Deleted member 67800

User requested account closure
Apr 30, 2020
It's been just over a year since I took over as General Manager of BioWare. As we start the new year, I wanted to take the opportunity to look back on 2021, talk about where we are as a studio right now, and share some thoughts and plans for the future.

This has been another challenging year, with both work and home life continuing to be disrupted by the uncertainty of the global pandemic. We've had to continue to think on our feet to adapt to changing circumstances. But despite all that, it has been an absolute joy to lead a studio with so many unbelievably talented people, a team that always pushes the envelope through innovation and an unflagging pursuit of quality. Looking back, we had a couple of exciting moments when two people at the studio reached historic milestones: They both celebrated working with BioWare for 25 years! That blows my mind! The entire studio celebrated along with them, and it was amazing hearing what the studio, the people, and the journey have meant to them.

Even with the challenges of the pandemic, we saw some earlier success with the incredible reception to the launch of Mass Effect Legendary Edition in May. From the press to our fans, the feedback has been insanely positive. We're so proud to have released one of the highest-rated games on console, and the reception really underscores the value of striving for excellence and quality in every element of a game.

This past year certainly hasn't been without its challenges, though. Continuing to work under the pressure of a world pandemic has not been easy. We've had to adopt new tools, processes, and ways to communicate. We're all balancing personal time and work, and each person is dealing with their own unique situation. The biggest challenge continues to be the uncertainty of it all, which makes everyone's life more difficult and makes it hard to plan for the future.

State of BioWare and Looking Ahead.

Hello, It’s been just over a year since I took over as General Manager of BioWare. As we start the new year, I wanted to take the opportunity to look back on 2021, talk about where we are as …
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Nov 4, 2017
I hope for the best for everyone working at Bioware. I know some people like to wallow in schadenfreude but it's better for the company and audiences if they succeed.
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Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Yeah I also thought you were the General Manager.

Just playing the ME LE now. Its so good. I hope they make a real come back.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
will the new dragon age release before it has been a decade since inquisition released?


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
BioWare still has a lot of great talent and of course IPs to work with. I really hope they can right this ship.

First and foremost they need to fix their company culture as well as just have better project management and direction so not only isn't there a culture of crunch and toxic practices, but there's less risk of projects floundering and requiring it as there's a clear vision and direction for everyone to work towards and no need for "BioWare Magic" to fix things at that last minute.

Covid might actually be a great opportunity to have a kind of reset on that kind of stuff as people have a lot more control and flexibility when working from home, so when they do go back to the office, however that might work, hopefully they use that as an opportunity to change things up to help prevent those bad habits they previously were mired in from returning.

Deleted member 95442

User-requested account closure
Apr 26, 2021
Its weird how they sort of just went bad. There was Frostbite being forced on them, but its strange if just caused the whole collapse.
I have to say chinks were starting to show with ME3 and DA Inquisition. I suppose it was just a case of a studio not evolving.
Oct 27, 2017
😂They are talking like ME : Legendary Edition is something current BioWare did. Most of it is the old game spruced up. To be fair I realize there are some improvements they did, but still most of their new games have been disastrous.

Even with the challenges of the pandemic, we saw some earlier success with the incredible reception to the launch of Mass Effect Legendary Edition in May.

One of my favorite quotes from 2021 comes from GameSpot's Games of the Year roundup, and I think it illustrates that we're moving in the right direction: "Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is a gargantuan reminder of just how good developer BioWare is when it's firing on all cylinders."

We want each game to earn the kind of reaction we've seen with Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

Deleted member 91227

Feb 4, 2021
I hope they just take all the time they need for DA4 and the next Mass Effect. Learn their lessons from the troubled development and then 18 month or so crunches just to get something out with both Andromeda and Anthem and then have games that were messes, got bad reviews and impressions and were deservedly sales disappointments (even if I had a lot of fun with both despite the flaws).

That said, it's tough to have long, expensive development cycles for single players games with where development costs are for AAA games, especially for Bioware who's fans are used to top notch production values for the current generation, good writing etc. from KOTOR, DA:O and the ME trilogy. With the games not being easy to monetize like MP games they really need to figure out a way to efficiently develop these games so they can be very profitable just from copies sold.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
All I wanted from Bioware was a great remaster of the Mass Effect trilogy. I can't say I look forward to anything from them now. I'll still keep an eye open for DA4 and ME4, and I do expect good games, just not those games that made me fall in love with that old company so long ago.


Oct 27, 2017
The mere existence of a new Mass Effect in development automatically makes it my most anticipated game. Can't wait to hear more about its scope and ambitions, even though it's still very far away.


Oct 29, 2017
Its weird how they sort of just went bad. There was Frostbite being forced on them, but its strange if just caused the whole collapse.
I have to say chinks were starting to show with ME3 and DA Inquisition. I suppose it was just a case of a studio not evolving.

I thought they chose to use Frostbite though? At least according to former GM Aaron Flynn. Though I understand how that could just be to cover EA's ass.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems they publish one of these every new year, so not a lot to read here. We should be seeing more of Dragon Age later this year anyways.


Oct 26, 2017
I hope for the best for everyone working at Bioware. I know some people like to wallow in schadenfreude but it's better for the company and audiences if they succeed.

I think that everyone wants "old" Bioware back but it is up to them to achieve that. They started in right way with moving Dragon Age back to SP RPG. Let's see if they will deliver.


Feb 7, 2018
That emphasis regarding the remaster reception is indeed weird, although I get where they're coming from: they really fucked up their PS4/One gen output beyond Inquistion, an alright game released 7 (!) years ago. Also, remastering is still hard to pull off and the trilogy stands as a reminder of how great they used to be (even ME3, yeah, despite how incredibly obnoxious and flawed it was at times).

Won't say I'm optimistic, but I'm very curious to see what they do and I'm rooting for them. Mass Effect is one of my favourite IPs, so I can't help but be a bit excited about that one too (just not now, it's too early).


Oct 25, 2017
I'm playing MELE now, and I've been thinking how amazing Bioware games were back in the days. I truly hope they can get back on track.


Sep 2, 2018
Gonna sound crazy but if they get back on their feet, they should try anthem again, not as a shlooter but a singleplayer rpg with squad gameplay and tactics, would be cool

Snake Versus

Oct 27, 2017
Been a rough few years, but BioWare remains my favorite studio. I really hope they crush this gen with the new Mass Effect and Dragon Age games.


Oct 19, 2020
It's not new of course, but MELE is the only thing they released in 2021 and it's been moderately successful, so naturally they are going to focus on it in a retrospective.


Oct 25, 2017
I was going to ask how many people are going to be dumb enough to claim they're dead or some PapEA meme and here we are already.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Interesting that they're offering full-remote employment options now for anyone in North America. There's probably alot of devs out there who would like to work on a Dragon Age or Mass Effect Game, but didn't want to move to a Edmonton to do so.


May 29, 2019
I love Mass Effect and Dragon Age, and am looking forward to the new installments.

That said, we should really expect and demand that each of these year-end rundowns, state-of-the-studio things lay out tangible, specific plans for improving their workplaces--crunch reduction/elimination, better anti-harassment and discrimination policies, and so forth. Many of us want to know that our favorite games are being made ethically, in ways that are non-exploitative, but rather are personally, professionally, and financially rewarding.

I *am* happy to see that they are now actively looking for remote workers rather than forcing any- and everyone to move, and that they are allowing/encouraging (?) more flexible work schedules and remote work. More of this, please!


Nov 4, 2017
I think that everyone wants "old" Bioware back but it is up to them to achieve that. They started in right way with moving Dragon Age back to SP RPG. Let's see if they will deliver.

That's definitely what the most vocal fan base wants. But I'd be fine with them doing something different, but successful (creatively, financially, whatever), going forward. Being shackled to a legacy created by people who no longer work there probably isn't the best thing when it comes to putting out good creative work.


Oct 27, 2017
Massachusetts (USA)
Still salty that they dropped the ball on Anthem. It was a solid game the could have been GREAT. I was really hoping they would redeem it somehow with updates but they just let it die. Oh well.

Still cautiously optimistic they can turn things around. We will see..


Oct 26, 2017
That's definitely what the most vocal fan base wants. But I'd be fine with them doing something different, but successful (creatively, financially, whatever), going forward. Being shackled to a legacy created by people who no longer work there probably isn't the best thing when it comes to putting out good creative work.

When i say old Bioware i mean focusing on story driven RPGs with great characters. New IP from them would be awesome to see but they should stay in SP RPG waters. And they need to get their studio in order because all issues we saw in their past two big releases were caused by their way of running studio.


Oct 27, 2017
If anyone can right the ship, Bioware can. Stoked beyond belief for Dragon Age / ME / Whatever.


Oct 27, 2017
I finished up the ME trilogy yesterday for the second time in my life. Despite the shortcomings of 3, the whole trilogy is still incredibly entertaining and it amazes me how the studio managed to have slapped itself in the face for the better part of a decade.

I'm probably going to give Andromeda another go but I never really got into Dragon Age so I'm stuck waiting for a new Mass Effect. The gameplay of Dragon Age Origins wasn't my style.


Oct 27, 2017
There are few things i want from this industry more than seeing bioware pull itself together. That studio is my childhood.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
The remaster reminded me that the Bioware formula still clicks. I can't say that many other series have found a way to fill the niche of Bioware RPGs. I hope the team nails it with DA4.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm excited for the next Mass Effect. It probably won't be out until 2027 but I am excited none the less.


Oct 29, 2017
Its good to hear that they are trying to stick to what they used to be good at, instead of going crazy and starting to work on shit that cant be done anyways nor anyone would want. (ME with huge ass procedural planets)

I would rather them keep trying to get back in form instead of having another great franchise become history.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
They are at least aware of the need to rebuild the reputation they had. Under Casey it felt like they were trying to pretend that Bioware hasn't missed a step and they are still a very well regarded and beloved studio. Especially this video about DA4 that was shown at Gamescom a couple of years ago had a strange "we are still a big deal" feeling to it.
Hopefully we will see something regarding the new ME soon.
I wouldn't hold my breath for anything substantial. We'll probably see pics and concept arts for a few more years before they are ready to show the game in like 2026-2027.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
Any kind of excitement for Bioware offerings have died down for me long ago. That said, good luck to them and looking forward to seeing games when they release.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
😂They are talking like ME : Legendary Edition is something current BioWare did. Most of it is the old game spruced up. To be fair I realize there are some improvements they did, but still most of their new games have been disastrous.

Even with the challenges of the pandemic, we saw some earlier success with the incredible reception to the launch of Mass Effect Legendary Edition in May.

One of my favorite quotes from 2021 comes from GameSpot's Games of the Year roundup, and I think it illustrates that we're moving in the right direction: "Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is a gargantuan reminder of just how good developer BioWare is when it's firing on all cylinders."

We want each game to earn the kind of reaction we've seen with Mass Effect Legendary Edition.
If anything that's sort of a backhanded compliment haha. Since it implies the last time Bioware was firing on all cylinders was around 2012.