
Oct 25, 2017
The Internet
The Democratic House passed the Women's Health Protection Act last year.


Schumer forced a vote on it in the Senate in May after the decision leaked. They did what you asked.

Yes, I'm aware they did this. But that was two months ago (and God it's sad that I'm saying that). People that are angry right now in this thread are quoting Biden and Pelosi's actions from today and pissed off at them and throwing shade at the Democratic party, because Pelosi is choosing to read poems instead of bring THIS up again.

That's what I'm saying. People are angry TODAY. RIGHT NOW is when they need to strike with their messaging and making people aware that Republicans are bad guys.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
I wholeheartedly agree with you but I can also understand why many people who do vote tirelessly do feel frustrated and helpless when stuff like this happen even when they have done their damnedest.

Unfortunately until more non-voters are voting in every election, there's never enough that any of us can do. We still have to work harder even if we're making the evening and weekend phonecalls and showing up to voter registration drives. We have to make up for a massive handicap that's been put in place by years of consistent Republican success at the local and state levels. Those elections are arguably far more important than national elections because without them, we don't have the safeguards that keep our elections fair and balanced.

Elections in America are unfair right now. More Democrats have to vote than Republicans just to keep equilibrium in place. There's no instant solution to it either because of the last 12-24 years of Democrats failing to show up consistently in local elections.

There's a lot more work to be done to make up the difference and the fastest and easiest way for everyone to do it is to get more non-voters engaged, not to downplay the significance of voting or to keep our heads hanging low for too long after every defeat. It's just giving in to the Republicans' voter suppression and voter depression tactics. It's 100% a part of their game plan for us to discourage each other from voting and to keep us pointing the finger at one another instead of helping the less-politically-active have their voices heard.


Oct 30, 2017
I wholeheartedly agree with you but I can also understand why many people who do vote tirelessly do feel frustrated and helpless when stuff like this happen even when they have done their damnedest.
I can understand it but it is a weak excuse. we need to understand that we are not voting for 2 years, 4 years, or even 8 years but 80 years. What you are putting up is something that has a longer shelf life than whoe may be in office.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
So question, what would be a way to actually go back on this? Would there need to be a whole new case about abortion and then the supreme court with judges that aren't a bunch of retrogrades reach a decision that allows it again?
The court would have to change, a brave woman and doctors would likely have to openly break the law in a red state sacrificing their freedom then it would have to go through the court system to the new Supreme Court who undoes this.


Oct 25, 2017
Democrats about to take a supermajority this fall. It's about to be hell on wheels at the voting booths.
You have more faith than I do. Honestly I'm not sure how much this even moves the needle. I think it will a little but I'm not so sure it will a lot. I would imagine most women won't like it, but also most women are older women, or mothers, or single and just trying to scrape by, that have things like gas prices and grocery prices to think about at the moment. We'll see.
Oct 27, 2017
I have yet to see such an astute summary of the Real Shit advice I give my family and friends.

Mind who you let whisper in your ear. Mind your sources. Be wary of anyone who only seems to want to keep you in a combined state of angry and inactive.
This. This. This. This. This.

We are the majority. Tyranny will not stand for long if we actually start acting like it.


Jun 13, 2018
Yes, I'm aware they did this. But that was two months ago (and God it's sad that I'm saying that). People that are angry right now in this thread are quoting Biden and Pelosi's actions from today and pissed off at them and throwing shade at the Democratic party, because Pelosi is choosing to read poems instead of bring THIS up again.

That's what I'm saying. People are angry TODAY. RIGHT NOW is when they need to strike with their messaging and making people aware that Republicans are bad guys.

I mean they did it the same week the decision leaked and it was all over the news right then. If you're saying 6 weeks ago is too long and people will forget, then doing something now is too early because the election is more than 6 weeks away. Voters are at least equally responsible for understanding what's at stake and getting to the ballot box in November.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I was wondering how Faux News was going to present this to their cult.

"Never mind that your basic human rights were just infringed upon! The Dems could get a win out of this! That's the real story!

Fucking brain worms.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm in Alaska.
Our abortion laws are very very hard to repeal here. Ya, you wouldn't expect it but this state can be weird at times about where it lies politically.

Very interesting, thanks. Could it be related to a more libertarian idea inside the republicans there?

Alaska is pretty libertarian (individual rights) and has elected pro-choice officials even if they are Republican. Kansas has a Dem governor who would veto any laws passed by state legislature.

North Carolina is another red state with a Dem governor.

Unlikely any blue states pass restrictions since the issue is like 80-20 in blue states and 50-50 in red states.

Ah thanks, I guessed about Alaskan trending libertarian, I had no idea Kansas had a Dem Gov, was the GoP candidate a total fuck-up?

TWP talks about a referendum that eill be held in Kansas regarding the issue i August though, would the governor veto that as well?

Finally, if the issue is 50-50 in red states is there a chance that some would pass laws to un-ban abortion rights? I guess that not much of one. Maybe in Georgia?


Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully, this becomes the ultimate dog that finally caught the car. I hope this decision is an issue for every Republican politician that actually has to face the voters. And if they actually get the House and Senate after this, I think I'll actually concede there's no hope for this country and really dark times are ahead.


Oct 25, 2017

Come the fuck on. Literally everyone just wants to go home for the weekend?

One of the worst things you could do right now is be mum.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
Hopefully, this becomes the ultimate dog that finally caught the car. I hope this decision is an issue for every Republican politician that actually has to face the voters. And if they actually get the House and Senate after this, I think I'll actually concede there's no hope for this country and really dark times are ahead.


If anyone has friends or family who vote Republican but are angry about this court decision, you need to get them to a town hall this summer and fall with their elected official and make sure that's heard. Convince them to do the right thing in November.

That's your job right now.


Oct 25, 2017
The people that need to be reassured by the messaging ARE getting it from 20 second tweets, though. Maybe that's the fault of the people reporting what they're saying, but it's the younger demographic that needs to not feel despair at how ineffectual Democrats are now. And if that's how they process news and information, Democrats need to learn how to get their point across better no matter how it gets reported on.
No politician in the history of politics controlled their message perfectly. In this day and age it is easy to cut a 20 minute speech down to the last bit and on this, look how dumb these fucks are. At some point people have to take an initiative to learn on their own.


Oct 25, 2017
I would've thought that Alaska and Kansas, being both red, would also be pro-ban... Can someone from those states confirm if that is so, and how come?

Any other red-state that I'm missing that would allow abortion rights?

Or on the contrary, is any blue state considering bans, or under current bans unless revoked?

As a non-american I'd like to expand my knowledge on the issue and it's consequences at a state level in such a short time seem momentous to me.

Kansas Supreme Court ruled its protected by their state's constitution. Looks like voters are voting on amending theirs this fall to ban it or not


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Big clap to all the cis women and LGB folks who got in bed with anti-abortionists and other far-right groups to try and stick it to trans people, while being too short sighted to understand how the avalanche they helped trigger would envelop them a few meters down the slope from us.
Oct 27, 2017
I do not believe things will get better. It's all crumbling. All falling apart. Red states will go fully authoritarian empowered by obvious language from SCOTUS.

Banning abortion doesn't end abortion. It ends safe abortion and criminalizes doctors giving care to women.


Oct 25, 2017
Clarence Thomas in particular is such a fucking ghoul for mentioning Griswold, Lawrence and Obergefell when Loving v. Virginia, another ruling pertaining to the 14th amendment and equal protection/due process, APPLIES DIRECTLY TO HIM


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
Unfortunately until more non-voters are voting in every election, there's never enough that any of us can do. We still have to work harder even if we're making the evening and weekend phonecalls and showing up to voter registration drives. We have to make up for a massive handicap that's been put in place by years of consistent Republican success at the local and state levels. Those elections are arguably far more important than national elections because without them, we don't have the safeguards that keep our elections fair and balanced.

Elections in America are unfair right now. More Democrats have to vote than Republicans just to keep equilibrium in place. There's no instant solution to it either because of the last 12-24 years of Democrats failing to show up consistently in local elections.

There's a lot more work to be done to make up the difference and the fastest and easiest way for everyone to do it is to get more non-voters engaged, not to downplay the significance of voting or to keep our heads hanging low for too long after every defeat. It's just giving in to the Republicans' voter suppression and voter depression tactics. It's 100% a part of their game plan for us to discourage each other from voting and to keep us pointing the finger at one another instead of helping the less-politically-active have their voices heard.

I can understand it but it is a weak excuse. we need to understand that we are not voting for 2 years, 4 years, or even 8 years but 80 years. What you are putting up is something that has a longer shelf life than whoe may be in office.

fair points. I don't think this development should dissuade anyone from voting and you are right, there is more on the line here.

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
I have yet to see such an astute summary of the Real Shit advice I give my family and friends.

Mind who you let whisper in your ear. Mind your sources. Be wary of anyone who only seems to want to keep you in a combined state of angry and inactive.

And we have our first example of somebody who is either duped by rage bait, or a proponent of it:

Truly the most milk toast thing I've ever read here.

Read me another poem Nancy.

I largely agree with this, but we should always self scout. Constant active criticism is healthy and needed. But the bad faith actors and arguments need to be rooted out and synthesized, because it actively supports conservative momentum.


Look, the GOP just got a huge win but they know that there will be backlash. One proven method for dealing with that is to divide and demoralize your opponent. People will be amplifying and spinning every bit of news they can get to make people not want to vote against them in the Fall.
Some of those people will just be having their penchant for outrage stoked and misdirected. Others will be intentionally undermining. Neither is worth repeating, reposting, or even following.

There's no meaningful public retrospective to be had until mid November.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean... obviously? But no democratic president has seemed to even care to push the agenda. Just because they aren't the ones that can make the change doesn't mean they can't put their voice behind it. I guess I'll just vote harder next time :)
Republicans voted harder and they're getting everything they ever wanted now


Oct 27, 2017
So how long before the red states start implementing their own bounty hunter law for women who drive to blue sanctuary to get an abortion and either stay there or come back?


May 9, 2018
Do the us have a future as 50 states ? From the outside I don't get how a state like New York can live under the same rules as Texas when they think so differently, be an interesting few years.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand. What is a woman supposed to do if she gets fucking raped? Or a teen? Or a fucking child? This is terrifying.


Oct 27, 2017
What happened to settled law from all their confirmation hearings? If a Supreme Court justice can't be held accountable to word than what the fuck do I care about their legitimacy?


Oct 25, 2017
I have yet to see such an astute summary of the Real Shit advice I give my family and friends.

Mind who you let whisper in your ear. Mind your sources. Be wary of anyone who only seems to want to keep you in a combined state of angry and inactive.
100 fucking percent.

It's pretty good life advice in general -- Don't listen to people who only want you to be angry or upset all the time.