
Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil

"They did not create a program. They have summoned a god." - SHODAN

System Shock Remake is a bit of a first for me because it's the first remake that I play without having played the original before, or at least a very similar sequel. I had played SS2 but there is obviously a major difference between the first and the second System Shock game. And the reason I have not played it is because I was... scared of commiting to the original. I'm not one to shy away from older games, and I tend to think that age doesn't compromise gameplay mechanics. Yet System Shock always looked like a daring prospect. I still might one day play it. One day...

But here comes the remake. It looks amazing and got great reception, so I decided that it was time. And what I saw was pure glory.

Let me put this way: this is an almost 1:1 remake. And while playing it I kept thinking how absurd is that a 1994 game was already doing some of the things that I was expericiecing. I wasn't playing a 1994 game, except that I was. The level design, the mechanics, the story, the writing... they were all spetacular. I could see limitations of course, but the accomplishments of System Shock were staggering. One example, I once created a thread saying why I think Control's levitate might be the very best powers of its kind. Imagine my surprise when I realized the Jump Jet in System Shock is mechanically speaking the exact same thing! I don't know how much the controls were tweaked in the remake but assuming they worked the same way in the original, it's an identical ability to Control's levitate. You could say both of them are just generic jetpacks, but the point is how they are mixed with the controls and how effortless they are integrated to the normal gameplay.

A remake such as System Shock allows you to see all the greatness of the original through a new lens. A shinier, more powerful lens, for sure. Yet the object that you're seeing remains the same. I still have not played the original, yet I feel now I can understand just how incredible it was.

Of course, you can say that this effect only exists, or it's only really significant, because we're talking about a remake that came out almost 30 years after the original (1994 was 29 years ago, let that sink if for a moment) and there is truth to that assessment. Yet the objective time difference is less important than the subjective view of that difference. For me, System Shock was a game that felt to far away from what I was confortable with to try. For others it wasn't. And for others much more recent games might offer a similar barrier, which is to say you don't need to wait 30 years for a remake to be worth to people.

Video games are unique medium and technology affects it more than any other. Allowing the... soul of older games to resurface is very important as I see it. There are other ways to make that happen of course. I hope the upcoming Tomb Raider remaster achieve a similar result to many people.

And I couldn't finish this thread without saying the obvious: Nightdive should give System Shock 2 the same treatment! Shodan *demands* it.

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Oct 25, 2017
Hearing people praise the remake and claim how close to original it is and it's an example of how remakes should be done while making no mention of how much they changed, and in my opinion fucked up, the music really bums me out

what we could have had

zircon & Jonathan Peros - Ethical Constraints Removed (System Shock)

System Shock now on Kickstarter! drum and bass (DNB) remix / reimagining of the Intro theme ...


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
Hearing people praise the remake and claim how close to original it is and it's an example of how remakes should be done while making no mention of how much they changed, and in my opinion fucked up, the music really bums me out

what we could have had

zircon & Jonathan Peros - Ethical Constraints Removed (System Shock)

System Shock now on Kickstarter! drum and bass (DNB) remix / reimagining of the Intro theme ...

I cannot comment on that as I mentioned I have not played the original. Yet if they changed the music a lot they could release the original music as an option, like how REmake 2 and REmake 4 did.

Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I was amazed by how well SS 2023 straddled the line between homage & modern design.

Feels like a tough needle to thread if you're trying to respect the source material while at the same time catering to new audiences.

Just super-successful all around and an easy Top 10 entry for me this year.


Jan 27, 2018
Loved the remake, helps that the original game was really good and that translated well to what a modern version could look like.


Oct 26, 2017
New Jersey
Yeah, I loved the remake so much for all the reasons you listed. I hope it sold well and encourages similar remakes in the future - though I'm not sure how many other games from that era both need a remake and still have rock solid design in the way System Shock did.


Mar 16, 2018
do we know if the remake has been a success for nightdive? would love them to remake system shock 2 the same way

Host Samurai

Oct 27, 2017
I haven't play it yet (I plan to), but I definitely appreciate how they didn't completely abandon the originals somewhat abstract look to its environments. Most remakes would completely redesign its environments into something more sensical, which takes away its charm.

Deleted member 16136

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I wish I could reset my brain and replay it, loved every god damned minute of it having never played a SS before so went in knowing literally nothing, and it was pure joy.


Oct 27, 2017
100% agreed. Nightdive absolutely knocked this remake out of the park. I'm really glad they took their time with it.


Oct 25, 2017
South Florida
Adored the original SS1 in the 90s but have no pc to play. I backed the kickstarter now waiting for a console release. I'm just hoping they give us seven console backers a new gen option. (ps5) It still warms my heart that the game came out good.


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
cannot wait for the xbox port, and yeah i want the same for 2 very badly

audio aside i'm glad to hear how faithful it was - as a primarily console user, i'm really happy we saw ports of planescape, baldur's gate 1&2 and others last gen. i'd really love to see fallout 1&2 and vampire bloodlines down the road, OG deus ex as well

Extra Sauce

Oct 27, 2017
Hearing people praise the remake and claim how close to original it is and it's an example of how remakes should be done while making no mention of how much they changed, and in my opinion fucked up, the music really bums me out

what we could have had

zircon & Jonathan Peros - Ethical Constraints Removed (System Shock)

System Shock now on Kickstarter! drum and bass (DNB) remix / reimagining of the Intro theme ...

that's unfortunate, I love the original music. I hope there is a possibility of patching in an option to switch to it.
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Oct 25, 2017
Hearing people praise the remake and claim how close to original it is and it's an example of how remakes should be done while making no mention of how much they changed, and in my opinion fucked up, the music really bums me out

what we could have had

zircon & Jonathan Peros - Ethical Constraints Removed (System Shock)

System Shock now on Kickstarter! drum and bass (DNB) remix / reimagining of the Intro theme ...
Dunno what you are talking about. The music is aces. Very atmospheric exploration remixes that move seemlessly into great combat tracks. Executive is godlike.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
Waiting for the console version. I liked the PC demo quite a bit but the combat was a major bummer. Hope they fixed that up by now.

If the combat in the demo was like the combat in the final game, there is nothing to fix. The gunplay is certainly simple, but this game was working in the framework of a 30 years old game. I think they made the combat clean and pretty, and that works really well for this game. Weapons are cool to use and their effects and sounds are fantastic. But in the end, combat is really about ammo and health management. Quite like classic survival horror.

I can understand why someone might think it's too simple, but it's certainly not *broken*.


Feb 6, 2021
Looking forward to this on console, great reactions to the PC release.

There is something about the visual treatment that I love, can't quite put my finger on what, but damn it looks good.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017

I only entered this thread to see how many posts before someone posted this. Took longer than I'd have guessed!

On topic, I don't have much to add other than the game looked interesting, and I appreciate the approach it takes to difficulty. I can see myself giving it a shot eventually on consoles.
Dec 6, 2017
If the combat in the demo was like the combat in the final game, there is nothing to fix. The gunplay is certainly simple, but this game was working in the framework of a 30 years old game. I think they made the combat clean and pretty, and that works really well for this game. Weapons are cool to use and their effects and sounds are fantastic. But in the end, combat is really about ammo and health management. Quite like classic survival horror.

I can understand why someone might think it's too simple, but it's certainly not *broken*.
That wasn't my issue. It had next to no hit impacts and felt way off in general. I don't mind simple.


Oct 25, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
I rarely ever pre-order but I had to make an exception this time, because it's System Shock and it's Nightdive.

This had been my most anticipated game for years and the extremely long wait paid off in spades. What a goddamn amazing experience. Pure electric, hallucinatory cyber horror goodness.

I had only played SS2 before and the antiquated controls scared me off playing the first.

This game sunk its teeth into me and didn't let go for the full 15 or so hours I spent with it. The atmosphere, soundtrack, voice acting, moment to moment gameplay - everything worked so perfectly well together.

It's got its problems - like poor melee combat and a bad endgame section (which they are apparently reworking) - but it's still one of my favorite releases of this year. I also *love* that they allowed so much of the game's difficulty to be customized.

I do very much hope they get the chance to do SS3 (and maybe get Warren Spector on board as director too) because I think that with the right time and budget, Nightdive will absolutely knock it out of the park.
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Nov 2, 2017
I've been waiting for the 1.2 update to play this with objective markers (yes I'm a filthy casual - what of it?). Where is it? It was announced in August.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't get to play everything this year, not by a long shot, but right now this is my likely GOTY.

I'd only ever played System Shock 2 and thought occasionally about going back for the first but heard it was just too antiquated, too difficult for most modern players to adapt to. The remake was on my radar but I wasn't sure if it'd be any good; it's quite the tightrope it had to walk. And while there were times I found it incredibly frustrating--a combat scenario that was just too hard, or the feeling of not having enough resources on hand--it was also a rewarding experience in ways that feel almost foreign now. Suddenly, listening to all those audio logs isn't just added colour and worldbuilding; vital clues are buried in them that allow you to retrace the steps of the people who died on Citadel, and perhaps succeed where they failed.


Has got mad skills!!
Oct 27, 2017
Really stoked for this to finally hit consoles.

Hopefully it makes this year!


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
While I think a remake of SS2 would be potentially neat, I think the game needs the treatment a LOT less than System Shock did. To be fair, I'm probably looking at it with rose-tinted glasses and haven't played it in a while, but I remember it playing much more similarly to a modern first-person shooter.