Virtua Sanus

Nov 24, 2017
I can see where people are coming from with the aesthetics, but most concepts for pitched Streets of Rage games that we have seen are Final Fight Streetwise tier at best! The people that work at Ancient and SEGA now would likely go in a way different route too I think, so at least mechanically I think we should all be pretty happy!

Again, I found the remake of The Dragon's Trap initially very off-putting in both art and music (too westernized), but once I got to play it for an extended period I was really blown away by the crazy amount of love and attention put into everything. I fully expect Streets of Rage 4 to get much of that love, if not more considering it is an original game altogether.


Mar 19, 2018
So i really dig the key art with Axel and Blaze and the city night in the background, but in-game everything seems a bit too bright.

Hope they can adjust the environment tone a bit to get that dark and gritty feeling from SoR 1 & 2.


Oct 27, 2017
I played the shit out SoR2 back in the days. I'm ready for more Skate and Max adventures.


Oct 27, 2017
I can see where people are coming from with the aesthetics, but most concepts for pitched Streets of Rage games that we have seen are Final Fight Streetwise tier at best! The people that work at Ancient and SEGA now would likely go in a way different route too I think, so at least mechanically I think we should all be pretty happy!

Again, I found the remake of The Dragon's Trap initially very off-putting in both art and music (too westernized), but once I got to play it for an extended period I was really blown away by the crazy amount of love and attention put into everything. I fully expect Streets of Rage 4 to get much of that love, if not more considering it is an original game altogether.
Agreed. I can see how this art doesn't quite match the vibe of classic SOR but it's a huge leap past any of the previously rejected concepts people were getting upset at Sega for turning down.

If I have one major nitpick from what little we've seen it's the backgrounds look static. When I think SOR stages I think of good use of parallex layers. But this is something that could be improved in the final product.


Oct 26, 2017
Can't wait for the reveal that hitting R2 changes it to pixel graphics like WB3.

And if it doesn't, I'm fine - cause it looks good already.


Oct 25, 2017
Not a fan of the Blaze redesign, but that Axel redsign is perfect! I've been in for a 4th SoR since I learned there was a 3rd one, so I'm keeping a close eye on this!


User requested permanent ban
Oct 27, 2017
Dudes point still stands, all the SOR titles were originally 16 bit.
What point? I talking about 'old games', not necessary SOR. And you forget SOR have a master system version, but hey 'I played genesis, so who cares?'
Maybe you don't know, but exist many others games beside 16 bits. 8-bit and 16-bit are in the same league.
Wonderboy Dragon's Trap have both artstyle and a 8-bit version because the game was original from 'Master System' / 'Game Gear'.
The point remain. 8-bit looks great on 4K aa same as 16-bits. Wonderboy and Sonic Mania with Scanline are the real prove.
So many people here without information... Jez.
Last edited:

Virtua Sanus

Nov 24, 2017
Have they confirmed more playable characters or no? Adam and Skate?
They have not even announced platforms or a timeframe when it launches. I would bet the farm on at least two more playable characters being in, probably more.

Not a fan of the Blaze redesign, but that Axel redsign is perfect! I've been in for a 4th SoR since I learned there was a 3rd one, so I'm keeping a close eye on this!
That Blaze design is directly from art of her in the Japanese manuals from 3. They changed her blue eyes to brown for some reason though.


Oct 27, 2017
Lizardcube did give players the option between modern or pixel graphics for Wonder Boy. Hopefully they do the same for Street of Rage 4. If they do that and get Yuzo Koshiro on board for the OST, I will be all over this.

Deleted member 11018

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'll be playing Blaze, thanks. :3
Proper animation sold me the game, it's not a puppet/flash style heresy.
If backgrounds remain as is, i'll have to mod them if that's possible, because i am not entirely satisfied with the looks (too cartoony/rough).


Oct 26, 2017
Lizardcube did give players the option between modern or pixel graphics for Wonder Boy. Hopefully they do the same for Street of Rage 4. If they do that and get Yuzo Koshiro on board for the OST, I will be all over this.

How are they supposed to do this? Unlike Dragon's Trap, SoR4 is not a remake of an old game, they have no "pixel version" to offer.


Oct 25, 2017
I just hope they get the "feel" right too. I wonder how they will tweak the hitstun so we can do the old school combo "resets"?


Oct 28, 2017
What point? I talking about 'old games', not necessary SOR. And you forget SOR have a master system version, but hey 'I played genesis, so who cares?'
Maybe you don't know, but exist many others games beside 16 bits. 8-bit and 16-bit are in the same league.
Wonderboy Dragon's Trap have both artstyle and a 8-bit version because the game was original from 'Master System' / 'Game Gear'.
The point remain. 8-bit looks great on 4K aa same as 16-bits. Wonderboy and Sonic Mania with Scanline are the real prove.
So many people here without information... Jez.

I'm fully aware of Sega's back catalogue, I was around when they originally dropped as 'new titles', as well as playing them at the time of release. So yes, I am aware of other retro consoles.

I appreciate your first language is not English, but maybe attempt to be more specific about what you mean when making statements, as it wasn't just myself that interpreted your original comment in a certain way. Which is fair considering the topic of the thread.


Nov 30, 2017
Yeah I know. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you were talking about the originals, rather than the 8 bit ports. Because why would anyone discuss the inferior versions when talking about scanlines, when the superior 16 bit versions look and play better...
I wasn't the person you were originally talking to, just a passing smartass.


Oct 25, 2017
Just looking at the poses and animations, I definitely think they're going to do the retro graphics switch up they have in Wonder Boy 3

Most likely based on 2
That just seems like wishful thinking for people who dont like the new art. This isnt a remake of an old game, built on top of the original's bones like Wonder Boy 3 or the Halo CE remake. This is a brand new game, with new stages, new enemies, new animations, new mechanics, new story, new moves. They would have to go back and "demake" a bunch of their new elements in an exact replica of the 16-bit originals, which would doubling the work for something most people would just think is neat, at best.

The art is what it is. This is not Streets of Rage 1, 2, or 3. This is Streets of Rage 4, made in 2018, by a new team with their own artistic vision. Lets take it for what it is.

Shpeshal Nick

Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
That just seems like wishful thinking for people who dont like the new art. This isnt a remake of an old game, built on top of the original's bones like Wonder Boy 3 or the Halo CE remake. This is a brand new game, with new stages, new enemies, new animations, new mechanics, new story, new moves. They would have to go back and "demake" a bunch of their new elements in an exact replica of the 16-bit originals, which would doubling the work for something most people would just think is neat, at best.

The art is what it is. This is not Streets of Rage 1, 2, or 3. This is Streets of Rage 4, made in 2018, by a new team with their own artistic vision. Lets take it for what it is.

I'm aware of that.

I love the new look. I loved Wonder Boys look. My post was more speculation.


Nov 30, 2017
I'm still the guy sitting here happy it doesn't look Grimdark. Watching some of the Cyberpunk Gameplay in snippets yesterday, where every character seems to have a 35 second timer between spewing vulgarity and obscenities is such a trite, tired hallmark of modern gaming. Not to mention the overdone love of automated weaponry felt even less interesting after the horrible events in Florida just a day prior.

So, I don't think the current palette looks "Too Bright", either; For now, I'm just happy it has such a strong, focused art direction. That's something you get less and less of now-a-days, with the HUGE groups that are needed to work on modern projects. This really feels like it has one art director, and they get to follow their style to the tee. Not just in colors and drawing, but also in animation timing, smear / tween frame style, and line weight.

I'd like additional shades / highlight colors, but honestly? I'm glad their first pass doesn't have loads of them. Look at how Indivisible or SSF2THDR had to cut out much of that, to actually become COMPLETE GAMES. Overdoing such things early on is the mark of an artist that's used to doing stills, but not used to animation. Alternatively, overdoing the animation before taking coloring and responsivness of gameplay into account, is the mark of an animator that's never made anything playable before.

Maintaining consistency of complex details is one of the most time-consuming pitfalls of animation, and a good reason why many animators "cheat" with computer-assisted secondary tools.

I often feel like modern Brawlers don't get much love from developers, because the dev teams realize that they're not just make a game with one main character, a few special bosses, and paletteswap underlings. If you want the game to approach the top of it's genre, every mook needs to almost be as well realized as a main character in other games. They need to have their own attack patterns, distinctive styles, strengths, and variations that can be iterated on throughout the game.

Speaking of distinctive enemies, it's pretty cool that we're starting off with the SoR 1 Elecktra's here, with the M.Bison lookin' hat. Hope we see a good amount of series variations through the game.


I started playing US SOR3 again last night, and... I really hate how long the basic attack strings stay queued in that game. Hold button attacks are way too easy to launch (a longer buffer would help), the game will always feel slidey and loose compared to 2 for me, as well. I like running only because it leads to dash attacks and more momentum control in jumps. The fact it turns up giving such loose, short hitstun and slippery controls in order to accommodate it, is a trade I'd rather not have made.

But, giving an attack string that leads to a double-over crumple / stun, so you could regain the hitstun of 2 in some way, would have gone a long way for me. It'd be a nice way to add depth, while still keeping the classic systems intact.

I wouldn't mind the return of the police strikers. Even having an optional choice between SOR2 and 3 character special moves of SOR1 striker focus, would be nice.

Can't wait for the reveal that hitting R2 changes it to pixel graphics like WB3.

And if it doesn't, I'm fine - cause it looks good already.

I'm definitely not expecting this. In Wonderboy III, the only new sprite they needed to make was Wondergirl basically, right? Otherwise, the game was running on remade original code to such a degree, that old passwords even work from other versions. All their animations fit in the old games logic and timing, even if they look smoother, because they take the same amount of time to start and end.

I can see THAT much being true here (it already looks like it with the specials shown in the trailer), but making original spritework for all the new designs they have going here? Character and Stage wise? It's probably much less likely. It'd be AWESOME, truly (it'd be 2 new games in one), but it'd be a massive undertaking. It'd probably be better to just update some old features to their new style, in this case.

Have they confirmed more playable characters or no? Adam and Skate?

I think the closest thing we have to a confirm of more characters, is the fact that the main image is cropped in a way that seems welcome for more. Blaze and Axel are the only 2 characters that make all 3 main SOR games. And Skate made 2. Preferably, they'd have 4 characters to start, and a few awesome bosses that are able to be playable characters too. (Like Najd's cousin from the trailer!).

In my dream version, each boss would be playable after beating the game, and you'd get a modified what-if story for each P1 lead. If we're going really nuts, even certain P1 P2 pairings would shift the tale. Mr. X would fight to take down a bionic clone of himself (like found in SOR3), Some bosses would be committing a mutiny to go through the whole tale, others would fight up to their own boss stages to explain why they ARE the boss of the stage they were on, and so on.

It'd be a fun way to give re-playability and alternate paths.

The beard on axel feels forced and unnecessary :v

Why? Beards are cool.

I could see them having a classic Axel playable too, though. Much like animating things like weapons and complex holds with 2D BEU characters, as long as one considers the fact that something is a "part" before animating the base model, it's not impossible to make even classic hand drawn animations with modifiable pieces. Think about how Megaman X can do all of his animations with various complete and lacking pieces of his armor. Or hoe Miss Fortune's animations can all work with or without her head on.

That's where I could see Lizardcube going the extra mile. Instead of remaking the game in 2D pixels, making the characters in a way where you could get classic and new looks out of the same basic frames + thoughtful modifications would be great. Blaze could have her SOR 2 and 3 looks with the removal of a belt and Jacket, and the coloring of her outfit to grey, for instance. Axel's got 3 additions to his look that basically make him look different from the Jeans / T shirt combo he's always had.
Oct 27, 2017
For the peeps complaining about the artstyle, here's what failed SOR pitches looked like over the years.

Failed pitch from Backbone:

Failed pitch from Grin:



Failed pitch from Bottle Rocket:

And the infamous Ruffian videos:

You can dislike the new art style, that's fine. But it sure as hell better than all other attempts over the years.

Virtua Sanus

Nov 24, 2017
Honestly I think the odds of this getting some sort of Comix Zone representation is extremely high. Would be a fantastic addition for sure.


May 31, 2018
Streets of Rage... man what great games they were back in the day.

I hate to be negative but I'm not a fan of this art style at all. The dark, 90's neon noir gave streets of rage all it's atmosphere/feel. This clip was way too bright and one dimensional, it felt like a kids game.

I am sure plenty will be pleased with the result of this game and a new generation will love Streets of Rage. I am past this genre now anyway.