
Oct 27, 2017
Really? I get that a woman reporter might want to dress customarily when performing public interviews in ME countries but here is a piece from her in Ukraine where she doesn't appear to wear a hijab unless required to customarily or in this case maybe actually being pushed by the Taliban to wear the burka?

What point were you trying to make with this, because if it wasn't "I don't know where Ukraine is or what religion is the followed by most people there" then you failed to make it well.


Oct 25, 2017
I imagine so many pushed it back because it would have looked like Vietnam 2.0. And well, here we are. Trump didn't care because he'd lie around it, his audience would buy it, and even take Taliban thank you's as a very good thing.

The thing that stings the most is all of the motherfuckers who got us in this war are now going to attack Biden for doing...the thing they've asked for the country to do for a decade now. Biden's now "weak" and a "fool" for the AAF caving to the Taliban. No questions of "how the fuck did this military we've propped up since its 2002 formation cave to child rapists waltzing into cities?"

If he leaves, he's weak because the country caved because the country caved. If he stays, he's perpetuating a forever war. No actual effort of democracy was planned for this country, just "regime change," and it's these same conservative shitheels that don't look at the history that America has yet to have one success story of this. All efforts create destabilization and something worse emerges from it. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, only ever temporarily numbed by Americans being the ones pulling triggers.
That's what's so frustrating about this. The fuckers who started this mess are going to use this for political gain and push us further into fascism.
Nov 9, 2017
Those trying to spin this withdrawal as anything other than a colossal fuck up will forever get side-eye from me. Stop forever trying to score political points and just see the truth for what it is.


Oct 25, 2017


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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Really? I get that a woman reporter might want to dress customarily when performing public interviews in ME countries but here is a piece from her in Ukraine where she doesn't appear to wear a hijab unless required to customarily or in this case maybe actually being pushed by the Taliban to wear the burka?


Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I absolutely feel for the afghani. But is there anything we can do? asking this earnestly legit asking if we can help


Oct 25, 2017
Such a sad turn of events. I just hope that those who want to get out of the country can do so safely and find a good place to live in.


Oct 29, 2017
i agree but if the airport is compromised how are we getting them out?

The airport is still in US hands.

Honestly I think the best thing to do would be for the US and other nations to negotiate with the Taliban for a grace period for foreign nationals and Afghan government personnel to leave the country.

Is there any evidence the airport has been compromised? I figured there would be fire fights if that was the case but I haven't heard of any direct engagement between the US and Taliban.

US soldiers apparently shot some civilians but so far the Taliban haven't engaged.

Deleted member 70788

Jun 2, 2020
One small comment about speaking about the people in Afghanistan I'm seeing here. When I used the term "Aghani" I was corrected by my friend that it is better to use "Afghan." Afghani apparently is used more for currency. He said it wasn't offensive, but they prefer the "Afghan" identifier.


Oct 25, 2017
I absolutely feel for the afghani. But is there anything we can do? asking this earnestly legit asking if we can help
This is the end result of a horrible invasion and occupation that was based on revenge. I hate seeing the suffering that is happening now, but there was suffering there for the past 40+ years. 20 of it was under US occupation. And a lot of bad things were happening during that time too. Its just a horrible mess with so much loss and human tragedy.

I honestly don't know what any of us can do. I don't see the US stopping their meddling in this region or the ME in general for a long time.

Normally I would say you could donate to someone or vote for a party, but this bullshit and the American war machine seems to generally be a bipartisan issue.

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Apparently military craft are planned to resume evacuations soon, but I just wonder the absolute chaos that's going to happen when that part of this is done and civilians are left to learn what it really means to be desperate and needing the help of American government...

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
One small comment about speaking about the people in Afghanistan I'm seeing here. When I used the term "Aghani" I was corrected by my friend that it is better to use "Afghan." Afghani apparently is used more for currency. He said it wasn't offensive, but they prefer the "Afghan" identifier.
will use in the future


Dec 28, 2017
This is a crazy sight: Taliban broadcast from ANT, Afghan national broadcaster



Oct 27, 2017
One small comment about speaking about the people in Afghanistan I'm seeing here. When I used the term "Aghani" I was corrected by my friend that it is better to use "Afghan." Afghani apparently is used more for currency. He said it wasn't offensive, but they prefer the "Afghan" identifier.
Indeed, I've never heard of them being referred to as "Afghani" until just now in this thread.


Oct 27, 2017
If only someone had thought of that sooner and stayed long enough to get them out…
This is a bigger problem than just Afghanistan. The US's entire refugee system was just totally destroyed during the Trump administration. And it wasn't great to begin with. You can't just whip something up. It will be a multi-year process. Are you advocating for the US to stay two more years?


Oct 27, 2017
My heart goes out to all the Afghans wanting to get out. I won't watch that airplane video.


Oct 27, 2017
If only someone had thought of that sooner and stayed long enough to get them out…
How many are you talking about that you think the US or other counties should have helped get away? I mean, if I were a woman there and knew what was coming, I'd get out. Including men that are also afraid, that may be millions of people. Millions of people through a single (small?) airport? That'd be quite an undertaking, let alone finding them safe countries where they'd be allowed to go. Knowing surrounding countries, they're not always welcoming refugees with open arms, let alone the EU / US.

And it's not that I disagree, just wondering. I really never thought it'd all go this fast, so sad.


Aug 1, 2018
This is a bigger problem than just Afghanistan. The US's entire refugee system was just totally destroyed during the Trump administration. And it wasn't great to begin with. You can't just whip something up. It will be a multi-year process. Are you advocating for the US to stay two more years?

I'm not advocating staying for two years.

The US can bring people here and then sort it out later. It doesn't have to be sorted out first.

How many are you talking about that you think the US or other counties should have helped get away? I mean, if I were a woman there and knew what was coming, I'd get out. Including men that are also afraid, that may be millions of people. Millions of people through a single (small?) airport? That'd be quite an undertaking, let alone finding them safe countries where they'd be allowed to go.

(And it's not that I disagree, just wondering).

I don't have a specific number of people. We should, at the very least, get out those that helped the US and other governments.


Oct 27, 2017
How many are you talking about that you think the US or other counties should have helped get away? I mean, if I were a woman there and knew what was coming, I'd get out. Including men that are also afraid, that may be millions of people. Millions of people through a single (small?) airport? That'd be quite an undertaking, let alone finding them safe countries where they'd be allowed to go.

(And it's not that I disagree, just wondering).
Pretty sure they mean Afghans who've been employed by foreign governments and militaries since they'll likely face retribution once the dust settles.


Oct 28, 2017
Oakland Bay Area
Seems like they just assumed large parts of the government would put up a token resistance even though it's difficult to see what their incentive would be.

I mean what's in it for the average Afghan soldier to fight the Taliban at this point? They're going to win why would you piss them off.

Yep. I'm feeling like the people in charge over there, the generals and the like, need to be demoted or step down. Like this is a gross failure on their part.They let this scam continue for almost two decades, with absolutely nothing to show for it except maybe a fatter wallet and connections for themselves. It's also clear they have been selling to intelligence that it would take months for a taliban takeover based on absolute bullshit on their part covering their own asses. They are clearly incompetent in the best case, or complicent, at the worst. It's time to clean house.

That's the way it seemed, the government and military there was not ready or willing to put up a fight. They weren't willing to die - theyd rather give up to the Taliban.


Nov 1, 2017
That's the way it seemed, the government and military there was not ready or willing to put up a fight. They weren't willing to die - theyd rather give up to the Taliban.

How it keeps happening. US shows up, then offers to train and build an army. They offer money, people come in droves and sign up, but there is no real motivation or proper thought put into it. The training is bare minimum for these puppet armies, there is no loyalty and many in the military know this, have said for a long time they aren't up to snuff or can be left alone. We spend a ton of money and folks flock to join in large part because it's money, suddenly thousands of jobs are created and offered to the people who need it and they rush to join the army. They have no intention of fighting, and as soon as the US is gone, like history repeats they bail out or turn sides.