Dec 2, 2017
This is what Terry Gilliam is known for

He first became famous as the animator for Monty Python, where he was the lone American (he renounced his US citizenship in 2006) and played the parts others didn't want to, often because they required hours in make-up, such as the jailer in Life of Brian. Now he is better known as the director of 13 films including Brazil, 12 Monkeys and Time Bandits, and has branched out into theatre and opera. "I'm easily bored so I like to try new things," he explains. "It's a way of staying young because I'm learning." Now his first musical is finally here.

Terry Gilliam mimes sewing his lips shut when I ask him what happened at the Old Vic. The London theatre cancelled his production of Into the Woods in November without explanation, but amid a staff uprising over comments Gilliam had made about the #MeToo movement and on transgender rights. This is the first time he has given an interview since his "cancellation", and he initially pretends that he will keep shtoom, before he lets rip.

"I refer to them as Neo-Calvinists," he says of the staff who lobbied the Old Vic bosses to scrap his show. "They are totally closed-minded. [To them] there is only one truth and one way of looking at the world. Well, 'f*** you!' is my answer to them."

Gilliam's wife, Maggie Weston, a make-up artist whom he married 49 years ago, keeps telling him to avoid controversy, but that's not his nature. "I have a head so it goes above the parapet sometimes to see what's up there" — he peers out, pretending he has been shot — "Ow! Ow! But we're still standing."

What sparked the ire of Old Vic staff last year was Gilliam encouraging his Facebook followers to watch the comedian Dave Chappelle's Netflix show, which had been criticised as transphobic. There was also his lampooning of identity politics by claiming that he was a black lesbian, and calling #MeToo a "witch-hunt", including the claim that some of Harvey Weinstein's alleged victims were "adults who made choices".

Gilliam and Hausman say that they were never confronted by members of the Old Vic 12 — the organisation's artistic development scheme, who were among those who raised concerns; instead all their conversations were with management. "I think it's very sad," Gilliam adds. "They allowed a small group of kids to dictate to them or to intimidate them. We know there's a feeling of guilt — the [source of that] guilt just arrived back in the country."

It is broader than the Old Vic, Gilliam adds; people complain about jokes in Monty Python's Flying Circus now. He recently had a phone call from the BBC concerned about it causing offence, because it mentions "fat ignorant bastards" in one sketch. "It's just virtue signalling."

He doesn't regret anything he has said. "When I announced [I was actually a] black lesbian, the anger was not from LGBT people or black people. It was from people who felt they had to defend these victims of Gilliam's joke, the 'activists'. They love the idea of other people's victimhood so they can be defenders."

On the trans issue he blames the lobby group Stonewall — which he used to support — for organisations and politicians feeling under pressure to put trans inclusivity above concerns for women. "As somebody said, movements start with a genuine sense of wrong, and if successful become businesses, and if the businesses keep growing they become rackets." The BBC and a number of government departments have recently severed some links with Stonewall, he notes, adding: "Maybe common sense is rising again."

I ask if he has changed his mind about #MeToo being a witch-hunt. "It was. Despite the monstrousness of Harvey Weinstein — yes, victims were there — but there were also people who benefited. Hollywood is full of adults who are ambitious. That's all I said; I'm not saying crimes have not been committed." He points to the former senator Al Franken (now back with a podcast and a touring comedy show) and Pixar's John Lasseter (now with a film, Luck, with Apple) as men unfairly felled by #MeToo. "John was accused of hugging too much!" Gilliam says. "There are people who are victims on both sides. But when the crimes are so minor, let's be careful about the punishment."

Often, though, I say, victims had no power. "People say they have no power when they assume they have no power," he responds, telling me of an actress friend who escaped Weinstein's clutches. "She talked her way out. She was a tough lady. [But] I can see a young actress being frightened and not knowing what to do because 'is this going to ruin my career?'"

But Weinstein did ruin the careers of actresses who refused his advances, I say, which means that even if a woman consented, she was still under duress. "He's a f***ing monster," Gilliam replies. "I said that and I wasn't quoted on that! What I don't like is mob mentality. And I don't guard my speech very often — even with journalists. I always regret it."

He has a Google alert for his name, and says everything controversial he has ever said keeps being rereported: "It's clickbait — you can never escape it. The rest of your life, no matter what wonderful things you have done."

Terry Gilliam: How I was squished by cancel culture

Terry Gilliam mimes sewing his lips shut when I ask him what happened at the Old Vic. The London theatre cancelled his production of Into the Woods in November


Oct 25, 2017
Watching my favorite film makers turn into awful people fucking hurts.


Oct 27, 2017
He points to the former senator Al Franken (now back with a podcast and a touring comedy show) and Pixar's John Lasseter (now with a film, Luck, with Apple) as men unfairly felled by #MeToo.
I always enjoy these little jabs from the writer.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Famous white men are as fragile as newborn fawns, I sware fo god.


May 29, 2019
Terry Gilliam just canceled all my respect for him. He can fuck right off up to butt trumpet heaven along with John Cleese.



Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
"I been canceled" he says as he speaks to one of the oldest newspapers in the country


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Dear old famous white dudes: the world really, really, really doesn't need to hear your opinions on trans rights. Your staff do not need to hear your opinions on trans rights. Nobody needs to hear your opinions on trans rights.

Kindly stop offering them to everyone around you.


Oct 25, 2017
Do these people ever shut the Fuck up? Whiniest motherfuckers of all time who then get megaphones to whine even louder.


Oct 25, 2017
Going to bat for John Lasseter is certainly a choice. Lot of people he could bring up but he went for that disgusting POS.


Aug 18, 2018
I mean, honestly, "I knowingly said an intentionally hurtful, ignorant, offensive, provocative thing and now I expect you, you goddamn pleb, to heap absurd amounts of reverence and sympathy upon my wealthy, cis, white-ass because I am the true victim" is the war-cry of the exactly the kinds if people the Pythons were taking down back in the day.


Poutine on the Ritz
Dec 5, 2018
This dude should probably shut the fuck up:
In 2009, Gilliam signed a petition in support of director Roman Polanski following his arrest in relation to his 1977 sexual abuse charges, who had been detained while traveling to a film festival, which the petition argued would undermine the tradition of film festivals as a place for works to be shown "freely and safely", and that arresting filmmakers traveling to neutral countries could open the door "for actions of which no-one can know the effects." (Wikipedia)


Oct 26, 2017
Back then Terry and John were my favourite from the bunch. RIP me I guess.

I didn't even watch Don Quixote as I just can't be bothered with him anymore.


Oct 26, 2017
How hard is it to not be a giant shit bag. I swear to God it ain't hard.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
"I refer to them as Neo-Calvinists," he says of the staff who lobbied the Old Vic bosses to scrap his show. "They are totally closed-minded. [To them] there is only one truth and one way of looking at the world. Well, 'f*** you!' is my answer to them."
Somehow, suddenly thinking about that other thread here today talking about the decline of "adulting" in today's world.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
It kind of sucks because a lot of these guys hold these views just from being part of "the old guard" like a lot of the shitty older folks. It's why a lot of it spread, too, because easily influenced people who look up to them mimic them and we end up where we are today.

Michael Palin is the last good Python...for now.
Wait... what? Did Idle and Jones do other bad shit? Jones is dead so it certainly can't have been recent!
Apparantly racing John Cleese for distinction as shittiest member of the Pythons
Let's hope he doesn't try to keep up, because Cleese has buried his ass DEEP.


Oct 26, 2017
Love some of his old movies, but he's a sad bitter miserable arsehole these days, and I never need to hear from him again.


Oct 25, 2017
The only reason I knew that Luck was Lassater's is because I read in some other thread that Skydance hired him on the down low. I saw a forced ad for "Luck" on my Roku homescreen yesterday and it said it was made by Skydance and I said ohhhh fuck that movie.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
As somebody said, movements start with a genuine sense of wrong, and if successful become businesses, and if the businesses keep growing they become rackets.
This crusty old shit has somehow managed to miss the booming industry of assholes getting paid to whine about pronouns and what they call trans activism.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Four years since this...
"It made me cry: the idea that ... no longer six white Oxbridge men can make a comedy show. Now we need one of this, one of that, everybody represented... this is bullshit. I no longer want to be a white male, I don't want to be blamed for everything wrong in the world: I tell the world now I'm a black lesbian... My name is Loretta and I'm a BLT, a black lesbian in transition."
...and not a hint of self reflection or improvement. What a pathetic old man.


Oct 27, 2017
Old white man given huge platform complains about being silenced.

"It's clickbait — you can never escape it. The rest of your life, no matter what wonderful things you have done."

Sigh... This argument just does my head in. I've done a good thing, now all the terrible things I've said and done must be overlooked, because.

Also, calling the theatre staff "Neo-Calvinist", whilst failing to have the minimum amount of introspection and/or self awareness and then trying to look at the world today and basically going:


is really rich.
Last edited:


Jun 21, 2019
Terry Gilliam on Black Panther:

"I hated 'Black Panther.' It makes me crazy. It gives young black kids the idea that this is something to believe in. Bullshit. It's utter bullshit. I think the people who made it have never been to Africa. They went and got some stylist for some African pattern fabrics and things. But I just I hated that movie, partly because the media were going on about the importance of bullshit."


Oct 27, 2017
Terry has been complaining like this for fucking years, and on various platforms. If you haven't been cancelled before when your were saying the same shit, you haven't been cancelled now. Jfc, ofc it's the American Python who's the most cultural warrior-y.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
He doesn't regret anything he has said. "When I announced [I was actually a] black lesbian, the anger was not from LGBT people or black people. It was from people who felt they had to defend these victims of Gilliam's joke, the 'activists'. They love the idea of other people's victimhood so they can be defenders."

Assholes like this cant fathom the concept of empathy and compassion. It fucking angers them to see the privileged standing up for those that society respects less.