
Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Just bought a copy after finishing the prologue. Was a nice surprise that the Darkest Dungeon owner 15% off coupon stacked with the early access 10% off.


Nov 16, 2017
Could you tell me what your problems are with getting started?
I haven't run into any problems yet really and maybe could give you some tips
Sure, tried the berserker and sword maiden about 3 times each and was unable to even get them to level 2.

The only quest I've seen in town is from the elder. I'm unable to purchase anything so I stick with core gear. I've tried to stay on the roads and have managed to kill thugs and wolves by kiting, but have to back track to town after pretty much any fight and have yet to even reach the quest objective area.

I'm down for hard games, but this one honestly feels underdeveloped mostly bc the early game is a mess numbers-wise. There's a million NPCs running around town which do nothing. Every enemy encounter is potentially your last and the rewards are not enough to keep you going OR meaningfully progress to the next level.

Looks great though and the prologue was a nice crawl! I'm just saying it's definitely EA.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Sure, tried the berserker and sword maiden about 3 times each and was unable to even get them to level 2.

The only quest I've seen in town is from the elder. I'm unable to purchase anything so I stick with core gear. I've tried to stay on the roads and have managed to kill thugs and wolves by kiting, but have to back track to town after pretty much any fight and have yet to even reach the quest objective area.

I'm down for hard games, but this one honestly feels underdeveloped mostly bc the early game is a mess numbers-wise. There's a million NPCs running around town which do nothing. Every enemy encounter is potentially your last and the rewards are not enough to keep you going OR meaningfully progress to the next level.

Looks great though and the prologue was a nice crawl! I'm just saying it's definitely EA.
I have to agree that the prologue is so much better than the main game. The pacing and experimentation in the prologue is great. Right now in the main game, I venture out just a little, get some pelts, come back to town (which is way too big for turn based movement), buy something and rest to save. The leveling seems so slow after the speed of the prologue.


Oct 25, 2017
I played part of the Prologue and liked what I saw.

How does the "rogue lite" aspects work tho?

From what I saw it looked like a linear rpg so far. Do you start some kind of new run everytime you die? If so, what do you keep between runs?

How's does the meta progression works?


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I played part of the Prologue and liked what I saw.

How does the "rogue lite" aspects work tho?

From what I saw it looked like a linear rpg so far. Do you start some kind of new run everytime you die? If so, what do you keep between runs?

How's does the meta progression works?
You lose everything up to your last save which is done by resting in the inn. A new update allowed you to sleep in bandit hideouts as well.


Oct 25, 2017
After playing a character through the first two contracts - this is going to be the Stardew Valley of roguelikes.
Ah ok... So it's not really run based I guess. It's more like a standard rpg with a harsh checkpoint system.

It also randomly generates the dungeons and quests every run.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
After playing a character through the first two contracts - this is going to be the Stardew Valley of roguelikes.

It also randomly generates the dungeons and quests every run.
Do you know if when you start a new character it overwrites the old?

If I want to try a different class, will I lose my current berserker?


Oct 25, 2017
Sure, tried the berserker and sword maiden about 3 times each and was unable to even get them to level 2.

The only quest I've seen in town is from the elder. I'm unable to purchase anything so I stick with core gear. I've tried to stay on the roads and have managed to kill thugs and wolves by kiting, but have to back track to town after pretty much any fight and have yet to even reach the quest objective area.

I'm down for hard games, but this one honestly feels underdeveloped mostly bc the early game is a mess numbers-wise. There's a million NPCs running around town which do nothing. Every enemy encounter is potentially your last and the rewards are not enough to keep you going OR meaningfully progress to the next level.

Looks great though and the prologue was a nice crawl! I'm just saying it's definitely EA.
I can't say this is my personal experience really.

What I do when I start is I use my starting gold to buy some food, some splints and bandages and get the kind of equipment I want for my build, like say, buy a shield if I want to go Axe and Shield or buy a second dagger if I want to dual wield, you know the deal.
Then I don't take any contract for now, instead I go to all the points of interests close by. Those are almost always bandit camps (which now scale to your level since the last patch too) and I clear them out. That usually nets you lots of stuff to sell and bit by bit upgrade your armor. You want to try and have armor that has "protection" on it for every armor piece cause protection reduces the damage you take.
Clearing all the camps and doing random encounters with bandits and wolves usually gets me to lvl 3 at which point I'll have multiple skills that will help me beat encounters easier.
At that point I go and do the contracts one by one which gives you nice sums of money and loot to sell.
Then off you go to Mannshire where you can buy the next tiers of armor and weapons, clear the POIs and then do the contracts there.

Do you know if when you start a new character it overwrites the old?

If I want to try a different class, will I lose my current berserker?

Right now it will overwrite your character, yes. You currently only have one save slot. The devs have said that in the future you will be able to have multiple.


Nov 7, 2017
the HELP Menu.
I gave this a shot after posting about trying to find fun open games like this, and I'm having an absolute blast!

I hope they can speed up the leveling a little though, since you have very few options early on and have to kill a TON of people to get stronger!

Otherwise, it's super rad! Anyone got any tips for a runaway mage focusing on Pyromancy? Should I grab the bolder from Geomancy to suplement my playstyle? I'm just one level away from Burning Laser, and I'm curious how people play keepaway from enemies to keep safe!

Also, Dang those archers! They may not hit often, but they hit hard! Makes open combat in the overworld sufficiently dangerous and exciting compared to in dungeons.

Speaking of which, the rate in which I get destroyed by overestimating my ability to take on a group is staggering! Gotta play it safe!


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I gave this a shot after posting about trying to find fun open games like this, and I'm having an absolute blast!

I hope they can speed up the leveling a little though, since you have very few options early on and have to kill a TON of people to get stronger!

Otherwise, it's super rad! Anyone got any tips for a runaway mage focusing on Pyromancy? Should I grab the bolder from Geomancy to suplement my playstyle? I'm just one level away from Burning Laser, and I'm curious how people play keepaway from enemies to keep safe!

Also, Dang those archers! They may not hit often, but they hit hard! Makes open combat in the overworld sufficiently dangerous and exciting compared to in dungeons.

Speaking of which, the rate in which I get destroyed by overestimating my ability to take on a group is staggering! Gotta play it safe!
I kite all the time. Try to get just one enemy's attention. I agree that the leveling feels slow. For having so little to do, I'm still enjoying my time with it as well.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
You guys should look into Battle Brothers... not as slick as this but it's basically the same pitch and already balanced, feature complete and with DLC published and more on the way. Highly underrated gem.

I like Stoneshard for presentation and deeper exploration. Very promising.


Oct 25, 2017
I just started a new run with the woman fighter.

I got to the boss in the first contract which was a two-tile ghoul thing. For some reason my sprint in and hit skill wouldn't work on it. Is this a bug, or is this a designed limitation of that skill?


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
I mean, battle brothers is a VERY different genre lol

Different genre? It's obviously not the same game but you could take the feature list in the OP and use it to describe Battle Brothers just fine. Stoneshard seems to have more in common with it than, say, Blackguards.



Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Could you possible save away a save file before starting a new character to use later on? I wonder...


Oct 27, 2017
Its a shame the old man (Verran) sn't the actual main character. Thats an interesting protagonist.

On the other hand, I can just make an old man himself.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
"I bequeathe everything I know to you, my young apprentice."

" ..Verran, I'm five years older than you."


Oct 27, 2017
Have they said anything about adding walking animations?

Always hate when your character moves around like a chess piece in games like this.


Nov 7, 2017
the HELP Menu.
Have they said anything about adding walking animations?

Always hate when your character moves around like a chess piece in games like this.

Yeah, but at least that saves effort on allowing all the different equipment to look unique on your character! Plus it's cute!

I kite all the time. Try to get just one enemy's attention. I agree that the leveling feels slow. For having so little to do, I'm still enjoying my time with it as well.

Oh for sure, I do so too! I just think early levels should be slightly adjusted, that's all. You don't need to become a monster man/lady at the start, but it'd be nice to get to lvl 3 or 4 just a bit quicker, that's all.

The pace is awesome for what's happening, and I like the danger and consequences! I just think the prologue gave a curve that nails the feeling of progression for me so far, and just halving or giving a third of that pace for the early game would be the best way to go about it.

You don't fight big amounts of enemies you can actually take on well enough unless you're in an enclosed space like a dungeon, so maybe there should be a XP bonus for taking on multiple enemies at the same time? Just because of how super dangerous it is?

Also, anyone have any luck finding good equipment out in the Points of Interest or Dungeons or other towns?


Oct 25, 2017
I'd like to say btw that I am super happy how the game is discussed in this thread!
When I made it,I figured it would get a couple comments and die but it's gone to 3 pages and people seem to really enjoy the game :D


Oct 25, 2017
But it is roguelike.

But... how? The only thing I've seen said is that there's some procgen at the beginning of the game. There's an ironman mode but no permadeath by default. The game seems more oriented towards long term character progression over the course of a single campaign. What am I missing here?


Oct 27, 2017
But... how? The only thing I've seen said is that there's some procgen at the beginning of the game. There's an ironman mode but no permadeath by default. The game seems more oriented towards long term character progression over the course of a single campaign. What am I missing here?
All the game's mechanics? Just because permadeath is not by default, doesnt mean it is not a roguelike. It plays like roguelike games and it is mechanically constructed as roguelike game.


Oct 28, 2017
Cumbria, UK
regarding saving your game, i've only ever paid once at the inn and can sleep there indefinitely...don't know if this is widely known.

i've played about 20hours and love it, started with bow/dagger but then tried pure pyro and it's pretty OP. Visiting question marks and going on hunting expeditions are a great way to level up and get some cash.

I've not even made it to the 2nd town, my pryo's about lvl 6 or 7 and toasts everything.

Gonna try a melee focus soon, but everything hits so hard in the early game!

really lovely game, looking forward to spending some more time with it.


Oct 25, 2017
Northeast Illinois
I don't think they've added in the roguelike stuff just yet. This is what they mention in the Kickstarter:
In Stoneshard, death is permanent: you'll never be able to bring your hero back to life. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the game is over: your Caravan will find another mercenary, who will inherit the previous character's legacy. Create a new hero and resume your journey — with part of the accumulated experience and game progression intact.

I think once the Caravan is added, we'll get the typical roguelike stuff like carrying things over and so on.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think they've added in the roguelike stuff just yet. This is what they mention in the Kickstarter:

I think once the Caravan is added, we'll get the typical roguelike stuff like carrying things over and so on.
The devs actually said that if you die in the real game you play as someone from your caravan instead of just "loading the game"
Oct 25, 2017
I'm in a sidequest where you must go to a Tomb (Tinkling Tomb) and (light enemy spoilers)
most enemies there are skeletons who have heavy armor and my axe wielding dwarf is having huuuuuge problems with them because a lot of my attacks are blocked and i end up dying.
Any hints?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm in a sidequest where you must go to a Tomb (Tinkling Tomb) and (light enemy spoilers)
most enemies there are skeletons who have heavy armor and my axe wielding dwarf is having huuuuuge problems with them because a lot of my attacks are blocked and i end up dying.
Any hints?
Use maces. Those enemies take extra damage from crushing. I had to do the same thing with my axe dwarf haha


Nov 7, 2017
the HELP Menu.
Man, this game is amazing! I'm reaching a good grove now that I managed to find a Witch hut and buy myself a pyromancer robe! Anybody tried taking her up on her offer of a drink? I was way too spooked by the offer, but she seemed to be cool as long as I don't bail on her offer the next time. She had some nice stuff and let me take it.

If you find one, she'll have a Unique Witch hat and Witch Stave, most likely. They are useful for spellcasters!

I'm really looking forward to getting another Pyromancy book to start rocking that extra 1 range eventually, that'd be a lifesaver! Anyone lucked out on useful stuff, or relics or some such? I'm curious what good enchantments or neat stuff people have been finding lately, I desire immense power!


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Save spots can't come soon enough! I'm getting a little tired of my sword/shield guy.


Oct 25, 2017
Some new changes are out which fix some stuff, change weapons into tiers and give them less but stronger stats and make the game overall a bit harder cause it did really become quite easy in a bit


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Some new changes are out which fix some stuff, change weapons into tiers and give them less but stronger stats and make the game overall a bit harder cause it did really become quite easy in a bit
When did the patch go live? I got jacked last night by a group after steamrolling stuff.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Still having a pretty good time with my sword and shield guy. Wish I could get a book for the last two sword skills. Anyone know how the books work? I think the skills are listed in blue and green? What do those mean?


Oct 25, 2017
Roadmap was updated for March:

Hello everyone!

It's barely been a dozen of days since Stoneshard was released into Early Access, a rather stressful dozen of days for our team. We've received a huge amount of feedback, and we are happy that our game gained so much unexpected attention. The first week was spent on fixing the most pressing issues, however it's time for us again to focus on developing new content and mechanics.

Our first major content update "Trollslayer" is planned for March.
You can see more details about it in our roadmap : it will introduce a new boss to the game, add a new dungeon type, two new skill trees, and expanded dialogues.
We'd also like to add some of the initially unannounced content, but for now we can't promise anything outside of what was originally planned. During the development we'll publish a few more devlogs on our progress, so make sure to follow the game on Steam if you don't want to miss them.

During this month we'll continue to fix reported bugs and crashes, though at a slightly lower pace, so there still may be a couple more patches till the end of February.
We also plan to finally solve the issues with the Linux build and release it in the near future. Until then, we recommend you to join us on
Discord - our most favored way of communicating with the community where you'll be able to chat with other players, ask us questions directly, or check out teasers for the future update.

Also new patch notes!


  • Added different colored backdrops to items in the inventory based on their quality.
  • Added an option to highlight containers by pressing ALT.
  • Due to the popular demand, fog of war is now more transparent and should be easier on the eyes when moving through the forest.
  • Restored the autopathing when clicking on unexplored tiles.
  • Cauldrons in taverns can now be used for cooking.
  • Added some of the missing animations and timetables for the denizens of Mannshire.
  • Numerous visual fixes.
  • Fog of war now applies to the location with the Abbey in Adventure mode.
  • Fixed the trajectory for arrows and other projectiles (such as fire bolts and melting rays) when shooting at objects of the scenery.
  • Fixed the bug with rings becoming unequipped when loading the game.
  • Fixed "Retaliation" triggering on ranged attacks.
  • Fixed the behaviour of fog of war when using "Distracting Shot".
  • Fixed the game freezing in certain situations when using "Onslaught".
  • Fixed the crash and the following issues with dungeons' names when switching the game's language after the start of the game.
  • Fixed the simultaneous generation of two copies of the same contract.
  • Mannshire's Innkeeper now buys tableware and pays more for alcohol as well
  • Reworked stances - their maximum number of stacks was increased to 6, and the bonuses were reduced to facilitate more gradual scaling. When the corresponding chances proc, the duration of stances increases, but the number of stacks gets reduced. The starting duration for stances is increased to 6.
  • Stone spikes' duration has been reduced to 8 turns.
  • Added lots of new sounds.
  • Added voice-over for starting dialogue.