

Oct 25, 2017
Anyone that wants a good short story about teleportation should read The Jaunt by Stephen King


My goodness, they straight up put the ending spoiler on the cover lmao


Oct 28, 2017
CTRL + F in your house
Isn't this just what an Airtag or Tile is? Assuming you buy enough of them to put on every one of your items.
What do you think happens to the automotive industry/airline industry/airports/truck drivers/ etc. How many jobs would be completed eliminated because of teleportation.
Good riddance polluting industries we don't need.
Better get that UBI going and tax those teleportation conglomerates highly.

Artificial eyes - going blind sucks.
Artificial kidneys - kidney disease sucks.
I agree cloned organs in general would basically be one of the best innovations for the medical field.


Oct 26, 2017
A robot that can clean your entire house for you. We will probably get that eventually.
Oct 27, 2017
In regards to the life-elongating tech, ironically the only thing that saves the world is that the old die and the young take their place.

Placing a dying human's consciousness into a robotic entity or uploaded to some servers face the same problems as a teleporter; the being that comes out the other side is only the same being to everyone else. The actual being is deconstructed/destroyed and reconstructed on the other side of the process. That's great for the new atoms that are arranged and gain consciousness at the end, but your consciousness and experience just end and a new copy of you begins, but it's not really you. That's at least how I puzzle the situation through. It would just be an exact copy of you with all of your memories that thinks it is the original.

Like if we're talking some
San Junipero
shit, if we could (When we can, I should say) upload a human consciousness somewhere else, it's just going to be an exact copy that thinks it's the original, which is great for IT and everyone else, not so much for you the original.

Am I thinking this hypothetical quandary through properly? Are there solutions to this that people have theorized? I guess when this eventually happens that society will have to come to grips with a new definition of what "alive" means.

I guess with teleportation if we're like bending space so that you essentially "slip" through a wormhole to your location that wouldn't necessarily tear you apart atom-by-atom and reconstruct you, so I'd be game for that.

My favorite theoretical invention is some sort of replicator tech; rearranging atoms into necessary materials; food, shelter, etc. Reading around the interwebs you see conflicting articles- some saying that the technology may be possible someday and that there are startups working to create machines that can turn carbon nanotubes into anything, even food. Some articles say that this technology will forever be a fantasy.

Imagine a world where we could just produce what was necessary using carbon harvested from polluted air?


Oct 6, 2022
Zero calorie Food.
Even if it was only 90% there taste wise like it is with light and zero sodas.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Jun 23, 2021
There's a choice to be made there assuming you would get it before you die... Would you rather die or make sure that rich people die? Personally I'd rather not die.
Eh...if it means everyone else after me gets a better life, I don't mind dying. We've been dying our whole existence, I'll manage.


Oct 28, 2017
Eh...if it means everyone else after me gets a better life, I don't mind dying. We've been dying our whole existence, I'll manage.
It's hard to imagine that life without aging would be a worse existence for people even with inequality. It is responsible for a large proportion of the pain and suffering most people experience after all.
Oct 28, 2017
A way to turn plastic back into oil, so it could become actually fully recyclable, instead of the fraction of plastic waste we're recycling today

100 % effective, non-invasive (or completely reversible) contraceptives that don't mess with body hormones
Oct 27, 2017
Zero calorie Food.
Even if it was only 90% there taste wise like it is with light and zero sodas.
https://www.waldenfarms.com/product-category/peanut-spreads/ This company makes zero calorie "peanut spreads". I imagine it's all made of ingredients that your body can't digest so you just expel all of what you've taken in.

I was intrigued and tried it. Listen, I've had eating problems my whole life. Weight fluctuating by hundreds of pounds based on my willpower. For some reason I just want to consume and sometimes I'll buy a whole bag of just plain spinach or spring mix just so I can shove something in my mouth with as little impact as possible.

Believe me when I say that this shit was so gross I took one spoonful and I couldn't even finish that. Threw the whole damned thing away. As a huge fan of diet soda, I think they've damn near perfected that. Zero calorie food is gonna take a lot of innovation.


Oct 30, 2017
AR with a seamless interface/HUD is the future and will be terrible for the world overall.

Endless internet scrolling without even lifting a device or letting others know you're scrolling/watching video.

Could be great for industrial and creative uses, but most people will become more mindless.


Oct 10, 2019
In regards to the life-elongating tech, ironically the only thing that saves the world is that the old die and the young take their place.

Placing a dying human's consciousness into a robotic entity or uploaded to some servers face the same problems as a teleporter; the being that comes out the other side is only the same being to everyone else. The actual being is deconstructed/destroyed and reconstructed on the other side of the process. That's great for the new atoms that are arranged and gain consciousness at the end, but your consciousness and experience just end and a new copy of you begins, but it's not really you. That's at least how I puzzle the situation through. It would just be an exact copy of you with all of your memories that thinks it is the original.

Like if we're talking some
San Junipero
shit, if we could (When we can, I should say) upload a human consciousness somewhere else, it's just going to be an exact copy that thinks it's the original, which is great for IT and everyone else, not so much for you the original.

Am I thinking this hypothetical quandary through properly? Are there solutions to this that people have theorized? I guess when this eventually happens that society will have to come to grips with a new definition of what "alive" means.

I guess with teleportation if we're like bending space so that you essentially "slip" through a wormhole to your location that wouldn't necessarily tear you apart atom-by-atom and reconstruct you, so I'd be game for that.

My favorite theoretical invention is some sort of replicator tech; rearranging atoms into necessary materials; food, shelter, etc. Reading around the interwebs you see conflicting articles- some saying that the technology may be possible someday and that there are startups working to create machines that can turn carbon nanotubes into anything, even food. Some articles say that this technology will forever be a fantasy.

Imagine a world where we could just produce what was necessary using carbon harvested from polluted air?
There might be a way around the problem that allows continuity of consciousness to be maintained. You basically need to Ship of Thesus the brain. We don't know exactly what consciousness is but it can't be tied to any single brain cell because during your life they'll all be eventually replaced so what if we replace just one brain cell with an artificial equivalent? Continuity of consciousness is undoubtedly maintained, right? Repeat the process again and again until nothing organic is left. Would continuity of consciousness ever be lost? Why? At what point?


Oct 28, 2017
Nano tech for body maintaining purposes. Cellular repair, sleep replacement, disease management, nerve damage... So many possible things that could be possible at that scope.


Oct 6, 2022
https://www.waldenfarms.com/product-category/peanut-spreads/ This company makes zero calorie "peanut spreads". I imagine it's all made of ingredients that your body can't digest so you just expel all of what you've taken in.

I was intrigued and tried it. Listen, I've had eating problems my whole life. Weight fluctuating by hundreds of pounds based on my willpower. For some reason I just want to consume and sometimes I'll buy a whole bag of just plain spinach or spring mix just so I can shove something in my mouth with as little impact as possible.

Believe me when I say that this shit was so gross I took one spoonful and I couldn't even finish that. Threw the whole damned thing away. As a huge fan of diet soda, I think they've damn near perfected that. Zero calorie food is gonna take a lot of innovation.

Exactly! Back in the day I was a total soda fiend. While traveling the first thing I always did after arriving in the new country was me going to the supermarket and buying some of their local sodas. Transition to diet drinks was weird as hell at first but ONLY after a couple of weeks i started preferring diet soda to regular. Nowadays real sugar coke tastes sticki and I don't like it.
Stuff like Walden farms is sadly not even 5% there just like you mentioned. And even then the majority of stuff is being done for the sweetest of teeth. I want 0kcal sushi God damn it!


Nov 2, 2017
Floors that automatically breakdown trash, food, dust/dirt, and even dirty clothes to be recycled and used for production of other items, like clean new clothes.


Oct 27, 2017
Technology to transfer consciousness into a humanoid robot. Imagine the preserved amount of intellectuals we will have and technological achievement they will bring
Imagine Elon Musk but he lives for ten thousand years.

Hm, very high change tech like that would be hoarded by the rich to preserve their wealth and power instead.

Having Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos for an eternity? No thanks lmao
Ok, we modify it a little.

Instead of transfer, we can only copy and the part that host the consciousness is not repairable because we are not getting Right to repair.
The consequences is the wealth will be split into half each time a copy is made.


Oct 29, 2017
Nano tech for body maintaining purposes. Cellular repair, sleep replacement, disease management, nerve damage... So many possible things that could be possible at that scope.

I think we'll actually get there. We seem to be a lot better at the micro and nano level with tech.


Oct 27, 2017
I want a toilet that analyzes my stool and urine everyday looking for signs of any disease, an comments on the quality of my nutrition in a nasty and mean way.


Nov 2, 2017
Exactly! Back in the day I was a total soda fiend. While traveling the first thing I always did after arriving in the new country was me going to the supermarket and buying some of their local sodas. Transition to diet drinks was weird as hell at first but ONLY after a couple of weeks i started preferring diet soda to regular. Nowadays real sugar coke tastes sticki and I don't like it.
Stuff like Walden farms is sadly not even 5% there just like you mentioned. And even then the majority of stuff is being done for the sweetest of teeth. I want 0kcal sushi God damn it!
It's not real sugar. The "sticky" is from high fructose corn syrup. Your body can break down hfcs like real sugar but it has to work harder to do it.
The fake sugars in diet sodas aren't broken down at all like real sugar, which is the point, but it tricks your body into thinking it's real sugar and you still produce insulin to handle the sugars. You consume enough fake sugars and your body stops producing as much insulin as it's not needed.
Then when you do consume real sugar, your body struggles to break it down because it's not producing enough insulin.

There are studies that show fake sugar can actually increase the likelihood of developing diabetes.


Oct 28, 2017
I think we'll actually get there. We seem to be a lot better at the micro and nano level with tech.

It's about getting the tech to function at that level, not make the body hostile to the presence at that cellular level, allow for long term self sustaining or replication.. Lots of things to avoid trauma to the person they'd occupy


Oct 26, 2017
Teleportation would kill a bunch of industries. If anyone could teleport then people would teleport themselves out their shitty job or shitty country. Capitalism would collapse. Rich people would have take control of the tech or they'd never be able to keep people in shitty countries/cities to be exploited.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
Wouldn't just revolutionize daily life, they would change the world. Faster travel, easier travel, automization into a post-work society, expansion into local space, sustainable consumption and management of planetary resources, more efficient energy production...to name just a few!

Then you get to the more philosophical side of things. Cities no longer catered to the automobile. Community oriented layouts encouraging cooperation. Socioeconomic and political systems that can handle humanity at a scale of billions or more. Elimination of prejudice and other insidious bias.

That would turn us into a level 1 civilization based on energy production. But more importantly would be a world where depression is less prevalent, where most of the population would no longer be time poor, where selfish wealth and greed are no longer encouraged systemically. Not to say technology is the cure for all our problems, it would only help facilitate.


Oct 26, 2017
Machine or system that cooks food for you.

It has all your spices, you put the meat and ingredients in the predesigned areas and it cuts, seasons, flips and stirs the food based on the preprogrammed recipes.

I think it's totally doable.


Jul 30, 2020
How so? Technically that would give us more time to work and be productive.

The management pressure to work more when it specifically wouldn't be more productive. Don't get me wrong, I'd take the chance 100% but there would be a push from some sectors for longer hours/more frequent shifts etc.
Oct 27, 2017
Fusion-based nuclear power plants, though we are likely only a decade or 2 away from commercially viable ones. Would solve most of the world's infrastructural problems, as energy would be cheap, abundant, and sustainable.


Oct 28, 2017
There might be a way around the problem that allows continuity of consciousness to be maintained. You basically need to Ship of Thesus the brain. We don't know exactly what consciousness is but it can't be tied to any single brain cell because during your life they'll all be eventually replaced so what if we replace just one brain cell with an artificial equivalent? Continuity of consciousness is undoubtedly maintained, right? Repeat the process again and again until nothing organic is left. Would continuity of consciousness ever be lost? Why? At what point?
In that example there would be a point of equilibrium where the ai and the organic were equally conscious. How can two consciousnesses come from one?
How so? Technically that would give us more time to work and be productive.
Probably worried we would only get 3 hours off and then be expected back at work. Since we don't have to sleep.


Oct 25, 2017
Batteries that last 5 times as long.
We already got that.

Batteries in the 90s were shit. I used to have top end batteries for my 1/10 scale RC kit car, they don't hold a candle to what we have now.

And we'd have to do annoying shit like discharge them completely with light bulbsnonce they were drained from the motor. But then also occasionally charge them full and slowly discharge them with light bulbs, less they work less with the higher draw of the electric motor.

And also the brushless motors we have now are league setter than we had back then too.


Oct 10, 2019
In that example there would be a point of equilibrium where the ai and the organic were equally conscious. How can two consciousnesses come from one?
Why would a separate consciousness emerge? Every artificial cell performs the same input/output functions as the organic one it replaces. Both natural and artificial cells work as part of the same whole. Why would it be any different than a cell naturally dying and being replaced?


Dec 16, 2018
I would like to press a button in my car and a giant spatula comes out and flips the slow ass driving car ahead of me out of my way.