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Oct 27, 2017
I mean people are excited for the game, because they dont really care and this issue is not as important to them as their desire to play the game.
If you are going that route and ask why, you could add it to lots of stuff. Sugiyama+DQ. Yakuza and xenophobia. Rise of Ronin and the directors views. ActiBlizz etc.

I think people just see that the gameplay looks right up their alley and they just do not really care about that.
Yakuza and xenophobia? I haven't gotten around to Infinite Wealth yet but I don't remember anything like that in the other games in the series. I believe it actually focused a bit on the difficulties that immigrant communities in Japan face.


Dec 6, 2017
None of them will answer genuinely. And those who do will adress the chara design, not the mysoginy of Hyun Tae Kim/his studio.

They can justify playing ''sexdoll : the game'' because Bayonetta or Nier Automata are largely acclaimed games, in the same genre. It's kinda acceptable even in Era. But I guaranty not a single one will come out and tell you large scale irl misoginy is negligeable to them in comparison to playing a game.

Always disappointed when this site allows the promotion of such a shitty studio. This place is far from the progressive and irl issues conscious site it pretends to be. It's just another GAMER® den.
You and others are going to have to accept that some folks will simply not be as angry, upset, concerned or as vocal about the same things that you might be. Doesn't make it okay to ignore certain things but it's also not okay to expect others to fall in line with how you view or feel about something.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
You and others are going to have to accept that some folks will simply not be as angry, upset, concerned or as vocal about the same things that you might be. Doesn't make it okay to ignore certain things but it's also not okay to expect others to fall in line with how you view or feel about something.

This really. I really feel like there needs to be ground rules set by the mods over Stellar Blade discussion going forward because otherwise every topic about it is just going to be a shit show.


Jun 14, 2018
You and others are going to have to accept that some folks will simply not be as angry, upset, concerned or as vocal about the same things that you might be. Doesn't make it okay to ignore certain things but it's also not okay to expect others to fall in line with how you view or feel about something.

Whatever, I'll keep talking about it everytime I can. If even one person genuinely not in the know about these issues learn about it and chose to care, that's 70$ less in these motherfuckers pockets.

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
You and others are going to have to accept that some folks will simply not be as angry, upset, concerned or as vocal about the same things that you might be. Doesn't make it okay to ignore certain things but it's also not okay to expect others to fall in line with how you view or feel about something.
Every single person has both willfull and accidental blindspots. Especially when it comes to separating art from the artists. Posting about the issues with the artists should be allowed imo, but the finger wagging and asking people to justify their decision is obnoxious.
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Oct 27, 2017
This really. I really feel like there needs to be ground rules set by the mods over Stellar Blade discussion going forward because otherwise every topic about it is just going to be a shit show.
Yeah, bringing up the issues with the game is completely fair but demanding that people have to explain themselves seems over the line


Feb 27, 2024
You and others are going to have to accept that some folks will simply not be as angry, upset, concerned or as vocal about the same things that you might be. Doesn't make it okay to ignore certain things but it's also not okay to expect others to fall in line with how you view or feel about something.
But why so we have to accept the way people are treated at that studio? Why do we have to put up with people disregarding some very real complaints about the way women are portrayed?

It's not like "my favorite color is green" that is being talked about here, it's about how this stuff isn't in a vacuum and how were just supposed to sit and watch while we're being pushed into a thread that nobody cares about and complain about "drive bys" when we're really not being listened to half the time because at the end of the day nobody actually cares about what women think. I get that it's just a product to people, but that dismissal says a lot in my mind.

I'm sure the game is fun. I love me a good action game. But I want us to stop pretending this will get better if we don't talk about it.


Nov 4, 2017
You and others are going to have to accept that some folks will simply not be as angry, upset, concerned or as vocal about the same things that you might be. Doesn't make it okay to ignore certain things but it's also not okay to expect others to fall in line with how you view or feel about something.
We all know. For example, any topics about Vanillaware games turns into this because the game definitely has the same issue with the female design portrayals, possibly even worse, since the child design is very slippery slope as well. But some posters in this board don't care because they are biased when it comes to their favorite devs and will go around coming up with some straw man logic to attempt to come up with an excuse saying its all tied into the game's plot and all that crap.


Oct 28, 2017
I always struggle with sweeping accusations that woman can't like these games.

My wife straight-up doesn't play video games. Her hobbies are so far removed from this one. But she actually really enjoys my Bayonetta and Nier playthroughs because - her words - she likes watching a sexy looking woman can also kick huge ass. She knows I'm excited for Stellar Blade and has no problem with that whatsoever.

I'm not defending the problems with the studio or the game... nor am I saying my one anecdote is more valuable than someone else's. I'm just saying, it's not fair to paint with such a broad brush.
Feb 9, 2024
I always struggle with sweeping accusations that woman can't like these games.

My wife straight-up doesn't play video games. Her hobbies are so far removed from this one. But she actually really enjoys my Bayonetta and Nier playthroughs because - her words - she likes watching a sexy looking woman can also kick huge ass. She knows I'm excited for Stellar Blade and has no problem with that whatsoever.

I'm not defending the problems with the studio or the game... nor am I saying my one anecdote is more valuable than someone else's. I'm just saying, it's not fair to paint with such a broad brush.

Your experience is as valid as everyone else's, but that's the thing, there's also people out there who finds the overall sexualization from offensive to revolting. My sister, who got me into videogames when i was a kid, escrutinizes every game she's interested and discards it at the sight of any sexualization that is put front and center.

I'm a cis man and i like some eye candy from time to time, but i can at least emphatise with the sentiment.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I always struggle with sweeping accusations that woman can't like these games.

My wife straight-up doesn't play video games. Her hobbies are so far removed from this one. But she actually really enjoys my Bayonetta and Nier playthroughs because - her words - she likes watching a sexy looking woman can also kick huge ass. She knows I'm excited for Stellar Blade and has no problem with that whatsoever.

I'm not defending the problems with the studio or the game... nor am I saying my one anecdote is more valuable than someone else's. I'm just saying, it's not fair to paint with such a broad brush.
Gonna be real, I give massive side-eye to any dude who comes in these threads to say "my wife likes it".

We don't care, dude.


Nov 15, 2017
Yakuza and xenophobia? I haven't gotten around to Infinite Wealth yet but I don't remember anything like that in the other games in the series. I believe it actually focused a bit on the difficulties that immigrant communities in Japan face.
I dont know their argument and im not co signing it, but post Yakuza 2, its always on sight when Koreans meet Kiyru, of course that applies to like literally everyone else, but Koreans in that franchise are always ready to go on some blood feud shit just because

Also is that person's wife in this thread right now? you would think so

Chairmanchuck (另一个我)

Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Yakuza and xenophobia? I haven't gotten around to Infinite Wealth yet but I don't remember anything like that in the other games in the series. I believe it actually focused a bit on the difficulties that immigrant communities in Japan face.

Posting it in a quote, as it is not really related to Stellar Blade:

Usually whenever other mafia orgs are mentioned or even appear, they are always shown as brutes, ready to kill anyone. Y2 story is the worst offender when it comes to the depiction of Koreans.
On that note, they still show that Yakuza in the actual Yakuza, might have killed people, but its about honor and some of them even get redeemed literally 5 minutes after killing someone ruthlessly.

They even changed the antagonist of 0 for the Chinese release.

On top of that, whenever you fought chinese or korean enemies in the previous titles, though that might be a localization thing, they always talk in some sort of "written accent".
"I fight you. You prepare die." "You enemy. You not live!" "I teach lesson you".
I posted a few of those in some other thread back on the forum here before.

If you meet a black person in a Yakuza game, you can be sure they talk in the typical "exaggerated" japanese accent. There is this whole hospital scene in Kiwami 1.

Here is some article:

And I know that sometime the lessons in some story missions or substories are "It doesnt matter where you came from. You are human, just like us." and then you have the stuff that I described that kinda feels not done maliciously, but still is noteworthy.
If you check Reddit, you can find quite a few threads of Koreans and Chinese that noticed that too.

The worst part, maybe not really xenophobic, but Ishin as a game makes no sense at all in this department. They talk about the issues with foreigners and weapon trading, at one point its mostly that Japan shouldnt isolate themselves. .
Only that in the end some unknown dude made some weapon trades with I think the British or Portuguese, its shown as bad and then Ryoma goes onto some hyper nationalistic speech looking in the camera how Japanese should build up Japan. The last dialogue of Ryoma is: "To all my brothers in Japan... Tomorrow is yours."


Jan 1, 2024
User Banned (Permanent): Trolling community
I'm not playing this game cuz no PS5. But when it comes to PC I'll give it a whirl, maybe. I'm more interested in it as a tinkerer than a player. It desperately needs a ReShade for color correction and piss/brown filter removal. Also super curious about modding potential, from outfits to hair and even face sculpting. (There's something a bit *too* "plastic" about the MC.)

As for justifying it... Mhm. I just don't care? My personal life is much too hectic to make everyone elses issues my own, and I use video games to wind down, not up. Nobody in my RL circle is concerned with this stuff, and tbh, none of my online friends either. So it is what it is and I'm not gonna stress myself worrying over it when I don't have to.

Everyone wants to think *their* issue is the important one that can't be ignored. But everyone has issues and sometimes those prevent people from caring about other issues around them. Mine is personal stuff. I got Ulcerative Colitis since I was 10, barely survived colon cancer in my late 20's. Daily life is sometimes a struggle as is. Like, just existing is hard. I can't be arsed to throw myself in front of other peoples busses.

I also work in translation for weeb shit. I've become largely stone faced to these kind of depictions. 🤷‍♀️

Gonna be real, I give massive side-eye to any dude who comes in these threads to say "my wife likes it".

We don't care, dude.

Is this ban bait? 🤔 Only the opinion of a handful of repeat Era posters matter? Like I'm just wondering where the line is drawn between one woman's opinion and another.

Are you upset at the telephone game aspect of it or that a woman might have opinions contrary to you and a few others? You used "We" but I can't imagine you speak for all Woman, that's folly, since this is Era I'm assuming you mean the ~20 or so of you keeping the "Why Woman..." Thread alive?


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Is this ban bait? 🤔 Only the opinion of a handful of repeat Era posters matter? Like I'm just wondering where the line is drawn between one woman's opinion and another.

Are you upset at the telephone game aspect of it or that a woman might have opinions contrary to you and a few others? You used "We" but I can't imagine you speak for all Woman, that's folly, since this is Era I'm assuming you mean the ~20 or so of you keeping the "Why Woman..." Thread alive?
Seems pretty obvious that Morrigan was speaking to men invoking their wives/girlfriends to counter talking points from other women. She has another post on this page agreeing that people shouldn't need to justify themselves, a handful of replies up from the one you quoted. Feels like you'd need to be being deliberately obtuse to think she was actually speaking for all women in the world.

The random shot at the sexualised design thread is weird as well.
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Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Is this ban bait? 🤔 Only the opinion of a handful of repeat Era posters matter? Like I'm just wondering where the line is drawn between one woman's opinion and another.

Are you upset at the telephone game aspect of it or that a woman might have opinions contrary to you and a few others?

I'm obviously referring to the fact that this is a male poster using his wife's opinion to try and counter the women posting in this thread. If that guy's wife feels that strongly, she is welcome to create an account and post herself. And I literally said one shouldn't be baiting and demanding justifications out of others, so kindly keep your accusatory insinuations to yourself

You used "We" but I can't imagine you speak for all Woman, that's folly, since this is Era I'm assuming you mean the ~20 or so of you keeping the "Why Woman..." Thread alive?
LOL okay, I see you now

Seems pretty obvious that Morrigan was speaking to men using their wives/girlfriends to counter talking points from other women. She has another post on this page agreeing that people shouldn't need to justify themselves. Feels like you'd need to be being purposefully obtuse to think she was actually speaking for all women in the world.
Thank you.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Is this ban bait? 🤔 Only the opinion of a handful of repeat Era posters matter?

I don't think it's even possible to take that from Morrigan's post unless you're purposefully misrepresenting what she said.

You used "We" but I can't imagine you speak for all Woman, that's folly, since this is Era I'm assuming you mean the ~20 or so of you keeping the "Why Woman..." Thread alive?

Okay, yeah. This told me all I needed.


Jan 1, 2024
Seems pretty obvious that Morrigan was speaking to men invoking their wives/girlfriends to counter talking points from other women. She has another post on this page agreeing that people shouldn't need to justify themselves, a handful of replies up from the one you quoted. Feels like you'd need to be being deliberately obtuse to think she was actually speaking for all women in the world.

The random shot at the sexualised design thread is weird as well.

It wasn't random it was pointed.

"To think she was actually speaking for..."

Pointed specifically because of this. In my own post I said as much. She can't be speaking for all Woman, so just the ones here, and then further split that into the ones which can be arsed to care. Hence the shout-out, because that's the thread which springs to mind when I think of Era Woman speaking out on sexualization of Women in games.

And it's not a "shot" it's a reality. I lurk the thread often, even before I registered myself. Even if I can't be arsed to debate it's contents myself, I don't mind reading up and considering the viewpoints within. What I noticed though is it's the same handful of people keeping it going, the occasional shit-stirrer that gets (rightfully) thrown into the grinder, and some dudes who nod in agreement from time to time.

I don't care to debate whether that reality is unfortunate or not, and whether merely pointing that out is a "shot."

LOL okay, I see you now

Okay, yeah. This told me all I needed.

... Speaking of "accusatory insinuations." 😅


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder why folks from the "why women criticise sexualised designs thread" tend to stick to their own community and not bother venturing out to other threads like this. Hmm, it's almost like when they do they're constantly made to feel unwelcome and have their concerns dismissed/ignored/ridiculed. Truly a mystery.

If men are annoyed that women's (and others') negative opinions of a game are getting in the way of their enjoyment of said game, congrats, you're getting a small taste of the experience many women face daily in this hobby and on this forum.

This is a discussion board, sometimes popular enough games come along like Cyberpunk or Xenoblade 2 that are lightning rods for this stuff. Sure, be excited for the game, buy the game, play the game, but also accept that the (very small) price for enjoying a game with this blatant level of sexualisation/infantilisation of women is that threads about it are gonna continue to be contentious.

"I just don't give as much of a shit about this stuff as you do" should not be an acceptable response to these concerns on a forum that holds itself to the values it claims to.


Oct 25, 2017
There's some problematic shit orbiting this game, period. If you don't give a fuck, you do you, I doubt any one on the internet will convince you otherwise.

But the idea that threads about this game should be insulated from a discussion about those problems is crazy to me. If the game can be discussed, it's issues should be able to be as well.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
It wasn't random it was pointed.

"To think she was actually speaking for..."

Pointed specifically because of this. In my own post I said as much. She can't be speaking for all Woman, so just the ones here, and then further split that into the ones which can be arsed to care. Hence the shout-out, because that's the thread which springs to mind when I think of Era Woman speaking out on sexualization of Women in games.

And it's not a "shot" it's a reality. I lurk the thread often, even before I registered myself. Even if I can't be arsed to debate it's contents myself, I don't mind reading up and considering the viewpoints within. What I noticed though is it's the same handful of people keeping it going, the occasional shit-stirrer that gets (rightfully) thrown into the grinder, and some dudes who nod in agreement from time to time.

I don't care to debate whether that reality is unfortunate or not, and whether merely pointing that out is a "shot."

... Speaking of "accusatory insinuations." 😅
What was the point then, that you genuinely thought Morrigan was speaking on behalf of all women on Era? I struggle to believe you sincerely thought that instead of her expressing frustration at a man using their wife to counter points made by other women in the thread. It's a pretty normal offhand way of expressing things. This part though – "or that a woman might have opinions contrary to you and a few others?" – feels needlessly barbed as well, after she agreed minutes earlier that people shouldn't need to justify their desire to play the game.


Top Mog
Oct 27, 2017
Is this ban bait? 🤔 Only the opinion of a handful of repeat Era posters matter? Like I'm just wondering where the line is drawn between one woman's opinion and another.

Are you upset at the telephone game aspect of it or that a woman might have opinions contrary to you and a few others? You used "We" but I can't imagine you speak for all Woman, that's folly, since this is Era I'm assuming you mean the ~20 or so of you keeping the "Why Woman..." Thread alive?

You have an interesting definition of ban bait. He took it upon himself to post something stupid before Morrigan ever responded, that's on him. A man pointing to a woman who is not here as 'backup' while inventing a bogeyman version of a sentiment that wasn't stated (that there are "sweeping accusations that women can't like these games") is completely disingenous horseshit. Whether intentional or completely unthinking, it's been made very clear by now that it's sent an unwelcoming message to people who are posting in this thread about the issues they have either way. Some of whom are in agreement that the game should not be banned from discussion!

Also the dig at the design thread not having a huge amount of posters is not the sick burn you think it is. If you care about the diversity of women's viewpoints so much you are free to let go of your obvious grievances with the thread and go post in there with a willingness to listen and engage in good faith. Most of the regulars have been driven away from the discussion by 'but my girlfriend' stunts like that constantly getting pulled on gaming side deliberately making the conversation difficult to even have.

Deleted member 91227

Feb 4, 2021
Since it's not mentioned anywhere it should be the extra boss that unlocks after you beat the demo, with extra skills unlocked so players can experience a more advanced combat.

Eh, I doubt it's just that as that's not really a gift for completing it. Imagine it's some in-game bonus for people who complete the demo like FF7 Rebirth and other games with pre-release demos have gotten. Another way to try to encourage people to preorder after finishing a demo.


Oct 29, 2017
This is great. I suppose you played the original demo.

I didn't, there's a lot of footage on YT.

Posted some videos in this thread in case you want to see:

Stellar Blade Demo now available on PS5 (UP: Dead)

sure but that's why we gotta shotgun approach that sucker! the great age of character action will come again!* *no it wont

Eh, I doubt it's just that as that's not really a gift for completing it. Imagine it's some in-game bonus for people who complete the demo like FF7 Rebirth and other games with pre-release demos have gotten. Another way to try to encourage people to preorder after finishing a demo.

Maybe, just assumed it was the boss since they are keeping it hidden.


Oct 25, 2017
Game looks fun, I'm going to need to play the demo to see if the gameplay does it for me but everything else sounds exciting and I love the few tracks I heard of the OST.


Oct 26, 2017
I didn't, there's a lot of footage on YT.

Posted some videos in this thread in case you want to see:

Stellar Blade Demo now available on PS5 (UP: Dead)

sure but that's why we gotta shotgun approach that sucker! the great age of character action will come again!* *no it wont

Maybe, just assumed it was the boss since they are keeping it hidden.

Haha thatnks for the quote. I didn't even know that you get extra stuff from playing FF7 Rebirth demo. I like such concepts in demos.


Oct 28, 2017
Sheit, I wasn't trying to light this thread up.

I was truly trying to respectfully (and at least give me that, my post was very polite) argue a point made three posts before mine: "nobody actually cares about what women think."

My point was I do care what women think. If my wife took issue with it, or my daughter, or pretty much anyone close to me then of course I would care they take issue with it, I wouldn't bring it into my house. Lots of people online have plenty valid reasons (just like they have valid reasons for not supporting SB) for not engaging in pornography - it's problemantic af. But most people still consume it. It becomes a much bigger problem when you invite it into your home when it's not welcome. But, in my case, the women I most closely associate with take zero issue with it at all. None.

I wasn't trying to argue that anyone's feelings in this thread are less than valid or somehow less valid than mine. Not at all. I was simply trying to explain that, ultimately, I do care what women think... but ultimately the women I am closest to. I wouldn't go blurt this out or "mansplain" my position in just any random thread or in a safe space for discussion... but at least to me, it felt fair in a SB thread. Sorry if that's out of line; I'll happily drop it.


Feb 22, 2024
I do care what women think... but ultimately the women I am closest to.
So you don't care about what women think. You care about what people you know think. If you cared about what women thought then you'd be listening to the women in this thread.

I wouldn't go blurt this out or "mansplain" my position in just any random thread or in a safe space for discussion... but at least to me, it felt fair in a SB thread.
Why should it matter that it's a Stellar Blade thread? Shouldn't women feel welcome to share their opinions in any thread on this site without needing to be told "but the women I know think differently" as a counter argument?

Why should the women of this forum be essentially told that they should stay in a single thread, or as you put it "safe space" and not voice any opinions outside of it?
Dec 5, 2017
Stellar Blade is one of the reasons I gave in and bought a PS5 because the game looks like exactly my jam. I'm not bothered by the content of the game, I am bothered by the situation in Korea and with the developer. I just feel like if I boycotted every game with a shitty situation around the developer or publisher I wouldn't be playing very many games. Missed the chance to play the leaked demo, so I am really excited about trying out the game finally.


Jul 11, 2022
Sheit, I wasn't trying to light this thread up.

I was truly trying to respectfully (and at least give me that, my post was very polite) argue a point made three posts before mine: "nobody actually cares about what women think."

My point was I do care what women think. If my wife took issue with it, or my daughter, or pretty much anyone close to me then of course I would care they take issue with it, I wouldn't bring it into my house. Lots of people online have plenty valid reasons (just like they have valid reasons for not supporting SB) for not engaging in pornography - it's problemantic af. But most people still consume it. It becomes a much bigger problem when you invite it into your home when it's not welcome. But, in my case, the women I most closely associate with take zero issue with it at all. None.

I wasn't trying to argue that anyone's feelings in this thread are less than valid or somehow less valid than mine. Not at all. I was simply trying to explain that, ultimately, I do care what women think... but ultimately the women I am closest to. I wouldn't go blurt this out or "mansplain" my position in just any random thread or in a safe space for discussion... but at least to me, it felt fair in a SB thread. Sorry if that's out of line; I'll happily drop it.
As a woman who's largely indifferent to most sexualisation in games, it always kinda grinds my gears when a guy posts something along the lines of "my wife/gf has no issue with this game" whenever there's criticism directed at games such as this. I don't appreciate men pointing to women like myself and going "see? This woman doesn't care! This is the correct opinion for a woman to have because it's the one that most aligns with my own and/or allows me to play my softcore porn games as guilt free as possible".
I don't think that was your intent and this isn't a dig at you personally, but that's just my general view on posts similar to the one you made.

Also while caring most about what the women closest to you think is understandable, it isn't exactly remarkable or particularly feminist imho.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheit, I wasn't trying to light this thread up.

I was truly trying to respectfully (and at least give me that, my post was very polite) argue a point made three posts before mine: "nobody actually cares about what women think."

My point was I do care what women think. If my wife took issue with it, or my daughter, or pretty much anyone close to me then of course I would care they take issue with it, I wouldn't bring it into my house. Lots of people online have plenty valid reasons (just like they have valid reasons for not supporting SB) for not engaging in pornography - it's problemantic af. But most people still consume it. It becomes a much bigger problem when you invite it into your home when it's not welcome. But, in my case, the women I most closely associate with take zero issue with it at all. None.

I wasn't trying to argue that anyone's feelings in this thread are less than valid or somehow less valid than mine. Not at all. I was simply trying to explain that, ultimately, I do care what women think... but ultimately the women I am closest to. I wouldn't go blurt this out or "mansplain" my position in just any random thread or in a safe space for discussion... but at least to me, it felt fair in a SB thread. Sorry if that's out of line; I'll happily drop it.
Doesn't matter what you were trying to do my guy. By saying you know women who are fine with it you are implying every other woman should be quiet and agree with them.

As a man, don't evoke women in your life to dismiss concerns around sexism. Engage with the people in front of you.


Oct 27, 2017
As a woman who's largely indifferent to most sexualisation in games, it always kinda grinds my gears when a guy posts something along the lines of "my wife/gf has no issue with this game" whenever there's criticism directed at games such as this. I don't appreciate men pointing to women like myself and going "see? This woman doesn't care! This is the correct opinion for a woman to have because it's the one that most aligns with my own and/or allows me to play my softcore porn games as guilt free as possible".
All of this is the reason why people who pull these examples are insufferable.

No doubt if we pointed to men who strongly embrace feminist opinions there'll be some other excuse as to why "those" men shouldn't be listened to but the men who conform to their views should be!

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
Whoa. This thread doesn't look like it's about this demo. What's going on with this game? It looks promising. Is it just (well, "just") that the character looks like they ripped her out of a CG Pornhub video? Or is something else up with the developer?


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
Whoa. This thread doesn't look like it's about this demo. What's going on with this game? It looks promising. Is it just (well, "just") that the character looks like they ripped her out of a CG Pornhub video? Or is something else up with the developer?

Unfortunately the tweets that started the conversation were taken down, but you could still get a general idea of what transpired, I think.

Former employee of Shift Up (Stellar Blade) accuses the company of harassing her and deleting her work for supporting a feminist hashtag online

Basically, the developers have a history of harassing their women employees. The CEO also believes that Eve's design is "brave" and GG-chuds have latched onto it as some rallying cry of all the "ess-jay-double-yous" that are destroying the gaming medium.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
Unfortunately the tweets that started the conversation were taken down, but you could still get a general idea of what transpired, I think.

Former employee of Shift Up (Stellar Blade) accuses the company of harassing her and deleting her work for supporting a feminist hashtag online

Basically, the developers have a history of harassing their women employees. The CEO also believes that Eve's design is "brave" and GG-chuds have latched onto it as some rallying cry of all the "ess-jay-double-yous" that are destroying the gaming medium.

Aha. "Brave", LOL. Thanks for the info.
Oct 26, 2017
lol, I see we've already had these topics version of "I have black friends"

Look, even if you want to push aside the genuine concerns that women may have over the attitudes that this sort of female character design have fostered in male gamers over the decades or it being so wearisome that there's yet another release that views them as a bottom tier demographic.

Speaking as a male gamer, aren't you other guys just..... embarrassed by this sort of character design? It's sexualized to the point of parody, it's like they read that infamous "Cammy's ass is part of her personality" post and based the whole character design around that.
Aren't you embarrassed by the fact that they think you won't engage with a game unless you're permanently titillated by having a comically phat booty in vacuum sealed leggings literally thrust into your face as you play?

I'm not offended by video game T&A, but I'm more than a little irritated that devs like these still think male gamers all have the sexual maturity of an awkward 14 year old.

There's a whole internet of pornographic content out there, we don't need it to also be shoehorned into games where it stands out like a sore thumb and just looks ridiculous.


Teyvat Traveler
Jan 23, 2019
Are you upset at the telephone game aspect of it or that a woman might have opinions contrary to you and a few others? You used "We" but I can't imagine you speak for all Woman, that's folly, since this is Era I'm assuming you mean the ~20 or so of you keeping the "Why Woman..." Thread alive?

[looks at join date]
Hmmmmm, you smell like someone banned before
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