
Oct 29, 2017
Sacramento, California
The original Xbox one.
It still works fine. And you can play new games on it with the cloud thing. I've had this since the day the Xbox one first came out.
This has been a massive improvement over the 360 era. When I was a kid I went through 4 Xbox 360 consoles because they all got red ring including a limited edition Halo 3 one that last for only a week.
Oct 26, 2017
My computer keyboard is ancient, I think I bought it in 2005 or so. It's big and clunky and the lights died probably more than 10 years ago, but it's so damn comfortable that I hesitate to replace it. I've probably had it through four generations of PC:s.

I also use a Dual stereo amplifier. I need to replace it eventually so I can start running game audio through it again (after consoles stopped having AV or even optical output), but it's still great for music.

The Bookerman

Oct 25, 2017

I've rocked an ipod classic till... 2015?
I had my first dial ipod in 2003. Bought an IPod for Windows.


Nov 6, 2017
I have an Aiwa stereo with a 3 CD changer and 2 tape decks. I got it the day I got FF9, so in 2000. Since then all my console games have been outputting through that. Just a simple RCA input. Pretty rare that I play CDs or cassettes with it, less rare that I use it for radio.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This Tech has been going strong for me and the rest of KC since the early 00's at least



Oct 27, 2017
Who needs a mechanical keyboard when you still have a working IBM Model M keyboard? Still in perfect shape, as well. I have a spare, also.

I bought both of them at a computer show like 30 years ago for $10 each and still using the first one. The other one is still wrapped in clear plastic in the cardboard box.

I also have a digital alarm clock that I've used since I was kid (over 40 years old). Still trucking strong.


Oct 29, 2017
iPad Air 2. I bought it a decade ago. I have a son now and he watches stuff on it. Works great for YouTube and Netflix or whatever,


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK


Nov 9, 2017
I've used a little solar powered calculator at work for like 20 years and it was old when I got there.


Nov 5, 2017
My PC with Core i7-3770k - must be close to 10 years old. The CPU was meant to be great bang for buck when I bought it and it sure hasn't disappointed.

I've upgraded the GPU and doubled the RAM since, but it's still snappier than my current work laptop, which is one year old. I'd like to upgrade for Cities Skylines 2 when it drops.
Oct 29, 2017
I have a 4th gen iPod Touch that's gotta be over ten years old now. Love that thing. I also still have the same alarm clock I got when I was in high school, which was back in like 2006.
Nov 4, 2017
My Lenovo Yoga from five and a half years ago is still in perfect condition and works flawlessly. Probably helps that it's running Linux, helps avoid that proprietary software bloat/forced obsolescence.

Most of my record collection is pushing 50 years old, does that count?


Oct 26, 2017
I recently had to sadly retire nearly 20 year old Logitech speakers and sub. I got them with one of my first paychecks from when I started working full time around 2003-4, so there was a little bit of sentimental value as one of the few posessions that have persisted through out college, multiple relationships, and almost a dozen moves. I knew they were decent speakers when I got them, but looking at the product reviews and forum posts, I guess they were high quality and popular with audiophiles. I think I maybe spent $200 on them, but apparently to find an equivalent set I'd need to drop ~$500
Dec 4, 2018
US Samsung KS8000 49". Still works flawlessly. I'm waiting for it to break before I go for an OLED with all the fancy features. As soon as it acts up, such as eArc not working, I get excited until turning on / off again fixes it.


Oct 26, 2017
Oldest tech I still use are my klipsch speakers I bought in 2003, which is hooked up to my desktop I built in late 2012 which is still my main PC/plex server. mobo/cpu (3570k) haven't changed.


Oct 27, 2017
I got an early 4k TV in like 2014 or 2015 and it still worked. Couldn't even do anything 4k except ancient games for the longest time.
Caved in and bought an LG OLED late last year just cause.


Oct 25, 2017
My G Shock 5600, subtile refinements but it remains the design from 35 years ago. They still look modern and work great


Nov 8, 2017
I bought a 1080p Asus Monitor in 2012. I replaced it a year and a half ago with a giant 4k monitor, but that was a splurge of a purchase I wouldn't have made if I were in a more financially precarious situation. The previous monitor still suited my needs, and as someone who mostly plays last-gen and Switch games on it, it seemed fine to me.


Oct 29, 2017
I still rock my vita, so much so that a security checkpoint guy at disney was astonished I had one. "Dude you still rock a Vita?!?!"

Vita means life.


Oct 28, 2017
I was just thinking the other day about how amazingly my original Surface Book from 2015 runs. It's flawless still.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I had a radio alarm clock that I got as a kid and that lasted me for like 3 decades. I finally replaced it with a nice Sony one a few years back and it's already dying lol

Oh this wasn't even meant to be an Alarm... it's one of those hybrid stereo systems with a 3 disc changer, subwoofers in each speaker and a bunch of other items (i think there is a karaoke mode on it... ive never used it though)

It just ended up being the thing I used most frquently for my alarm because I thought it looked cool, and sounded fantastic, and I've used it for so long that i've grown accustomed to the click it makes turning on to the point where it makes the same sound as a lot of AC units, typically the ones you would find in hotels, so when If I am ever staying at a hotel for whatever reason and the AC kicks on i wake up because I'm so used to that click.

Deleted member 129013

Dec 12, 2022


Oct 30, 2017
I got a digital Sony alarm clock in like 1996.

It's been plugged in every day of my life since. I've given it two different repaints (now black, but kind of wish I would've kept it original) and it's still going strong. Never early, never late. Tunes in to the local stations just fine. Is always there when I jolt up in the middle of the night needing to know what time it is at a glance.

Not to mention the overall design and aesthetic has been pretty future-proof.
Dream Machine, indeed.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Others have mentioned headphones but most people are bringing up big headphones they leave at their desks. I'll throw in my Koss PortaPro's that I bought in 2014 that live in my backpack and get used every single day and continue to be completely perfect.

jeff green stay winning



I'm typing on this dumb thermaltake keyboard that i got for free in 2010, which isn't that old in the scheme of things, but man i really like it still. Keys are all fucked though and I've never used any of the additional keys.

Wonder if I can get some key replacements for this sucker
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Oct 27, 2017
My fat OG PS2 from over 20 years ago still runs perfectly fine, plays games with no issue. It's amazing honestly.

I have a Toshiba TV from 2011 that still gets plenty of use in my gaming room. I have it hooked up to the PS4 and it looks alright. It's definitely on the fatter side,and not smart, but it doesn't look dated.

The most surprising thing that I own that still works is the 60 dollar Photive Bluetooth speaker I got from Amazon in 2016. Still works and sounds really clear with lots of bass. I took with me to pool parties, beaches, road trips, etc. Countless hours later, it's very rugged and durable.


Aug 3, 2021
Ipad Pro 9.7 from 2016 still works great. Some more demanding apps drain battery quicker, but just browsing, using streaming apps, reading books and manga and it can still last me 6+ hours no problem.

Probably my most used piece of tech daily, followed by phone.


Jul 25, 2021
Been using a galaxy note 8 for like 5+ years now. Still seems to work fine. Battery lasts a bit less than it used to but otherwise nothing noticeable.

Dreading having to upgrade as I like the s pen but want a headphone jack and afaik new models don't offer both. Thanks samsung I guess.

A macbook pro from like 2015 also seems to work fine when I ocassionally use it, though it's not something I use daily.

heathen earth

Mar 21, 2020
I think the general public regards E-readers as dated, but my Gen 1 Paperwhite still works like a dream. Love it.