Where does this teaser trailer leave your hype level?

  • 5 - I'm all in!

    Votes: 143 10.3%
  • 4 - Feeling optimistic now.

    Votes: 252 18.1%
  • 3 - Still a bit uncertain.

    Votes: 334 24.0%
  • 2 - Not very convincing.

    Votes: 443 31.8%
  • 1 - Later, dickwad.

    Votes: 221 15.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Nov 28, 2017
Saw this earlier and was hyper ventilatting. Mack Davis gets my damn attention. The action zinged along and i got some elation - from some of the hot spots in the trailer. Looked cool, hip, and fun. I come over here and read some of the responses and i'm scratching my head. Some yall so jaded.

Future Gazer

▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Like others have said, they need to go back to the horror roots of T1. Trying to outdo the action of T2 is a fools errand and it's why all of the sequels have failed.

Bob White

Oct 27, 2017
Nothing says Terminator like a shitty Bjork cover.

There should just straight up be a rule where you just don't cover her music. wtf was that?!

...unless you're radiohead

I was hyped for this movie but the trailer looks kinda of meh. I always feel the new terminator actors try too hard in these newer movies. Kinda like how every Joker from now on feels like a Heath Ledger copy. These new terminators all feel like wanna be T-2000.


Oct 27, 2017
Hmm first impression is not good unfortunately...The set pieces seems again way too overtop. The action scenes in T2 where big and in a more realistic kind of way while this depends on the nowadays boring stylish action formula. Really hope this still can turn out good, and I really like Mackenzie Davis, she's a great actress.

The "bad terminator" though seemed just off and not intimidating in any kind of way.


Oct 27, 2017
That didn't sell me at all. It lacks the mood, atmosphere, lighting, camera angles, and presence the original films had. Much like the alien films it feels like they are beating a dead horse.
Feb 15, 2018
Hmm first impression is not good unfortunately...The set pieces seems again way too overtop. The action scenes in T2 where big and in a more realistic kind of way while this depends on the nowadays boring stylish action formula. Really hope this still can turn out good, and I really like Mackenzie Davis, she's a great actress.

The "bad terminator" though seemed just off and not intimidating in any kind of way.
Looked like he came straight from Maze Runner or some shit
Oct 25, 2017
Also where's John? Is he dead or doesn't Sarah just not think he needs protection anymore?

My current guess based on the small tidbits in this trailer is that John isn't the dude anymore. Judgment Day was delayed long enough that his moment as leader of the resistance has passed. That future didn't happen, it's no longer his responsibility. He may be off somewhere living a normal life now, or maybe not living at all. A new judgment day could have got him this time because instead of hiding in mexico preparing for war, maybe he was hanging in new mexico raising kids.

But while John may have moved on, Sarah never could. And now 20+ years later, someone comes back from a new farther future war. But this time, instead of telling stories of a great John Connor, their story is of someone new who rose to the challenge. And now Sarah is protecting the mother of that person.

And that's what Sarah means by saying (iirc) "I was her." A new woman is now in the position of being the hunted mother, and Sarah is determined to help her life turn out better than her own. The future we thought we knew is no longer valid, but a judgment day is still coming.
And this sort of soft reboot premise is their new platform for sequels.

We'll see if that guess pans out later.

Is he even a Terminator? How would it even make sense. I think I read somewhere that he's playing the guy the Terminator was modeled off, but I'm not sure if that's correct.

I'm really wondering about this too. There's conflicting information on that. Most rumors have him playing both the human and an evil terminator, but so far only a single Arnold form has been seen anywhere, and set photos might have shown him with some metal scrapes on his forehead. So the rumors aren't really matching up.

But Arnold is going around telling people that terminator skin can age like normal skin in this movie, so I guess all we can assume so far is that he is playing a terminator. And seemingly a nice one, from what is seen in the trailer.

But that could always be misdirection. I would be delighted if he ended up playing a human in this. An old army tank who once upon a time was contracted by Cyberdyne to use in a new project. Recruited in this movie similarly to how Miles Dyson was once recruited by Sarah. However that does introduce problems, like why is he not in jail for the events of 1984 and 1995 that would inevitably be pinned on him.

But following the line of thinking from my prior guesses about Sarah/John, I fear if he's human that in the new future this guy never even got used as the basis for the 800. That development would be disappointing for fans, but could be used strategically in order to continue building their new sequel platform. Now a new guy is the 800. Writing out all the old characters and replacing them with new ones.
I wouldn't like it but I could see them trying it.
Oct 27, 2017
So anyone familiar with Terminator universe lore....

Is Mackenzie Davis' character supposed to be the human-born Infiltrator unit model I-950? (note: not the same as the Hybrid T-H model that Marcus Wright was)

I was hoping that they would feature one at some point in a mainline movie. It is basically a genetically-engineered mostly-human cyborg which has brain implants that, on top of affording enhanced intelligence/cognitive abilities and control via skynet, allow for fine-tuned use of the endocrine system to allow this infiltrator unit's human body to have super human strength, endurance, and agility. I believe they can have armor enhancements embedded directly below the skin and fortified skeletal structures, as well.


Dec 3, 2018
Well, it certainly looks like a modern action movie trailer

Its quite something that the effects for the T-1000 from T2 still look better than whatever liquid smudge theyve got on screen here

I liked Mackenzie Davis, too much CGI nonsense tho
Oct 25, 2017
So anyone familiar with Terminator universe lore....

Is Mackenzie Davis' character supposed to be the human-born Infiltrator unit model I-950? (note: not the same as the Hybrid T-H model that Marcus Wright was)

I was hoping that they would feature one at some point in a mainline movie. It is basically a genetically-engineered mostly-human cyborg which has brain implants that, on top of affording enhanced intelligence/cognitive abilities and control via skynet, allow for fine-tuned use of the endocrine system to allow this infiltrator unit's human body to have super human strength, endurance, and agility.

I-950 is not canon to this continuity.
The only prior canon in this continuity are the movies T1 and T2.
But similarities are apparent to the 950s and the salvation hybrids, yes. Their ideas for this movie as seen so far seem to be largely assembled from existing ideas that have appeared in terminator lore in the past.


Nov 2, 2017
Yuck, why does every fight scene look like a slight upgrade to the matrix reloaded cgi neo fight? Like terminators dont have to obey the laws of physics.
Oct 27, 2017
I-950 is not canon to this continuity.
The only prior canon in this continuity are the movies T1 and T2.
But similarities are apparent to the 950s and the salvation hybrids, yes. Their ideas for this movie so far seem to be largely assembled from existing ideas that have appeared in terminator lore in the past.
If you notice at one point in the trailer, she is adamant that she is actually a real human being, as well. This lends credence to the idea that she may very well be a unit that is very similar to the I-950.

And if you notice in the image below, it seems that her human-born body has had many incisions to afford cybernetic enhancements under the skin (and potentially to the skeleton as I mentioned before):



Oct 27, 2017
This seems to make some sense from a story perspective at least so that is giving me some hope. It's still a retreat to the usual Terminator story of protection and hunting to change the future but at least that part seems like a solid base compared to genysis.

The action seems a lot Deadpooly. They have taken a page out of the modern action book with this. It's not my favorite style of action by far, but I'm fine with this franchise getting back to 'solid' at least.

It doesn't have to be the best movie ever or on t1 or t2 tier. It just has to be competent in athmosphere and story to get me behind. Get those two things right and there is something to be build upon. Otherwise we have a franchise with 2 godlike entries and 4 bad ones on a streak. Nobody needs that.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked genisys moreso than 3 and salvation

But I still think the first two are the absolute best and hope this one is more like the first two 😂

zill pickle

Sep 30, 2018
Part of the issue for me with new Terminator is that the VFX is almost too good? Like there's no weight to the fights, they just look too smooth (kinda like what happened to the Iron Man suits after a while in the MCU, they got really curvy and shiny).

T3 is underrated compared to all the other non-Cameron ones. This looks like a decent plot, but yeah the fights have no meaning the more they level up the Terminators.

Rose Red

Oct 26, 2017
All those scenes look like they've been in previous movies before two or three times already, and I've not even seen them all.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Song sucked for the trailer, the series has been ass after 2, new terminator doesn't look menacing.
Oct 28, 2017
Remember when Cameron accused The Force Awakens of being a "retrenchment" of SW?

Look at this shit. Can't believe this is what they served up.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
It's like the Golden Gate Bridge scene in the last film. Completely dull, fake and unoriginal looking with overuse of slow mo and CGI. Super dark huge action scene doesn't bode well either. Why would you direct a film this way, it's awful.

Intrigued by what she is and that's about it.

The main bad guy is probably the best undercover Terminator yet because he is that boring and unthreatening!


Oct 27, 2017
Watertown, NY
Why does everyone hate Salvation so much? I just rewatched that and I think that was the correct way of kind of rebooting the franchise. The designs, connor, and sam worthington made that movie actually good.

It's honestly better than all the other garbage sequels. T3 sucked, and so did genisys.
Oct 27, 2017
The new Terminators are made with a weightless metal. Air metal.

As I was just discussing, it seems that Mackenzie Davis' character is a cyborg that is essentially mostly human...meaning she should weigh about as much as a human female of the same stature. But because she is likely genetically-engineered and has enhanced control over her own endocrine system, she has super human strength and agility. So, in that sense, her acrobatics could actually be feasible in terms of the constraints of physics.


Oct 25, 2017
I know it's a rote criticism, but I really can't get behind the song choice for this trailer. You have a perfect hype starter with the original theme song and yet they don't even hint at it here.

Anyway, lighting looks indistinct from many average action movies and none of the framing thus far is really doing it for me.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah... like beating a dead horse here, since I'm not the only one feeling this way, they need to stop chasing the elusive T2 unicorn. This could have been a return to form -- go back to horror-ish roots. This looks like a less terrible Genisys or however they spelled it.


Oct 30, 2017
I have to say that the movie doesn't look right visually. They haven't captured that bleak, stark palette of the first 2 films. None of the sequels have got that right although Salvation at least had it's own look that felt suitably grim. 3 and Genisys don't look any different from the cheap Terminator TV show, it's too colourful and bright.


Nov 1, 2017
The music/tone is off. There seems to be a lack of colour grading in some scenes which makes it look really fake. The Terminator does not seem imposing and seems like a very bad casting. And the CGI also looks kinda bad too.

I'm hoping that they just released this trailer way too early and the movie will look a lot better closer to release.

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
Why does everyone hate Salvation so much? I just rewatched that and I think that was the correct way of kind of rebooting the franchise. The designs, connor, and sam worthington made that movie actually good.

It's honestly better than all the other garbage sequels. T3 sucked, and so did genisys.
Salvation had the right idea on where to go next - but McG's direction and an awful script just made it an unpleasant film to sit through. I kinda wish they'd stuck with the post-apocalypse setting for awhile - but I understand why they felt the need to reset after that one.

Having Genisys be that reset point though, is a crime.

Any idea how this fits in the timeline? Does it matter at this point?


Oct 25, 2017
Salvation had the right idea on where to go next - but McG's direction and an awful script just made it an unpleasant film to sit through. I kinda wish they'd stuck with the post-apocalypse setting for awhile - but I understand why they felt the need to reset after that one.

Having Genisys be that reset point though, is a crime.

Any idea how this fits in the timeline? Does it matter at this point?

Nope, this basically ignores all sequels after T2.


Oct 27, 2017
Did you know how terrible this post was before you made it or is it something you learned after?
No I stand by it. Come up with a new original idea rather than just changing a characteristic. Instead of using the Ghostbusters title and making the cast women, just create a new IP with women in the lead roles. This is the easy way out and quite frankly disrespectful to women in my opinion. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
Oct 25, 2017
The music/tone is off.
And the CGI also looks kinda bad too. I'm hoping that they just released this trailer way too early and the movie will look a lot better closer to release.

Yeah I'm hoping some edits will pop up on youtube soon with new music to see how that feels.

Considering the majority of the footage in this trailer is the same as was shown at a convention a couple months back, I'm guessing it's still very early days for special effects and they don't yet have much to show. Which also implies this scene is likely to get more polish down the line.