
Oct 25, 2017

Topics discussed

- Goals for the PGW cutscene and the reaction to it
- Why they decided to use a cutscene that didn't feature Ellie or Joel
- How they choose locations for TLoU
- Joel's decision at the end of TLoU
- Accessibility in gaming
- What he does as creative director
- Gameplay vs. story
- Changing a major aspect of a game in the middle of production that just isn't working
- The "Single player games are dead" debate
- Where he sees story driven games 10 year from now

When Neil is discussing how they choose locations he starts talking about TLoU PII. He says a lot of gameplay design went into it as far as choosing cities that best fit what they're aiming for. He specifically mentions them looking for cities with certain verticality and hills. But he stops himself there before he started spoiling stuff.

With Uncharted 4 he brings up that the common criticism directed toward is was all the long climbing sequences. He says that earlier in development they actually had a stamina meter in place for climbing. And their designers were building the levels with that in mind. So they had really elaborate climbing sequences. The problem is that they started to realize that it was really clashing with the gunplay. So they took a step back and asked themselves what they were really trying to make and came to the conclusion that Uncharted is ultimately a third person shooter, and that the climbing is ultimately meant to be there as a support for that. So they ended up pulling out those systems. The issue there was that they were already making a three year project in two years, so they didn't have time to rescale those levels and climbing sequences that were initially built with a stamina meter in mind. He says that it's just a reality of game development that you can never really make the perfect game as there's always something you'd change if you had more time.

Abrasion Test

Oct 27, 2017
That tidbit about UC4 says a lot about how troubled the dev cycle was for that game. The fact that it came together as well as it did is a testament to the strength of the studio and of Neil and Bruce's direction.


Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America
That tidbit about UC4 says a lot about how troubled the dev cycle was for that game. The fact that it came together as well as it did is a testament to the strength of the studio and of Neil and Bruce's direction.

It's still amazing how they jumped from TLOU to UC4 like that. It's no question as to the toll that must have taken, and the possibly accumulative burn-out on Straley the man. Even with my qualms on the game, massive props are in order there, and to every hardworking party.

Anyways, will give this a read (edit: listen) later.
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Oct 25, 2017
That tidbit about UC4 says a lot about how troubled the dev cycle was for that game. The fact that it came together as well as it did is a testament to the strength of the studio and of Neil and Bruce's direction.

Yep .
After reading so much about UC4 and problems it had .
They did a good job of make a good game.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't imagine developing a game with the scope of UC4 with 1/3 less time.

The crunch that the team probably endured....


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, this is a really great listen.

In the other thread I tried to quickly transcribe that part about UC4. Sorry it's a bit rough.

I'm going to go off on a tangent, but for Uncharted 4, because the game got rebooted part way through production, we had very little time to do... we basically made a 3 year project in 2 years, and one of the things the designers were really playing with is wanting to add more depth to climbing. So we had all these climbing mechanics, with a stamina meter so you can only hold onto ledges for so long, which meant the climbing sequences became a lot more engaging. It gave much more agency to the player and strategy and they had tension to them. So designers were building these levels and creating these pretty long and elaborate climbing sequences, and as we were testing combat, all of a sudden all these systems were fighting the fluidity we had in all the previous Uncharted's, because now you have all these complexities of how you climb. All of a sudden you don't want to climb anymore and combat became very flat.

So we were like okay, what is the game we are ultimately making and we said the gameplay genre is really a third-person shooter, more than anything. Yeah it's an adventure and there's all the other aspects to it, but the core systems are that, therefore that has to win. So the climbing has to be simple because it's there to support the shooting. So we had to remove a lot of those systems, but because we were out of time, those long climbing sequences just had to stay, we actually didn't have time to shorten the level. One of the criticisms we had for Uncharted 4 for pacing is like, ah man you have these really long climbing sequences and they're so simple, why didn't you think about cutting them shorter and why did you make these really long and it's like, that's just the reality of production. Sometimes you don't have the time to make the, well, you never have time to make the perfect game. There's always these compromises between the realities of production and this creative vision that you had.


Oct 25, 2017
Neil also confirmed the PSX reveal isn't a scene from the game and was just made as an announcement, much like the reveals for TLOU1/UC4.

The PGW trailer is an actual cutscene ripped from the game.


Oct 27, 2017
The information regarding U4 is fascinating and is a testament to Bruce and Neil for still creating a great game that was clearly riddled with development issues from the beginning.


Oct 25, 2017


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Didn't know about this new podcast with Ted. Thanks for sharing, will listen soon!

Metal Gear Solid and Shadow of the Colossus have these - but they don't exist, right?

It seems like maybe they were going for a similar mechanic like in I Am Alive with pitons. I'm glad they took it out because IAA stressed the heck out of me, especially with limited checkpoints.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe people will understand why some people, myself included had some major issues with uncharted 4. It's obviously a game that suffered and they did a great job to get it out the door.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm really glad they got rid of the stamina meter, it would've completely sucked out the joy of the combat.


Oct 27, 2017
Glad there's no stamina meter in UC4, or a weapons system where Nate's gun exploded after firing 6 shots.