
Oct 26, 2017
Question for people who might know better: I know this does not help people who don't have the means to do this but is it legal for someone in one of the states where this is banned to travel to a state where it is legal to get an abortion?

At this point, yes. Some states, like Missouri, have already hinted at trying to halt travel for abortion, however freedom of interstate movement (unless bound or prevented via incarceration or other legal decree on an individual basis) is guaranteed in the constitution. States will probably also try to prevent outside organizations from providing travel assistance.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Except we just had 4 years of a President who used the bully pulpit quite literally as a BULLY pulpit, and he didn't get even half his agenda passed.

So no, that's not how it's always been done.
Come on. Trump couldn't fucking get people to play at a Casino on the Boardwalk, and went bankrupt. There was no way he could convince anyone.

When people say Bully Pulpit, they usually refer to Teddy Roosevelt and LBJ. Even Abraham Lincoln for that matter.
Oct 25, 2017
Supreme court obviously doesnt work.

Nobody gets voted in by the people, everyone is appointed kings for life, no actual rule about how many there should be, and presidents just take advantage of lucky openings to enforce partisan rule. Like how the fuck is this even remotely acceptable? Kindergarten classrooms are more tightly managed than this dumb luck shitstorm.

A reasonable government should not have such an important aspect of their function devised about as well as your kid neighbor's treehouse club.

With shit this broken dems should just take advantage of the complete systemic failure to pack the court until somebody decides to make the rules make any amount of sense.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
This will only get worse if the Republicans gain control of the senate again. The left needs to vote every election, not just presidential elections, every election. That includes your local city/state elections too.

This was said and done when Trump won. The first course of action is to prevent further erosion of rights. They seem to be set on I doing almost all landmark rulings of the last decade or two.

So much could have been done to prevent this. This is a result of a perfect storm.
- The Dem leadership thinking the right wing leadership was acting in good faith in the Obama years.
- People thinking Trump winning would be a good thing to spite the left for not meeting promises.
- Justices not retiring when they should have.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Supreme court obviously doesnt work.

Nobody gets voted in, everyone is appointed kings for life, no actual rule about how many there should be, and presidents just take advantage of lucky openings to enforce partisan rule. Like how the fuck is this even remotely acceptable? Kindergarten classrooms are more tightly managed than this dumb luck shitstorm.

A reasonable government should not have such an important aspect of their function devised about as well as your kid neighbor's treehouse club.
The all knowing Founders messed up, right?

If only there was a functional way to amend the Constitution? It's nearly impossible now.


Spencer’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
If we can't even manage a basic coalition because we turn on each other the second we don't get what we want, we will NEVER take power back from the right wing. At the end of the day, that is the problem - the right wing coalition is completely unshakeable, whereas the left wing collapses in on itself like a black hole with infighting whenever it matters most for us to be unified.

Don't vote for Democrats. Vote for whatever stops Republicans from having a majority. And in a two-party system, that means voting for Democrats to vote AGAINST Republicans. A third party is not going to ever build enough of a coalition to break the Republican wall.

i didn't say "vote third party". the mitigation of evil is a valid reason to continue voting democrat, but to pretend that democrats haven't been in a position of being able to address any of the Actual Concerns of people in this country, even ignoring the fact that democrats do nothing to slide the scale back towards the left (hell they barely do anything to slide the scale back towards "the middle"), is disingenuous at best and blatantly lying at worst.


Aug 1, 2018
The Senate and governor hold power. You can't change the law without the lower legislature, which won't flip in the near future. But flipping the state ad the federal and governor level would definitely help

The Governor in Texas holds little power compared to the Lt. Governor. Cornyn didn't win by a tight margin. Cruz is unlikeable so he might lose but this does nothing for folks now.


Senior Game Designer
Feb 6, 2018
Feeling really sorry for every sane person (and particularly girls/women) in the US, absolutely abhorrent to see and it looks like it's just gonna get worse and worse. Beyond fucked up...

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
Abortion will be banned in Michigan ASAP. The Jane collective needs to come back, which is unfucking real in 2022.

Goat Mimicry

Oct 25, 2017
Question for people who might know better: I know this does not help people who don't have the means to do this but is it legal for someone in one of the states where this is banned to travel to a state where it is legal to get an abortion?

Depends on the state, but some red states are already accounting for that loophole.


Jun 13, 2019
Mitch McConnell should never have been allowed to pull his bullshit in 2016. It is the express duty of the Senate to vote on Supreme Court appointees.

He has almost single handedly ruined civil rights in America.


Jun 28, 2018
Question for people who might know better: I know this does not help people who don't have the means to do this but is it legal for someone in one of the states where this is banned to travel to a state where it is legal to get an abortion?

Depends on the state. Missouri for instance has made it so anyone who is involved in an out-of-state abortion (where it is legal) can be sued in Missouri state court.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Rochester, New York
i didn't say "vote third party". the mitigation of evil is a valid reason to continue voting democrat, but to pretend that democrats haven't been in a position of being able to address any of the Actual Concerns of people in this country, even ignoring the fact that democrats do nothing to slide the scale back towards the left (hell they barely do anything to slide the scale back towards "the middle"), is disingenuous at best and blatantly lying at worst.
Over half the states in this country still have legal abortion after this ruling thanks to Democrats


Oct 27, 2017
Now democrats will eat themselves because the only thing that can change ANGTHING is to keep voting democrats. Which is the one thing democrats hate doing.
The Democrats will never make the changes to the political system required to fix America because it's not in their best interests. If there was ever a time post the ink drying on the Constitution to fix the electoral system I fear it's long past.

Time to do what you can to exit this country if you're able and have the means - it's a lost cause. Christian minority theocracy is the future (and present) of this shithole. They're coming for everything.
Shit like this is why the Puritans got tossed out of England.


Oct 27, 2017
Metro Detriot
Obama had 60 senators caucusing with Democrats for 4 months. He never had 60 pro-choice senators. At least 2 Dems were openly pro-life and there were others from red/purple states that probably wouldn't have supported changing the status quo on abortion.

Yeah, that is what I thought. And he lost that majority because of his push for the Affordable Care Act.

Did (Bill) Clinton every have enough?


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This will only get worse if the Republicans gain control of the senate again. The left needs to vote every election, not just presidential elections, every election. That includes your local city/state elections too.

This was said and done when Trump won. The first course of action is to prevent further erosion of rights. They seem to be set on I doing almost all landmark rulings of the last decade or two.

literally this

vote, people


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
i didn't say "vote third party". the mitigation of evil is a valid reason to continue voting democrat, but to pretend that democrats haven't been in a position of being able to address any of the Actual Concerns of people in this country, even ignoring the fact that democrats do nothing to slide the scale back towards the left (hell they barely do anything to slide the scale back towards "the middle"), is disingenuous at best and blatantly lying at worst.

The entire democratic majority is held up by two scumbags who never do a fucking thing when it counts. We need a much larger majority in the legislative wing of the government to be able to pass any meaningful legislation. You know this. As long as our entire political platform hinges on Manchin and Sinema, we have no actual power.


Jun 21, 2020
Man seeing what is happening in the US is terrifying. Also as a Canadian I see we're going down the same route if we don't actively work together for progress.

Remember rights are fought for, not given. Get to the streets and protest!


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
This seems a very rational thing to be angry about.


What keeps echoing in my head is the speech my mother was giving me this weekend about the state of this country and how worried she is for my daughter's future, citing transgender individuals trying to "groom" children plus the other usual conservative talking points.

And yeah, I'm worried about her future now, but for a completely opposite reason than she was implying.


Oct 27, 2017
Also now in purple states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the legality of abortion is probably going to change on an election by election cycle. Confused times ahead! How wonderful!


Oct 25, 2017
People need to start realizing that neither party cares about you. It's all talk to get elected and further their own lives.

Country will always be shit under both these parties. They've spent decades poisoning everyone to be against each other. It's sad.

More both sides bullshit. I love it. Yall are pathetic.


Oct 27, 2017
Question for people who might know better: I know this does not help people who don't have the means to do this but is it legal for someone in one of the states where this is banned to travel to a state where it is legal to get an abortion?

Yes...for now. Red states are already planning on putting laws into place that would punish residents who would try this and I'll give you two guesses how the SC would rule when it comes to shit like this.


Oct 27, 2017
they care so much about kids but when they get shot down by some crazy fucker with a gun they don't care



Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
Abortion will be banned in Michigan ASAP. The Jane collective needs to come back, which is unfucking real in 2022.

Jane’s Revenge - InfluenceWatch

Jane’s Revenge is a far-left extremist group which claimed responsibility for an attack against an anti-abortion group’s office in Madison, Wisconsin, in May 2022 after leaks revealed that the U.S. Supreme Court was considering overturning the Roe v. Wade decision that found a constitutional...


Oct 28, 2017
Outrageous. This shit feels like it's setting up for a very big snap somewhere.

The supreme court has failed the American people.