
One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Power hasn't gone out yet, but we cooked a bunch of food to last the week just in case.


Oct 25, 2017
Our power is turning on in like 5 minute spurts every hour. At least it pumps a little bit off heat in to the house before it turns off again. It's only 52 in my house now lol.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
In Bedford / DFW, power hasn't gone out since Saturday night around 11:30 PM, and that was only for 30-40 mins. But, we appear to be without water this morning. Not sure if that means someone else's pipe burst in the complex, or if shit just froze, or if it got turned off to somehow prevent that?


Oct 25, 2017
I want to jump on that trampoline so badly.

Stay safe.

How unprecedented is this?

There's never been a wind chill warning in Austin before yesterday, today is the coldest day either since the 1980s or just ever depending on the forecast, 400,000 people in Austin currently without power. I've been living here a decade and never saw more than 1.5 inches of snow on the ground, and that happened earlier this winter.


Oct 27, 2017
So, I love winter weather, and have been in DFW for a decade now. The first 5 years were amazing, then we go on this 6-year snow drought. I decide to go to Jamaica for 8 days out of the entire winter and it decides to finally snow while out of the country. At least it's so cold that when I come back everything that happened over the last week and the major one coming Wednesday should all be preserved.

Also, thank God for Nest. I wasn't prepared for rolling blackouts and noticed my home was 40 degrees Fahrenheit, probably thanks to that 5-6 hour blackout we had. I was able to get my home warmed up. Just hope my pipes are ok.


Oct 25, 2017
My electricity is fine but work VPN's are all down. Boss is like "well maybe we'll have to take PTO days."

Maybe you can do that. I ain't wasting PTO on company servers being down. foh


Nov 13, 2017
My part of Houston received minimal snow overnight, but I did wake up to no power and no water, and we have an electric stove in this apartment complex. Classic Houston bullshit. Cannot even enjoy a "snowday".
Oct 25, 2017
I'm in OKC and haven't lost power thankfully. It's cold af though. The snow is really light and blows around easily - on the side of the house that the wind blows up against the snow is about waist-high just because of the wind. On the other side you can still see grass.

Sucks to have to work from home on a day like this. It doesn't look like we'll go above freezing until Friday.

Looks like a lot of people are without power:


Oct 27, 2017
In North Ft. Worth, lost power at around 8am, still out now. Luckily got plenty of fire wood for the fire place, but now just wrapping my cat up in a blanket to help keep her warm.

Dealt with colder weather before when I lived in Milwaukee, hopefully we get power back soon. Knew I should've gotten a gas stove.

Deleted member 12224

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
So, I love winter weather, and have been in DFW for a decade now. The first 5 years were amazing, then we go on this 6-year snow drought. I decide to go to Jamaica for 8 days out of the entire winter and it decides to finally snow while out of the country. At least it's so cold that when I come back everything that happened over the last week and the major one coming Wednesday should all be preserved.

Also, thank God for Nest. I wasn't prepared for rolling blackouts and noticed my home was 40 degrees Fahrenheit, probably thanks to that 5-6 hour blackout we had. I was able to get my home warmed up. Just hope my pipes are ok.
This post is so tone deaf it's absurd, holy shit.


Oct 30, 2017
Was lucky enough to never lose power overnight. Still keeping all the lights off in the house and the heater at 68 or so. Spending time in the room with the window receiving full sunlight, since it's warmest.

Deleted member 18179

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017
Austin here! 58 inside, power has been out since midnight. My in laws are about 3 miles away and still have power, we've discussed walking because the roads are still just... a ski trail


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
Make sure you are all leaving your water running/dripping.

I recommend running a little over dripping in this case.

Leave your hot water at least dripping too, in case anyone thinks it's only cold that you leave dripping.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
Walked to the park nearby to take pics. Started to see more cars driving around 🤦🏻‍♀️

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Fort Worth here.

Pipes are frozen except for one sink and only intermittent power. Not sure how warm the house is going to stay once the sun goes down. We have stuff for sandwiches, but we weren't expecting an extended power outage. We had counted on having hot water at the very least.

I feel like the power companies should have been better prepared. We had a week's notice for this.


Oct 27, 2017
Finally got power back about twenty minutes ago (BCS). Internal temperature was 43 according to the thermostat. Hopefully it stays on long enough to get it back up to something at least resembling normal temperatures before they start rolling it.
Oct 28, 2017
Fort Worth here.

Pipes are frozen except for one sink and only intermittent power. Not sure how warm the house is going to stay once the sun goes down. We have stuff for sandwiches, but we weren't expecting an extended power outage. We had counted on having hot water at the very least.

I feel like the power companies should have been better prepared. We had a week's notice for this.

Humans can survive without food for about 2 months.

RIP in peace


Oct 26, 2017
I'm completely ignorant to this but I live in the Midwest and it gets this cold usually every year, we are of course better prepped for this sort of weather I am just wondering how people are losing power and such?


Oct 27, 2017
As someone who lives somewhat close to Texas in northern Mexico, it's been pretty damn rough. Subway is suspended, a lot of stores didn't open today and luckily I got power back about an hour ago.

Read on Twitter that some parts of Chihuahua don't even have water right now, feel bad for them.


Oct 25, 2017
Was gonna play some PC games, but the 600W the tower consumes are better spent by someone else heating their house. Portable switch with battery banks it is.

So, I love winter weather, and have been in DFW for a decade now.
You're living in the wrong place then.

If you have been in DFW for that long then no, you don't really love winter weather, or you would have moved.


Oct 30, 2017
In the Dallas area and our fucking pool is starting to freeze since the electricity has been out for hours and the pump can't run. Mid 50s inside right now. Yeah, this sucks.


Oct 30, 2017
This shit sucks fam just trying to keep my infant twins warm

lucky we have gas and can still warm up bottles


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm completely ignorant to this but I live in the Midwest and it gets this cold usually every year, we are of course better prepped for this sort of weather I am just wondering how people are losing power and such?

Housing is constructed differently in the midwest to properly handle massive drops in temperature through insulation and pipe protections. Down south where they don't usually get this cold, things just aren't made to handle this.


Oct 27, 2017
Houston, TX
Parents are out of power and 30 miles away. In laws are out of power and 20 miles away. We have power. I don't know if I'm going to head out to get them and drive like a freakin snail if they don't get their power back by the evening. This sucks!
Oct 28, 2017
I got an email from my leasing office saying the utility companies will start taking turns powering down and up to reduce the strain on the grid.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm completely ignorant to this but I live in the Midwest and it gets this cold usually every year, we are of course better prepped for this sort of weather I am just wondering how people are losing power and such?
I kinda don't get it either, I'd assume the power draw in Houston during the summer with everyone cranking AC's should exceed this storm since some heating is going to be from gas. Maybe with the renewable energy down they don't have enough capacity with fossil fuels anymore?
Oct 25, 2017
Multi hour outages in DFW. Got power back and gf and I are proactively cooking right now for a few days. We also turned our fridge/freezer colder as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Basically been without power for 12 hours in SA. We'll get like 5 minutes of power and then nothing for an hour. Neighbors across from us all have power, it's just my side of the street.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
My folks' power has been out since like 5am. They live basically downtown Austin. It's got me worried.

do y'all think there's Uber/taxi drivers out there today in Austin?

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I'm completely ignorant to this but I live in the Midwest and it gets this cold usually every year, we are of course better prepped for this sort of weather I am just wondering how people are losing power and such?
The infrastructure down here is not designed to handle this kind of thing. Houses are not built to withstand 0 degree weather in Texas.


Jun 28, 2018
Stay safe, Texas-Era. Also make sure to take precautions if using space heaters (propane, kerosene, natural gas) during a power outage:
Most carbon monoxide exposures happen in the winter. The most common source of CO poisoning is unvented space heaters in the home. An unvented space heater uses combustible fuel and indoor air for the heating process. It vents the gases it makes into the room, instead of outdoors. A space heater that is not installed right or not working properly can release carbon monoxide and other toxic fumes into the room and use up much of the oxygen in the room.

Most space heaters use kerosene or natural gas for fuel. Newer models have oxygen sensors that shut off the heater when the oxygen level in the room falls below a certain level. Older models do not have this safety feature. Because of these safety problems, some states ban unvented space heaters.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a life-threatening emergency that occurs when carbon monoxide (CO) fumes are inhaled.
Here in MN, you always hear a few stories of deaths or close calls of people running portable propane heaters indoors, or in ice houses.


Dec 25, 2017
No power since last night in Austin, 78727. My parents have power in Pflugerville.

I'm literally just hiding under blankets, at this point. Water is running, but I'm on the third floor. I can hear the walls creaking, lol.


Oct 26, 2017
Anyone have any tips for driving in the snow? Like 4-5 inches of it
Go slow and don't ride the brakes if you start to slide. As soon as they lock up it's game over.

Also depending on the snow you might not have a problem at all. If it's really wet and sticky stuff it's actually a lot of fun to drive in.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone have any tips for driving in the snow? Like 4-5 inches of it
  • if really don't have to go somewhere, try to stay home
  • leave yourself a lot of extra time to get where you're going, so you're not in a hurry to get somewhere
  • avoid accelerating and braking too quickly - drive slowly and cautiously
  • stick to the ruts created by other cars as much as possible
  • leave a lot of space between your car and the cars in front of you because it will take longer to stop
  • if you need to turn, brake in a straight line as much as possible, and slowly accelerate when coming out of the turn
  • if your car's back end starts coming out during a turn, steer in the direction of the slide to avoid spinning out
  • be prepared for an emergency - have warm clothing and a charged phone in case you wind up in a ditch


Oct 27, 2017
We had a low of -25 this morning.
Anyone have any tips for driving in the snow? Like 4-5 inches of it

drive slow. Change lanes slowly and turn slowly. Most cars have anti lock breaks so your breaks shouldn't lock up from sliding but if you don't have anti locks just pump your breaks. Stay far back from anyone in front of you, I hate when someone's riding my ass in snow. I'd advise start breaking way ahead of any stoplights and stop signs. The last thing you want to do is slide into an intersection.


Oct 27, 2017
Power was out for an hour last night in pflugerville. It came back and hasn't gone off again. My wife and 2 kids are trying to stay occupied while I work. Wife's work at a medical office was cancelled at least today and tomorrow.

I work remote and most of my team is in Boston. They don't seem to understand the severity of what's happening. One of them was like 'i took the dog for a walk in minus 5 temps this morning. You'll be fine.'


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
San Antonio, TX
San Antonio here. Powers been off 12-13 hours. Thermostat says it's 58 inside but feels much colder than that. Wish I had a gas stove. Anything warm to eat sounds good right now. Tempted to hold a can or anything I have over a candle for awhile.

the chris

Dec 31, 2017
San Antonio by Lackland Air Force Base here, no power outages here so far so I'm hoping that trend continues. No water though, I really regret not washing my clothes yesterday at this point.


Nov 30, 2018
Houston Chronicle has been doing a great series on this very thing:

Out of Control: Houston’s roads, drivers are nation's most deadly

Six hundred-forty people a year die on Houston-area roads, and 2,850 more are injured badly enough to go to a hospital. The carnage, all factors considered, makes the nine-county region the most dangerous major metro area for drivers in the United States, a Houston Chronicle analysis reveals.
I lived in conroe and drove to Sam Houston at least 2 times a week. When you get passed like nothing going 90 and you look over and the person is on the phone it's sobering. Luckily I never saw a big accident on that stretch


Oct 25, 2017
Every restaurant looks packed. I'm guessing people are going out to get warm food because no power.

Stay safe y'all.