
Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
It feels surreal. Can't believe how non-violent the police have been, how easily they got inside the building. A lot of the photos and clips I'm seeing have very strong "history unfolding before my eyes" energy. I'm also scared for the media on the scene and people like AOC etc who are most likely to be targeted.

I spent a lot of the Australian winter watching the BLM protests live while WFH so I'm just seething watching these nazis get a free pass.
Overall this is my take. I'm surprised it happened because we knew something like this was possible. How could even the VP not see this coming and want a beefier perimeter. Shocked at how woefully unprepared when you have the entire government in one place. And yea all you need to do is see the amount of force they deployed for the blm protest and contrast it. Absurd and I hate this place.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
White people got the opportunity to both break the law and given the opportunity to be re-configured to virtually "peaceful." Cops taking selfies with rioters.

What a joke.

If they were afraid for their lives because white people have a history of being more unreasonably violent, I get it I guess, but moving forward it's about goddamn time we actually acknowledge that shit and start trying to stop it.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
I sure as fuck hope you're right I don't want to have to worry about a (Blood) Red Scare (not that one) for the rest of my life!

Me too, more than you can probably imagine. I not only have very dear American friends; the consequences of America failing as a democracy would be unfathomable for the rest of the world.

But really, I think this is the proverbial darkest hour before dawn; the death throes of this cult. Even Republicans are peeling off the hardcore Trump supporters now. You've been through much worse not just through history, but last year. It will be fine.


Chicken Chaser
May 3, 2018

So fucking frustrated right now.

I remember a HUGE takeaway in my US History classes in High School was how the allied powers should not have simply appeased Hitler when he did what he did and taken him to task for his actions far earlier.

and yet here we are. It's much easier to analyze history than the present except we don't have that whole "we just got out of the biggest war the world had ever seen and we're tired" excuse.


Oct 27, 2017
So guys I decided to do some digging into the DC Metro Police and holy fuck.

The Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia, generally simply referred to as the Chief of Police, is the head of the Metropolitan Police Department of Washington, D.C. The post is currently held by Robert J. Contee III who assumed the position on January 2, 2021. [


Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Accidentally stopped on Fox News for a moment, and predictably some blonde lady was downplaying the actions of these hooligans because they're just concerned about "free and fair elections." You wonder if there's got to be a line they won't cross for this guy somewhere, but I just don't think it exists.

And holy shit do these propaganda outfits need to be smashed somehow. I don't know how to legally do it, but the sheer damage they've done to this country, to democracy as a whole, to the world... it's unreal.

Murdoch is a cancer to the world.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Wish I could tell people 20 years ago that president donald trump would get banned from a forum for 12 hours for inciting a coup


Oct 27, 2017
I was watching live news in TV3 (Spanish tv) reporting outside of the capitol when Trumpists started harassing the reporter. They had to cut off the feed and came back via phone 10 mins later. At that moment I started to suspect it was a matter of minutes before shit went down.

As some other poster said, Spanish far-right party Vox is starting to use this clown show as a picture of "legitimate protest against tyrannical/unlawful communist government". I imagine far-right trash from other countries will do the same.
Yeah the example this sets for other far right nutjobs in other democracies is concerning.


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
Any non americans here? What's your reaction to this shit?

Mexico here. Nothing that is happening right now is a surprise if you have been paying attention the last decade.

As for the country, it seems it's currently divided in those who are in desbelief their ideal/vision of the american dream/first world is now broken, those tho are drawing paralels of Trump and AMLO, and those trying to make sense how USA reached this low (this stuff is kinda of expected in Latinoamerica, not in the USA)


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I'm a little worried that this may actually ignite some kind of civil war. Even though I expected some shit to go down before the inauguration.

These losers who love to cosplay as Navy Seals and talk tough about overthrowing the government are far too spinless to actually incite a Civil War. Sure, they'll happily walk into a Wal-Mart with their AR-15, but if it ever came to the point where the bullets actually start flying, the tanks start rolling in, and the drones start flying overhead, they'll shit their pants and run. They'll realize real quick that playing loads of Call of Duty and wearing tac-gear doesn't actually make you a real soldier.


Oct 25, 2017
CNN saying Pence hasn't spoken to Trump in the last couple hours (if I heard it correctly). With Pence going back to the Senate to get this thing done tonight. Where Trump is held up in his residence just watching everything on tv.

Pence is pretty much the 'acting' President at this point

He's been acting president since Trump threatened him at the rally on Monday night.


Oct 29, 2017
Another thing worth noting - Trump literally left Pence high and dry today to be potentially killed.
Oct 25, 2017
I mean all of this is obviously terrible, but I take one small shred of schadenfreude knowing he will never be able to win elected office again.

ikr! He could have gotten such a comfy gig post 2024 if trump had won, or even if trump had conceded. now no lenient liberals, lincoln project types, or teahadists will go anywhere near him barring an even worse version of long term memory failure like with Bush.


Prophet of Truth
Mar 17, 2020
I remember a HUGE takeaway in my US History classes in High School was how the allied powers should not have simply appeased Hitler when he did what he did and taken him to task for his actions far earlier.

and yet here we are. It's much easier to analyze history than the present except we don't have that whole "we just got out of the biggest war the world had ever seen and we're tired" excuse.

Except he said its an insurrection


Oct 30, 2017
Florianópolis, Brazil
Any non americans here? What's your reaction to this shit?
Brazilian here who also have a house in the US and regularly visits 2 or 3 times a year.

Incredibly angry and frustrated over this... It's been 4 years of the same bullshit and no one had the spine to call it like we've all been seeing it: a psychopath, a criminal, a corrupted elected president who chose this path only to save his ass after too many crimes and bankruptcies. It has always been in plain sight.

The GOP not only enabled it, they applauded him, they covered his ass, they defended this crooked fucking piece of shit and were laughing at the few DEMs who had the guts to call it.

This terrorist acts happening today were NOT unpredictable, far from it.its been written since the primaries where all this fucker did was make fun of his adversaries and their families, showing not an ounce of respect for the process. And they've all been mocked by him and went back to his hand like a service dog.

I can't wait to see the mountain of legal action he's going to face from now on.

I also firmly believe he will be fleeing the country to some place that doesn't have an extradition agreement with the US.


Oct 26, 2017
I have a Trumper on my Facebook . Forgot about it cause I blocked her from my feed. Looked and lo and behold she was at the protest. Bit my tongue and said noting as I want to keep this view into the madness. However it seems they are already blaming Antifa for dressing up as trump supporters and doing this?? So delusional.
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Oct 25, 2017
Shocked twitter actually did something about Trump, shame it's not perm.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm not trying to open old wounds or anything. I just want to say I really wish 2016 had turned out differently. If Trump lost the election, his followers would've grumbled, whined a little, and go home at the end of the day. That win empowered his cult following and look where we are now.

I really hope we see light once this is all over with, even if it is a long way away.
Honestly, I think all it would have done is delayed the radicalization we currently see. Trump would have done exactly what he is doing now and rode that for four years as Republicans double down on their Obama era rhetoric.

Also I can only imagine how much bullshit we would have seen from Republicans/Trump with Covid and a recession under her term. I'm not so sure we wouldn't have simply delayed then saw a much worse Republican government about to come in.