Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
On the topic of voting and elections, as important as it is, one thing we absolutely need to keep in mind is that we are not simply dealing with conservatives. We are dealing with a far right-wing party dangerously teetering on the precipice of fascism. One of the scariest aspects of fascism is that it cannot be voted out as elections would eventually cease to exist. I am not trying to be a pessimist here, but I am giving people a word of caution as things go on. Say the Democrats do well in the midterm elections, will that stop the Supreme Court from overturning Obergefell? Will that stop red states from further criminalizing transgender people and people seeking abortions? History shows that one of the first groups that the Nazis targeted, in addition to Jews of course, were queer people. In fact, the first book burning in Germany took place in front of an institution studying transgender health care in 1933. The American right has a disturbingly similar trend to this progression towards authoritarian fascism. The genocidal campaign against trans people is the strongest evidence of that progression.

We are at risk of eventually losing our right to vote, regardless of the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections.

Again, I am not trying to fearmonger or instill nihilism. Far from it. I am spreading awareness of the historical parallels that unfortunate exist with the American right today. This is not coincidental. So what we need to keep in mind is that we should not have comfort in the idea that elections are the best line of defense against the fascistic right. Things will get worse as the years go on and it would be foolish to assume otherwise. With this in context, we have to ask ourselves the question: How can we fight fascism?

Democracy is fragile and it can very easily perish at the hands of authoritarianism. We saw first-hand of what that looks like on January 6th. So please, don't think your franchise will remain a certainty. It is also important to note that questioning the power of voting is not necessarily an endorsement of abstaining from participating in the democratic process (although some unfortunately have this ideology).

That is all I will say on the matter as I have a meeting to attend to, but I encourage people to have that concern of fascism in mind when discussing elections and voting.


"This guy are sick"
May 18, 2022
The few resources being posted in this thread are great, but the weird finger pointing at other dems in the wake of republican awfulness is too much for me to stomach. I'm out for now.


Oct 25, 2017
But privately, Mr. Trump has told people repeatedly that he believes it will be "bad for Republicans."

The decision, Mr. Trump has told friends and advisers, will anger suburban women, a group who helped tilt the 2020 presidential race to Joseph R. Biden Jr., and will lead to a backlash against Republicans in the November midterm elections.

Per the NYT. Very interesting
Question is: is it going to matter? Will this meaningfully move the needle on, idk, more than a couple of Senate seats?


Oct 25, 2017

Sadly this won't change much with the current landscape in Missouri for abortion. The only clinic was in St Louis and there was a 72 hour waiting period to get one. Those in the main bordering cities like Kansas City and St. Louis still have clinics next to them just across the border. I know in St. Louis many just take the short drive over to Illinois because no waiting period. Planned Parenthood opened a pretty sizable one there probably under the assumption their St Louis one would get closed.

I do expect Missouri to try and discourage people from crossing state lines as much as possible.


Oct 29, 2017
I mean if anything this screams "GET OUT THERE AND VOTE" but it's proven to be very ineffective. And there's absolutely nothing we can do about the supreme court. That's going to stay a republican majority for quite a while. Biden has already shown reluctance to pack the courts, which in my opinion would be an appropriate reaction to Trump appointing absolute garbage during his 1 term.

I dunno... I'm just super depressed and pessimistic right now. I have such little hope for this country anymore.

There is something we can do about the Supreme Court, we can go out and vote and at least have the Democrats keep the senate. The seats that are up and competitive are close enough, and it makes more of a huge difference then people realize. Like imagine the next Republican president coming in with 50 or 51 Democratic Senators. Clarence Thomas might secretly be sweating.

But of course, I don't have much faith this will make a huge difference either. People by and large don't give it a shit, unless it starts to effect them personally.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
Ugh. Unreal.

Now Im hearing from many on the radio while driving that a Federal Nationwide Ban is next up…I'm admittedly pretty ignorant on the logistics of what that would that something that could actually realistically happen?

It would require the Republicans to get filibuster-proofread supermajorites in the House and Senate and a Republican president. So not for another 4 years, but after that, and given how bad the outlook is for Democrats right now... Yes. Very realistic.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
But privately, Mr. Trump has told people repeatedly that he believes it will be "bad for Republicans."

The decision, Mr. Trump has told friends and advisers, will anger suburban women, a group who helped tilt the 2020 presidential race to Joseph R. Biden Jr., and will lead to a backlash against Republicans in the November midterm elections.

Per the NYT. Very interesting
Oh shit the great political prognosticator Donald J. Trump has spoken


Aug 27, 2018
But privately, Mr. Trump has told people repeatedly that he believes it will be "bad for Republicans."

The decision, Mr. Trump has told friends and advisers, will anger suburban women, a group who helped tilt the 2020 presidential race to Joseph R. Biden Jr., and will lead to a backlash against Republicans in the November midterm elections.

Per the NYT. Very interesting
I honestly do think it's going to be bad for republicans. Even my more conservative leaning friends are fired up about this.


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Advocating violence
I didn't see it but did Biden really say that violence is not the answer?

Fuck. That.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean if anything this screams "GET OUT THERE AND VOTE" but it's proven to be very ineffective. And there's absolutely nothing we can do about the supreme court. That's going to stay a republican majority for quite a while. Biden has already shown reluctance to pack the courts, which in my opinion would be an appropriate reaction to Trump appointing absolute garbage during his 1 term.

Why vote? Look at the states that have protections for abortion already in place. Voting at the state and local levels matter just as much, if not more, as every 4 years.

Slack Attack

Oct 28, 2017
I think we're going to see a real brain drain from GOP states after this decision. As a physician myself, I will never opt to work in a GOP state and I know plenty of colleagues who would vow the same.
Oct 27, 2017
Violence is sometimes the answer when the state is committing violence against you, it's no longer violence, it's self-defense. Over half the country are now second class citizens and considered subhuman, violence is self-defense in this case.
It never sat right with me that my anger would be likened to that of angry conservative mobs.

But I feel there is a STRONG difference between fighting to protect people's right vs fighting to remove them.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump is saying that because we all know he doesn't actually care about this issue at all outside of getting those people on his side.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
Surely, the Republican Party will also provide comprehensive healthcare, maternity leave, and a basic income for the mothers and their children that will be born due to this. I mean, Jesus said to sell all your belongings and give the money to the poor, so obviously they're going to follow through on their Christian beliefs and take care of all these people and their children.

This is what Dems should be shouting and making it a point. GoP will never do any of this.


Dec 3, 2018
Absolutely fucking disgusting

Just a fucking disgrace

Fuck fundamentalist christians and GOP bootlickers


Nov 30, 2020
NE Georgia USA
Ugh. Unreal.

Now Im hearing from many on the radio while driving that a Federal Nationwide Ban is next up…I'm admittedly pretty ignorant on the logistics of what that would that something that could actually realistically happen?
The federal government could pass an constitutional amendment banning abortions. They stopped alcohol sales using amendment 18 from 1928 to 1933, .


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
But privately, Mr. Trump has told people repeatedly that he believes it will be "bad for Republicans."

The decision, Mr. Trump has told friends and advisers, will anger suburban women, a group who helped tilt the 2020 presidential race to Joseph R. Biden Jr., and will lead to a backlash against Republicans in the November midterm elections.

Per the NYT. Very interesting

Typical ignorance. What did he think he was putting these judges in to do?


Oct 27, 2017
The issue I keep facing on voting for centrist Dems is their desire to keep the status quo instead of pushing for anything meaningful. And when it inevitably swings back to the GOP because nothing really changes, and their desire to make things horrifically worse (like today) we then slide back and we have a new "normal" to defend.

Voting for Biden makes me feel like I'm voting for a slow death by the GOP over decades, instead of a rapid hell ride death with the GOP in charge. It's not hard to feel hopeless when not voting helps Trump, but also know under Biden we haven't and won't stop the march to oblivion.
And that the eventuality is going further to the right policy wise to try and win over more "centrist" voters like the Dems did under Clinton and policing/prison system.


Mar 29, 2021
Hopefully the message gets out that the Republicans aren't going to just stop at individual states, but are going for a nationwide ban to abortion.
And that this immediately affects poor people that can't afford to travel out of state.

Republicans (including the 6 Supreme Court justices that voted for this) should be forced to take care of any of these babies that are forced upon women until they're at least 18.


Dec 25, 2017
Why do these thread always boil down to complaining about Democrats and voter apathy. Yeah many Democrats in power thought conservative judges wouldn't dare to do this ,but every awful Republican goal is in play now.

This is a direct result Republicans planning for this for decades and winning votes. It wasn't some genius plan either. As long a a Republican could win the WH this had a chance of happening.

And of course I'll have to explain that no one is saying only voting will get these rights back. There was a lot of organizing , money, planning, protesting and campaigning that got us here and it will take just as much get us out.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Does this call for more unorthodox methods of resistance or is this something that will eventually solve itself if we keep voting?
Convince the medical/pharmaceutical industry that abortion bans loses then money and get their lobby to pay off republicans to make it legal again.


Oct 25, 2017
This is probably why all those Republicans actually voted for that toothless gun legislation instead of doing what theyve always done. to gain some sort of favor before this came down.

ain't working.

this so called progressive businesses/musical acts/etc need to hit red states where it hurts.