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Jun 20, 2018
The MCU subreddit is a dumpster fire, the only reason I even go there is because they post news and rumors very fast but it's so brigaded and so full of little doinks. I can only take so much of "BP IS OVERRATED" and dumb fan theories. You'd think a fan subreddit would be jumping for joy at an MCU movie getting nominated for BP, but nope. And I can't help but notice this really got bad when BP hit the $700m mark at the US box office and made a billion...

There's a bit more positivity about CM there now at least but people are already pre-dunking on BW's least the Discord is a lot better.


Oct 27, 2017
I almost done with Punisher S2 and i just want to say that I really hope they will do a Punisher and Deadpool team up movie or mini series in the future.


Oct 25, 2017





Oct 27, 2017
I took a look at the Infinity War deleted scenes. LMAO at the Drax and Star-Lord stuff. It's really long and I understand why it was cut but damn I wish it would have made it in.

Deleted member 5853

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

Dude, you replaced another guy and added in Dark World where no one got a fair shake.

Calm down, Zach.
I understand his frustration though.

Imagine being someone that wants to continue taking on unique and star-making roles and you're saddled with a months-long shoot for 5 minutes of scenes. The Warriors Three could have been a cool set of characters, but the issue is that they really had nothing to do expect act as set dressing. I'd imagine for someone like David Dastmalchian or Ray Stevenson, this stuff is fine since they're using the roles to get more exposure for their other projects or just add another income stream. But, for someone like Levi who has been in contention for a couple big roles, Fandral was too small a role to justify spending months on. And I highly doubt they would have gotten the Ronan treatment further down the line.

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
Man i really hope there's some good Ronan stuff in Captain Marvel. I didn't hate him in GOTG, still think his scene with Thanos is great.

Time is going so fast, we'll be getting the final push for both these films soon.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure I'm late to this, but I found out something really neat (for fans of the new God of War). In Avengers: Infinity War, Peter Dinklage's character is called Eitri. It turns out that, in Norse mythology, Eitri is known by another name as well: Sindri. Sindri and his brother Brokk (Brokkr in mythology) are heavily featured in the new God of War. No wonder the axes in God of War and Avengers: Infinity War were so similar ;p

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
You guys think we'll get a spot for Endgame or maybe more footage for Captain Marvel.

And no announcement at all so probably no re-release for Infinity War? I would've loved to do a mini marathon of IW, CM and Endgame.

Deleted member 5853

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I hope we do not get a second Endgame trailer. With the two films being so close to one another, "Captain Marvel" can tease "Endgame" without Disney having to reveal any more footage from AE. After all, it is only 50 days between both films.

But, I'm likely wrong so you'll probably get the next AE trailer with the announcement that tickets are on sale.


The Flagpole is Wider
Oct 25, 2017
I don't believe it.

There's only one cat in film history that stole the show and that's Jonesy in Alien.


Oct 25, 2017
just realized how close endgame is

gotta start that full mcu rewatch at some point. didn't do it for infinity war because I was waiting for avengers 4.

so close
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