Starfield Expectations

  • Certified Hype. No Need To See Gameplay

    Votes: 151 28.7%
  • Gameplay First. Hype Based On What Is actually Shown

    Votes: 376 71.3%

  • Total voters
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Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
I just want a good RPG with no game breaking bugs and I am in.


Oct 28, 2021
There are more threads about Starfield being overhyped than there are threads about overhyping it, same with comments. You can be super hyped about a game without seeing gameplay as we have seen what it will look like and the general atmosphere so it's not like we have seen nothing at all. You can also be super hyped for a game right up until the first gameplay trailer and you can then change your mind, you aren't locked in..


Mar 17, 2018
There are more threads about Starfield being overhyped than there are threads about overhyping it, same with comments. You can be super hyped about a game without seeing gameplay as we have seen what it will look like and the general atmosphere so it's not like we have seen nothing at all. You can also be super hyped for a game right up until the first gameplay trailer and you can then change your mind, you aren't locked in..
It's kind of odd. People really don't want others to be hyped about Starfield for some reason.


Apr 15, 2018
I'm certainly looking forward to seeing gameplay, but I don't need to see it to know that it'll be one of the most played games in the generation for me because of the type of game Bethesda makes: immersive sandbox RPG where you make your own story. The game is unlikely to be perfect, and I don't expect it to be. But any issues will be improved by mods, so it's pretty much impossible to be disappointed. Starfield's potential for modding is unlimited, considering the setting. I may enjoy another game more this year (maybe Ragnarok), but I know Starfield will be the game I'll be still playing in 5 or 10 years.


Oct 27, 2017
Danbury, CT, USA
I'm just expecting it to be Space Skyrim. Well, okay Space Fallout 4, meaning while the world of the game will be interesting I will really not care much about the main story.


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
I'm not hyped... but I am definitely looking forward to learning more about it and I'm very hopeful that it'll be good!

Haha. I think it's absolutely fair to temper your expectations. But look, for the people looking at Elden Ring scores today - the ones who were super into it and looking forward to it - those high expectations (seem to be) exceeded. And that's gotta be awesome. There's nothing wrong with being hyped. But of course, there is no guarantee of quality until we get to play the game and see for ourselves. And some of us will think the game was overhyped from the jump. And some of us will think it really is GOTY. Nothing wrong with any of that per se.


Oct 28, 2021
It's kind of odd. People really don't want others to be hyped about Starfield for some reason.

Right, like damn people can be excited for a game if they want to. Funny timing too. People are hating on it before seeing gameplay do we see hat about that, nah.

People also say F76 was bad and so was Fallout therefore Starfield will be bad, how are people saying this when we haven't seen gameplay.. if they say well their recent games are bad, but guess what their old games were really good so why discount those, the whole topic is dumb imo. I could understand this if there was gameplay and people overhyping the game that looks bad.


Nov 1, 2021
Is it just a coincidence that you made this moments after Elden Ring reviews came out?

Believe it or not, I didn't know that Elden Ring reviews were dropped today lol. My due diligence made that game purchase a lock for day 1. Reviews don't move me one way or another, once I've seen gameplay, unless the game is broken mess like cyberpunk.


That might have been the plan pre pandemic...


Oct 25, 2017
New York
Probably, at the end of the day Bethesda games are a special sort of the highest quality mid. Lapped by much better games but still high profile due to being a Bethesda game.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA, USA
OP is a big believer in due diligence and so am I.

When it comes to Starfield, he seems to have a problem with hype for it.

OP has made this thread before, it was just more subtle. I suppose it didn't get enough engagement, so a more direct revision was required.

And since due diligence seems to be our watch word here, can we get some receipts on what thread/posts you're referring to below? Citations are needed.

When others have asked about the hype, considering that we've never seen a single second of actual gameplay, the response is that Sony tried to buy exclusivity...


Mar 17, 2018
Right, like damn people can be excited for a game if they want to. Funny timing too. People are hating on it before seeing gameplay do we see hat about that, nah.

People also say F76 was bad and so was Fallout therefore Starfield will be bad, how are people saying this when we haven't seen gameplay.. if they say well their recent games are bad, but guess what their old games were really good so why discount those, the whole topic is dumb imo. I could understand this if there was gameplay and people overhyping the game that looks bad.
Yea, nobody does exploration like BGS, and having BGS tier exploration in space for the first time is incredibly exciting to me. It being the first big next-gen only RPG also adds to the excitement for me.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 1, 2017
Believe it or not, I didn't know that Elden Ring reviews were dropped today lol. My due diligence made that game purchase a lock for day 1. Reviews don't move me one way or another, once I've seen gameplay, unless the game is broken mess like cyberpunk.


That might have been the plan pre pandemic...

During Pandemic...

Launching November 11, 2022 exclusively on Xbox Series X|S and PC. Become a member of Constellation at and be among the first to receive Starfield news and updates.

It's Next-Gen only.


Oct 27, 2017
The studio has a good pedigree. I like the BGS style game.

I'm not saying it's GOTY but I don't need footage to get hyped from "the next BGS game is a space exploration game".


Oct 28, 2017
I've never said or thought Starfield would be GOTY. But I am definitely hyped for the game, even sans gameplay. I'm hyped based on the way BGS build their worlds and from playing all of their previous games. You know what to expect from a BGS game.

They don't stray too far from their formula and Todd already said to expect a game like Skyrim in space. I don't need to see gameplay to be excited for a new game from a developer who makes the same kind of game each time. The same way I am hyped for a new 3D Mario, Zelda, Naughty Dog game or GTA without seeing gameplay. You have a rough idea of what to expect from those studios or IP's.

GOTY talk is obviously hyperbole without seeing at least some gameplay. But I don't think people being excited for a game they haven't seen gameplay of is a bad thing. Especially if they have realistic expectations.


Prophet of Truth
Jun 12, 2020
Bethesda single player RPGs are immensely popular. It's not a huge jump to understand why their first one in 7 years, and their first new IP in 25 years doesn't carry some hype with it.

I still play Skyrim on the regular… mods give their games long life.

Also anyone who knows Bethesda games know they always show gameplay about 5 months before release (Oblivion, FO3, Skyrim, FO4, FO76 all did this). So there is no concern about a lack of it at this point in time.

That might have been the plan pre pandemic...

No, that's… just the plan. There is no Xbox One version.

The Lord of Cereal

Jan 9, 2020
It's a Bethesda RPG set in space. We know the core gameplay loop and we know the setting.

I don't need to see Starfield gameplay to be hyped because I already loved Fallout 4 and Skyrim and all the other Bethesda games. It'll keep the same gameplay loop in a new setting


Oct 27, 2017
Its on GamePass so i feel people will have no issues re-adjusting expectations shortly prior to launch no matter how it turns out tbh.


Dec 8, 2017
After Fallout 4 I don't trust them they are welcome to prove me otherwise, but until then I reserve my judgement.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Aug 28, 2019
I would put myself in the "curious but not excited yet" camp. We'll just have to wait and see. Bethesda has a good track record with their flagship games, and the modding community of their games can fix 95% of any flaws, so I have general early confidence in it though.


Oct 25, 2017
Personally, I think we need to see a little more to know how it merges (or makes something new) with the traditional gameplay loop of get quest/explore overworld -> dungeon -> loot -> town -> new quest of elder scrolls, along with how the shooting (I assume Fallout 4 levels, then bumped up a bit) and/or possible base building aspect works.

That's the main thing I want to 'see' before I'm fully convinced, at least - hopefully the main quests and 'guild' equivalents are better handled than Skyrim/FO4's 'everyone can do it' mentality to help with the weaker roleplaying aspects, but that one's more a question of the genre conventions and Bethesda's decision on where they fall on the Morrowind versus Skyrim approach.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
I've liked their previous games, fallout 4 included, so I'm sure I'll like this.


Oct 28, 2021
OP is a big believer in due diligence and so am I.

When it comes to Starfield, he seems to have a problem with hype for it.

OP has made this thread before, it was just more subtle. I suppose it didn't get enough engagement, so a more direct revision was required.

And since due diligence seems to be our watch word here, can we get some receipts on what thread/posts you're referring to below? Citations are needed.

Why does this not shock me, the whole "I read someone say it was GOTY" was a bit weird for a premise of opening up a thread.

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017

That might have been the plan pre pandemic...
I mean, I think WFH and the pandemic impacting development would make them less likely to try to shoehorn in support for a significantly less powerful hardware profile, if anything.

Bethesda's already published current-gen only games. Your concern seems unwarranted.

Iron Eddie

Nov 25, 2019
I'm sure you're going to get some who will hype it up more than it should because it's console exclusive, then you will of course have the other side who is ho hum about it because it's console exclusive.

What I will say is there is a lot of pressure to deliver because Fallout 4 didn't set the world on fire and Fallout 76 was a big letdown at launch. Skyrim was so popular it will be hard to top.


Dec 23, 2018
It's a Bethesda game so I have zero expectations for it, but it would be nice to have a good "Space game" once in a while.


Jan 1, 2020
I really enjoyed Fallout 4, so I'd be happy if it's basically Fallout 4 in space.
But it's Bethesda and Fallout76 was shite, so no guarantees.

Also, Playstation is my favorite platform so it sucks that I need to play it somewhere else. Makes me feel a bit more distant from the game


Nov 12, 2017
It's always been kind of wild how some people hype games based on what they imagine they could be with no real information to support it.


Nov 1, 2021
I mean, I think WFH and the pandemic impacting development would make them less likely to try to shoehorn in support for a significantly less powerful hardware profile, if anything.

Bethesda's already published current-gen only games.

Even if Xbox sticks to the next gen only launch it'll be out for past gen within a year. There's too much money to be left on the table and the pandemic has put a dampener on current gen sales.


Oct 27, 2017
Expectations are TOO LOW, actually. This is going to the biggest game of the year.
This. The mainstream do not even know about the game. As soon as the marketing machine hits and people understand that it's "Skyrim in space" then the hype and expectations are going to be enormous. Skyrim was a genuine phenomenon at the time and if Starfield delivers then it will be one of the biggest games of the generation.


Nov 7, 2017
Relatively hyped but will need to see gameplay first.

My main concerns were that there might not be enough time and/or money to create something with the density of content and scale that is required, but that was somewhat laid to rest given MS's acquisition and what seems to be free reign as regards timings. I do not think it will be rushed out the gate, especially after Cyberpunk's spectacular landing on its face. Really hope we do not end up with a "hub ship" and four or five small planet biomes.

The other concern is the tone and story. If it is not fallout-esque in tone (and I do not believe it will be, given Bethesda has never really made a fallout-tone setting, those being Interplay/Kinda-not-really-Black Isle and Obsidian's) I worry that it will be too serious for its own good and very White America saves the universe, which is not really my cup of tea.

Anyway the point being that, at this stage, as far as the public can see, Starfield is not a game, it's just an idea.


Oct 25, 2017
Today, I read a conversation where Starfield was being mentioned as GOTY. So I went to the Xbox OT to see if I'd missed some gameplay leak or gameplay trailer, and still there was nothing new. When others have asked about the hype, considering that we've never seen a single second of actual gameplay, the response is that Sony tried to buy exclusivity...

As a gamer, I don't put stock into an IP I've never seen running on console. Let alone never seen running whatsoever / anywhere. And it occurred to me that as gamers, we're perhaps setting expectations up beyond reason for this IP. To the point where this IP is held in such high regard that anything short of a game that is visually impeccable and gameplay which breaks new ground will be seen as lesser. Not because the studio didn't craft an incredible game and experience but because we elevated the IP beyond what's obtainable on current platforms.

I get that my personal stance on gaming due diligence (gameplay) may differ from others. So I created a poll to see where the wider community stands.


Oct 25, 2017
There's not going to be a last gen version because people that still have an Xbox One can play it through the cloud


Nov 12, 2017
I desperately need a series x by the time this comes out because the other alternative is streaming it from my Xbox one.

Deleted member 91227

Feb 4, 2021
Expectations are almost always too high for AAA games, much less for one that hasn't shown gameplay and from a studio who's best RPGs often have a lot of jank.

I'm very interested in setting gameplay, love space/scifi settings in RPGs etc. so I'm hoping for the best, but keeping my expectations in check.


Oct 27, 2017
It looks pretty cool though we haven't seen anything about how it will play. The elevator pitch is right up my alley though.
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