Oct 25, 2017
As much as I do wish this project would succeed, past data and how its fairing are unfortunately painting a grim picture unless something major happens. Without a major change to a campaign, Kickstarters funding can be generally broken down into three main funding periods; the first 3-4 days, the middle days and the final 3-4 days. For most higher goal video game kickstarters the first 3 days tend to generally make up 25-30% at minimum of their total backing funds. There are some exceptions to this (for it's % to be below that) but those tend to come from campaigns that somehow flew under the radar or had a mid-campaign reboot that caught the attention and the money of backers. The middles day have the same 25-30% minimum unless it's an extremely short campaign or something causes hype to completely die (though tends to lead to failed campaigns). The final 3 days has the least consistent showings for a bottom line of the funding periods, with it being as low as single digits for some projects. The upper limit is easier to put at around 30%, how much comes in these final 3 days is generally affected by stretch goals for those that have already passed it's goal and just making it to the goal for those under.

Unfortunately for The Good Life it's current showings aren't looking up. If we were to assume that during the 23 middle days left (26 days left total) that it would average 800,000 yen per day (it's currently doing 900ks and 500ks other days, so went with a higher middle ground for this) and it would get an identical ending 3 days as the opening 3 days (actually used the 4th day instead of the 3rd day since it was higher) it would still miss it's goal ending with it earning 58.03M Yen. Let's assume people raise their amounts and get uncertain people to back to just get the campaign across the finish line, I have data on that via Descent: Underground who with about 8 minutes give or take left passed it's goal and finished at 601K out of 600K. It's difference between first 3 days and final 3 days was a 16.5% increase over it, so lets apply that same % increase to TGL's final 3 days in the assumption above. With the same increase changed, TGL would still end at 65.9M Yen missing it's goal by 2M Yen (or about $20K). Descent had it's final 3 days make up 32% of it's total, for reasons its just tends to be impossible for a normal campaign to have it's final three days to reach a third of the total funds and TGL is likley in the same boat.

Is it all doom and gloom? Mostly, but there is a little sunshine in this grim picture. There are really two main paths TGL could take to attempt to thwart this likley scenario; do a mid-campaign reboot to put some life into the campaign in order to give it coverage from websites/youtubers in order to raise it's baseline average funding during the middle days and to add new high end rewards. The 2nd one is a big issue when looking at the campaign, for better or worse whales are what tend to fund a campaigns not higher backer count. TGL's high end rewards are completely missing with nothing higher then 50,000 yen, and unless your a popular name/franchise or you have a low funding goal this can sink your campaign. As of right now this campaign is in desperate need of higher rewards that go from between 80,000-1,000,000 Yen, these tiers are what help campaigns that aren't already swimming in backer funds cross the finish line in the end because they stack up.

While this was a depressing analysis of the situation to write, I really do hope SWERY and the campaign organizers can make the changes needed to help fund this project in the end.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
As much as I do wish this project would succeed, past data and how its fairing are unfortunately painting a grim picture unless something major happens. Without a major change to a campaign, Kickstarters funding can be generally broken down into three main funding periods; the first 3-4 days, the middle days and the final 3-4 days. For most higher goal video game kickstarters the first 3 days tend to generally make up 25-30% at minimum of their total backing funds. There are some exceptions to this (for it's % to be below that) but those tend to come from campaigns that somehow flew under the radar or had a mid-campaign reboot that caught the attention and the money of backers. The middles day have the same 25-30% minimum unless it's an extremely short campaign or something causes hype to completely die (though tends to lead to failed campaigns). The final 3 days has the least consistent showings for a bottom line of the funding periods, with it being as low as single digits for some projects. The upper limit is easier to put at around 30%, how much comes in these final 3 days is generally affected by stretch goals for those that have already passed it's goal and just making it to the goal for those under.

Unfortunately for The Good Life it's current showings aren't looking up. If we were to assume that during the 23 middle days left (26 days left total) that it would average 800,000 yen per day (it's currently doing 900ks and 500ks other days, so went with a higher middle ground for this) and it would get an identical ending 3 days as the opening 3 days (actually used the 4th day instead of the 3rd day since it was higher) it would still miss it's goal ending with it earning 58.03M Yen. Let's assume people raise their amounts and get uncertain people to back to just get the campaign across the finish line, I have data on that via Descent: Underground who with about 8 minutes give or take left passed it's goal and finished at 601K out of 600K. It's difference between first 3 days and final 3 days was a 16.5% increase over it, so lets apply that same % increase to TGL's final 3 days in the assumption above. With the same increase changed, TGL would still end at 65.9M Yen missing it's goal by 2M Yen (or about $20K). Descent had it's final 3 days make up 32% of it's total, for reasons its just tends to be impossible for a normal campaign to have it's final three days to reach a third of the total funds and TGL is likley in the same boat.

Is it all doom and gloom? Mostly, but there is a little sunshine in this grim picture. There are really two main paths TGL could take to attempt to thwart this likley scenario; do a mid-campaign reboot to put some life into the campaign in order to give it coverage from websites/youtubers in order to raise it's baseline average funding during the middle days and to add new high end rewards. The 2nd one is a big issue when looking at the campaign, for better or worse whales are what tend to fund a campaigns not higher backer count. TGL's high end rewards are completely missing with nothing higher then 50,000 yen, and unless your a popular name/franchise or you have a low funding goal this can sink your campaign. As of right now this campaign is in desperate need of higher rewards that go from between 80,000-1,000,000 Yen, these tiers are what help campaigns that aren't already swimming in backer funds cross the finish line in the end because they stack up.

While this was a depressing analysis of the situation to write, I really do hope SWERY and the campaign organizers can make the changes needed to help fund this project in the end.
Yeah it really is unfortunate. I can see it coming close, but I'm not sure I'd bet on it passing the margin. It's a really unique concept that definitely should be realized, but alas.

Fairy Godmother

Backward compatible
Oct 27, 2017
I remember Indivisible got picked up after it failed to meet its goal. Perhaps some publishers could see the potential in this game and jumped in to provide the funding it needs.
Oct 25, 2017
I remember Indivisible got picked up after it failed to meet its goal. Perhaps some publishers could see the potential in this game and jumped in to provide the funding it needs.
Not quite, Indivisible was already partnered with 505 Games when it started it's campaign. Indivisible did fail to hit it's goal in time, but it was on Indiegogo which unlike Kickstarter allows you to change your funding end date so with an extra month added it was able to hit it's goal.

Fairy Godmother

Backward compatible
Oct 27, 2017
Not quite, Indivisible was already partnered with 505 Games when it started it's campaign. Indivisible did fail to hit it's goal in time, but it was on Indiegogo which unlike Kickstarter allows you to change your funding end date so with an extra month added it was able to hit it's goal.
Arghhhh. Dang. If it was announced before the crowd-funding fatique, it would have been better.
You hardly hear about big-named KS games these days even though there are dozens on the website.
Oct 25, 2017
Y'all should go check this interview. I highlighted ten or so questions that I thought were interesting but there's quite a bit more at the link.

Update #12

Introducing a deep interview from GAME Watch, a Japanese media outlet! (English Translation)

Nakamura: We didn't get much news for a while after the Fig campaign ended. Why was that?

SWERY: We needed time to analyze all the mistakes we made. The trailer was leaked before the first campaign even began, so this time we wanted to make sure we finished all the necessary preparations to lead everyone to the campaign page the moment it went live. This interview is going to be one of our first materials. After we provide you with all the information here, we're going to work with you to prepare the article for the campaign launch.


Nakamura: What's the difference between the previous campaign and this Kickstarter campaign?

SWERY: There are 4 big differences. The first is that we're working with several partner companies now. Our first partner is Unties. This means we'll be able to start the project with them supporting us through PR and funding. We intend to add more partners as we go, but for now Unties is the only one we can announce.


Nakamura: If you have all those powerful partners, then why Kickstarter?

SWERY: We're doing the Kickstarter campaign in order to prove that The Good Life, White Owls, and Grounding all have market value, and in order to create a development environment where White Owls, Grounding, and our partners can all work as equals.

Incidentally, the second and third differences in our new campaign are our improved graphics and game design. First, we'd like to have you check out our comparison video.


Nakamura: It still has that polygon flavor, but the graphics look much more beautiful.

SWERY: Thank you. Grounding actually wasn't satisfied with the original graphics either. We decided to make sure we nailed them down before starting the Kickstarter campaign. We originally planned to reboot in January, but ended up pushing the start date back to March due to this.

Futatsugi: We had a very limited time in which to decide on the graphical style for the first campaign. This time, we were able to heavily improve the background quality.

SWERY: Naomi looks so much prettier now, it almost makes me want to believe that I finally have a game that Japanese gamers will like. (LOL)

Futatsugi: For the character designs, our original idea was to keep the polygon flavor while also going for a puppet animation-style look. In the end, we were able to greatly improve the overall quality while retaining that style.

Nakamura: It's hard to describe, but I wasn't personally averse to the previous graphics either. Why did you decide to make them more modern?

SWERY: The feedback we got from our backers was the biggest reason. We received comments like "Please improve the quality for the final product," and "I'd buy it if it looked prettier," so I talked with Grounding and we decided to do our best to please the fans.

Futatsugi: We wanted it to appeal to a wider range of people.

SWERY: That's right. Before, it was more artistic, which made it more niche. We wanted to make it resonate with more people.

Futatsugi: The other reason is that it was just the next natural step. Improving what you're working on as you go along is a natural part of game development, but the moment you reveal something, it starts to seem like that's what the final product is going to look like.


Nakamura: How did the game design change?

SWERY: Previously, we were planning to release two separate versions: a cat version and a dog version, where users would be able to buy one and cross over into the other. Now, we're only making one version that encompasses both. With one copy of the game, you'll be able to play as both a dog and a cat. This was one of the biggest complaints we got from users. "I'm not sure which one I should buy."


Nakamura: You showed me the dog/cat transformation process when I visited Osaka, but I wasn't sure how it would actually affect the gameplay. Can you give me some more details on that now?

SWERY: We want to make it so that the cats can do Assassin's Creed-style parkour moves.

Futatsugi: Cats will be able to jump and climb up walls. Compared to human characters, they have a wider range of movement. While humans can only move two-dimensionally, cats can move three-dimensionally. As a cat, you'll be able to reach new places and enter new spaces. Additionally, people won't be suspicious of you when you're a cat, so you'll be able to peep in on people and explore the game in other new ways.

SWERY: You'll also be able to take photos of new things. In the end, everything is connected to the photography.

Dogs will be able to travel and carry things farther than a human can, and take photos in new places. They also have the special ability to follow scent trails, so if someone asks you to take a picture of one character who's close to another character, you can track that person down using the other person's scent as long as you know who they are. We plan to add depth to the adventure game elements wherever we can.


Nakamura: You can only transform into a dog or a cat once every 30 days?

SWERY: It's actually for one 'interval' per 30 days - one week per month. So you'll be able to spend 1/4 of the month as a dog or a cat.


Nakamura: Will the game have multiple story branches and multiple endings?

SWERY: Am I allowed to answer this one? (LOL)

Futatsugi: It's a bit different than that. Basically, the characters' likes and personal relationships will change based on how players interact with them. Our aim is to design the game in a way so that not even we will be able to predict how things end up.


Nakamura: I think a procedural AI system like that is something that any adventure game would benefit from. I can't wait to see it reach completion.

SWERY: I think we can do it if we limit the amount that this AI will affect the player. For example, it'd be hard for us to design the game in a way that allows the killer to target Naomi as a possible victim. But as long as all the characters are acting independently of Naomi, it doesn't matter if they're working or drinking at any specific time. That's the kind of AI we're aiming to create.

Futatsugi: We're trying to create a very complicated matrix of positive feelings.

SWERY: It'll even allow AI characters to influence each other.

Nakamura: So even if someone tries to play the game in the exact same way, the results could still end up completely different?

Futatsugi: We want to allow players to keep playing the game even after the story ends, but we also want the players' actions to influence the town. For example, maybe in one person's town, all the townspeople go out to to the square and take turns staring into a telescope at night. (LOL) If we go all-out, stuff will just get crazy, so we want to impose some restrictions while also building a procedural AI that we can't fully control on our end.

Nakamura: Is the final goal in the game to pay off Naomi's debt and return to New York?

SWERY: Yes. At one point in the story she'll get caught up in a murder incident as a person of interest and be unable to leave the town, so solving the mystery will become linked with paying off her debt. Once you pay off Naomi's debt, you'll be able to view the ending, but you'll still be able to go on playing after that. We're hard at work designing the game now so that the it'll be chock full of content right up to the ending.

Nakamura: So even if the player tries to live a modest lifestyle simply of taking pictures and uploading them to Flamingo in order to make some pocket change, they'll still get caught up in the murder incident?

SWERY: I think so. The murder incident is unavoidable.

Nakamura: Will there be any other big events aside from that?

SWERY: Yes. You might find out at some point that your client in New York is not really what they appear to be… or something like that. I don't want this to be a game that's only about living a slow life out in the country. I want to make it something big that players need to focus on tackling.


Nakamura: Will the events that happen within the town be randomized?

Futatsugi: There might be some random elements, such as the identity of the killer. But the one pulling the strings behind it all won't change.

SWERY: At the core we have the main story, but things will vary from there, such as the identity of the killer, and other small branches. We also plan to prepare a bunch of side stories that may or may not appear based on how NPCs interact with each other. Things will vary greatly depending on how you play the game.


Nakamura: How many hours of gameplay will there be up to the ending?

SWERY: We're not going to make it too long. It'll probably end up between 10 to 20 hours.

It's not a game where you constantly focus on proceeding through the story, but if you include all the side content, it'll probably end up taking a bit longer than that.

SWERY: I'd be happy if people ended up playing it for thousands of hours like Monster Hunter, but that probably won't happen out of nowhere.

Futatsugi: We're working on adding a lot of freedom to the photograph component right now.


Nakamura: I think you're good at creating worlds littered with weirdness that gradually suck people in, SWERY, so this definitely sounds like a SWERY-esque game to me. But to me, Futatsugi is an expert at creating real-time shooters such as Panzer Dragoon and Crimson Dragon. With The Good Life, does this game represent your 'real' identity, or are you trying to blaze a trail into new territory?

Futatsugi: If I had to pick, I think I'd say this is new territory for me. But in meetings, I get really passionate!

SWERY: Yeah, we butt heads a lot. (LOL) We're both very particular about completely different things. I'm really focused on the atmosphere for the parts when players aren't doing anything serious, while Futatsugi is focused on how the game's systematic inputs feel, similar to what you just hinted at. We're both right in our own ways, but we need to discuss it for about 6 hours before we can finally shake hands. We enter the ring through completely different paths, so we clash, but after talking with each other for 6 hours, we can say "Ohh, so that's what you meant" and combine our ideas into something.


Nakamura: Can you tell me more about the multiplayer component that allows you to visit other people's towns?

SWERY: Our current plan is to allow the player to visit another player's town as a dog or cat. There will never be two Naomis running around at the same time.


Nakamura: When will the game be completed?

SWERY: Q3 2019. We plan to release it in November 2019 at the latest. The PC and PS4 versions will be released simultaneously.
Last edited:
Oct 28, 2017
Y'all should go check this interview. I highlighted ten or so questions that I thought were interesting but there's quite a bit more at the link.

Update #12

You know, this is - excuse me - a DAMN fine interview


"Yes, drama-wise, it'll be the kind of game where you can enjoy a story about an outsider entering a strange world, similar to Twin Peaks."



Oct 29, 2017
Thanks for the interview post. That's really in depth.

"Female version of GTA" made my eyebrows go up.

Fairy Godmother

Backward compatible
Oct 27, 2017
Nakamura: Will the game have multiple story branches and multiple endings?

SWERY: Am I allowed to answer this one? (LOL)

Futatsugi: It's a bit different than that. Basically, the characters' likes and personal relationships will change based on how players interact with them. Our aim is to design the game in a way so that not even we will be able to predict how things end up.

Nakamura: So even if someone tries to play the game in the exact same way, the results could still end up completely different?

Futatsugi: We want to allow players to keep playing the game even after the story ends, but we also want the players' actions to influence the town. For example, maybe in one person's town, all the townspeople go out to to the square and take turns staring into a telescope at night. (LOL) If we go all-out, stuff will just get crazy, so we want to impose some restrictions while also building a procedural AI that we can't fully control on our end.
Sounds ambitious.


Oct 25, 2017
Backed, again. Hope it makes it this time. It seemed to have stalled. D:

Fairy Godmother

Backward compatible
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, there's definitely a lot of ambition in those answers. Surprised they are trying to make such a dynamic game in terms of AI and story.

Hope it isn't overly ambitious for the team they have.
Yep... It feels a bit TOO ambitious for what they ask for on KS.

They should have their own budget + crowdfunding money anyway. I wonder how much was allocated to create the tech demo?
Nov 3, 2017
Thanks for the bump, i'd missed all my reminders for this so i have just done my part and pledged. I'm not super confident it's going to make it but it has 25 days and stranger things have happened and the world needs more SWERY!


Oct 25, 2017
Even though the campaign is better handled than their first Fig campaign, I feel like the updates aren't hitting the way they need to.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
I'll probably up my tier as I want this to succeed, but I admit to being worried it won't make it. I desperately want this game to succeed.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Man, it's such a damn bummer this has pretty much completely stalled. I feel so bad for Swery, I wonder what he does next if this doesn't make it.

Even though the campaign is better handled than their first Fig campaign, I feel like the updates aren't hitting the way they need to.

This is the case for me as well. I backed it day one but don't care at all about the updates, I delete the emails as soon as I see them.


Dark Souls Man
Oct 24, 2017
Well, I just backed it. I don't think it's hopeless yet, but it doesn't look too good.
Oct 25, 2017
Another translated interview. I'm predicting the next update will be more sizable.

Update #14

Introducing a second deep interview: this time from Famitsu, a Japanese media outlet!

Some interesting questions about the previous Fig campaign and this Kickstarter.
Mill: I think sending information out from Japan to the entire world is an important part of any crowdfunding campaign. What are your plans regarding that sort of thing this time around? I assume your visit to GDC and choice to speak with the press is a part of that.

SWERY: We've been sending out Kickstarter announcements through our mailing list, but after we launch the campaign, we intend to take the game to PAX East in April. Every day during the event, Futatsugi and I will play the build for 2 hours. We also signed a contract with ICO Partners, a PR consultant in London, and have been using their plan to guide us.

Mill: By the way, what are your thoughts on the first campaign?

SWERY: In short, it was exhausting. (LOL)

Futatsugi: We learned the hard way that there's a huge difference between showing something to users and the way we've shown things to publishers up until now in order to get funding. I think we really had the wrong idea at first, and I plan to talk about this again at GCC (Game Creator's Conference, which took place on March 30).

SWERY: It's like having to master up every single day.

Futatsugi: There needs to be a constant flow of new information, and you also have to look at user feedback and possibly change things as you go.

SWERY: If a user asks you a question like "Aren't you going to do ___?" you need to take them seriously, and if it's something that isn't possible, you need to explain exactly why that is. We really regret not employing better English responses in the first campaign.

Mill: What do you think your chance of success is?

SWERY: Out of the four big changes we discussed earlier, I think bringing down the initial goal is super important. With the Fig.co campaign, we gathered $680,000, so we decided to make our initial goal for this campaign a figure that we've already achieved once. And since we're doing a campaign on an even bigger crowdfunding site this time, I think we'll be able to make it as long as everyone hasn't forgotten about The Good Life.

RPG elements and Photography

Mill: Will there be any changes to the system of taking pictures in order to earn money for your personal life and to pay off your debt?

SWERY: Taking photos will be what you use to put bread on your table. The photography will also be connected to events and missions… That core part won't change.

Futatsugi: In fact, we've improved on it. All the player needs to do is frame the picture, so there will be no need to deal with annoying things like shutter speed and iris. The better your gear, the better pictures you'll be able to take. It's an RPG, so light, powerful equipment will allow you travel farther and take better pictures.

SWERY: Just like an RPG, you can 'power yourself up' by buying better equipment, such as a camera with a fast shutter speed that allows you to photograph fast birds, or a zoom lens that allows you to photograph distant things. They'll also allow you to earn more money.

Futatsugi: In the game, there's also a photo site called Flamingo where you can upload your work and earn money based on how many Likes you get. You can either use the site to earn money little by little over a variety of photos, or do work for your client at the newspaper company (Morningvale).

SWERY: You can clear the game simply by taking photos that become super popular on Flamingo. But if you manage to complete all of Morningvale's missions, you'll be able to earn more money per shot, which allows you to pay off your debt faster. It all depends on how you want to play the game.

SWERY: We're also thinking of making it so that rival photographers at Morningvale become more and more successful if you focus only on Flamingo. We want to build up the flow of the story alongside the level of freedom.

Futatsugi: Flamingo will also have certain tags that trend, so you'll be able to look at them and figure out what sort of photos will earn you the most Likes at that particular moment. It'll also depend on the in-game time, if it's close to Christmas or something similar. We want to put in daily mini-events like that.

SWERY: Right, you'll be able to trend with hash tags, and also follow special people such as "fast shot pros" in order to learn about what other unique kinds of photos you can take.

NPC AI and story.

SWERY: There's one aspect I really want to talk about due to how huge it is. The daily life patterns of the townspeople are going to change. Up until now, I was planning to build off the systems in my previous games and make it so that each person had their own 24-hour time table (basically a data chart that dictates where they go and what they do). But we decided to do away with that and use AI instead.

Futatsugi: Basically, each NPCs will have various "desires" that will determine their actions. There will be an algorithm in the game that allows these desires to gradually change based on the player and other NPCs' actions.

SWERY: We're talking about desires like "I want to work," "I want to see someone," and "I want to go to the bathroom."

Futatsugi: Since the NPCs will be able to influence each other, not even we can predict what will happen. In my game, an elderly couple named A and B might get along well, while in SWERY's game, they may get divorced, and the old man may start dating a young woman… Or if a desire like "night stargazing" starts to become popular around town, everyone might go outside to stare at the stars. This is the sort of thing we're thinking about right now.

Mill: That's crazy! And maybe one of those unexpected chain reactions could lead to Naomi getting rich.

SWERY: Yes. Earlier, I told you about the 'murder of Elizabeth' incident that will be a part of the game, That's still going to happen, but now, the player's actions may alter the identity of the killer.

SWERY: The chronological order of events won't change, but as the player, you'll investigate a group of possible culprit NPCs. This will influence their relationships and behavior. The biggest effect of this is that Elizabeth's killer will be someone unique based on how the game goes.

Futatsugi: The main story itself won't change.

Futatsugi: I think there were a lot of strange, hard-to-define games that came out in the beginning of the era of the first Playstation. It's become harder and harder to make those games now, and so they're harder to find, but we're trying to use crowdfunding to bring that feeling back with The Good Life. We're also challenging ourselves to create a kind of game that no one's ever seen before.

We're going to be revealing the process to everyone as we create the game, so while you won't actually be working on it with us in person, you'll get to see how things change and how your feedback actually contributes to the game. So that's another bonus I hope everyone will enjoy. SWERY and I will be talking over each other the entire time while we work on it, but I think we'll be able to genuinely impress everyone with what we're able to come up with.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I just backed it. I wasn't going to because $40 is too steep for me for a KS video game project. I guess video game development is just inherently more risky than other types of projects, but it KS games seem to fail more frequently than other types of projects I have interest in (primarily board games). But there was one early bird PS4 slot left, so I grabbed it for $33. IDK if this game will make funding or not, but I'm pretty happy knowing that my hesitation won't be part of the reason that it fails.


Oct 26, 2017
This looks so nice and relaxing!
I really want to play this, come on people! Gameplay is what should boost the campaign a bit :(


Oct 25, 2017
The more I see of the game, the more upset I'll be when the campaign doesn't make it. I hope they'll get a boost from PAX East.

Fairy Godmother

Backward compatible
Oct 27, 2017
How's the cat taking photos? That's hilarious.
This looks like a nice relaxing game, outside of the murders of course.


Oct 27, 2017
My post above on Monday was when the campaign hit 40%. Just checked now and it's at 42%.

Kicktraq has the campaign trending towards 89% backer by the end if it continues at this pace.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, seeing the game and gameplay in motion and it looks like everything I want and more. I will be incredibly unbelievably upset if it doesn't get funded. I don't think SWERY would give up if it fails though.


Dec 1, 2017
Looking real good. I'll up my pledge a little later. They should add custom miniatures as a stretch goal. It works for board games.


Dec 2, 2017
Liked that little walkthrough of the prototype SWERY showed. Will probably up my pledge towards the end.


Oct 25, 2017
This isn't really a valid representation of a KS. Kickstarters always make the majority of their pledges in the first few days and last few days of the campaign, with very little happening in between.

By the time TGL KS hits the last week it'll at least be at 50%, which is enough to convince people that it has a chance of making it and will get a bump as a result. This happens with Kickstarters all the time.

I honestly think it'll make it, and I hope it does. Swery deserves a win.

Deleted member 15538

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Should have been announced during E3 on Sony's stage like Shenmue III. They didn't even have to get involved, just the spotlight and it would have been backed in no time. They also put DP on ps+ I believe. :(


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Just saw the latest update:
Welcome to Greenvale uploaded an interview regarding The Good Life Part 2! - Welcome to Greenvale にてThe Good Lifeのインタビュー第二弾を掲載!
Posted by White Owls Inc. (Collaborator)

An interview on The Good Life has been posted on Welcome to Greenvale (http://shshatteredmemories.com/greenvale/), the unofficial Deadly Premonition fan site. This is Part 2, and features 12 Q&A bits.

Interview Page:


Deadly Premonitionの非公式ファンサイトWelcome to Greenvale (http://shshatteredmemories.com/greenvale/) にて The Good Lifeのインタビューを掲載していただきました!

Interview Page:


Throw $1 for SWERY's Birthday
SWERYの誕生日祝いにThe Good Lifeを応援しよう! Thunderclapにてキャンペーン中!


April 14th is SWERY's birthday!
Greed is not good. Even one dollar is OK.The key message is "Throw $1 for SWERY's Birthday".
Please give SWERY a warm birthday celebration.
We promise to thank you afterwards!



4/14はThe Good Lifeのディレクター、SWERYの誕生日。
是非、この日を祝って皆でThe Good Lifeを応援してください。100円からでOKです。



Friends of The Good Life

The Good Life の仲間を紹介!


During PAX East, we had the pleasure to meet Andrew Linde in the Kickstarter space. He is making AVARIAvs, a competitive JRPG. He was kind enough to spread the word about about The Good life with his commnuity. As always, I want to return him the favour and invite you to have a look at his project.



PAX EastのKICKSTARTERスペースで、Andrew Linde氏に出会うことができました。

親切にも彼は自分のコミュニティで「The Good Life」を紹介してくれました!



I Love You All!!


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the gameplay footage should be worthy of it's own thread, the only people checking out this one are people who have already pledged...

Honestly think they should've shown that there's an actual real prototype that exists in a playable state when announcing the kickstarter. These things need a big initial push.

Fairy Godmother

Backward compatible
Oct 27, 2017
I feel like the gameplay footage should be worthy of it's own thread, the only people checking out this one are people who have already pledged...

Honestly think they should've shown that there's an actual real prototype that exists in a playable state when announcing the kickstarter. These things need a big initial push.
That sounds good, actually.


Oct 27, 2017
SWERY is doing an AMA later this week:
While visiting Croatia for Reboot Develop 2018, SWERY is going to do an AMA on reddit on /r/games!
It's planned to run from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm GMT +2 (8:30 to 10:30 am on 4/19 PST), but we will try to post the thread ahead of time in order to have some questions already asked when SWERY starts answering.

SWERY will be answering questions related to The Good Life of course, but also his previous works such as Deadly Premonition and D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die. Oh, and he'll also answer all your questions about Sharapova and coffee...
Ask him anything!
SWERY will be sitting there answering you in real time with his own words.
If there's something you've always been wanting to know, that will be your chance!


Oct 25, 2017
Just backed at the ~$40 PS4 tier, but things aren't looking up for it. I'm hoping for the best, but it would need a real big push here in the last few weeks.


Oct 27, 2017
Q: What will happen if "The Good Life" doesn't meet the kickstarter goal? Will it still be made?
SWERY: I don't want to think about that right now. But I have NO intention of ever giving up on this project.

This made me chuckle:
Q: Can you talk about D4, and where a potential season 2 would have gone?
SWERY: What if I added a special backer achievement to the Kickstarter that said: "If we get ____ backers, SWERY will explain the unofficial story of Season 2 of D4?" What do you think?