
Nothing of this sort exists in TFA or TLJ. Rey's parents are a non-story if we want to take Kylo's words for it, the Republic got killed off screen and the one mystery figure Snoke (who could have been Plagueis if not for that high level policy of not using anything from the prequel era) was cut in half.
The end of this trilogy will be a drawn out continuation of the Kylo-Rey skype calls and probably a "Leia died offscreen" funeral to kick the movie off. What will be Kylo's main goal? "To burn it all down?" What else does he want to burn down? Nothing else has been introduced in these first two movies.
I just can't see which element in TFA or TLJ they want to build on for a plot in part 3. Han is dead, Luke is dead, Leia will have to be dead. Good luck with that future universe that 2 movies didn't seem compelled to set up properly.

So I would love to hear basic outlines of what could happen in part 3 from people who felt TFA and TLJ were constructed well. Where do Finn, Rey, Kylo and superfluous Poe go from here?


Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017
Guys, the film is still pretty good.


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
I disliked the movie quite a lot.

However, to the point that "they didn't set anything up for Ep 9" that I'm seeing and have also thought I say this:

Ep 4 also didn't set much up at the end when it originally came out.

Honestly, as much as I have a lot of issues with this movie, I don't mind that it's a blank slate for Ep 9.

King Dodongo

Oct 27, 2017
For such an awful movie, it has many posts and threads. Probably would have less topics about it if it was good.


Oct 25, 2017
More I think about this movie the more I am disappointed by it from a film standpoint. The pacing, the execution, writing, and characterization were all mediocre. Finn got the worse lines in the entire film like Chrome Dome which is sad as fuck.

As a Star Wars fan standpoint I am even more massively disappointed.

The saddest part to all of this we didn't get any meaningful character interactions in this film. What made TFA great was all those great character interactions between Rey and Finn and Finn and Poe and etc. For me TLJ felt hollow.

The best thing that came out of this film was Kylo, but even then the film made him into a incompetent whiny shit head in the end. TLJ really made me unhyped for episode 9 which is a surprise oh well.

TLJ is the worst out of all the newest Star Wars films. The OT is massively better and it's nowhere fucking close to ESB.