Kingdom Key

Aug 4, 2021
The USA is in dire need of an overhaul of its entire political/legal system at this point. The SCOTUS being an extension of party politics is straight-up embarrassing in a democratic country where we should expect the highest judicial body to objectively uphold the rule of law. Do not get me started on the forced nationalism, conservatism and Founding Fathers-fetish that feeds into the thought that a 300-year old document drafted up by some slave-owning white supremacist bunch should permanently be seen as said law. What's that other ancient document that conservatives love to cling to in order to justify the persecution of minorities? Oh right.

I could write a dissertation on all of this but at the moment I'm having a hard time forming a coherent sentence. I just feel way too many different things right now. I'm angry, scared, disappointed, frustrated and in disbelief and it's driving me up the wall.


Oct 27, 2017
London, UK
UK brother checking-in here. Shed a tear or two reading the news today. This judgement is pure evil and the outlook regarding other issues doesn't look so great either.

Sending wishes of solidarity to you guys. I fear we are not too far behind here. We also have suffered greatly in recent years under right wing fuckers who couldn't give a shit about the average person.


Aug 1, 2018
Are we seriously giving benefit of the doubt to that fucking ghoul?

She twisted her words in order to get through the question. Everyone knew she was full of shit at the time. We had an entire thread about it on here.

I'm not giving her the benefit of the doubt. I'm saying that in the actual quote she specifically says that Roe is not settled.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
What a horrible day for the US, Americans and the world.

(edit: deleted comment, just unhelpful anger)
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
Here are the only real states in America

New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island

For those not in these states, seek help. When SCOTUS overturns gay and interracial marriage within the next decade these states will probably be the last pieces of a free America.

I think a two consecutive term Republican will make me seek emigration.

EDIT: My apologies to WA

Did Pennsylvania make the list of "real states"!?
Ahhhh! Fuck, it didn't. Damn.


Oct 31, 2017
City of Apples
This week has proven, the fascists already won and we're watching the ship go down as we speak.
People didn't want to take the fascist threat seriously. The only way to stop them was to gas them like bed bugs.

The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi, but instead all the hand wringing and nannying over bogus purity tests did was allow the infestation to grow and spread.
Oct 28, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I'll admit even I said at one point that the GOP didn't need to overturn the filibuster.

But at this point, the moment they reclaim the trifecta you know they'll overturn that shit and make all those "states rights" SCOTUS issues into federal law so blue states get hit with the same thing.

I do have some doubt they'll get rid of the filibuster, because they can achieve many of their political goals through judicial review, and it justifies the Dems going to a 50 vote threshold where they have a much more ambitious agenda.

But I've been wrong as hell before, so who knows

Castor Archer

Jan 8, 2019
What a horrible day for the US, Americans and the world.

I know it is not helpful, but anyone who have not bought into the alt-right world view should maybe just try to move to Canada or other places. Yes, it will be painful and rip families apart. Probably still less painful in the long run than staying. Voting with your feet seem like the only remaining option.
That straight up isn't possible for a loooooot of people.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
An utterly sad, dark and grim day for America. Regressed over 50 years overnight. Seriously fuck anyone who stayed home in 2016. This is a sole consequence of voting Trump. This is the long game Republicans have been playing for decades, and anyone who voted Republican is fault in this happening.


Oct 25, 2017
I know it is not helpful, but anyone who have not bought into the alt-right world view should maybe just try to move to Canada or other places. Yes, it will be painful and rip families apart. Probably still less painful in the long run than staying. Voting with your feet seem like the only remaining option.
(people who dont leave should always vote however, seriously, no matter how hopeless, the least one can do is to participate in elections)
It's incredibly not many people do you think have the means to do this? When simply moving out of a state/city/township/etc is highly unlikely for many, telling them to up and move out of the country is laughable.
May 26, 2018
An utterly sad, dark and grim day for America. Regressed over 50 years overnight. Seriously fuck anyone who stayed home in 2016. This is a sole consequence of voting Trump. This is the long game Republicans have been playing for decades, and anyone who voted Republican is fault in this happening.

Scary thing is 50 years is chump change. We're shooting for 160-year regressions.
I think, given our federal government's refusal to protect humans rights and be a functioning democracy, it's time for secessionist movements to be reconsidered (yes I know they are technically illegal).

I'm sure the right are so fucking stupid they wouldnt care if the entire west coast just took all the rights they afford their citizens (which the christian republicans controlling this fucking country hate) and bailed. I love where I live WA state, but I hate our fucking country. We need a new country to guarantee human rights and bodily autonomy. The USA is fucking doomed.

I am now 100% for separation movements. I am pretty much done with this country.
And this is just the beginning of what will happen - there will be more coming.

Just have open trade, open borders, but have states govern themselves or something like that.

Mutual separation would be the most peaceful way of dealing with all this.

The USA is done.
Feb 14, 2018

This is why Nancy was talking about November

How do people feel about a giant compromise bill that totally blocks states from implementing any restrictions or limitations on first trimester abortions but largely bans them from the second trimester on while protecting critical exceptions, and allowing blue states to interpret those exceptions broadly as in many European countries?

I guess it probably wouldn't pass, but I'm curious if that would be reasonable.


Oct 28, 2017
I was anticipating this.

Absolutely horrible, and what's likely to come.

At this point I'm hoping we can correct this by the time my baby girl is in her teens.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
How do people feel about a giant compromise bill that totally blocks states from implementing any restrictions or limitations on first trimester abortions but largely bans them from the second trimester on while protecting critical exceptions, and allowing blue states to interpret those exceptions broadly as in many European countries?

I guess it probably wouldn't pass, but I'm curious if that would be reasonable.
That sounds like a good way to get Republicans elected (who will then ban it outright) by destroying Democratic base support for the Dems

Perfect Chaos

Oct 25, 2017
Charlottesville, VA, USA
How do people feel about a giant compromise bill that totally blocks states from implementing any restrictions or limitations on first trimester abortions but largely bans them from the second trimester on while protecting critical exceptions, and allowing blue states to interpret those exceptions broadly as in many European countries?

I guess it probably wouldn't pass, but I'm curious if that would be reasonable.
There should be no compromise on this. Republicans will not compromise in good faith. It just puts their end goal a little closer to reality.

Castor Archer

Jan 8, 2019
Seriously. Immigration is very difficult and very costly. Hell, even moving out of a red state can be near impossible for a lot of people.
Yuuuuuup. "Just move!" is not a helpful solution or idea to share. Would love to! But literally can't. And there's no guarantee the place you're recommended to move to won't go down the crazy conservative path.
Nov 13, 2017
So from what I've been told by my partner, the moment the decision was revealed, the supreme court had both an army of Riot police in full armour and snipers overseeing the court,

If that is accurate, it's confirmed they find women more dangerous than white men nationalists storming the capital. That is depressing.

Combined that with Dems expecting to lose the house in November and women's bodily autonomy is fucked.

I believe my country (United Kingdom,) should now consider offering asylum to women seeking abortions from the USA to put pressure.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
How do people feel about a giant compromise bill that totally blocks states from implementing any restrictions or limitations on first trimester abortions but largely bans them from the second trimester on while protecting critical exceptions, and allowing blue states to interpret those exceptions broadly as in many European countries?

I guess it probably wouldn't pass, but I'm curious if that would be reasonable.
There should never be any "compromise" when it comes to basic human rights.


Especially when you have them talking about going after same Sex Marriage and sexual activities.


Oct 25, 2017

Amazing. He deleted the tweet.
Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Trolling in a sensitive thread, long history of trolling. Post restored for context
I was anticipating this.

Absolutely horrible, and what's likely to come.

At this point I'm hoping we can correct this by the time my baby girl is in her teens.
I dont mean for this to sound rude but it sounds like you're anticipating your girl to need one already

Maximum Spider

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Cleveland, OH
It really cannot not be so unfathomable that there are folks so disenfranchised by this country who've understandably become nihilistic or apathetic about voting. You're really gonna get them out to the polls by completely ignoring those facts and blaming them for this country being a shit hole.