
Dec 14, 2023
What do you think of the new camera view during conversations?



Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
So much better. It better hides blemishes in the facial rendering/animations and I find it way more immersive to have the seemless transition.
Aug 31, 2019
So if Bethesda ever implement this themselves, they'd need to either retcon the lore a bit, or introduce it as a brand new tech breakthrough in DLC (which would still require updating various lines of dialogue and info in the game about FTL travel), or find a solution that involves the warp drive still.
Why couldn't you just use time dilation (ie a 10x 20x 100x button)? You don't need a lore reason for it, just do it. It's not like their world building currently makes much sense as it stands, so it's not gonna get any worse.


Aug 3, 2020
Yeah, I think people want a space RPG to be a space sim but it was never going to be that.

Problem is that Todd Howard was talking out his butt and hyped people up about space and exploration and so on.

I am fine with what Starfield is now BUT I expected a different game from what I was shown and told.
And I am not the only one.

Mr Evil 37

Mar 7, 2022
Problem is that Todd Howard was talking out his butt and hyped people up.

I am fine with what Starfield is now BUT I expected a different game from what I was shown and told.
And I am not the only one.
That's fair. I loved the game obviously but I don't think the Direct was misleading at all. People will have different takeaways from the Direct but I got everything I expected out of the game based on what they talked about and showed. We already knew it didn't have seamless ground to space travel before launch, for example.


Aug 3, 2020
That's fair. I loved the game obviously but I don't think the Direct was misleading at all. People will have different takeaways from the Direct but I got everything I expected out of the game based on what they talked about and showed. We already knew it didn't have seamless ground to space travel before launch, for example.

Granted, I probably hyped myself up more than Todd did. :DD
I'll give them that.

That being said, I'll definitely pick the game back up because the changes do look promising.
And if I want a full blown space sim, there are other games for that type of experience.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, it does seem like they are changing a lot to the fundaments of the game.
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Good to see them finally adding in much needed QoL features with this update, even though most of it should have been there from day one, not months after launch.

60fps is the big one though, so much for the old narrative that it couldn't be done because console CPU's being too weak, but whatever the real reason, it's good to see it finally happen and also nice to see VRR 40fps mode too.


Oct 30, 2017
I am shocked that they even added a 60fps let alone a 40fps mode.

At this point I wouldn't be shocked of they do something about the loading screens, like adding transition cutscenes instead.


Oct 30, 2017
Is that not just a loading screen that looks different?

Yep pretty much but it can make the game feel a lot different.

It's like those crawl space and elevators loading screens, they could all just faded to black but giving the illusion that something is actually happening helps with the wait.

Mr Evil 37

Mar 7, 2022
Yep pretty much but it can make the game feel a lot different.

It's like those crawl space and elevators loading screens, they could all just faded to black but giving the illusion that something is actually happening helps with the wait.
I suppose but there may be situations where the loading screen would be shorter than the cutscene that plays.

I agree that it would be a nice addition (I was never really bothered by the loading screens that much anyway) but I'm not sure it would satisfy the concerns of people who want to be able to seamlessly fly everywhere (which is just not realistic and never was in a BGS game).
Oct 27, 2017
They did that for the elevators in Fallout 4, I don't see how they can't do an in cockpit loading transition that masks the feeling of a loading screen

Mr Evil 37

Mar 7, 2022
It helps a lot with the immersion and the cohesive experience.

I'd rather see some pretty and smooth cutscenes than a simple and boring loading screen.
As I said above, the game already has lots of these. Docking with space stations, traveling from one planet to another within the same system, jumping from one system to another, landing and taking off from a planet. They're all the immersive cutscenes that you describe. I'd argue that those cutscenes are actually more common in regular play than the traditional loading screens. I think it only plays a traditional loading screen if you fast travel directly to a location on another planet, so you're skipping take off, grav jump and landing, but also you're getting there much quicker.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Granted, I probably hyped myself up more than Todd did. :DD
I'll give them that.

That being said, I'll definitely pick the game back up because the changes do look promising.
And if I want a full blown space sim, there are other games for that type of experience.

You fell entranced into Todd Howard's eyes and his leather jacket like we all did.

I loved the game honestly, if it wasn't for Alan Wake it would've been my personal GOTY last year, I hadn't realized the update was out on the steam beta branch, I'm downloading it now to see, does anyone know if you can transfer (manually of course) savefiles between the Microsoft Store version and the Steam one? Because I'd be curious to try it out.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
You fell entranced into Todd Howard's eyes and his leather jacket like we all did.

I loved the game honestly, if it wasn't for Alan Wake it would've been my personal GOTY last year, I hadn't realized the update was out on the steam beta branch, I'm downloading it now to see, does anyone know if you can transfer (manually of course) savefiles between the Microsoft Store version and the Steam one? Because I'd be curious to try it out.

GitHub - HarukaMa/starfield-xgp-import: Import .sfs savefile to Xbox version

Import .sfs savefile to Xbox version. Contribute to HarukaMa/starfield-xgp-import development by creating an account on GitHub.
This tool seems to do the job

releases here:

and if you wanna go from PCGP to Steam..

Releases · Z1ni/XGP-save-extractor

Python script to extract savefiles out of Xbox Game Pass for PC games - Z1ni/XGP-save-extractor


Jul 14, 2018
The new update looks nice! I'm pretty much done with the game, so I probably won't play at least until the DLC gives me a reason again, but I'll be curious to see what else they add and change going forward.

I really like the tease about vehicles. I still think some of the planetary exploration is lacking, but it would have made getting around a lot less tedious if they had been there at release.


Oct 28, 2017
I was holding off until they did an update like this to finish the game. I knew they were going to do quality improvements in the future. I'm so excited for the dlc and land vehicles!


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
I was holding off until they did an update like this to finish the game. I knew they were going to do quality improvements in the future. I'm so excited for the dlc and land vehicles!
That and the modding scene finally being allowed to take off should give the game new life. It's absurd that it's taken a year to get the creation kit considering how important it is to the game's long-term success.
Jun 5, 2023
There's a mod that at least proves that the engine could do seamless space travel, at least on PC.

Literally all it does is remove your ship's maximum speed limit so you can fly normally but at hundreds of times c. It proves that when you're in space, a basic model of every body in the system actually is modeled at 1:1 scale distances. If you watch this video, it shows the ship having to slow down to give the game time to load the stuff you normally see in orbit over a planet. That suggests to me that the game could have an Elite-like supercruise system where your top speed is affected by how much gravity is around you.

I imagine that if Bethesda did something like this, they would add more POIs and other encounters that could happen between planets, like pirate attacks, NPC ships you can meet, ships you can enter, or asteroids you could land on.


Ok, that's kinda cool. You lose a bit of realism, but when we're already folding space and moving objects with our mind I guess we could fudge some faster than light travel with conventional rocket engines. Realism should never overrule fun.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
That and the modding scene finally being allowed to take off should give the game new life. It's absurd that it's taken a year to get the creation kit considering how important it is to the game's long-term success.
Indeed. People love to bring up that one modder that shit on Starfield and swore off modding for it as if Starfield's CC will be DOA. Mod creators / emulators / OSS people are great, but can also be incredibly fickle.

I think Starfield will be a very open slate for mods and there's gonna be huge opportunity to be "that mod" that transforms the game and makes waves. Like someone's already done a pretty massive mod without any special tools.


Oct 27, 2017
Agree, that's one the reasons Starfield imo doesn't work, and it's baked into their entire game concept. If they had one solar system with half a dozen main planets and a scattering of smaller ones, with time dilation when you flew, even if there were loading screens for landing / docking, I think it would have worked.

Starfield doesn't work for me (among other reasons) because being spread over 100 planets forces you into a pattern of fast travel that disrupts the fundamental bethesda loop of "oh, what's over there?". Traveling from A to B but getting distracted by C through Z on the way. They have lost the carefully crafted connected space that felt immersive and realistic. POIs don't count, they are random and unauthored, and don't contribute to a feeling of discovery. Of course you're going to find POIs, the algorithm says so.

The Skyrim equivilent would be if, when leaving whiterun, they showed you an animation of the guards opening the door and you slipping through; loading screen; you're now in a 10x10m area outside whiterun; you pick your new city or bandit camp or whatever from a menu; loading screen; you're in a 10x10m area outside your destination; etc. No opportunities to bump into people on the road, no opportunities to use your eyes to see a temple up in the mountains, or a barrow in the distance. No choices about taking the road because it's safer or cutting through the wilderness because it's faster. Not even a choice about a mount vs not, varying your relationship between exploration and moving fast. Just endless fast travel.

Yes, of course, does have natural exploration, it's just Starfield's exploration is more city focused. It's less, "ooohh, cool rock formation. I wonder what's over there." And more, "alright, what's going on in this back alley part of the city."

Starfield pushes you more into landing at central hubs and walking around finding things to do as opposed to naturally exploring the "wilderness" to find new stuff. In this way, there is some slight resemblance to Cyberpunk style of exploration; which is less natural and more targeted and centralized. That said, the lack of a seamless transition from ground to space, really hurts the experience; even if you need to later load to travel to another system.

I do have to say that the idea that load screens makes the idea of the feeling of exploration impossible is nonsense. After all, so many people love Mass Effect 1 for its exploration and that consisted of tons load screens and then being plopped onto a 5x5m area on a map. But the reasons Mass Effect was good was because 1) how quick the loading was and 2) how immediate the ability to find stuff was. You picked an interesting looking spot in the galaxy map, you arrived, and you pretty much would immediately get a message over your communications systems pointing you to some dispute in the area that needed your assistance or some distress call.

In Starfield, you will jump to a new system and have no idea (unless brought there from some quest you overheard) what system even has life. You'll then scan around until you find a place with some POIs, land, fuck about as you try to determine whether there is anything of value in that space or just procedural content, and then leave. It's the actual lack of curation that hurts Starfield's exploration. You can go ANYWHERE, problem is the majority of places have nothing of actual value to do.


Oct 27, 2017
What do you think of the new camera view during conversations?


The Zoom-In is the correct approach, especially for a non-voiced camera.

Hell, I HATE the camera system in FO4. The absolute worse one Bethesda has done yet because it's so goddamn janky. I don't know if it was because they were committed to the idea of a player being able to back out of a conversation whenever they felt like, which is a useless fucking idea, or whatever. But it was horrendous. If you're going to do a conversation system with a voiced protagonist with A/B camera switches, you need the camera to lock everything in-place and not allow a bunch of crap going on in the background. Further, it needs to be able to skip conversations quickly without delay or screwing things up.

FO4's system can only be described as floaty or janky. It just did not work. I'm thankful Starfield went with the zoom-in.


Oct 25, 2017
Starfield doesn't work for me (among other reasons) because being spread over 100 planets forces you into a pattern of fast travel that disrupts the fundamental bethesda loop of "oh, what's over there?". Traveling from A to B but getting distracted by C through Z on the way. They have lost the carefully crafted connected space that felt immersive and realistic. POIs don't count, they are random and unauthored, and don't contribute to a feeling of discovery. Of course you're going to find POIs, the algorithm says so.
This is how I feel too. Maybe they wanted to bring it back to the way they did things in Arena and Daggerfall, with 1:1 scale where walking to the next town actually would take you an entire day and you can just fast travel everywhere for convenience, but I think they should've recognized that the outer space element would give them more options.

One of the biggest issues with space travel is actually that you can initiate a warp to new places without ever actually interacting with your ship. Fast traveling to places you've been to before from anywhere is understandable, but I think the game would feel somewhat different if warping to systems you haven't been to before actually required getting to your cockpit, flying into space, and initiating the warp sequence. A cheap way to fix this problem would be to add a transition sequence whenever you initiate fast travel from outside your ship, that shows your ship taking off and warping.
There is an additional hurdle to overcome here though, in that these speeds break the game's lore. FTL travel is only possible with warp drives in the game. Cora muses about it on your ship if you take Sam with you (something like: "Do you think we'll ever figure out FTL travel? You know, without warp drive cheating.") So even if ships can travel as fast as the speed of light without warp drives (highly unlikely) then the travel time between Earth and Pluto would be around 4.5 hours.

So if Bethesda ever implement this themselves, they'd need to either retcon the lore a bit, or introduce it as a brand new tech breakthrough in DLC (which would still require updating various lines of dialogue and info in the game about FTL travel), or find a solution that involves the warp drive still. And I think the warp drive is most likely. You can travel from Earth to the moon in just over a second at light speed, so I can totally see a system where flying around planets and between their moons could be done manually at much higher speeds (still sub light speed), and piloting manually to other planets in a system still requires a warp jump (which bizarrely doesn't look like it happens in-game right now, and you just get a loading screen to mask the hours, if not days, spent travelling).
I mentioned this earlier, but this is why I think Bethesda wrote themselves into a corner. They wanted the setting to feel somewhat grounded but the decision ended up holding them back more than helping, especially since Starfield is, at-heart, a AAA game for mainstream audiences that ultimately prioritizes fun over realism.. Elite still has a more "realistic" representation of space and flight physics and it still has a shortcut.


Oct 26, 2017
I mentioned this earlier, but this is why I think Bethesda wrote themselves into a corner. They wanted the setting to feel somewhat grounded but the decision ended up holding them back more than helping, especially since Starfield is, at-heart, a AAA game for mainstream audiences that ultimately prioritizes fun over realism.. Elite still has a more "realistic" representation of space and flight physics and it still has a shortcut.
I don't think they're totally screwed though. If space flight is fast enough to allow for piloting around a planet, and to reach its moons in real time, taking up to a few minutes of travel between those sort of distances at most, then that's still a lot of opportunity for emergent encounters and POIs, and in locations close enough to celestial bodies that you'd realistically expect to find them. POIs and encounters in the vaaaaaastly empty space between planets are going to be less likely realistically, and so not as much of an issue to warp jump between (provided warping is a little more immersive and doesn't require opening the star map each time...)


Mar 7, 2023
Indeed. People love to bring up that one modder that shit on Starfield and swore off modding for it as if Starfield's CC will be DOA. Mod creators / emulators / OSS people are great, but can also be incredibly fickle.

I think Starfield will be a very open slate for mods and there's gonna be huge opportunity to be "that mod" that transforms the game and makes waves. Like someone's already done a pretty massive mod without any special tools.

People said the same about Fallout 4 back then, that it was so bad that modders will just stick with Skyrim. Way smaller games than Starfield have big modding scenes, that concern is just weird fear mongering


Oct 28, 2017
Yes, of course, does have natural exploration, it's just Starfield's exploration is more city focused. It's less, "ooohh, cool rock formation. I wonder what's over there." And more, "alright, what's going on in this back alley part of the city."

Starfield pushes you more into landing at central hubs and walking around finding things to do as opposed to naturally exploring the "wilderness" to find new stuff. In this way, there is some slight resemblance to Cyberpunk style of exploration; which is less natural and more targeted and centralized. That said, the lack of a seamless transition from ground to space, really hurts the experience; even if you need to later load to travel to another system.

I do have to say that the idea that load screens makes the idea of the feeling of exploration impossible is nonsense. After all, so many people love Mass Effect 1 for its exploration and that consisted of tons load screens and then being plopped onto a 5x5m area on a map. But the reasons Mass Effect was good was because 1) how quick the loading was and 2) how immediate the ability to find stuff was. You picked an interesting looking spot in the galaxy map, you arrived, and you pretty much would immediately get a message over your communications systems pointing you to some dispute in the area that needed your assistance or some distress call.

In Starfield, you will jump to a new system and have no idea (unless brought there from some quest you overheard) what system even has life. You'll then scan around until you find a place with some POIs, land, fuck about as you try to determine whether there is anything of value in that space or just procedural content, and then leave. It's the actual lack of curation that hurts Starfield's exploration. You can go ANYWHERE, problem is the majority of places have nothing of actual value to do.
Mass Effect 1 was actually properly designed around having loading screens, Starfield was not. Yeah sure, Mass Effect 1 had lots of loading screens (as do many other games, including Skyrim), but it was a consistent and cohesive experience.

With Starfield we have a big RPG, procedurally generated planets to "explore", and....well whatever space is supposed to be. It almost feels like playing 3 different games in one session.

They tried to shove a Bethesda RPG into some VERY limited proc gen tech, and stitched it all together with fast travel and basic loading screens.

You say you don't believe load screens can make the feeling of exploration impossible, but take a moment to imagine what it would be like if, let's say Skyrim, could not dynamically load in new chunks of the world as you move around and the ONLY way to travel to that mountain you see off in the distance was for you to open up your map to fast travel and load in to it.

edit: I do want to say I'm really happy that they actually are making ground vehicles, I really didn't believe they would ever do that.


May 3, 2023
I've been getting the itch to play this again, so them giving series x a 60fps mode and the carry weight options fix 2 of my 3 biggest problems with this game.

I can't wait


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
Someone noted on Reddit that making the gameplay options as easy as possible is a 33% total penalty while maxing out the difficulty is a 75% boon. That seems fair I guess.


▲ Legend ▲
Aug 31, 2019
Indeed. People love to bring up that one modder that shit on Starfield and swore off modding for it as if Starfield's CC will be DOA. Mod creators / emulators / OSS people are great, but can also be incredibly fickle.

I think Starfield will be a very open slate for mods and there's gonna be huge opportunity to be "that mod" that transforms the game and makes waves. Like someone's already done a pretty massive mod without any special tools.

100%, the amount of articles and youtube videos that were generated off the one modder shitting on Starfield was nuts- so much clickbait. The modder didn't enjoy Starfield so decided it wasn't worth their time- and moved on.


Oct 27, 2017
Mass Effect 1 was actually properly designed around having loading screens, Starfield was not. Yeah sure, Mass Effect 1 had lots of loading screens (as do many other games, including Skyrim), but it was a consistent and cohesive experience.

With Starfield we have a big RPG, procedurally generated planets to "explore", and....well whatever space is supposed to be. It almost feels like playing 3 different games in one session.

They tried to shove a Bethesda RPG into some VERY limited proc gen tech, and stitched it all together with fast travel and basic loading screens.

You say you don't believe load screens can make the feeling of exploration impossible, but take a moment to imagine what it would be like if, let's say Skyrim, could not dynamically load in new chunks of the world as you move around and the ONLY way to travel to that mountain you see off in the distance was for you to open up your map to fast travel and load in to it.

edit: I do want to say I'm really happy that they actually are making ground vehicles, I really didn't believe they would ever do that.

People complain about loading elevators on The Citadel in Mass Effect. Starfield's loading screens are just as "consistent." But, as myself and your post notes, it is not a cohesive experience. Starfield doesn't cohesively tie its loads to maximize exploration. Let's compare and assume in each instance the player is not in their ship.

Mass Effect 1: Run back to ship if in a level, like Citadel, or teleport to ship if using Mako. -> Go to Galaxy Map -> Select Star System to travel to -> Watch or skip undocking cutscene (if at space dock) or go immediately to loading screen of Mass Relay Jump -> Arrive at Star System -> Navigate to planet you want to land, with full view of entire system, and click land -> Watch cutscene of Mako dropping to planet. Done.

Starfield: Run or fast travel back to ship->Navigate or teleport directly to seat->Leave Orbit with cutscene-> Enter space and pull up navigation screen-> Select Star System you wish to jump to->Wait for Grav Drive to boot up->Watch Grav Drive Jump cutscene-> Arrive in Star System-> Pull up Navigation to determine which planets are worth exploring, do not have clear view of full system->Travel to other system which requires loading-> After finding planet, select where you want to land-> Watch loading of ship landing on planet->Choose whether to leave seat or immediately exit on land. Done.


Pull up navigation system outside of ship->Navigate to system you wish to travel ->Load Screen -> Immediately be transported to system in ship -> Repeat remaining steps.

Starfield has more loading and more steps in between actually getting out of your goddamn ship and exploring the area because it wants everything to be diegetic.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
I want a less loading screen patch. Cut them in half at least.

Will never happen. Until they decide that being able to knock around almost everything in a room with physics and having it remember where the body of an enemy you killed 7 in game days ago doesn't really matter to the experience, it will stay segmented.

There is a reason why the best looking games have almost completely static worlds.

I feel like going to your ship would be instant if they hadn't decided to make the cockpits all glass and the ship physically in places to help with that.