
The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I CLAPPED WHEN I SAW DARTH VADER made me laugh out loud.

mod edit: added spoiler tags

Overall, despite finishing the game, I would agree with most of everything she said. The level of polish in this game is frankly embarrassing when you think about the fact it's the first single-player Star Wars game we've had in a fucking DECADE.
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Oct 27, 2017

Hope they work out the glitches in this game.


Sep 8, 2018
Malmö, Sweden
This sums up what I have been telling my friends who ask me what I have thought about the game.

this channel is pure gold, I watch their videos as soon as they release
Oct 25, 2017
I agree with their opinion on the game being derivative and glitchy but still pretty good, but instead of talking about the great music and characters they do what every angry white man nerd does when star wars comes up and rants about how nothing will ever live up to the magic of the OT, shitting on the prequels and sequels in an honestly embarrassing display.

They did the same thing in their ANH review, where instead of talking about the movie it was just several minutes of whining about the new movies not being authentic enough.


Oct 29, 2017
I was surprised by how glitchy and janky the game was in some places. Definitely expected better from Respawn.
Aug 10, 2019
This game is ugly to point of looking like a ps2 game and glitchy to the point of being unplayable on base PS4.

It needed another 6 months in the oven.

I'm glad someone is finally saying it.


Oct 25, 2017
"i refuse to applaud a small step in the right direction when they should have already made a few giant leaps"

Absolutely no lies detected. I platinumed the game, but i'm sure this product would be criticised much more harshly, were it not part of the Star Wars franchise and an EA Star Wars game.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
I'm lucky not to run into any bugs so far. This I'm playing on pc
Oct 25, 2017
Reviews that harp on a game being a pastiche aren't very useful IMO. The game's real problem is that it needed 6 more months of polish and maybe some iteration on the incentives for exploration. Fast travel unlocking in the late game, if not earlier, would have been good too.

Where the game's patchwork nature is relevant to fundamental issues is how superficial the Souls elements are and how the game is a weird mix of linear uncharted levels and winding Metroid/souls levels. There's a lot in the game that just doesn't come together.

I still played it twice though so I guess I thought it was pretty good despite my complaints.

Deleted member 17403

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 27, 2017
This game is ugly to point of looking like a ps2 game and glitchy to the point of being unplayable on base PS4.

It needed another 6 months in the oven.

I'm glad someone is finally saying it.
That's some hyperbole.

I agree that the game's technical and mechanical hangups are a shame and are pretty embarrassing considering the publisher, developer, and franchise. Couple that with the fact that the game is $60, and it's more about. However the game is good and with some tweaks to the framework, it would genuinely be great.​


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed the game, but this review was both great and informative. Laughed my ass off when they started playing the Foxwoods theme when criticizing the lootboxes.


Oct 28, 2017
She's a more succinct AngryJoe. *subscribed*

Reviews that harp on a game being a pastiche aren't very useful IMO. The game's real problem is that it needed 6 more months of polish and maybe some iteration on the incentives for exploration. Fast travel unlocking in the late game, if not earlier, would have been good too.

Where the game's patchwork nature is relevant to fundamental issues is how superficial the Souls elements are and how the game is a weird mix of linear uncharted levels and winding Metroid/souls levels. There's a lot in the game that just doesn't come together.

I still played it twice though so I guess I thought it was pretty good despite my complaints.

Half your post repeats what she said. You attempted to sound smarter than her and failed miserably.

Dr. Ludwig

Oct 31, 2017
I am shocked by the level of bugs and glitches in a what is a pretty much a straight forward Star Wars adventure game.

Respawn totally didn't get to finish their game because EA wanted a Star Wars game for the holidays.


Oct 25, 2017
One of my favorite channels, but she has to chill with the spoilers
This game is ugly to point of looking like a ps2 game and glitchy to the point of being unplayable on base PS4.

It needed another 6 months in the oven.

I'm glad someone is finally saying it.
It's gorgeous on PC, and runs very well. Sad to hear consoles got the short end of the stick.


Oct 29, 2017
It's gorgeous on PC, and runs very well. Sad to hear consoles got the short end of the stick.

It's wildly inconsistent. It has some really nice looking moments, cutscenes, vistas, but then it also has sections where I actually stopped and wondered if the textures didn't load in yet properly. And then there are the wookies.... Playing maxed out on PC.


Oct 25, 2017
It's wildly inconsistent. It has some really nice looking moments, cutscenes, vistas, but then it also has sections where I actually stopped and wondered if the textures didn't load in yet properly. And then there are the wookies.... Playing maxed out on PC.
Oh yeah, the Wookies look like Spaghetti. The character models aren't super great, but the environments are killer.


Oct 30, 2017
I agree with their opinion on the game being derivative and glitchy but still pretty good, but instead of talking about the great music and characters they do what every angry white man nerd does when star wars comes up and rants about how nothing will ever live up to the magic of the OT, shitting on the prequels and sequels in an honestly embarrassing display.

They did the same thing in their ANH review, where instead of talking about the movie it was just several minutes of whining about the new movies not being authentic enough.
I expected great music going into the game but most of it just isn't very good, the little that is good is just taken from the movies. And the game feature one good character: Cere. Greez "character arc" is over before you know it, I thought Merrin had potential but she ended up just being a device plot to help you get inside the underwater imperial base. Girlfriendreviews is right, if this wasn't a Star Wars game no one would care about it.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
I agree with their opinion on the game being derivative and glitchy but still pretty good, but instead of talking about the great music and characters they do what every angry white man nerd does when star wars comes up and rants about how nothing will ever live up to the magic of the OT, shitting on the prequels and sequels in an honestly embarrassing display.

They did the same thing in their ANH review, where instead of talking about the movie it was just several minutes of whining about the new movies not being authentic enough.

Are you talking about the video in the op? Because that's not what she did at all. She judged the game on its own merits.


Oct 28, 2017
This game is ugly to point of looking like a ps2 game and glitchy to the point of being unplayable on base PS4.

It needed another 6 months in the oven.

I'm glad someone is finally saying it.

People forgot what PS2 games look like?
Theres hypderbole and then theres just talking shit which moots everything that follows.

The opening act alone has some of the best hair we have seen in a game yet.
And as you keep going the game has multiple true AAA sections, bordering on best looking of the year.

<------ Plays on PC with a i5 2500K and GTX 1070 so not even high end chips.


Oct 25, 2017
They have the best "infotainment" game reviews on Youtube. Another fantastic video. They just strike such a good blend of meaningful analysis and entertainment.


Oct 27, 2017
That video was fantastic. I'm glad I was able to play this game on my high end pc, so my only glitch was the stutter as assets load in the background, ranging from minimal to awfully noticeable at times.

But seeing the bugs people encounter on console and weaker PCs really makes me wish the game had a few more months of polish before releasing. Hopefully they can fix these issues with a few patches. I know it shouldn't be that way but thankfully it's possible and they should most definitely take the time and make the effort to fix the game.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
She's not wrong. Game isn't that great. Dark Souls is a bad fit (not combat but structure), no fast travel, collectibles waste my time, music is subpar. It's a "hey let's not lose the license even though we were never in danger of losing it" last ditch effort.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
Damn this was the first one where she really went in lol that was great. Totally agree with her, game is a generic mess.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Philly ❤️
Reviews that harp on a game being a pastiche aren't very useful IMO. The game's real problem is that it needed 6 more months of polish and maybe some iteration on the incentives for exploration. Fast travel unlocking in the late game, if not earlier, would have been good too.

Where the game's patchwork nature is relevant to fundamental issues is how superficial the Souls elements are and how the game is a weird mix of linear uncharted levels and winding Metroid/souls levels. There's a lot in the game that just doesn't come together.

I still played it twice though so I guess I thought it was pretty good despite my complaints.
Did you watch the video?


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
This is the most brutal review I can remember from them, god damn. It looks like a game designed for the PS3 gen with how much it copies others.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
Great video, I wish it was longer though. I could easily listen to her grilling EA, Disney as well as the generic and unpolished nature of the game for another ten minutes.

I played it on PC, so I didn't really see any of the bugs/glitches which oddly seem to be console specific (?). The game stuttered and sputtered at times though, when loading level transitions, and there's an unfinished, janky feel to much of the game.


Nov 8, 2017
PC version was great except for some stutters when loading new areas. The Wookies looked pretty terrible though.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol, this video was great. Definitely seen a lot of the issues they brought. Particularly the game freezing up to load. I would be fine with it happening occasionally, but it was every couple minutes.


Oct 25, 2017
I have been thinking a lot about the scrutiny for this game. I played on PC so I can not speak to the console issues. I think this game suffers from familiarity. It is a souls type game definitely, but the familiary we have with the genre allows us to see the faults much clearer. It is a Star Wars game and that is a series that has been around for 42 years. Consumers are often very familair with a lightsaber and rules of the world. I think Fallen Order has faults, such as the lack of a fast travel, and the fact that it's a rehash of things we have seen for years. But it does do a lot of things very well. Unlike something like God of War where Kratos is wholly unrecognizable, Fallen Order is the thanksgiving of Games, we got things we recognized and as a result we can pick it apart more thoroughly because we understand it.

This is not to say the game doesn't or didn't need more time. Fallen Order is one of my top games this year because of that familarity. But I can very much see how for many people that is also its downfall.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
i´ve already said enough about this game

aggressively mediocre and basically the Star Wars skin blinded many people to see the flaws. Tomb Raider: Jedi edition

6,5/10 (would be 7/10 but not with those technical issues on the Pro)

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
I'm on PC and haven't seen glitches close to what they experienced, but some visual issues certainly crop up here and there. Lighting glitches and FPS stuttering even at 90+fps with G-Sync is WTF.

Agree with all the other points, though I'm not as bothered by the design ideology. It's less elegent than the source material is takes from, but I like the stab at a From experience. I certainly haven't walked away from the game impressed, but its fine. Not even that bothered by the collectible rewards either.

Still, it won't make my top list of the year, but its a nice B-grade effort...wrapped in AAA marketing and exposure.


Oct 25, 2017

Just impulse bought this a few days ago and am looking to start it tonight. It seemed really unpolished to me in reviews and quick looks, but the word of people I respect was enough to convince me to pick it up and run through it during a month where I have a lot of free time to game. I hope the glitches and whatnot don't overly bother me, I really wanna like this.

And if not, we'll, hopefully Outer Worlds scratches the itch for me afterwards.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Luckily I haven't experienced any of these issues folks have been having on console. My play through on Xbox One X was stable and I really enjoyed the combat, exploration, and story. Had a few issues with the story but was a 9/10 game for me.