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Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
I haven't been going to nintendo thread lately, but I thought Nintendo has been at the top of their game. Lots of thread about how indie games sold the most on switch lately, nintendo games having great reviews, software and hardware sales are amazing and they still have Pokemon and Smash this year.

What are they being defensive about?
Every indie success thread is met with plenty of posts about how they only sold well because the Switch software lineup is lacking.
Sales threads are mostly fine, but some seem annoyed that Switch is doing well
A large segment of Reset Era REALLY hated Pokemon Let's Go. Though I imagine a good portion of that are actual Nintendo fans, still a fair amount of trolls there.
There was a massive debate over whether or not Smash qualifies as a new game, with people obviously trolling.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm gonna go ahead and open up a meta dialogue in this meta dialogue and say that Bobo threads are always really intellectual and I enjoy their OPs
My Era policy has always been "when you're tired of certain threads, instead of bitching about them, make your own", but this time I wanted to do both.

But I'm gonna go away for a while.

OP I still need you to post concrete examples of what you're talking about because I still can't tell if you're defending hyperbole or not

EDIT: obviously the Schreier stuff we're on the same page about
No one else here has that issue. Check out the Octopath review thread. Explore, get full context.

Deleted member 5535

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Just see the thread title for the OT, it's like Schreier made a personal attack on them and they need to fight back

He made a preview on Octopath Traveler. He challenged some of the stuff the devs said (that the game is a FF6 Spiritual Successor) and made a post that people should wait until reviews and hype/hyperbole passed. Some people jumped on him due that.

That's not what happened. He said previews of other outlets were hyperbolic in the positive said but then responded being hyperbolic in a negative sense that Xenoblade 2 is garbage, which is why people stated that he was hypocrite on the thread.


Oct 24, 2017
This thread probably had good intentions but it took less than a page to become this.



Oct 26, 2017
It reminds me of those Gaf satisfaction threads. You know the threads where a bunch of people gather together to tell themselves and the rest of the world that their satisfied with their purchase. It always used to pop up when a game bombed or a console was underperforming. The whole thing was a farce and you could feel the buyers remorse as you parsed through the threads.



One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
This will be my last post in the thread, and then I am off: honestly speaking, I think we could stand to see some positivity in our hobby, and especially on this board. ResetEra is a constant, never ending quagmire of deconstructive criticism of games, essays on way a beloved game is actually terrible, barely veiled jubilation at companies doing poorly, toxicity at the state of the AAA industry, console wars, disputing reviews and opinions, critiques, and on and on and on and on. If a facet of games discourse exists, ResetEra does it, but does it negatively.
Some people posting about how they enjoy their new game, or new console- whatever console it is, it doesn't just have to be Switch- or whatever should not be as offensive to some people as it is. And the fact that it actively troubles some people when others actually post about their enjoyment, including many posters who have posted in this thread, is to me more troubling than "system affinity, insecurity, and seeking validation".

Basically- we can stand to have some more positivity on this board.

I don't expect that to happen, and I expect this post to sink without a trace.
Hear hear Phantom Thief.

Listen, criticism in games is absolutely fantastic, it makes our games better straight up. I am not against criticism at all. But when people try to dispute positive news, or even games because of "X or Y" reason, it becomes absolutely ridiculous. We see this all of the time, everything is either dictated by sales, or not because of reasons. If a game does really well, and people love it, expect dozens of threads saying X or Y game is overrated or bad. This place is in a state of constant hyperbole, so it is good to just see some people enjoying their games. That's actually why I really appreciate you Phantom Thief, and I really enjoy reading your posts and threads.
It's the evangelism that irks me. The constant need to shout from the rooftops about how awesome it is, and it's not about news it's about subjective matters like the lineup or how great the system is. I get that we're never going to totally erase that stuff but when it's gotten so bad that one has to consider setting up scripts or filters to manually block the noise out then that means there's likely a problem that needs to be addressed by the community. And I'm not calling for mod action or anything, I assume we're all adults of varying ages here and should be able to moderate ourselves when it comes to something like this. All I'm asking is to bump the evangelism down a notch or two.
So..... let me get this straight. It's the fact that multiple people are getting their Switch's for the first time, and want to share their experience with how much they like it irks you? Like, you don't have to go to those threads at all. Why can't you just let people have a good time and share their experiences? This is true for any console. I'm a Nintendo/Sony Guy, but that doesn't mean I should barge in a Microsoft Games Pass Thread bemoaning how Microsoft doesn't have "any exclusives". That in itself is irrelevant and off topic, yet it happens all the time.

Why can't people just enjoy their stuff in peace?
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
I could say I'm not, but clearly you wouldn't agree. Do you have an actual point to make or do you want to tell me I'm saying more things I'm not saying?

Well, tell me then what changes need to be done by ResetEra Switch fans, since this is obviously about them, to satisfy your requirements. I mean I get it, the example like the ones in Schreirer's case is really not good behavior but such a thing is not exclusive to Switch fans at all, PS, XBOX, PC, all of them are doing stuff like those, so the I feel like the fact that you specifically need to zone in to Switch fans in this thread is an indication that you just don't like people expressing positivity about Switch at all, or perhaps you want to express something to the tune of, "Holy shit, please don't make too many Switch threads, Nintendo fans!"


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Philadelphia, PA
Console wars have always, and pretty much will always just be large scale buyer's remorse or people trying to justify to themselves spending money on one thing over another. We should be passed that now as a culture, you shouldn't need external pats on the back to validate a buying decision.
Oct 26, 2017
No one else here has that issue. Check out the Octopath review thread. Explore, get full context.
I bet you everyone else in this thread is presuming what you mean based on their own experiences. Basically, what Imran said.

If it was just about the Octopath review why did you link me to a generic "people can't grasp that Nintendo consoles aren't AAA multiplat machines" thread?


Oct 30, 2017
The tribalism is bad on Era, especially in the past 30-40 days. I've posted my issues about redundant threads in the past here, too, and gotten some thread locks/warnings, so I guess I'm not going about it in the best way.

The constant drudging for any excuse to post "Yay, Switch!" over the most mundane reasons is cringe inducing and makes Era a bit less inviting. It's bleeding into the craziest, unprovoked Sony bashing I've seen, too.

It's one thing to talk constructively about something like cross play, but my god... it's getting stupid.
Oct 25, 2017
Well, tell me then what changes need to be done by ResetEra Switch fans, since this is obviously about them, to satisfy your requirements. I mean I get it, the example like the ones in Schreirer's case is really not good behavior but such a thing is not exclusive to Switch fans at all, PS, XBOX, PC, all of them are doing stuff like those, so the I feel like the fact that you specifically need to zone in to Switch fans in this thread is an indication that you just don't like people expressing positivity about Switch at all, or perhaps something to the tune of, "Holy shit, please don't make too many Switch threads, Nintendo fans!"
Holy shit, you're still doing it.

"I need to KNOW that you KNOW this isn't a thread criticizing fans for simply "posting about their enjoyment" which several of you are acting like it is."

"This entails, multiple, redundant threads validating of your system. Which that in of itself isn't that bad, but in addition to that there's, lashing out at people that don't feel as passionately about the system, asking people to leave threads because they're not as positive as you are, accusing people of being "doom and gloom" about a system at the slightest criticism, insisting reviewers have it out for your system (and all other review thread paranoias for that matter), the general mindset that people hate on your system for shits and giggles.

No one enjoys watching something they like get bashed, I get it, but maybe, don't take it so personally. I think it's fair to say some people are trolling and trying to get a rise out of fans, but when there are legit instances of someone going "it'd be nice if X got more games" followed by someone else going "can you guys take this negativity out of this thread", you're too attached."

Yes, I saw that, but why did you attempt to hide it under such a thin veil. It just seems counter-intuitive to make this a thread about general favoritism, and then use such a blatantly obvious example.


Oct 25, 2017
Every indie success thread is met with plenty of posts about how they only sold well because the Switch software lineup is lacking.
Sales threads are mostly fine, but some seem annoyed that Switch is doing well
A large segment of Reset Era REALLY hated Pokemon Let's Go. Though I imagine a good portion of that are actual Nintendo fans, still a fair amount of trolls there.
There was a massive debate over whether or not Smash qualifies as a new game, with people obviously trolling.
Huh, I guess you'd only notice that when you're actually hanging in nintendo thread. For me who hasn't been into nintendo nintendo thread much and only know nintendo news from thread title, my impression is more about how Nintendo is doing awesome. I guess that thread about nintendo stock falling is one of the few negative nintendo thread title I see.
Oct 25, 2017
I bet you everyone else in this thread is presuming what you mean based on their own experiences. Basically, what Imran said.

If it was just about the Octopath review why did you link me to a generic "people can't grasp that Nintendo consoles aren't AAA multiplat machines" thread?
No, I just didn't want to do your homework for you. You're asking for proof and I've said three times "look there" since I thought it was more productive and helpful than showing you 2-3 screenshots from a locked thread (which would be a chore to upload) and each time you've come back with a weird take away which would only suggest you barely looked into it.


Oct 26, 2017
The issue i have with this is that every response is now tactical. People arent just celebrating anymore. No, its clearly intended for viewership, clicks, more sales for their favourite franchises. Sorry if this is an overly pessismistic view but literally every celebratory thread is a jizz party of "well deserved" posts like that legitimizes the sales. I know because im a Yakuza fan, and i do the same. Theres also nothing we can really do to stop it.
Oct 25, 2017
I commend the idea behind this, but no I can't support such a thing that wants to cut some people down simply for feeling like they want to express positivity about video games.

I've never liked it and it's an intrinsic part of following the medium, sad to say.

I will always rail against overt negativity and hatred of any sort in the gaming community instead of extreme affection and fawning over something - which just happens to usually end up meaning a console or gaming platform.

Life's too short.
Oct 25, 2017
I commend the idea behind this, but no I can't support such a thing that wants to cut some people down simply for feeling like they want to express positivity about video games.

I've never liked it and it's an intrinsic part of following the medium, sad to say.

I will always rail against overt negativity and hatred of any sort in the gaming community instead of extreme affection and fawning over something - which just happens to usually end up meaning a console or gaming platform.

Life's too short.
this isn't a thread criticizing fans for simply "posting about their enjoyment"

Come on man. I'm just copying and pasting at this point.
Oct 26, 2017
No, I just didn't want to do your homework for you. You're asking for proof and I've said three times "look there" since I thought it was more productive and helpful than showing you 2-3 screenshots from a locked thread (which would be a chore to upload) and each time you've come back with a weird take away.
Because instead of giving specific examples of what you're talking about, you are linking entire threads expecting me to parse through and see the same thing you do?

You cannot provide what I am asking for, you wrote the thread, it was your homework to do. Something you might see as hyperbolic I might not see an issue with, and vice-versa, and if you are not able to bring specific posts to the table so we can figure out intent/perception/etc. then it's on you.


Oct 26, 2017
i think my biggest gripe with Switch/Nintendo threads is just the general premise most of the time.

many of them tend to read a grade schooler who just discovered a new genre of music or something? Or another popular sentiment is that whatever they're talking about is super new (rarely) and innovative (rarely actually) and how switch/nintendo is doing something super new (probably not). It's just not something you generally see from fans of other (or multiple) platforms, even when the game IS an exclusive and is highly praised.

indie threads are generally annoying, especially ones that specifically point out how well the games sold on Switch, a metric that is neat to know but really not of use to anyone

for comparison, when a thread pops up for a game like Nier Automata or Ni No Kuni 2 praising the same thing...the praise tends to be towards the game itself and its developers. But I can't help but feel like when it happens in a switch threads, there's a very high probability that the overarching message is more about how successful The Switch is, not the game they're actually talking about. The indie game in question is just a conduit for more console validation praise.

I could go more in-depth as to why this thread exists and we're [failing at] having this conversation, but it's happened before and it always ends the same way

but the fact that the thread even exists in the first place should tell the story without me or anyone else needing to elaborate too much more IMO, everyone knows already
Oct 25, 2017
this isn't a thread criticizing fans for simply "posting about their enjoyment"

Come on man. I'm just copying and pasting at this point.

I know, I know!

It's difficult to raise - which you've done, like I said, that's good - but on a forum (ie platform, not the 'forum' as in this actual forum!) where one's original intent can so badly skew in another direction, it's easy to quickly become uncomfortable.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
It reminds me of those Gaf satisfaction threads. You know the threads where a bunch of people gather together to tell themselves and the rest of the world that their satisfied with their purchase. It always used to pop up when a game bombed or a console was underperforming. The whole thing was a farce and you could feel the buyers remorse as you parsed through the threads.

I feel like this is exactly what Phantom Thief was talking about.

Sometimes people enjoy things and want to talk about it. Not everything is some grand conspiracy that needs to be coated in an extra dose of cynicism.


Oct 25, 2017
There are many who will defend their "side" to the death and then there are times in which the defense is needed.

Everyone could stand to stop speaking in such absolutes and perhaps we could get somewhere lol.

There is so many times people throw around THIS THING IS SHIT knowing damn well the reaction they are going to get. Yeah no one likes their favorite things being trashed but the idea that calling it dogshit or implying those who like it are lesser for it is beyond that. The internet has made it so criticism means you either love something or it is the worst thing in the world...rather intended or not it is sadly the case...see any review thread in which no matter how many glowing reviews there are the most negative one will damn sure get the most coverage...even if said "negative" review is simply "its ok but has flaws".

so basically it is what it is. This is internet discourse. You are either with me or against me. And by not liking this thing I are the watch as I screech at you and harass you all de time like a chode. Its rather sad but until people stop going to the extreme to either shill or damn near ask for its removal because of their "opinion" its only going to get worse.


Alt account.
Dec 14, 2017
Was anyone on GAF when PS4 and XB1 launched? This is just the same thing but with Switch.

People are allowed to be happy with whatever they buy and can discuss it I guess? What is so bad about "Yay, Switch!" exactly?
Oct 26, 2017
There are many who will defend their "side" to the death and then there are times in which the defense is needed.

Everyone could stand to stop speaking in such absolutes and perhaps we could get somewhere lol.

There is so many times people throw around THIS THING IS SHIT knowing damn well the reaction they are going to get. Yeah no one likes their favorite things being trashed but the idea that calling it dogshit or implying those who like it are lesser for it is beyond that. The internet has made it so criticism means you either love something or it is the worst thing in the world...rather intended or not it is sadly the case...see any review thread in which no matter how many glowing reviews there are the most negative one will damn sure get the most coverage...even if said "negative" review is simply "its ok but has flaws".

so basically it is what it is. This is internet discourse. You are either with me or against me. And by not liking this thing I are the watch as I screech at you and harass you all de time like a chode. Its rather sad but until people stop going to the extreme to either shill or damn near ask for its removal because of their "opinion" its only going to get worse.
Yeah this is my thing right here


Oct 30, 2017
Was anyone on GAF when PS4 and XB1 launched? This is just the same thing but with Switch.

People are allowed to be happy with whatever they buy and can discuss it I guess? What is so bad about "Yay, Switch!" exactly?

I'd check the OP again.

The discussion here isn't "stop celebrating Switch!"

It get it. It's nice to cheer for your pick, see them succeed, congratulate each milestone, dispel negative narratives. Basically, let people celebrate what they like and have fun. This is not a "no fun allowed" suggestion.

With that said, some of you take it a BIT far.

This entails, multiple, redundant threads validating of your system. Which that in of itself isn't that bad, but in addition to that there's, lashing out at people that don't feel as passionately about the system, asking people to leave threads because they're not as positive as you are, accusing people of being "doom and gloom" about a system at the slightest criticism, insisting reviewers have it out for your system (and all other review thread paranoias for that matter), the general mindset that people hate on your system for shits and giggles.
Oct 25, 2017
Was anyone on GAF when PS4 and XB1 launched? This is just the same thing but with Switch.

People are allowed to be happy with whatever they buy and can discuss it I guess? What is so bad about "Yay, Switch!" exactly?
this isn't a thread criticizing fans for simply "posting about their enjoyment"

Also said in the OP

"It get it. It's nice to cheer for your pick, see them succeed, congratulate each milestone, dispel negative narratives. Basically, let people celebrate what they like and have fun. This is not a "no fun allowed" suggestion."


Oct 25, 2017
This will be my last post in the thread, and then I am off: honestly speaking, I think we could stand to see some positivity in our hobby, and especially on this board. ResetEra is a constant, never ending quagmire of deconstructive criticism of games, essays on way a beloved game is actually terrible, barely veiled jubilation at companies doing poorly, toxicity at the state of the AAA industry, console wars, disputing reviews and opinions, critiques, and on and on and on and on. If a facet of games discourse exists, ResetEra does it, but does it negatively.
Some people posting about how they enjoy their new game, or new console- whatever console it is, it doesn't just have to be Switch- or whatever should not be as offensive to some people as it is. And the fact that it actively troubles some people when others actually post about their enjoyment, including many posters who have posted in this thread, is to me more troubling than "system affinity, insecurity, and seeking validation".

Basically- we can stand to have some more positivity on this board.

I don't expect that to happen, and I expect this post to sink without a trace.
I agree. I hate that every thread about critically acclaimed, well received games turns into an absolute shitshow of "game is trash" posts from people who apparently have nothing better to do than shitpost about a game that they spend more time discussing than things they actually liked.

Every major exclusive gets this treatment, along with many Ubisoft games and every single Call of Duty thread.

Then you have the new hotness, where every Sony thread has to be about crossplay, or where backwards compatibility is apparently the most important feature ever conceived now, even though it did fuck all for them last gen and doesn't seem to be doing shit for their competition now.

Don't even get me started on the term "anti consumer," which apparently just means "thing I disagree with." And "walking sim." And "they're movies not games," and "X company's games are all the same," and myriad other horseshit lines that get thrown around with reckless abandon.


Alt account.
Dec 14, 2017
this isn't a thread criticizing fans for simply "posting about their enjoyment"

Also said in the OP

"It get it. It's nice to cheer for your pick, see them succeed, congratulate each milestone, dispel negative narratives. Basically, let people celebrate what they like and have fun. This is not a "no fun allowed" suggestion."

A lot of responses are, or just blatantly antagonistic, for instance below.



Oct 30, 2017
A lot of posts in this thread are unfortunately saying otherwise though which is a shame. We all love gaming, that's why we're here right? Why can't we all just get along...

I'd consider what the conversation is asking as a whole:

Some people need to work on the tribalism, defensiveness, and corporate cheer leading. There's positivity and then there's... redundant threads. Woo-hooing over ports (repetitively), and casting criticism of port begging as "hating" and the like. "Don't come in this thread!" "Perfect for Switch!" and finding any excuse possible to trash on the PS4 has become too regular a thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Nintendo fans.

But let's not pretend the Uncharted 3 review thread didn't happen on the old site. This is an every system problem, but on here, at this time, one group stands out above the rest for this, to me at least.

(Instantly regretted typing this, but I'll stand by it).

Thank you for saying it. Regardless of whether I believe Switch or Nintendo fans (or the Uncharted 3 response) to be a problem right now or whether I agree with the premise of the thread I appreciate that you said what you thought instead of trying to say something without actually saying it.
Last edited:


Dec 13, 2017
It's both sad and amusing that I know two of the people you're referring to: one got banned for a social experiment and another camps at particular topics.

They also like making reassurance threads. lul

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
I'd consider what the conversation is asking as a whole:

Some people need to work on the tribalism, defensiveness, and corporate cheer leading. There's positivity and then there's... redundant threads. Woo-hooing over ports (repetitively), and casting criticism of port begging as "hating" and the like. "Don't come in this thread!" "Perfect for Switch!" and finding any excuse possible to trash on the PS4 has become too regular a thing.
This I don't get. Why can't we be happy over ports? And why is it bad to want games to come to Switch?

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
Just see the thread title for the OT, it's like Schreier made a personal attack on them and they need to fight back

He made a preview on Octopath Traveler. He challenged some of the stuff the devs said (that the game is a FF6 Spiritual Successor) and made a post that people should wait until reviews and hype/hyperbole passed. Some people jumped on him due that.

Some people didn't like his Octopath review, and took it way too far. Beyond basic disagreement, and into the whole "he just hates Nintendo RPGs" kinda thing.

Nah, it wasn't that at all..

That's not what happened. He said previews of other outlets were hyperbolic in the positive said but then responded being hyperbolic in a negative sense that Xenoblade 2 is garbage, which is why people stated that he was hypocrite on the thread.

It was this ^ the problem being that way too many people jumped on him for that and just wouldn't drop it. The point, if there was one, had already been made.

Now we even have a reference to it in the OT title...

Deleted member 32018

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
I'd consider what the conversation is asking as a whole:

Some people need to work on the tribalism, defensiveness, and corporate cheer leading. There's positivity and then there's... redundant threads. Woo-hooing over ports (repetitively), and casting criticism of port begging as "hating" and the like. "Don't come in this thread!" "Perfect for Switch!" and finding any excuse possible to trash on the PS4 has become too regular a thing.

Your usage of these examples themselves show tribalism.
Oct 25, 2017
The recent poll thread asking whether PSVR was a good/bad investment for Sony was refreshingly positive for a VR thread. Maybe we're all growing up?!
Oct 25, 2017
This I don't get. Why can't we be happy over ports? And why is it bad to want games to come to Switch?
I feel like you had to ignore a lot of that post to ask this question. There's nothing wrong with those things you're asking about. But ...

I'd consider what the conversation is asking as a whole:

Some people need to work on the tribalism, defensiveness, and corporate cheer leading
. There's positivity and then there's... redundant threads. Woo-hooing over ports (repetitively), and casting criticism of port begging as "hating" and the like. "Don't come in this thread!" "Perfect for Switch!" and finding any excuse possible to trash on the PS4 has become too regular a thing.


Oct 30, 2017
This I don't get. Why can't we be happy over ports? And why is it bad to want games to come to Switch?

It's not being happy about ports... it overzealous, repetitive assurance threads about things like ports that become combative echo-chambers. You follow?

Again, this isn't a thread saying "don't be happy about ___." I really hope that sinks in.

Your usage of these examples themselves show tribalism.

Come on. Be reasonable. I'm not going to entertain a conversation with you if that's your response.
Oct 27, 2017
This entails, multiple, redundant threads validating of your system. Which that in of itself isn't that bad, but in addition to that there's, lashing out at people that don't feel as passionately about the system, asking people to leave threads because they're not as positive as you are, accusing people of being "doom and gloom" about a system at the slightest criticism, insisting reviewers have it out for your system (and all other review thread paranoias for that matter), the general mindset that people hate on your system for shits and giggles.

Did you see the Sea of Thieves review thread?

That was a fucking shitshow. IIRC it wasnt even 5 pages in when someone commented 'lol this is xbox's no man's sky' and got a lot of people riled up.

I guess posts like that is what make people ultra defensive on certain topics. One bad post cant make a thread go down the shitter.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
A lot of responses are, or just blatantly antagonistic, for instance below.
Because y'all took the bait. OP didn't say you couldn't say "yay switch" or whatever. They're just talking about people acting like "fanboys" in general then this got turned into a Nintendo vs everybody thread for some reason.


Oct 25, 2017
People want more games for their system of choice. People would rather not have to dig through mountains of negativity to talk about their games/system of choice (regardless of how valid it may be or not).

I don't see the problem. The former does get a bit annoying w/ the "wheres da ____ version) posts but that is a bannable offense so they probably aren't long for this place anyway. The latter is more than fine. Hell I wish it got enforced at times lol.

I own all 3 systems and have a solid PC. So I have no real horse in the race so to speak. But when I wasn't as lucky and only had 1-2 systems, I understand the struggle. But at the end of the day...its just games fam. We all could stand to remember this . You don't like a game? Cool. I personally find the newest GOW to be just ok. In fact many of Sony's first party games are meh to me. I don't spend my waking moments telling everyone this every chance I get either. And when I do I'd explain it and not use loaded words like trash or shit, because I know it will send someone in a tizzy. I have some harsh ass words for Horizon son....but who fucking cares what I think beyond "I didn't like it"? The fact is that going on and on about why I didn't like it is a rather pointless endeavor when I could rather be spending my time talking about shit I do like. Life is too short to constantly hone in on shit I don't like....where as honing on shit I do like often can lead to one finding out new shit, or perhaps things just like that thing I like. That has been the best part of being on the internet in general....but somewhere along the line talking about shit you like became a circlejerk and made you a shill , sheep, or fanboy and the messed schoolyard logic many have can't have that so like the "cool kids" they gotta be jaded and cynical for cool points or something. BUT TBF you also got fucking loyalists who would probably catch a body over their thing of choice and they make it very tough to just simply talk about said thing because of the weird cult like aura it sadly gives off. So its a shit situation all around

I think we all just gotta become better with our words probably. Some of my favorite games of all time have some jank ass shit in them and I am aware of it...and yet if I ever brought it up in the wrong way I am sure some dude/dudette would fly off the handle about it.

so yeah.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe you made a thread to publicly mock people having harmless fun and sharing their love for their video game systems. The nerve.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like you had to ignore a lot of that post to ask this question. There's nothing wrong with those things you're asking about. But ...

I'd consider what the conversation is asking as a whole:

Some people need to work on the tribalism, defensiveness, and corporate cheer leading
. There's positivity and then there's... redundant threads. Woo-hooing over ports (repetitively), and casting criticism of port begging as "hating" and the like. "Don't come in this thread!" "Perfect for Switch!" and finding any excuse possible to trash on the PS4 has become too regular a thing.
Bro how can you say that people arent allowed to be happy about their game console? Why do you explicitly believe that?

There must be an illiteracy virus going around.
I can't believe you made a thread to publicly mock people having fun with and sharing their love for their video game systems. The nerve.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
It's not being happy about ports... it overzealous, repetitive assurance threads about things like ports that become combative echo-chambers. You follow?

Again, this isn't a thread saying "don't be happy about ___." I really hope that sinks in.

Come on. Be reasonable. I'm not going to entertain a conversation with you if that's your response.

What's the difference between 'happy Switch threads' and 'I need to reassure myself that Switch is great' threads?

Can you perhaps show us examples?


Oct 25, 2017
What's the difference between 'happy Switch threads' and 'I need to reassure myself that Switch is great' threads?

Can you perhaps show us examples?
is there really any difference from the normal <insert game here> sold a lot or won an award thread? Most of those are just "reassurance" threads too, no?

or perhaps they legit think said thing is actually great and want to share it with other like minded folks?

I am not seeing the problem here.
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