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Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
the episodes were good, nothing mind shattering, but i didn't really expect them to be.

also more and more each day my avatar proves itself to be the correct choice


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
Good stuff, I have issues with your mother and mine but Pool Hopping was a return to greatness and The Big Show showed a lot of development for Sadie and her mother.


Oct 25, 2017
I couldn't figure out the cartoon network app for shit to find the new episodes... but luckily they are on Slingtv's on demand. Watching them now.


Wow that was mostly a whole lot of nothing.
  1. First episode is the only lore dump, and it's all things we've heard before and doesn't even drip feed us anything new.
  2. Sadie is not an interesting character. Ronaldo is annoying, but at least I feel something for him. This episode was especially bad and even Greg couldn't save it.
  3. Easily the best episode. Episodes like this really show how far Garnet has come from the first season in the best ways possible.
  4. A boring townie episode, which was fine except Ronaldo is still insufferable... but hey, at least we got insane mom Pearl at an improv and find out she only goes every show to try and get them to do bits on Steven... which she admits were worse than the show they did this week on a plunger.
If these episodes were in the middle of a regular schedule, they'd have been low key but easy to get over... but for a steven 'bomb', this was a pretty disappointing showing. It's getting harder and harder on this awful schedule to tolerate these kinds of things. I'm almost to the point where I just want to tune out till the show is over and binge it all then.
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Oct 27, 2017
I thought "Your Mother and Mine" was pretty great (I loved the imagery with in it, and it got really inspirational at one point)...but the rest were as "Meh..." as I expected them to be.
Like they had their moments here and there, but...they are nothing terribly exciting, funny (these folks aren't exactly expert comedy writers...), or well-written imo. Which is a real bummer to come back to after a hiatus.
It honestly chips away at my enthusiasm for this show.
Btw I love how Lars and the Off Colors talk about all this cool shit like going to a Yellow Diamond controlled asteroid mine swarming with agates to steal resources...and we will never get to see it because of the sucky "Everything's gotta be from Steven's PoV" rule that becomes more limiting as the show's story and scope expands...
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Oct 25, 2017
Just finished the episodes myself - I'll leave the in depth thoughts for later, but your mother and mine (cool imagery aside) is a great example of why I personally *don't* really care about the lore of the show - at least, in a factual sense. Probably my least favourite episode of season 5, even if it isn't bad.
The rest were great though, I loved the townie progression, and the integration of the gems.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
Warning from this point forward spoilers for the latest batch of episodes released on the CN app will be untagged. If you do not wish to be spoiled do not read past this post until you have watched them.

Thank you.
Oct 25, 2017
Ronaldo remains the worst.

Also, this show's been gone so long, and the episodes so low-key, I was taken by surprise when Pearl popped up in Letters to Lars.

And then Peridot popped up and I was like whoa.

Cartoon Network's scheduling is the worst.

Or almost as bad as Ronaldo, rather.
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Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
Cat Steven for best new character, oh and pearl has a phone so she can go out on dates with tall pink haired ladies


Oct 27, 2017
Your Mother and Mine was beautiful visually, but as others have said it didn't really push us forward much lore-wise. The best bit for me was seeing Garnet interact with the off-colors; there's a continual message of "you are not alone" that's very healthy for the kids in the audience. It's frustrating that Steven clearly has doubts about the story that he isn't vocalizing - I was expecting more pushback from him after the promo voiceover
explicitly called out the inconsistency around Pink Diamond being shattered by Rose's sword.
I wonder; if this had happened after Pool Hopping, would Garnet have paid more attention to Steven's concerns?

The music didn't grab me in The Big Show, but I enjoyed a lot of the interactions with the side characters, particularly Greg and Buck; acknowledgement that Buck actually did learn his guitar skills from Greg was really sweet. I also appreciate that they didn't go the cringe-inducing "big show goes wrong live on stage" episode that they could easily have done.

Enjoyed the heck out of Pool Hopping. I was wondering where they were going to take Garnet's character, as she didn't have a lot of obvious conflict left to resolve. I'm a little disappointed that they made it a one-and-done thing - the tension extended over the Sardonyx arc worked really well - but it was a good moment between her and Steven. Garnet had a lot of fantastic lines ("Mother Onion, open up!").

In some ways Letters to Lars (why plural? it was all just Steven's one letter) felt like a long-winded way of getting Mayor Dewey into the Big Donut as many folks had already guessed, but finally seeing the Gems open up and work together with the townies was cathartic. Between Pearl having a cell phone here and the shot of Mystery Girl in the crowd during The Big Show, they're definitely setting us up for the return of the Pearl / Mystery Girl plotline.

There's still some things from the promo that are unresolved / unshown, so hopefully we get new episodes without waiting too long. The lookout + telescope discussion in Letters to Lars is clearly a setup for
that shot of Lapis' moon-base in the promo, which I am guessing is viewed through the telescope


Oct 25, 2017
Liked the episodes, Big show was the weakest, but not too bad, Pool Hopping and Letters to Lars are the gold standard for what townie/breather episodes should be, we need more episodes of Gems trying to interact with humans, the whole concept of Pearl getting a cellphone (For the specific purpose of contacting mystery girl, no doubt) was adorably funny as was the entire scene with the improv club, and then that scene with garnet playing Tennis with Greg, "Being rich has made you weak" was the funniest line in the episode!

I liked that they were able to squeeze some lore in too, really liking where they're going with the PD story line, we have gone from "Maybe it wasn't rose who shattered her" to "Maybe she wasn't shattered at all!", it's a good plot seed.

Btw I love how Lars and the Off Colors talk about all this cool shit like going to a Yellow Diamond controlled asteroid mine swarming with agates to steal resources...and we will never get to see it because of the sucky "Everything's gotta be from Steven's PoV" rule that becomes more limiting as the show's story and scope expands...

They need their own spin off or mini-series ASAP!


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017


But yeah, despite the teeny weeny bit of flanderization that's been happening with her, Peridot is pretty great! And her redemption arc is honestly some of the most fantastically executed storytelling within the whole series.
I mean, my perpetual issue with Jasper is that she's a hypocrite. She calls fusion cheap, then forces fusion upon Lapis so she can beat the Gems. Upon being kicked out of said relationship, she continues to try to find gems to fuse with, something that ends with her corruption.

I just don't see a way for her to be redeemed barring "Rose is Pink Diamond". She's spent far too long fighting for Homeworld against the Crystal Gems to not just join Blue.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, my perpetual issue with Jasper is that she's a hypocrite. She calls fusion cheap, then forces fusion upon Lapis so she can beat the Gems. Upon being kicked out of said relationship, she continues to try to find gems to fuse with, something that ends with her corruption.

Jasper is addicted to vengeance, that's why she was so ready to throw her pride and honor away and fuse in order to get her vengeance at any cost.

And then she also got addicted to fusing, we already knew from Pearl and Amethyst that being fused gives them quite a rush, it's not a stretch that after being malachite for a while Jasper got addicted to that rush being a fusion gives.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
Jasper's had a pretty fucked up existence, she was brought into being just to fight a war that they ended up losing and her diamond getting shattered, then she lived for thousands of years walking around gems talking behind her back about how she's the best of the 'worst' and shit...doesn't excuse her actions, but yeah


Nov 3, 2017
Jasper's had a pretty fucked up existence, she was brought into being just to fight a war that they ended up losing and her diamond getting shattered, then she lived for thousands of years walking around gems talking behind her back about how she's the best of the 'worst' and shit...doesn't excuse her actions, but yeah

She also definitely has self confidence issues. She puts up a brave facade, but deep down she's always doubting if she's truly perfect. She came from a defective kindergarten, so she thinks there must be something defective about her somewhere.


Oct 28, 2017
This season has felt like the show has really upped its overall writing game. Even the supposed townie/low-key episode have moved stories forward, revealed or added new things about characters, or made lasting changes to the status quo. Garnet has a cat now, Peedee has his own business, the Crystal Gems are finally interacting directly with Beach City citizens mostly independent of Steven...even the smallest addition like Greg buying a high-powered telescope will be incredibly important since we already know that
Steven discovers that Lapis took the Barn to the moon based on the promo footage. They could have just always had a high-powered telescope there, but they wrote it in so that it could directly set up the following episode

I can understand if fans get upset that the promo said THE ANSWERS YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR when it was really only Your Mother and Mine that directly recapped the Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz story. It did give us new info, like how Rose literally loved (and made love to) humans even when she was still a Homeworld soldier.

But the rest of the four episodes shouldn't be slept on! Sadie and the Cool Kids are making major waves, we finally got another important Garnet solo episode (which has been badly needed since Season 1), and the barrier between the boardies and the Crystal Gems has finally been properly eroded.

The biggest foreshadowing has to be the evacuation procedure Nanefua was planning in Pool Hopping and Letters to Lars. Something tells me that they'll be using that plan sooner rather than later.

Sugar mentioned in an old interview that they're going to be writing the show into a corner with the ending of Season 5. Maybe they'll go nuts and have much of Beach City destroyed in an invasion? I remember Yellow Diamond singing about a "plan of attack" all the way back in That Will Be All....maybe we're going to get something messed up like an army of Homeworld Rose Quartzes invading Beach City. Yellow and Blue will send the Rose Quartzes because they still assume that the Cluster is going to explode at any moment, and Yellow would be A-OK with all of those Rose Quartzes being destroyed by the Cluster if that were to happen. That army could get pushed back with the help of Topaz, the Famethyst, and maybe Lars & the Off Colors if the latter make it back to Earth in time.

Then again, maybe the abduction plan was the payoff for That Will Be All, since Aquamarine and Topaz were abducting humans for Blue Diamonds' zoo.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
how often do you think Pearl calls mystery girl


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, my perpetual issue with Jasper is that she's a hypocrite. She calls fusion cheap, then forces fusion upon Lapis so she can beat the Gems. Upon being kicked out of said relationship, she continues to try to find gems to fuse with, something that ends with her corruption.

I just don't see a way for her to be redeemed barring "Rose is Pink Diamond". She's spent far too long fighting for Homeworld against the Crystal Gems to not just join Blue.

Jasper is that Halo player calling certain weapons cheap because others are good at using them while they suck at using them effectively. The dismissal of fusion is a reaction to being unable to produce a stable one herself.

I always thought it was weird that they continue to mention Rose shattering Pink with the sword when Bismuth mentioned that her sword is made specifically for anti-shattering.
how often do you think Pearl calls mystery girl
She's probably the one who told her about the show since she was in the crowd.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Artists have muses, doesn't have to be anything romantic/sexual.
I guess but there's a shit ton of Amethyst in there.

I've always wondered how Garnet handles her statistics-based future vision. I've seen it done in other series (MIB 3) and it always seemed like something that would drive most people insane if they attempted to focus on anything other than the most probable of possibilities. Steven's unpredictability made her aware to the fact that there are literally endless possibilities again and she can't possibly counteract them all. That's gotta be even more confusing for Sapphire since that's the source of her accuracy and invalidates her built purpose.


Oct 25, 2017
I've always wondered how Garnet handles her statistics-based future vision. I've seen it done in other series (MIB 3) and it always seemed like something that would drive most people insane if they attempted to focus on anything other than the most probable of possibilities. Steven's unpredictability made her aware to the fact that there are literally endless possibilities again and she can't possibly counteract them all. That's gotta be even more confusing for Sapphire since that's the source of her accuracy and invalidates her built purpose.

I like how they're really hammering the themes of hoy organic life finds a way is pretty much the source of Gems having these epiphanies, Rose, Peridot and Lapis all were people whose life views changed thanks to the miracle of organic life and this was Garnet's moment of truly realizing why life is special.


Oct 25, 2017
This...was not a good way to come back from a hiatus. The show isn't at fault though; this is solely on CN's poor scheduling and the fact that bombs don't work with the way the writers have structured the episodes following the series' big revelations.

Backstory was nice, but it didn't add much that we didn't already know. The off colors are cool conceptually, but their quirks got annoying really quickly.


Oct 25, 2017
Really enjoyed the new episodes, even if there weren't huge lore moments or anything. Yes, the way CN is releasing it continues to be infuriating, but we all just have to work around that. Them's the breaks.

And now I really, really want Pearl to have a Twitter account like Peridot.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm ignoring the entire idea of 'steven bombs' at this stage. CN were like "peopled loved it! lets do it again but with episodes without an arc and only 4 episodes, and EVERY TIME!" and now we're stuck with it.

That being said, on their own I actually really enjoyed these episodes and I think this will be a highlight of season 5 on a re-watch for me. I've been down on the show ever since Steven started treading into Mary Sue territory but it seems like they've dialed that in a bit. I loved Pool Hopping, might actually be one of my favourites of all time, although I'm really a sucker for Best Gem Garnet episodes in general.

Your Mother and Mine was a nice little lore drop even if it wasn't really anything we hadn't predicted thus far but it was nice to see it formalised, and White Diamond's hand and truly confirming that she exists with a depiction of her rather than being some fusion/symbolic entity/whatever else is also neat. Plus it was really cool seeing Padparascha's abilities be actually useful.

Letters to Lars was cute, particularly with the gag at the end but I could take or leave it. Episode breathers like this really make more sense when surrounded by things that are actually tense? They really just need to air this show on a normal fucking schedule.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I think the season will end with emerald tracking Lars to earth, and then beach city getting full scaled invaded, like 100s of rubies, a lot of quartz soldiers, emerald overseeing it.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
We got 2 great Garnet episodes....the other episodes were good too


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I expected pool hopping to be Steven getting future vision through a kiss a specifically looking for unlikely timelines. Mostly comedic but ending on some foreshadowing.
What we got was good though.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
Also Ronaldo is far too predictable, I knew all of his reactions before he did them while Steven was talking about Lars


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
Oh nice.

The episodes are showing up on Cartoon Networks page on Sling as well.


Oct 28, 2017
As denizens of fandoms and the internet, we're probably al too familiar with Ronaldos ourselves.
Those were nice episodes, the Townies are in enough flux where things can be nice slice of lives. Best character Pearl is a heckler and that's just perfect.


Oct 25, 2017
As denizens of fandoms and the internet, we're probably al too familiar with Ronaldos ourselves.
Those were nice episodes, the Townies are in enough flux where things can be nice slice of lives. Best character Pearl is a heckler and that's just perfect.

If Ronaldo was just a joke about obsessive fans, i would tolerate him, hell his blog was pretty funny, but my beef with him is more how much of a psycho he is, he tried to feed Lars to a monster, was about to dissect an obviously sentient and sapient watermelon and nearly did the same to what was very obviously steven in a crappy snake costume.

For me he stopped being funny when he demonstrated to be a liabity/danger to people around him.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
wait there are new episodes out?

Or is there just one and it's about Ronaldo? Because I'll skip that.

Princess Bubblegum

I'll be the one who puts you in the ground.
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
A Cavern Shaped Like Home
Pearl and mystery girl need an episode or two. Are they doing stuff in the comics with them?

Watched the new batch of episodes and while the teaser was misleading, I enjoyed the episodes. Even though they were mostly Beach City focused, it feels like progress is being made. Planning for another invasion seems like foreshadowing for when shit inevitably gets real.


Oct 25, 2017
wait there are new episodes out?

Or is there just one and it's about Ronaldo? Because I'll skip that.

4 episodes.

One is essentially a recap for the Offcolors
One is Sadie centric
One is Garnet centric (the only great one)
One is a Townie catchup episode with an extra large helping of Dewie (with a dob of Ronaldo on the side)


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
4 episodes.

One is essentially a recap for the Offcolors
One is Sadie centric
One is Garnet centric (the only great one)
One is a Townie catchup episode with an extra large helping of Dewie (with a dob of Ronaldo on the side)

So nothing too plot important? I'm kind of over townie episodes but I'm down for more Offcolors. I'll watch that one at least.
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