
Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
this is another part of corruption in the political system, politicians essentially being servants for foreign governments. Substitute Israel for Russia and say we'd still have this on the books. Someone should take this directly to court


The Fallen
Nov 9, 2017
Denver/Aurora, CO
That is beyond fucked. Talk about an invasion of privacy. She needs to sue every last one of these assholes who signed off on putting that requirement in the paperwork. Motherfuckers


Oct 26, 2017
When politicians can be bank rolled legally by corporations and foreign interests, you get this. A betrayal to what the US stands for. The supreme court just made easier a few years ago for politicians to get money. I don't think the US constitution was created to anticipate these sort of problems but here they are.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
An someone briefly explain why evangelicals are so pro-israel?

Is it because that's where their god came from?

It has something to do with Jesus coming back and kick-starting the Rapture if I remember correctly. I think the Bible says that the establishment of a Jewish nation is a sign of his impending return or something along those lines. So folks who take the Bible literally view Israel as a pivotal part of Jesus coming back and shepherding all good Christians to heaven while the world burns. Therefore they believe that Israel must be protected at all costs.


Oct 25, 2017
It has something to do with Jesus coming back and kick-starting the Rapture if I remember correctly. I think the Bible says that the establishment of a Jewish nation is a sign of his impending return or something along those lines. So folks who take the Bible literally view Israel as a pivotal part of Jesus coming back and shepherding all good Christians to heaven while the world burns. Therefore they believe that Israel must be protected at all costs.

...America is so fucking weird.


May 27, 2018
My solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is novel, and some might say absurd.

There are about 8 million Israelis and 4 million Palestinians living in that region of the world.

They should all move.

The Israelis and Palestinians show move to opposite ends of the Earth. The entire Israeli region should be abandoned completely.

And we should never speak of this matter ever again.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah fuck this noise. Shit, I barely want to be associated with this country and I live in it.


Jan 24, 2018
Thankfully, my state doesn't have that law either enacted or introduced.

I would honestly start a protest at our state capital if it was. That's absolutely unacceptable. It's basically a backdoor way to encroach on free speech.


Oct 29, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Antisemitic conspiracy rhetoric
Should anyone be surprised? America is controlled by pro-Israel lobby. Just look up at the heads of the big financial institutions and companies and you will realize

Xx 720

Nov 3, 2017
Beyond weird. Personally, I'd rather not get sucked into other countries disputes, we have enough shit to clean in our very own kitchen. This is just evangelicals shoving their shit down everyone's throat.


Oct 27, 2017
The basic fact is that every country is influenced by other counties. Russia tried to tilt the balance to their favor for in 2016 but Israel has had a concerted effort to align politicians towards their points of view under the threat of being labeled 'antisemitic' for much longer.

It concerns me that so many people are less outraged by the influence of Israel over Russia.

I mean Marc Lamont Hill had apparently used unacceptable phrasing of language which got him labeled as persona-non-grata, and it was just speaking non controversial truths.

I understand the tangible fear of many Israeli Jews of having a repeat of WW2, but their methods of trying to avert it might actually be fomenting negative ideologies towards the State of Israel. People should be able to practice whatever their beliefs as long as it doesn't harm others, but it's been clear for a long time that the Settlements and the Gazan situation is not conducive to having positive attitudes towards Israeli people.

(Not to mention Israel funding Nazis in Ukraine, which only spreads the ideal that Israel is the only safe place for Jews. They're making that a reality.)


Nov 25, 2018
America and Israel have a symbiotic relationship. America gives Israel political and financial support, no questions asked, and Israel acts as one of the countries in the region the Americans have yet to spread "democracy" so acts as an ally there. Israel makes a huge effort to involve itself in the domestic politics of nations, which is important for them to do seeing as their rightful existence as a state is contentious on the international stage.

We had this happen in the UK last year. Like most nations with the capability to do so, Israel attempts to influence political opinion into supporting it.

It's just that in the US they seem to have been incredibly more effective. AIPAC is probably a key factor.

Deleted member 9986

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Here, I'll make it simple for you.

Americans hate Muslims.
Israel hate Muslims.

There. Easy explanation as to why Americans are so in love with Israel. Because Israel is the perfect proxy for their hate towards Muslims.
I'd say that is more the European explanation for pro-Israeli standpoints here, most don't give a shit about Israel or Jews however they like that they hate Muslims. Literal Nazis will support Israel because it:
1. Is a place to emigrate all the Jews to.
2. An example of making an ethno state.

The Christian narrative exists but is much weaker since Christians and Jews have been at odds in Europe.


Oct 30, 2017
Here, I'll make it simple for you.

Americans hate Muslims.
Israel hate Muslims.

There. Easy explanation as to why Americans are so in love with Israel. Because Israel is the perfect proxy for their hate towards Muslims.

In addition, evangelicals get the biggest hard-on for Israel. Ushering in the end times and setting up some Christian NWO super state for Christ's return to earth. It's a bunch of bullshit; I'm not sure if politicians really speak to it, but for religious folks in the south it's basically a mantra.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
so this is a a thing for a few states in the US? how is this even legal


Alt account
Dec 16, 2018
I wonder if I could put a clause in my businesses contract that any employee or client has to actively boycott Israel.
Oct 25, 2017
Where did this law originate and what was its stated purpose when it was proposed?

Was it born of anti-Muslim hysteria following 9/11 or what's the deal?


Jun 10, 2018
I'm truly floored that this not only exists, but that it exists in so many states. I had no idea.

What in the flying fuck, America?


Nov 2, 2017
Lmao what? Absolutely bananas.
Why the fuck would I swear loyalty to a country that has never done anything for me or a country that I have no connection to? Fuck that noise.

We already bend the knee to the US, and I don't plan on doing so for another country unless it actually benefits me substantially.

Evangelicals want a strong Israel so that a new Temple can be built in Jerusalem and the Second Coming of Christ can occur.


Oct 25, 2017
Best way to bring about the end of the world is to economically support Israel.

This is what millions of Americans actually believe.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
Imagine being forced to sign an oath supporting an apartheid state that murders children.