
Oct 28, 2017

If they're already doing this, does this confirm that she did lie ?

They are now officially investigating. Technically, there could still be some weird records sanfu -- but it seems highly unlikely at this point that Antioch representatives would put out statements to the NYT and CNN without quadruple-checking their records.

The final nail would be coming through court records, as defense attorneys subpoena Antioch for her educational records, and she and her lawyers respond.

Either she graduated or didn't. It's a binary result, and we'll find out one way or another once the legal paper starts flying.

Deleted member 1120

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm actually shocked I was never banned.

In every Tara Reade thread where I made a post, I noted that we should be very cognizant of the fact that her first media interview was through The Hill, a publication which originated the Burisma and Ukraine conspiracy theories. The "double-dip" superseding allegation was also incredibly unusual and should have provoked much more caution than many posters here wanted to commit. We just don't have much precedence for that. Waiting for journalists from NYT, WP, etc. to weigh in was always the correct path.
It's because there ARE people who dissented and weren't banned.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
I think, all of us who have voted are complicit in some way. If we vote to put people in power, we have to own the good and the bad. It's fair for someone to point out what you're potentially voting for, and it's fair for you to say this is still going to be my vote. A lot of us are in the difficult position of casting a ballot for a person we don't like, or think is bad- if a victim of sexual assault were to say by voting for a rapist we are enabling that, who are we to argue that? That's a real hurt, that's real consequences. Instead of getting upset about it, we can work to change the system so it doesn't have to be that way, and do the work for victims, and do the best we can given the circumstances while also not throwing it in their faces or anything or downplaying where they are coming from.
But there is a way to do that without going down the "you're a rape apologist" road. And there is a way to question things without insulting or being dismissive of an accuser.

I'm a black voter. I know all about having to pick between two non-ideal choices. I don't always need it mentioned at every possible opportunity.


Oct 27, 2017
10/10 thread, would read again.
There are people STILL banned for things 100% reasoned and logical they said about this woman. Given there are probably a hundred posts in this thread worse than what I got banned 2 weeks for , I'll just assume the mods are all asleep tonight and will catch up with things in the morning. You know what? Perhaps I should report all those posts myself just to make sure they get to them ASAP.

I've never taken a forum victory lap before, but I'm making a special point to here. As an active forum member since day one, I always, ALWAYS went out of my way to be civil and reasoned when I spoke. No bans, not even any warnings, staying away from that post button if I thought I was about to say something I'd later regret. Someone fished my post history, I got banned for saying she had "marginal credibility issues," and got labeled as a rape apologist.

Consequences from this are horrible for millions of women who fight every year to get their stories taken seriously. As a survivor myself, I fucking hate people like Reade, and fuck how this forum has handled the whole situation.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
20 potential counts of perjury is no laughing matter. She's in big trouble, Biden or no Biden.

yep. She should probably get a civil and criminal lawyer cause 20 cases is a lot, and, since it was all in the same county, she can go to jail. She can also be sued in civil court by anyone who may have been innocent.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree with this but it's always going to be a balancing act. While I think Era may have overcorrected in one direction, at the end of the day I'm fine with not being able to play internet detective until more things come to light rather than let people decry an accuser as a liar because they accused that person's favorite actor/athlete/politician. I'd just ask that it be applied in a balanced way. People shouldn't be allowed to say definitively one way or another until investigations are done. It's not about protecting the accused but as we saw, self righteous bad faith posters used the accusations themselves as definitive proof in order to basically stifle criticism, shut down discussion, or cudgel shows of support especially in topics not having to do with the accusations.

Now once accusations are proven, that's part of their legacy and I think the bad acts should be free to be brought up whenever.

Just my take.
As others have pointed out, it was determined it was ok to call Biden a rapist. That essentially is definitely picking one side as right. I agree with you though, I wish it was practiced that way


Jul 6, 2019
I'm actually shocked I was never banned.

In every Tara Reade thread where I made a post, I noted that we should be very cognizant of the fact that her first media interview was through The Hill, a publication which originated the Burisma and Ukraine conspiracy theories. The "double-dip" superseding allegation was also incredibly unusual and should have provoked much more caution than many posters here wanted to commit. We just don't have much precedence for that. Waiting for journalists from NYT, WP, etc. to weigh in was always the correct path.

I had the same gut reaction, but it feels like you had to walk on egg shells so I just shut up and waited for more information.

So happy I had to out my own sexual assault on this site so that i could even dare to have a conversation about this woman.

This post is honestly heartbreaking. :(


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Here's the thing -- it is fair to doubt people who come forward. Nobody's claims should be taken at face-value, or believed whole-heartedly, without leaving open the possibility that their claims are untrue to some degree.
There is always the possibility an individual is not being truthful. However, with how rare we know that to be (and there have been studies on this to prove it), and how many women do not come forward (there have been studies on this as well, 30% at most) due in part to fear of nobody believing them, I think it's better to cultivate a supportive atmosphere for women who come forward and allow their claims to be taken seriously and at face value until proven otherwise. Doing so will likely ensure more women come forward in the future, representing a net benefit to the cause of eradicating sexual assault, or at least changing the culture.


Oct 27, 2017
This is honestly becoming deju vu on era. I've seen this exact discussion play out in multiple threads on various high profile cases involving accusations that turned out to be false. Nothing really changes with the level of discourse or moderation. Very little self reflection, just more doubling down.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
They are now officially investigating. Technically, there could still be some weird records sanfu -- but it seems highly unlikely at this point that Antioch representatives would put out statements to the NYT and CNN without quadruple-checking their records.
yeah, if there's any chance those records exist then it would be some mix up, but considering the statements from both parties it seems more likely it's a lie

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
I agree with this but it's always going to be a balancing act. While I think Era may have overcorrected in one direction, at the end of the day I'm fine with not being able to play internet detective until more things come to light rather than let people decry an accuser as a liar because they accused that person's favorite actor/athlete/politician. I'd just ask that it be applied in a balanced way. People shouldn't be allowed to say definitively one way or another until investigations are done. It's not about protecting the accused but as we saw, self righteous bad faith posters used the accusations themselves as definitive proof in order to basically stifle criticism, shut down discussion, or cudgel shows of support especially in topics not having to do with the accusations.

Now once accusations are proven, that's part of their legacy and I think the bad acts should be free to be brought up whenever.

Just my take.
Yes that's fair. It's I'm sure tough to approach as a moderator or team, but there has to be a better balance in general.
They are now officially investigating. Technically, there could still be some weird records sanfu -- but it seems highly unlikely at this point that Antioch representatives would put out statements to the NYT and CNN without quadruple-checking their records.
The whole "secret degree" is such total nonsense I don't think there's anything further to be said about it. That's not a thing that universities do. It kind of defeats the point of going to university, in fact.


Oct 28, 2017
There is always the possibility an individual is not being truthful. However, with how rare we know that to be (and there have been studies on this to prove it), and how many women do not come forward (there have been studies on this as well, 30% at most) due in part to fear of nobody believing them, I think it's better to cultivate a supportive atmosphere for women who come forward and allow their claims to be taken seriously and at face value until proven otherwise. Doing so will likely ensure more women come forward in the future, representing a net benefit to the cause of eradicating sexual assault, or at least changing the culture.

I agree we should cultivate a supportive atmosphere -- but that doesn't mean we set up star chambers. You said it yourself -- "allow their claims to be taken seriously and at face value until proven otherwise."

Discussing an accuser's accusations, their potential biases and credability issues, and the larger context of their accusation is still taking their claims seriously.
Oct 27, 2017
Yea.... I learned my lesson the hard way with Jussie Smollet and Johnny Depp. I may say, "I think XYZ" but I leave it at that. There's no point getting super heated, when so many pieces are missing from the puzzle.

And now I hear that PoliEra had a mass exodus because they were branded as rape apologists? Fuck, what a blow to this community, that could have been avoided if people only could have been less overzealous in their self righteousness.

This is such a horrible situation. And just like Jussie's case, all this does is set the entire movement back. Pathological liars do so much damage. Fuck.


Oct 27, 2017
I was always sceptical of her claims given what had happened previously with the likes of Smollett (hence why I never really commented on these topics), this just entrenches that my scepticism was warranted. And even regardless of whether her claims are true or not, this is bad on many levels, since it means guilty parties either get away, and/or people who didn't do a thing spent years in the clink for nothing.


Oct 25, 2017
In every Tara Reade thread where I made a post, I noted that we should be very cognizant of the fact that her first media interview was through The Hill, a publication which originated the Burisma and Ukraine conspiracy theories. The "double-dip" superseding allegation was also incredibly unusual and should have provoked much more caution than many posters here wanted to commit. We just don't have much precedence for that. Waiting for journalists from NYT, WP, etc. to weigh in was always the correct path.

The site needs a blanket ban on The Hill and The Intercept, to be honest. If people cannot reasonably do all/most of what this asks


then Era needs to take steps to ban shitty media orgs in order to improve discussion.


Oct 28, 2017
This is honestly becoming deju vu on era. I've seen this exact discussion play out in multiple threads on various high profile cases involving accusations that turned out to be false. Nothing really changes with the level of discourse or moderation. Very little self reflection, just more doubling down.

How often does this happen vs how often is the claim actually just straight forward?

I feel like people are trying to use this to dunk on moderation and it's dishonest. The vast majority of times we have cases involving these types of allegations or sensitive topics the shit is actually what it appears to be. We just remember the ones that aren't because they stand out for that exact reason.


Oct 28, 2017
The whole "secret degree" is such total nonsense I don't think there's anything further to be said about it. That's not a thing that universities do. It kind of defeats the point of going to university, in fact.

Yeah, It's pretty much 100% that she lied about the secret degree nonsense -- but I'm just pointing out that (being fair here) there is still a technical possibility she did graduate, but the records are missing or incorrect or something. That's the last 1% of possibility she has left to not have gotten her law degree under false pretenses and lied under oath.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Nope. Nope. That's her credibility shot for me. I was already leaning away after that article interviewing all those people who used to work with/for Biden came out, the implication that she lied about why she left or got fired, and the fact that the place she cites as the place of assault is apparently somewhere highly impractical/improbable for something like that to have happened. This is the nail in the coffin for me.

Even if her specially conferred degree gets verified, the other embellishments about her role and involvement in legislation, her other jobs, etc., it's too much. Also, never bothering to get your diploma because you were "fast tracked to law school" sounds weeeeeeeird. But that's just my opinion.
Oct 25, 2017
Yea.... I learned my lesson the hard way with Jussie Smollet and Johnny Depp. I may say, "I think XYZ" but I leave it at that. There's no point getting super heated, when so many pieces are missing from the puzzle.

And now I hear that PoliEra had a mass exodus because they were branded as rape apologists? Fuck, what a blow to this community, that could have been avoided if people only could have been less overzealous in their self righteousness.

This is such a horrible situation. And just like Jussie's case, all this does is set the entire movement back. Pathological liars do so much damage. Fuck.
Yep, people fled to discord to get away from the bad faith arguments, the trolling, and the accusations of rape apologia.

That community was already getting plagued by the first two pretty hard after the primary but Reade's allegation really put the hostility and bullying on overdrive.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
There is always the possibility an individual is not being truthful. However, with how rare we know that to be (and there have been studies on this to prove it), and how many women do not come forward (there have been studies on this as well, 30% at most) due in part to fear of nobody believing them, I think it's better to cultivate a supportive atmosphere for women who come forward and allow their claims to be taken seriously and at face value until proven otherwise. Doing so will likely ensure more women come forward in the future, representing a net benefit to the cause of eradicating sexual assault, or at least changing the culture.
You're talking about the initial stages. I think there's broad agreement there.

The question is, when investigations do uncover new information, when is "casting doubt" appropriate? For instance, Reade's credibility right now is practically nonexistent, whereas the day after she launched her initial accusation, it was intact. Additional facts mean changed context; they also open up new avenues of discussion.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Discussing an accuser's accusations, their potential biases and credability issues, and the larger context of their accusation is still taking their claims seriously.
I disagree that pointing the finger at things tertiary to the claims laid out is supporting a victim. How many times have those things been used to discredit someone? Especially when dealing with people in power with the resources to unearth those things to muddy the waters? "She's just crazy", "she's lied in the past", "she has a motivation to say this", and so on. That worries me. Of course, people are going to have those concerns, but I do think they maybe should not be put out into the ether because when they are, that's signaling to other victims they may go through the same thing. The sticking point people seem to have is they were banned on a forum or whatever... well, the forum can't control your mind, none of us can. If people want to have those concerns, we can't stop them. We can stop them from putting that stuff out there here, because it's better to be supportive of victims and they have more to lose as opposed to posting privleges on a forum.


Oct 27, 2017
Another lesson to be learned: don't uncritically believe every negative thing you hear about a person just because you already dislike them and "can totally see how they'd be capable of doing that."

The fact of the matter is that progressives fucking hated Joe Biden since the start, and were giddy to use the accusation as a weapon against those who were still willing to support him out of pragmatism.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
Again I'd like to return to the 20 cases of perjury which are important all on their own.

Goat Mimicry

Oct 25, 2017
If all 20 cases are thrown out, Jesus, that's a lot of damage done. I'm assuming there will be retrials and the cases won't be dismissed outright, right?

I don't blame the Mods for the rampant banning that happened when this story broke. Put yourself in their shoes. If you ignore the cries to silence the doubters, you're accused of being soft on rape. Realistically, the odds that Reade was lying about Biden seemed slim. After all, who would lie in such a high-profile way?

Of course, now that we have the benefit of hindsight, we can say Mods were being too swift to ban dissenters. But playing the odds, they erred on the side of standing with the accuser in a situation where accusers are most often being truthful.

Can something be learned from this? Sure. But in the meantime, I'm not going to be too hard on them.

I can't agree. The mods were going overboard and continued to do so well after people found definite issues with the story.

This post was made a mere 10 days ago. It was completely reasonable and the person who made it got a duration pending ban, which was ridiculous even without this new development.

Banning people who called her a Russian agent from the get go is one thing, banning people who expressed the mildest forms of doubt is another. The mods crossed a line. They definitely deserve some blame here, and in the absence of apologies, let alone ban reversals or policy changes, that's probably the most accountability that's going to happen here.


Oct 25, 2017
10/10 thread, would read again.
There are people STILL banned for things 100% reasoned and logical they said about this woman. Given there are probably a hundred posts in this thread worse than what I got banned 2 weeks for , I'll just assume the mods are all asleep tonight and will catch up with things in the morning. You know what? Perhaps I should report all those posts myself just to make sure they get to them ASAP.

I've never taken a forum victory lap before, but I'm making a special point to here. As an active forum member since day one, I always, ALWAYS went out of my way to be civil and reasoned when I spoke. No bans, not even any warnings, staying away from that post button if I thought I was about to say something I'd later regret. Someone fished my post history, I got banned for saying she had "marginal credibility issues," and got labeled as a rape apologist.

Consequences from this are horrible for millions of women who fight every year to get their stories taken seriously. As a survivor myself, I fucking hate people like Reade, and fuck how this forum has handled the whole situation.
I might do the same tbh. I was also banned for two weeks for responding to bad faith actors.

I'm also a sexual assault survivor like you and we were made to feel shittier during an already shitty situation.

Something has to be done to address this, I feel like.


Oct 25, 2017
If all 20 cases are thrown out, Jesus, that's a lot of damage done. I'm assuming there will be retrials and the cases won't be dismissed outright, right?

I can't agree. The mods were going overboard and continued to do so well after people found definite issues with the story.

This post was made a mere 10 days ago. It was completely reasonable and the person who made it got a duration pending ban, which was ridiculous even without this new development.

Banning people who called her a Russian agent from the get go is one thing, banning people who expressed the mildest forms of doubt is another. The mods crossed a line. They definitely deserve some blame here, and in the absence of apologies, let alone ban reversals or policy changes, that's probably the most accountability that's going to happen here.

Wow-I can't believe that post caused a ban.


Oct 27, 2017
Has she offered any defense for the part where she claimed she was a "visiting professor at the school, on and off for five years" when all they had records of was a few hours of administrative work? I mean, even if there was some crazy snafu with her transcript, falsely claiming to have been a college professor at sounds like an even more significant lie.


Oct 28, 2017
I disagree that pointing the finger at things tertiary to the claims laid out is supporting a victim. How many times have those things been used to discredit someone? Especially when dealing with people in power with the resources to unearth those things to muddy the waters? "She's just crazy", "she's lied in the past", "she has a motivation to say this", and so on.

If those things are muddying the waters because they are besides the point, or are logical fallacies -- then call them out for that.

Let's be clear here. We should want to support real victims -- which Tara Reade may very well be. If you disallow critical discussion about an accuser (even if tertiary to the accusation at hand) -- then you set up an environment in which real victims aren't properly supported, because you've lessened the standard of believability to such an extent that it cannot weed out the rare false (or misguided/mistaken) allegation.

I admire the desire to be as supportive as possible to those who have been harmed, but we cannot just throw out all rules of discussion and debate and reason.

In Tara Reade's case, her best evidence was all based on her credibility -- and a lot of victims best evidence is about credibility. You still have to weight that evidence against other evidence, and credibility is 100% something that can and should be discussed, debated, and considered when such claims are made. I'm not saying it should be a major point, but it should not be dismissed.

We've reached the point here that -- absent some crazy paperwork mixup at Antioch -- she has no credibility remaining. And the real victims there are real abuse survivors -- and those people involved in the 20 cases she may have influenced with her lies.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
Has she offered any defense for the part where she claimed she was a "visiting professor at the school, on and off for five years" when all they had records of was a few hours of administrative work? I mean, even if there was some crazy snafu with her transcript, falsely claiming to have been a college professor at sounds like an even more significant lie.
She might offer a "sigh" tweet tomorrow with no counter evidence.


Oct 28, 2017
I can't agree. The mods were going overboard and continued to do so well after people found definite issues with the story.

This post was made a mere 10 days ago. It was completely reasonable and the person who made it got a duration pending ban, which was ridiculous even without this new development.

Banning people who called her a Russian agent from the get go is one thing, banning people who expressed the mildest forms of doubt is another. The mods crossed a line. They definitely deserve some blame here, and in the absence of apologies, let alone ban reversals or policy changes, that's probably the most accountability that's going to happen here.

That post is not reasonable. What the fuck? I do not understand why anyone would think that post is appropriate to the story and details that the other poster just shared. Like what on earth are you talking about?

The thread is called "we need to be better allies to sexual assault victims era" and that bullshit was the only thing that poster could come up with in response to that entire story.

This is why to an extent all the bitching about moderation here never draws any mind from me. There is no such fucking thing as perfect moderation but some of the shit people quote as bad moderation is the most tone deaf bullshit. Who the fuck says what that post says in response to a sexual assault survivor? You seriously arguing this in good faith?
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
How often does this happen vs how often is the claim actually just straight forward?

I feel like people are trying to use this to dunk on moderation and it's dishonest. The vast majority of times we have cases involving these types of allegations or sensitive topics the shit is actually what it appears to be. We just remember the ones that aren't because they stand out for that exact reason.
Not trying to dunk on the mod team, not at all. They are still humans after all. It's a thankless job and I'm glad they do it instead of me. But a statement of some sort acknowledging what had happened once more things have been confirmed by this new development would be enough for me, really.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Wow-I can't believe that post caused a ban.
Part of the challenge is the context it's in, I think. It was a thread about not shaming survivors for who they not support, and that post is shifting the topic away from them and towards people who are doubting accusations.

It's similar to how "all lives matter" is actually a perfectly reasonable and inoffensive statement by itself, but the problem is when it's used to shout down other statements it's not something that you should be interpreting in face value. Probably not anywhere near as malicious but similar in terms of what it is mechanically acting on the conversation.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
You're talking about the initial stages. I think there's broad agreement there.

The question is, when investigations do uncover new information, when is "casting doubt" appropriate? For instance, Reade's credibility right now is practically nonexistent, whereas the day after she launched her initial accusation, it was intact. Additional facts mean changed context; they also open up new avenues of discussion.
I don't know where the line is, and even if I did it wouldn't be up to me to enforce it. That said, it would also need to be respected that it's a sensitive issue, and I don't think any of us would or should gripe too much if a victim of sexual assault feels passionately about the subject and wants to tell people they are, in their opinion, trampling on victims or excusing rape/supporting rape culture. I can't see anyone being hurt by that to the degree they would complain about it as opposed to just stepping away and maybe reevaluating or trying to see things from their perspective.

I've been through it, twice. I never took any steps to work through what happened to me because in my case I've been lucky enough to have no lasting trauma, very, very lucky. Most victims don't get that. I don't like what happened to me and try not to think about it, but when I do, of course it hurts. But my hurt is infinitely small compared to most, and to the degree I can understand it it's a deep, pervasive hurt that can manifest strongly especially in discussions like this. Things get heated. They never asked to be assaulted or live in a world that doesn't take them seriously, and sometimes they may be angry or frustrated, and it's understandable.

Kind of rambling a bit but my point is, and this isn't even related to what you said I guess, but for anyone complaining about being called a rape apologist who hasn't been through it (and some people who did likely had that directed at him and maybe we could do better on that to support other victims), maybe chill and understand what you went through in that moment on an internet forum is such small potatoes compared to where a comment like that likely came from, what precipitated that response.
Mar 3, 2019
This is honestly becoming deju vu on era. I've seen this exact discussion play out in multiple threads on various high profile cases involving accusations that turned out to be false. Nothing really changes with the level of discourse or moderation. Very little self reflection, just more doubling down.
At this point any contentious topic should be avoided for your own safety. I personally think that mods shouldn't be allowed to post in contentious topics hostiley against other posters since it's a conflict of interest. If you argue against them in the same level of hostility you are banned.


Oct 28, 2017
Here's an article about fraud expert testimony in California:

False Expert Statements: Legal Consequences for Expert Witnesses and Attorneys

Expert witnesses are invaluable for explaining to a jury any complicated medical, technical, or scientific evidence. As professionals who are

It appears that expert witnesses can be sued by the lawyers who retained them:
Presently, California, Connecticut, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, and Pennsylvania, permit attorneys to sue the expert witnesses they hired for breach of contract or professional malpractice.

Potentially she could be sued by both the prosecuation and defense.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
Will there be retrials? If so, would victims have to testify again?
Some of the attorneys might push for retrials. Others might push for outright overturning the conviction. It'll likely be a factor of how much the defense attorney can convince a judge that Reade's testimony mattered and how much it mattered.


Oct 27, 2017
I had the same gut reaction, but it feels like you had to walk on egg shells so I just shut up and waited for more information.
The site needs a blanket ban on The Hill and The Intercept, to be honest. If people cannot reasonably do all/most of what this asks

then Era needs to take steps to ban shitty media orgs in order to improve discussion.
It really did feel like I was speaking into a void. Halper/Taibbi and The Hill? My alarm bells immediately went off and told me to wait for actual journalists to properly and respectfully look into the allegation, because no matter what the truth is, it's the right thing to do.